Both indigenous activists and scientists believe the volcano holds answers to the mysteries of the universe but do not agree on how it should be used.
00:03, The US has no better sight in any of the 50
00:33 states than Malacare.
00:34 Ironically, that's the most sacred space.
00:43 That's Kukahaula.
00:45 That's where Poliahu lives.
00:58 A bunch of us started to get situated to stand in the road.
01:08 Not to stop astronomers, but to stop bulldozers.
01:27 I don't think any of those agencies
01:29 are interested in advancing the field if it isn't welcome
01:36 within the local community, though.
01:38 It doesn't have to be a conflict.
01:39 It's not science versus culture, because our culture is science.
01:49 It doesn't have to be a conflict if they just opened up
01:53 their minds and their hearts.