QLD transport minister makes way for younger MP’s to be promoted

  • last year
Queensland’s transport minister has announced he's standing aside from cabinet to make way for younger MP’s to be promoted when steven miles takes over as premier. The new-look leadership team has announced a 'pause' on the planned Gabba stadium rebuild for the Brisbane Olympics.
00:00 Hitting the brakes on the controversial Gabba rebuild.
00:04 I think we need to pause.
00:06 A fresh leadership team now pledging a fresh look at all the major Olympic infrastructure
00:12 projects including the $2.7 billion Gabba redevelopment plan.
00:17 Every other time I've asked those questions, the advice back has been that the Gabba redevelopment
00:23 is absolutely necessary to host Brisbane 2032, but I think it's reasonable for us to be absolutely
00:29 assured of that.
00:30 The soon to be Premier and Deputy Premier committing to a review.
00:34 After yesterday announcing they wanted to set up an independent infrastructure agency,
00:38 something the Palaszczuk government had previously argued against.
00:43 The government's wasted two years.
00:44 A pause and a review is not enough.
00:47 The new Premier needs to do the right thing by this community and completely scrap this
00:51 project.
00:52 There are some moving parts there that we're going to reflect on as a new government.
00:56 The Treasurer also reflecting on the state's finances with his mid-year budget update showing
01:02 coal royalties are forecast to deliver more than $9 billion in revenue this financial
01:07 year, $3.8 billion more than was expected in June.
01:12 The forecasted deficit has also shrunk, but the state's big build capital works program
01:17 has increased.
01:19 There are some cost escalations, but that's to be expected when you see what's happened
01:23 with construction.
01:25 Including the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project.
01:28 But it'll no longer be overseen by Transport Minister Mark Bailey, who's announced he's
01:33 quitting Cabinet.
01:34 Does Mark Bailey have your support?
01:37 Those conversations are for another day.
01:39 In a statement on social media this afternoon, Mr Bailey wrote, "It's been an honour and
01:44 privilege to serve nearly nine years as a Minister, and it's time for me to step aside
01:49 from Cabinet and support the promotion of one of our many talented younger Labor MPs."
01:54 Mr Miles is set to unveil a new-look Cabinet in the coming days.
