Deen aur Khawateen - Topic: Nikah ke Ahkam - 14 Dec 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Deen Aur Khawateen

Host: Syeda Nida Naseem Kazmi

Topic: Nikah ke Ahkam || نکاح کے احکام

Guest: Alima Rabia Khan, Alima Shirin Khan, Mufti Ahsan Naved Niazi

#DeenAurKhawateen #SyedaNidaNaseemKazmi #IslamicInformation

Is a live program which is based on ladies scholar's concept. In which the female host and guests are arrived and discuss the daily life issues in the light of Quraan & Sunnah. Entertain live calls as well and answer the questions of live caller.

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00:00 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:07 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:14 All praise is due to Allah, Who guided us to this,
00:19 and we would not have been guided had it not been for Allah's guidance.
00:25 All praise is due to Allah, Who guided us to this,
00:31 and we would not have been guided had it not been for Allah's guidance.
00:37 Allahumma asfalyala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin 'adadama fi ilmillahi asfalatan la'imatam bi dawaami mulki Allah.
00:46 Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:50 This wonderful series of ARYQ TV is about the religious training and reformation of women.
00:57 The title of the series is "Religion and Women".
01:01 And Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah,
01:04 the Nazis have been able to present this program for many years.
01:11 Religious issues and religious benefits are being learned and the issues are being taught.
01:17 And the efforts are being made in a lighter mode and in an easy way,
01:22 by using common sense, religion can be brought to the doorstep of your homes.
01:29 Pick up your remote, turn on your TV set.
01:33 On Wednesday and Thursday, i.e. according to Pakistani time,
01:37 we will be present with this program at around 5 pm,
01:40 whose title is "Religion and Women".
01:43 We have been discussing the rules of Nikah for the last two weeks.
01:51 And what we will talk about today is a very lovely topic.
01:56 Today we are going to talk about the rules of Nikah.
02:02 And that is that envelopes are given, salams are given.
02:06 And if those envelopes are not given, many people feel bad.
02:11 And later on, the girl's family and the boy's family keep celebrating them.
02:15 So, these envelopes, these salams, the arrangement of the ziyafat,
02:20 and there is a long and wide list,
02:24 that the menu has been decided.
02:26 First select the venue, and then you have to select the menu.
02:30 What should be in that menu?
02:32 Parents are worried, if it is cold, then there will be fish too.
02:35 And if it is hot, then tikka and I don't know what else should be there.
02:38 We will talk about this, and learn about religion,
02:41 and understand it, and we have to take you further.
02:44 The rules of Nikah are our topic, your favorite scholars are with us on this set.
02:49 Our panel includes, Mr. scholar Rabia Khan, scholar Shirin Khan.
02:54 Salam Alaikum.
02:55 Walaikum Salam.
02:56 How are you?
02:58 Alhamdulillah.
02:59 Today we will talk about the envelopes of salams.
03:02 And we are fortunate that we all learn from you.
03:06 MashaAllah, you are our mentor.
03:08 And I always say, Ustaz-e-Nal Mukarram,
03:11 we all pray that Allah keeps his shadow on our heads.
03:17 We salute Sheikh-ul-Hadees, Mufti Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Khan Niazi,
03:21 and his son-in-law Fuyuddin.
03:23 Assalamu Alaikum.
03:24 Walaikum Assalam, and Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
03:26 How are you?
03:27 Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen.
03:28 MashaAllah, Allah keeps your shadow on our heads.
03:31 Let's start the series of questions without any delay.
03:33 In marriage, we will talk about dowry,
03:36 but today we will talk about the food that is served to the bride and groom.
03:41 The feast is arranged,
03:45 and there is a demand for it.
03:47 Sometimes it is completely on demand.
03:50 What are the needs of the marriage to arrange such a feast?
03:55 What is the status of Indus Sharjah?
03:57 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan,
04:00 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
04:02 In the Shariah, the marriage is a marriage of the soul,
04:06 that is, acceptance of the marriage.
04:08 There is no need for money for this.
04:11 There is no need for money for the main stage of marriage.
04:16 In addition to this, the food that is served is the Waleema Sunnah,
04:22 which was taught by the Prophet (pbuh) himself.
04:25 When Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf got married,
04:29 the Prophet taught him to do Waleema.
04:34 In addition to this, the expenses are of Mehar and Naan,
04:39 which are only for the groom.
04:41 But our Shariah does not forbid us from the rituals.
04:45 In fact, we have the permission of the rituals,
04:48 but it forbids us from all those things that are contrary to the Shariah.
04:54 For example, if there is a waste of food,
04:59 then it is said that a lot of food is being wasted.
05:04 But to do the best, according to one's status,
05:07 And variety of dishes are considered.
05:10 A person should do the best, according to his status.
05:13 The Shariah does not forbid this.
05:15 Obviously, if we see that every family has a business,
05:19 and the men have their own business,
05:22 they will arrange according to their own status.
05:25 So if you have your own status,
05:28 then you can arrange very well.
05:30 But it is not necessary and necessary from the Shariah,
05:33 that if you do not do this, then the marriage will not take place.
05:36 The Shariah does not forbid this.
05:38 You can do it.
05:39 Just take care that there is no arrogance,
05:41 and no excesses.
05:42 All these things will be kept in mind.
05:44 But in addition to this,
05:45 what you cannot do,
05:46 it is not that their marriage will not take place.
05:49 It is not necessary and necessary.
05:51 Yes, if you can do the best, then it is a very good thing.
05:54 If you cannot do it,
05:55 then the next day the marriage will definitely take place.
05:57 Yes, sir, let me say that
06:01 when daughters are born,
06:03 then they become worried that
06:05 we have to prepare her dowry,
06:07 when guests come,
06:09 we have to arrange for the hospitality.
06:12 And if someone is not doing small rituals,
06:15 then there is a ceremony of wedding and marriage.
06:17 There is a ceremony of wedding,
06:18 so the food that is arranged for both the ceremonies,
06:21 please do not put a burden on the parents,
06:24 whether it is of the girl or the boy.
06:26 Make it easy.
06:28 We have another tradition, sir.
06:30 And that tradition is that
06:32 the relatives who come from the bride or groom,
06:36 they present the dowry.
06:38 And sometimes if they are not able to arrange the dowry,
06:42 then they miss the ceremony.
06:44 They deliberately leave it,
06:46 that we are not able to arrange,
06:47 and the situation of inflation.
06:49 So what do you say in this context?
06:51 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
06:53 First of all, remember that
06:54 any rituals that are right here,
06:56 if it is within the scope of Sharia,
06:59 that is, it is in accordance with the teachings and temperament of Sharia,
07:01 then there is no problem in doing it.
07:03 You can do it, it is permissible.
07:05 But the condition is that you do not consider it obligatory and necessary.
07:07 Do not make it a compulsory part,
07:09 that if this does not happen,
07:11 then we cannot participate there,
07:13 or we cannot go there, or this matter cannot happen.
07:15 This is not compulsory and necessary.
07:17 Now, if someone is giving the dowry,
07:19 like we have here,
07:21 in Nikkah and other ceremonies,
07:23 the dowry is given between the family and friends and family members.
07:25 If this is given purely for the sake of love and cooperation,
07:29 then this is in accordance with Sharia.
07:31 Sharia encourages us to give gifts to other brothers and sisters.
07:33 But if you take it,
07:35 if you are giving it with the intention of giving back,
07:37 then Sharia forbids it.
07:39 Because the gift is given without giving back.
07:41 If you are sitting with hope that you will get the same amount or more,
07:43 then Sharia forbids you to do it with this intention.
07:45 And it is not compulsory and necessary that the other person did not give.
07:47 Many people need to clarify their intentions.
07:49 Many people are giving it after seeing the status of the other person,
07:51 that we will get it.
07:53 Just remember one thing,
07:55 that in the case of compulsory and necessary,
07:57 like a person speaks with his mouth,
07:59 but if he is giving it with the intention of giving back,
08:01 then it is not compulsory and necessary.
08:03 But his intentions and his intentions are telling
08:05 that he has understood this thing as compulsory and necessary.
08:07 If the other person does not get the envelope,
08:09 then the attitude of the person who is dealing with him,
08:11 immediately changes.
08:13 That he did not give us the envelope in the happiness of our child.
08:15 So just refrain from this thing.
08:17 And fear Allah while doing these matters.
08:19 Sir, these rituals are about marriage.
08:21 And I understand that non-Muslims
08:23 are not allowed to do this.
08:25 But if you are a Muslim,
08:27 then you can do it.
08:29 But if you are a non-Muslim,
08:31 then you should give them the status of a non-Muslim.
08:33 And there should be a lot of dishes.
08:35 Whatever is possible for them,
08:37 it is fine.
08:39 For what is not possible,
08:41 it becomes difficult to arrange for Ziafat.
08:43 I am coming to this point,
08:45 and in marriage,
08:47 the groom and the bride,
08:49 that is, their parents, their saints,
08:51 they arrange for Ziafat.
08:53 In this regard, please explain to us.
08:55 My sisters have asked this question.
08:57 And then the envelope that is brought,
08:59 the envelope that is required,
09:01 it is not required.
09:03 It has become a custom and a tradition.
09:05 The envelope of the tradition is presented.
09:07 In this regard, what guidance will you give?
09:09 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
09:11 Muhammad is my beloved.
09:13 I am his companion.
09:15 See, the envelope that is given
09:17 on the occasion of marriage,
09:19 there is a little detail in it.
09:21 One thing is that
09:23 where there is no community system,
09:25 and it is being given in the same way,
09:27 with good intentions for the sake of the sake of the sake of the
09:29 Muslim brother,
09:31 with the intention of helping the other,
09:33 there is no harm in it.
09:35 But in such a case,
09:37 since it is only a gift,
09:39 so it is a question of asking for it.
09:41 It is a question of asking for it.
09:43 And neither should you be angry with the one who does not give.
09:45 But where there is a community system,
09:47 and in the community system,
09:49 it happens that when people go on the occasion of marriage,
09:51 they write it properly.
09:53 Then they keep an account of it,
09:55 that when they go to his wedding again,
09:57 they go to his event,
09:59 then they give more than that.
10:01 So this kind of
10:03 exchange in the community system,
10:05 this is also not a source of blessings.
10:07 But the question arises
10:09 that is this shelter permissible or not?
10:11 So shelter is permissible.
10:13 Where there is such a thing in the community system,
10:15 it is permissible to do so.
10:17 And the thing is that the addition they are giving above,
10:19 this addition is interest.
10:21 So this addition is not interest.
10:23 When he went and gave you,
10:25 then he gave you a loan.
10:27 And when you gave him more,
10:29 then you took off your loan
10:31 and gave him an additional loan.
10:33 That when your next event will come,
10:35 then he will give more.
10:37 So because of this,
10:39 the fatwa that is issued in our country,
10:41 free B.C.O.L.E.
10:43 Although there is a disagreement in this,
10:45 some scholars also call it illegal.
10:47 But we give fatwa on it.
10:49 The fatwa issued by our country,
10:51 in this case, it is a loan.
10:53 One person is giving a loan,
10:55 the other person is also taking off the loan.
10:57 And the money that is being given in the future,
10:59 that too is being given as a loan.
11:01 Because he also writes that when
11:03 someone is given like this,
11:05 then like you came and gave to the next person,
11:07 then you wrote in the register or copy,
11:09 so when you gave, then the next person also noted.
11:11 So this process continues between each other.
11:13 So this shelter is not illegal.
11:15 Although there is no blessing,
11:17 but it is not illegal.
11:19 We are including a break on this.
11:21 Keep reading the Durood.
11:23 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
11:25 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:27 I welcome all the viewers in the religion and women.
11:29 I am including a caller.
11:31 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:33 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:35 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:37 Humaira, our dear sister, will talk.
11:39 How are you? I am fine.
11:41 It is Allah's great mercy. How are you?
11:43 All praise is due to Allah.
11:45 I wanted to ask a question.
11:47 Someone gave furniture to the Mudarsha.
11:51 There.
11:53 It was given for the sake of charity.
11:55 But the Mudarsha has stopped.
11:57 So is it necessary to give the furniture
11:59 in another Mudarsha or to keep it there?
12:01 And the second question is
12:03 that in the third rakat of Fajr,
12:05 someone forgot to read the Dua-e-Kanood.
12:07 So will the Sajdah be obligatory or not?
12:09 And in this regard also,
12:11 tell us that when the Takbeer is to be made,
12:13 then Allah knows best,
12:15 but if you read the Dua-e-Kanood,
12:17 then in this regard also,
12:19 tell us that will the Sajdah be obligatory or not?
12:21 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
12:23 Yes, it is fine.
12:25 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
12:27 Yes, Mufti sahib,
12:29 your question is completed.
12:31 I was requesting that in this way,
12:33 where there is a community system,
12:35 then doing this is not a blessing,
12:37 but it is permissible or not.
12:39 And in such a case,
12:41 since the money that has been given to you,
12:43 is a loan,
12:45 so if you have not returned it without any Sharih Uzoor,
12:47 then in this case,
12:49 if he expresses his displeasure,
12:51 then it is permissible to express his displeasure,
12:53 and the money that you have in your debt,
12:55 you have to return it.
12:57 If there is any Sharih Uzoor,
12:59 then it is a different matter.
13:01 Yes, thank you very much,
13:03 Mufti sahib, I will listen to you.
13:05 And tell me,
13:07 we are talking about Nikah,
13:09 Sharih Tariqah,
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33:23 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:25 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:27 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:29 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:31 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:33 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:35 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:37 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:39 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:41 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:43 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:45 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:47 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:49 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:51 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:53 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:55 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:57 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah,
33:59 and we are talking about the Sharih Tariqah.
34:01 May the blessings of Allah be upon you.
34:03 Al-Fatiha.
34:05 Al-Fatiha.
34:07 Al-Fatiha.
34:09 Al-Fatiha.
34:11 Al-Fatiha.
34:13 Al-Fatiha.
34:15 Al-Fatiha.
34:17 Al-Fatiha.
34:19 Al-Fatiha.
34:21 Al-Fatiha.
34:23 Al-Fatiha.
34:25 Al-Fatiha.
34:27 Al-Fatiha.
34:29 Al-Fatiha.
34:31 Al-Fatiha.
34:33 Al-Fatiha.
34:35 Al-Fatiha.
34:37 Al-Fatiha.
34:39 Al-Fatiha.
34:41 Al-Fatiha.
