Podcast Offers A Look Into the Emergence of Hope!

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Las Vegas Raiders Insider Podcast Offers A Look Into the Emergence of Hope!
00:00 everybody this is Hondo
00:04 carpenter from sports
00:04 illustrated fan nation Las
00:06 Vegas Raiders insider podcast
00:08 I'm your readers be writer
00:09 driven my system be writer the
00:10 one and only the great one.
00:13 That's right.
00:14 They just call him the great
00:15 one everywhere he goes he walks
00:16 in the room and he's just cool
00:18 this personified.
00:20 He wears sunglasses.
00:23 At night.
00:25 This man you probably don't know
00:27 this he goes to Planet Fitness.
00:29 They hook him up to a machine
00:31 and take his sweat to make
00:32 Viagra the great seat treasure
00:34 man.
00:35 Yes man I was going to be
00:36 handed over more to you.
00:38 Are you doing my friend.
00:39 Oh man great great great.
00:41 It's always I'm told that
00:43 you're too old to remember this
00:44 but there used to be commercial
00:45 on TV.
00:46 It says when EF Hutton talks
00:48 people listen.
00:50 That's Zeke Trezza when Zeke
00:51 talks he have Hutton listens I
00:53 told you I've got I've got I've
00:54 got to look that one up I've
00:55 got to look that one up.
00:58 By the way did I did you not
01:00 watch the WKRP one.
01:02 Yeah that was that was top
01:03 notch.
01:04 I got you pretty good.
01:05 Did you read all the come.
01:07 I was so far off base on that
01:09 when I was like when you brought
01:10 it up I was like oh is it.
01:11 I think I asked you if it was
01:12 the oil shortage.
01:13 No I was so completely off so I
01:15 was embarrassed at first and
01:16 then it was pretty funny.
01:18 You read all the comments the
01:20 people were like oh Zeke it was
01:21 so traumatic.
01:24 Yes.
01:26 You and I sit next to each other
01:29 in the press box Raiders 63 17.
01:36 It was just a dominant
01:38 performance in every way.
01:41 Your thoughts on the game.
01:43 You know to put it quickly it
01:44 was the performance that
01:46 everybody that is a part of the
01:47 Raiders has been waiting for
01:49 really all season where all
01:51 three phases of the game
01:53 performed and performed well on
01:54 the same day.
01:56 And you know you know if we're
01:58 you know being honest about it
01:59 obviously both sides are pretty
02:00 nicked up both sides had
02:01 injuries.
02:02 They weren't at full strength
02:03 but it really doesn't matter in
02:04 the NFL you take a win however
02:06 you can get it especially after
02:07 you know Sunday's you know tough
02:09 loss where they didn't score any
02:10 point.
02:10 So you know to see them go out
02:12 there Thursday and just let it
02:14 all out.
02:15 It was pretty cool to see.
02:17 Zeke one of the things that
02:19 really stood out to me is I
02:24 have said since about a week
02:27 after AP got hired if this if AP
02:31 had coached against the Bolts
02:33 they would have beaten the
02:33 Bulls.
02:34 I think there are I can go
02:36 through and pick a couple of
02:37 games this year that they would
02:38 have won previously.
02:40 And I think you see it.
02:43 I think you had a game where you
02:46 know there was four days.
02:50 But I think the biggest part of
02:51 the game bigger than the win.
02:52 Let's be honest in the NFL wins
02:54 are everything.
02:56 But I think it set the platform
02:58 for more wins.
02:59 That's why I think it was bigger
03:00 than just one win.
03:02 AP was not happy after that loss
03:06 to the Vikings with his offense.
03:09 He made it very clear to his
03:11 offense.
03:12 Hey I love you guys with you.
03:13 I believe in you.
03:15 Not happy.
03:17 Yeah.
03:17 This is what I want.
03:21 And they responded.
03:22 That tells me two things.
03:23 Number one this myth that he's
03:26 only a rah rah coach is stupid.
03:28 I mean anybody that felt that
03:30 after the Marcus Peters butt
03:32 chewing to me was looking for a
03:35 reason to negate him or very
03:39 young and they let one game
03:42 define him.
03:45 But people that know football
03:46 and saw long term after the
03:48 Vikings game are like wow two
03:50 thirds of this team is per
03:51 frame performing well.
03:53 There's an offense with a bunch
03:54 of weapons.
03:55 Let's see how they fix it.
03:58 You know.
04:00 Yeah let's see how they sleep
04:01 it through.
04:01 Let's just see how they fix it.
04:03 You saw how he reacted with this
04:06 is what I want.
04:08 And their response in respect to
04:09 him a man.
04:10 We're going to give it to you.
04:12 I just thought it said a lot
04:13 more about as big as the win is.
04:17 And it's a just win baby
04:18 mentality and it should be.
04:20 I think that was bigger because
04:23 one win would have been just
04:25 Thursday.
04:26 What happened and and and and
04:29 precipitated it talked about
04:31 wins in the future.
04:32 Am I over analyzing that.
04:35 No no it's a thousand percent
04:36 correct.
04:37 Just I mean it really doesn't
04:38 matter how you look at Thursday
04:39 you can't look at Thursday
04:41 without also looking at what
04:42 happened on Sunday.
04:43 You have to look at both at the
04:44 same time because it was so
04:46 polar opposite.
04:46 You went from scoring zero
04:47 points to 63 points.
04:49 That shows a the ability to
04:50 respond to adversity which the
04:52 first eight games of the season
04:54 I'm not sure that you can say
04:55 that they had that ability and
04:56 also shows the X's and O's
04:58 abilities of how to just go out
05:00 and change.
05:00 Hey OK on Sunday clearly our
05:02 offensive game plan did not
05:03 work and that was with an extra
05:05 week of preparation.
05:06 Our offensive game plan did not
05:07 work.
05:08 So that said something.
05:09 So for you to do you work for
05:11 the organization.
05:12 Hours.
05:13 Oh I'm sorry.
05:14 No no no I'm sorry.
05:15 I'm thinking like if I'm AP like
05:16 I'm speaking as I know you were.
05:19 I was just teasing you.
05:20 Go ahead.
05:20 Yeah no no I don't.
05:22 So like he's like you know
05:23 they're looking at it like OK we
05:24 went we went from scoring zero
05:26 points on Sunday to scoring 63
05:27 points on Thursday.
05:28 That's a huge deal.
05:29 That's a huge deal.
05:30 And then going forward you say
05:31 OK if you can score 63 points
05:33 against the NFL team regardless
05:35 of the situation you have a shot
05:36 in any game that you're going
05:38 into.
05:39 So I think Sunday was important
05:41 especially when you're looking
05:42 at Thursday.
05:43 But not only was last Sunday
05:44 you know important you're also
05:45 looking at Christmas Day right.
05:46 Those guys have a little bit of
05:47 extra time off and now they have
05:49 a little bit more confidence
05:50 because they can score 63 points
05:51 they can go to Kansas City and
05:52 win.
05:52 It's not impossible.
05:54 They're not going to score 63.
05:56 But I think if they go to if
05:58 they go to Kansas City I'm
06:00 working in my mind on the
06:01 figure.
06:02 If they get to twenty seven
06:05 twenty I'm not sure if it's my
06:06 number I'm going to I reserve
06:08 the right to change this before
06:09 the game they get somewhere
06:11 around 24 27.
06:12 I think they win in Kansas City.
06:16 All right.
06:16 I want to talk about a guy that
06:19 you and I have taken immense
06:21 criticism for defending.
06:25 And it's a guy that.
06:28 A.P. can't stop praising
06:31 Jermaine Illuminor.
06:32 And this guy takes a lot of
06:35 crap a lot of it.
06:36 And I understand when you're
06:40 going against Khalil Mack when
06:42 you're going against the best
06:43 pass rushers in the NFL.
06:45 I mean you're not always going
06:47 to stop him.
06:47 I remember back to two joint
06:50 practices this summer.
06:51 You and I were sitting we're
06:54 standing there fixated watching
06:55 Max and.
06:59 The guy from the Rams Trent
07:02 Williams.
07:02 Yes yes yes.
07:04 I mean it was awesome.
07:06 It was I would have paid.
07:08 It was 110 degrees and I would
07:10 have paid to have to have
07:12 watched that.
07:13 It was member was 50 50.
07:15 We were talking about I even
07:16 wrote about man those two
07:17 guys.
07:17 Why.
07:18 Because they're two great.
07:20 Yeah.
07:20 They're two of the best in the
07:22 NFL.
07:23 And even when Max Crosby goes
07:25 against Trent Trent doesn't stop
07:27 him all the time.
07:27 Max had his highlights but so
07:29 did Trent.
07:29 Yeah.
07:30 And.
07:32 Your generation.
07:35 Obviously different than mine.
07:38 But when we can go online and
07:40 buy something and have it
07:41 delivered this afternoon.
07:43 We want everything our way in a
07:45 society of instant
07:48 gratification.
07:50 Sometimes people aren't able to
07:52 understand everybody's good on
07:54 that other side of the football
07:56 and or they wouldn't be in the
07:57 National Football League for
07:58 long.
08:00 And I think Jermaine just
08:01 continues to play you know
08:05 solid aggressive mean football
08:08 in AP.
08:11 He's not going to get slapped by
08:12 Will Smith because when his name
08:14 comes out of AP's mouth it's
08:16 respect.
08:17 Talk about that.
08:18 100 percent.
08:18 So I would you know just on
08:20 personal level Jermaine is just
08:21 one of the one of my favorite
08:22 people to talk to.
08:23 He's always very insightful.
08:25 He gives you information that
08:26 you might not have gotten from
08:27 someone else very like you know
08:29 close information to the game
08:31 itself.
08:32 He's always keeping his head
08:33 down.
08:33 And one thing I will say the
08:35 overarching thing I like about
08:36 Jermaine is that he plays with a
08:37 certain pride to himself.
08:39 Win lose or draw.
08:40 He's not going to win them all
08:41 because last time the Chargers
08:42 played the Raiders Jermaine will
08:44 tell you that Jermaine was
08:45 dominated because most of
08:47 Khalil's sacks were against
08:49 Jermaine.
08:50 And I listen you could tell
08:52 that stuff Jermaine referenced
08:54 that first Chargers game over
08:56 and over and over in other
08:58 interviews throughout the
08:59 season.
08:59 And it's been like 10 weeks.
09:01 He's been pissed off about that
09:02 game for months and that shows
09:04 how much he takes pride in his
09:05 in his job and in his craft.
09:08 And then of course you talk
09:09 about how how well he actually
09:10 performs on the field.
09:12 You know he take you know he
09:13 holds his own.
09:13 You know you take him from
09:15 right to left and he still does
09:16 a serviceable job.
09:17 And speaking of instant
09:18 gratification and I've talked to
09:20 Jermaine about this before a
09:21 lot of people don't understand
09:22 how you can't just switch from
09:23 right tackle to left tackle and
09:25 think it's going to be
09:25 seamless.
09:26 And he's done that better than
09:27 almost anybody that could have
09:28 been put in that situation.
09:29 So yes you can talk about
09:30 Jermaine all day man.
09:31 He's one of the best and most
09:33 and you said the word solid.
09:34 That was the word that I would
09:35 have used if you can give me one
09:36 word to sum up Jermaine.
09:37 He is solid and very solid not
09:39 like kind of solid.
09:40 He's very solid at his job.
09:42 And you know a lot of people
09:43 forget the Raiders wanted Thayer
09:47 to beat him out.
09:49 And you know they did.
09:50 And to their credit they didn't
09:54 beat him out.
09:54 I mean and I'm not saying that
09:56 Thayer was Thayer was bad at
09:57 all.
09:57 He's a young player but they
09:58 were able to keep him.
09:59 And I think I think that was
10:02 fascinating.
10:02 All right.
10:03 I want to get to a different
10:04 subject because I want to get
10:09 your pulse.
10:09 You and I are in the locker room
10:10 together and I love the way you
10:14 read things.
10:15 You're younger you're closer in
10:16 age to the players.
10:18 And so there may be I think
10:19 there are things that you pick
10:20 up on and I respect you for that
10:21 as a journalist.
10:24 This team has galvanized behind
10:27 AP.
10:29 They don't like him.
10:30 They love him.
10:32 And it's a very unique mix.
10:34 It's almost madness.
10:37 He can put a boot in their butt
10:39 and be hugging him at the same
10:40 time.
10:40 It's it's it's it's very unique.
10:43 It's not like rich rich
10:46 Versace was the same way.
10:49 But again it's kind of like you
10:50 and them.
10:52 I'm I'm I'm older like rich.
10:55 So it wasn't that they loved
10:56 him like they love rich.
11:01 But it was hey this is our guy
11:03 it's our grandfather.
11:04 He's got it.
11:05 We trust him.
11:06 Let's go AP.
11:09 It's hey this is our guy.
11:11 We trust him.
11:11 He's our leader but he's still
11:14 young enough that he relates to
11:15 them differently.
11:18 It's amazing to me to watch how
11:20 they galvanized behind him.
11:22 Do you see it.
11:23 Do you agree with it.
11:24 How fascinating is it to you as
11:26 a young guy.
11:27 I feel it.
11:28 And I think so you know I think
11:30 you know the words you're
11:31 looking for the sense you're
11:32 looking for in terms of how they
11:33 look at AP if they look at so
11:34 they look at riches like OK you
11:36 know almost like a father or
11:37 grandfather you know it's a
11:37 little bit over elder states
11:38 man.
11:39 They're looking at AP like he's
11:40 one of us.
11:41 That's how they look at AP.
11:43 He's one of us.
11:43 He's just in the head coaching
11:44 position and not just he's just
11:46 one of us but he's one of us.
11:47 He's done it at the highest
11:48 level and he's in the head
11:50 coaching position.
11:51 So I think you mix those three
11:52 things in as well as everything
11:54 they've been through.
11:55 You know I think part of the
11:56 reason they like AP so much is
11:58 because of what they went
11:59 through with Josh McDaniels for
12:00 you know you know all that time.
12:01 The fact that he's just a polar
12:03 opposite and that he's real
12:04 right.
12:04 And then I think when you go
12:06 back in if you go back and look
12:08 at that Marcus Peters benching
12:09 right into that was that was
12:13 what set the tone going forward.
12:14 If he gets the job you're gonna
12:16 look back at that mark because
12:17 you got to think if you as
12:18 interim head coach can take
12:19 Marcus Peters aside and let him
12:21 know hey you're not doing your
12:22 best job in front of everybody
12:24 and a day later he's not on the
12:26 team.
12:27 That says a lot about you as a
12:28 leader even as a players coach.
12:29 Right.
12:30 And I think all the players say
12:31 OK with the real right wrong or
12:32 indifferent he's going to hold
12:33 us accountable but he's not
12:34 going to go overboard.
12:35 He's not going to play favorites
12:36 he's going to do this the right
12:37 way and the players identify
12:38 with that a thousand percent.
12:40 I had an interesting
12:42 conversation with a player and
12:46 if I have I want to be careful
12:49 how I say how we had it.
12:51 I'm not necessarily how but
12:53 let's just say I had an
12:54 interesting conversation with a
12:56 player with no camera just just
12:57 talking to them and I think you
13:01 guys call it chopping it up.
13:03 Is that what you call it.
13:04 Yes.
13:05 OK.
13:06 So I'm getting better.
13:07 You're you're impacted music.
13:08 You're chopping it up.
13:10 And again it was not an
13:13 interview so I'm not going to
13:15 say who it was.
13:18 Because it wasn't that.
13:19 But they said to me when he
13:23 jumped on Marcus he got
13:26 everybody's attention because
13:29 here's a guy make a lot of
13:30 money but he didn't care.
13:34 It was all about heart.
13:37 It was all about effort.
13:39 It was all about grinding and
13:43 that earned him a lot of people
13:45 are not going to believe this.
13:47 I don't think there is a
13:48 yesterday.
13:49 Oh I guess it wasn't yesterday a
13:50 couple of days ago man has it
13:52 been a time flying.
13:53 I don't think there's a Thursday
13:56 without Marcus Peters getting
13:58 chewed on the bench.
13:59 I really don't.
14:00 I think the two are so and you
14:02 and I are in the locker room and
14:04 that's why I wanted to know I
14:05 mean are we in unity here on
14:07 that thought.
14:08 Oh yes.
14:09 Listen man.
14:10 And then you got to also
14:11 understand another thing about
14:12 Marcus and I think we can all
14:14 agree he's got a little bit of
14:16 an edge to him right.
14:17 No matter how legitimate we may
14:18 or may not think it is he has an
14:20 edge to him.
14:21 But AP matched that edge in
14:23 front of everybody right.
14:24 Josh McDaniels would not have
14:25 matched that edge in front of
14:27 everybody right.
14:27 He would have took that behind
14:28 closed doors and they would have
14:29 talked about it and I know a
14:31 piece that we're going to handle
14:32 this right here on the bench in
14:33 front of everybody on camera.
14:35 So I think that went a long way.
14:37 We're going to I'm going to and
14:38 then to your point right.
14:39 AP said look I would rather put
14:41 somebody else in there and we
14:42 lose the end we just lose.
14:44 Then I keep somebody in there
14:45 that's not putting forth great
14:46 effort.
14:47 And if we're being honest may
14:48 not have been putting forth
14:49 great great effort at other
14:50 points in the season as well.
14:51 Right.
14:52 So AP kind of just put his foot
14:53 down and say hey this is it.
14:54 This is the line that we're
14:55 drawing.
14:55 And if you don't want to do and
14:57 play how we're playing here you
14:58 got to go right.
15:00 Like you said you're talking
15:00 about a veteran who's proven
15:01 himself made a lot of money has
15:02 an edge and AP still put his
15:04 foot down and said it's this
15:05 way or you got to go.
15:06 That says a lot.
15:08 Yeah.
15:08 100 percent agree.
15:09 Cannot disagree with anything
15:12 that you said.
15:12 Let's talk about Aiden O'Connell.
15:14 I think that performance we've
15:18 said many times that had he come
15:21 out a year before he did it
15:22 Purdue a lot of people thought
15:24 he was going to be a first round
15:25 pick.
15:31 He still did it on a
15:33 professional stage against a
15:35 professional team.
15:36 And by the way for everyone this
15:38 is well but you know the
15:40 Chargers had injuries was
15:42 Khalil Mack still not on the
15:43 field.
15:43 Did Justin Herbert play defense.
15:46 How about their star wide
15:48 receiver.
15:49 Does he play.
15:49 It just amazes me the amount of
15:51 people and it's not just Raider
15:52 fans it's our society.
15:54 They could win the lottery and
15:55 bitch about paying the team.
15:56 They could win the lottery and
15:57 bitch about paying the team.
15:58 They could win the lottery and
15:59 bitch about paying the taxes
16:00 they're just never going to be
16:01 happy.
16:01 You just have to throw that
16:02 segment of the population out.
16:04 You just gone.
16:05 Yeah exactly.
16:06 And I thought it was a
16:09 performance he needed to have
16:12 his confidence right now is
16:14 through the roof.
16:16 And and I thought the youngster
16:19 deserves props today.
16:20 Listen man Aiden has been
16:22 balling.
16:22 I mean even in some of the
16:23 losses Aiden was playing well
16:25 now has been playing perfect.
16:26 Not by any means but he's been
16:27 playing very very well if you
16:29 ask me.
16:30 And then what I would say in
16:31 terms of that confidence
16:32 because there are some of the
16:32 highlights they show of his
16:35 early touchdowns on Thursday.
16:36 And what I like to do is
16:38 whenever a quarterback's
16:38 throwing if they get that that
16:40 close look on the on the
16:41 helmet of a quarterback I like
16:42 to look at their eyes when I
16:43 tell you Aiden was just it was
16:44 like automatic for a night you
16:46 can just see him.
16:46 There it is.
16:47 Boom.
16:47 Like I'm not thinking about it.
16:48 And I think Thursday was that
16:50 was his.
16:51 That was the progression that
16:51 he made all the other weeks
16:53 leading up to Thursday.
16:54 It was almost like he was
16:55 thinking too much including in
16:56 the first Chargers game.
16:57 He's just thinking too much a
16:58 little bit too much to where
16:59 he's holding on to the ball a
17:00 little bit too long.
17:01 Thursday that wasn't the case.
17:02 It was like OK that's it.
17:03 Thought about getting the ball
17:05 getting the ball and then you
17:06 can see as he started getting
17:07 into the ball quicker
17:08 successfully and completing the
17:09 passes.
17:10 It was just it's a snowball
17:12 effect.
17:12 It really is.
17:13 So he's been playing well and
17:15 again you talk about bouncing
17:16 back from adversity.
17:17 I mean you just scored zero
17:18 points coming out of a bye week
17:20 as a rookie quarterback and you
17:21 come back and you and you
17:22 manufacture that kind of a
17:23 game.
17:24 You got it.
17:24 You got a tip recap to him.
17:27 All right.
17:27 I want to talk about Patrick
17:28 Graham because you know I'm on
17:30 the Patrick Graham train.
17:31 This guy is not getting enough
17:33 attention that he deserves.
17:36 You and I had a long
17:37 conversation about him the other
17:39 day when we were driving the
17:40 car.
17:40 To me this is a guy that's not
17:43 getting the respect.
17:44 He's not getting the attention
17:46 and this is a guy who has done a
17:49 phenomenal job.
17:50 I know that you agree with me.
17:51 Let's talk about Patrick Graham.
17:52 Yeah.
17:52 Listen I'm smart because you
17:53 know how I feel about Pat Graham
17:55 and I'm a defensive guy.
17:57 I love watching good defensive
17:58 football and he does his job
18:00 well.
18:01 He hasn't been given you know
18:02 necessarily a whole lot by NFL
18:04 standards but with what he's
18:05 been given I mean pretty much
18:07 all season he's done a great job
18:09 and now is getting to the point
18:10 where you can no longer because
18:12 it's been 14 games right.
18:13 You have a large enough sample
18:14 size to say that's real.
18:15 That's not a fluke.
18:16 That's not an accident.
18:17 That defensive coordinator
18:18 knows what he's doing.
18:19 So I look at it like this.
18:21 If he can make a top 10 defense
18:23 out of what he's been given this
18:24 year what can he do when he's
18:26 when he's been handed better
18:27 personnel.
18:28 You know you have to ask
18:29 yourself that.
18:30 So I know you know coaching and
18:32 the coaching staff and things
18:34 of that nature are up in the
18:34 air this offseason and nobody
18:37 really knows what's going to
18:38 happen.
18:38 But Pat Graham I mean how do you
18:40 not keep him in my opinion.
18:41 I'm sorry.
18:42 I think he's done a great job.
18:43 I think he's been doing a great
18:44 job and I think the continuity
18:46 is only going to help him do
18:47 better should he stay next year.
18:48 You and I know you grew up a
18:51 Raider fan you're a Raider fan.
18:53 There's nothing wrong with
18:53 admitting that because that's
18:54 who you are.
18:56 I did not.
18:56 And but whether it's me who's
19:01 adamant I'm not a fan I shoot
19:03 for good people and there
19:03 happens to be a lot of good
19:04 people on the Raiders so I want
19:06 to see those people do well.
19:07 But our job is to not let
19:12 anything come into our purview.
19:14 Our job is to is to just be
19:18 direct and to tell people this
19:21 is the recipe.
19:22 This is what happened.
19:23 You make your own decisions.
19:25 You make your own decisions.
19:26 When you look at all that this
19:34 team has done and we're sticking
19:37 with Patrick Graham here.
19:38 Last year if we were just after
19:42 clicks we would have not told
19:46 people boy Pachter Graham it's a
19:47 big deal he's coming back.
19:49 I mean the email the comments
19:52 the what are you doing.
19:54 You're a shell.
19:55 Patrick Graham is.
19:57 I mean I was horrible.
19:58 I remember one time my wife was
20:01 going through my mentions and
20:04 she's like oh dear God I can't
20:05 read anymore.
20:06 Why.
20:06 I'm going to get mad.
20:07 And but that's part of the
20:10 instant gratification culture.
20:12 Let's just fire everybody.
20:13 It doesn't.
20:15 This is where the NFL hurts
20:18 itself.
20:19 It used to be you would get a
20:21 guy you'd bring him in and allow
20:22 him to develop something to to
20:25 put something in their image.
20:27 And I'm telling you when you
20:29 look at Patrick Graham there let
20:33 that be a case study to everyone
20:35 that wanted to say after the
20:36 Vikings game Aiden O'Connell
20:38 sucks.
20:38 Let Colton Miller be a case
20:41 study to the people that said he
20:42 was a bust.
20:43 Look what Cleve Farrell's doing
20:45 now in San Francisco.
20:47 Let that be a statement to
20:49 people who want to say everybody
20:50 is a bust.
20:51 They're the game of football is
20:54 not a game of absolutes.
20:55 It humbles everyone.
20:58 It humbles the media that cover
20:59 it.
20:59 It humbles the fans.
21:01 It humbles the players and the
21:02 coaches and the owners and the
21:03 management.
21:04 He is a classic example of
21:06 sometimes we throw a lot away
21:09 that has a lot of value because
21:12 we're too impatient.
21:13 Right.
21:14 And listen you hit it right on
21:16 the head.
21:16 These days you get a new head
21:18 coach and teams are one you know
21:19 fans are wanting a team to go to
21:20 the Super Bowl in the first or
21:21 second year and it's like you're
21:22 talking about the ultimate team
21:24 sport when new coaches come in
21:26 and they have to implement their
21:27 own ways and our own coaching
21:28 coaching styles and bringing
21:30 their own players to think that
21:31 you're going to get great
21:32 results immediately.
21:34 It's just it's not it's not
21:36 accurate.
21:36 So you know to kind of look at
21:37 what Pat Graham has done in a
21:39 limited amount of time you know
21:41 again you have to you have to
21:42 ask yourself what is he going to
21:43 do with more time with better
21:44 players with more continuity.
21:46 And then you know you've got to
21:48 be patient.
21:49 Right.
21:49 You've got to give them time to
21:50 do that.
21:51 And I think if you do that
21:52 you're only going to see even
21:53 more progress from the defense.
21:54 Our philosophy in covering the
21:57 Raiders is we give a coach 20
21:59 games to bring in his players to
22:02 adapt his style and all that and
22:03 then you.
22:04 It doesn't mean you're not it
22:06 doesn't mean you're not
22:06 analytical but unless it's
22:10 something egregious you're not
22:12 really super critical till after
22:14 20 games.
22:14 We've talked multiple times on
22:18 this show that by year three a
22:22 player has to begin to go from
22:24 potential which is something you
22:27 talk about the first two years.
22:29 Yes.
22:29 But in year three it has to go
22:31 from potential to production.
22:34 Malcolm Coons.
22:35 Yeah.
22:36 And that's where I'm going with
22:37 this.
22:37 So before the year started and
22:40 people could go back and find it
22:41 I wrote about third year guys
22:42 that this was the year they had
22:45 to produce this year.
22:46 Potential is great but this is
22:47 the year.
22:47 Malcolm Coons have said from the
22:50 day they picked them love this
22:53 guy talented.
22:55 I like what he does.
22:57 I like the way he does it.
22:59 This guy's got bend.
23:00 He's got the ability.
23:02 He's just it's just I've said
23:04 this about Roy Rogers the great
23:06 Hollywood cowboy used to say the
23:08 best thing for a young horse is
23:10 a wet saddle blanket.
23:11 What it means is he's sweating
23:13 because you're riding him a lot
23:14 and you're letting him learn how
23:15 to ride.
23:17 Same principle with them.
23:18 That brings us to our guy
23:20 Malcolm Coons.
23:20 Great kid.
23:22 He is a great kid.
23:23 Just a great I don't know
23:25 anybody doesn't like him.
23:26 Great kid.
23:27 All the God given talent and
23:30 he's got the heart and you heard
23:31 a piece say it the other day.
23:33 He finally found who he is.
23:35 He finally figured out who I am.
23:37 Where do I fit in this scheme.
23:39 And I think the Raiders got a
23:41 bright future with Malcolm Coons
23:43 your thoughts.
23:44 Completely agree.
23:46 And I think you know just like a
23:47 lot of people can notice when a
23:49 player or a coach is far away
23:51 when they're not close to the
23:52 to where you want them to be.
23:54 You can also notice when a player
23:56 is close and sometimes being
23:57 close for a long enough
24:00 amount of time can be
24:02 a bad thing right.
24:03 Malcolm kind of let that
24:04 frustration push him into
24:06 not being close but finishing the
24:08 deal.
24:08 And then once it's almost like
24:09 Aiden right once Aiden got that
24:11 first couple of pass and passes
24:12 in his confidence started to
24:13 grow.
24:13 Once Coons started to get home
24:15 this season and started to get
24:17 to the quarterback pressure the
24:18 quarterback is just started
24:19 coming over and over and over
24:21 again.
24:21 He put it together right.
24:22 He was close for so long and now
24:23 he took that next step to not
24:26 want to know.
24:26 Excuse me.
24:27 Not potential but I'm going to
24:28 show you where I'm going here in
24:29 the future.
24:29 So Malcolm has put it together.
24:31 He's going to continue to grow.
24:33 And like you said he entered the
24:34 season with a lot of eyes on him
24:35 especially being opposite Max
24:37 Crosby especially with them
24:38 drafting Tyree.
24:40 You know you got the guy in front
24:41 of you and Max you got a guy
24:42 that could be coming to take your
24:43 spot in Tyree.
24:44 And he still performed.
24:45 He still took that next step.
24:47 So he's shown a lot of progress.
24:48 You know like you said we root
24:50 for good people.
24:50 He's a good person and he's a
24:52 talented player.
24:53 So you just hope you just hope
24:54 that he continues to do what
24:55 he's doing.
24:55 Let's talk about another guy
24:57 that you and I really like just
24:59 a wonderful kid Tyree Wilson.
25:01 Just just a great kid.
25:03 And I mean Patrick Graham you
25:07 know a lot of people don't know
25:08 Chandler's career with the
25:10 Raiders may have not ended the
25:11 way everyone wanted it.
25:12 I think we can all agree.
25:13 I think Chandler would agree
25:15 with that.
25:15 Yeah.
25:15 But he's still a guy with Hall
25:19 of Fame numbers that Patrick
25:21 Graham helped make into who he
25:23 is and bringing him along the
25:25 same way moves him slides him on
25:27 the inside so he can learn his
25:29 hands.
25:29 I don't believe his career is
25:30 done at D at all.
25:31 Right.
25:32 But he he moves inside to learn
25:34 the skills that he needs it on
25:36 the outside.
25:37 That's a kid keeps grinding.
25:40 He's not even 100 percent.
25:41 He just keeps grinding head
25:44 down really really like Tyree
25:47 and what this kid's doing.
25:48 Man he just getting better every
25:49 game.
25:50 Yeah.
25:51 Tyree's taking his strides right
25:52 and you know we keep saying it
25:54 but it's it's the fact of the
25:55 matter.
25:55 And when you look at the
25:56 beginning of the season
25:57 Chandler was a major part of the
25:59 team.
26:00 He was a major part of the plans
26:01 so for it to end the way it did
26:03 so abruptly it definitely
26:05 affected Tyree Wilson.
26:06 And you know here we are week 14
26:08 and he's been taking his steps
26:09 week by week by week and it
26:10 just seems like the more that
26:11 Patrick Graham starts to move
26:13 him around like we mentioned
26:14 starts to try different things
26:15 and put him in different places
26:16 in different situations.
26:18 He's thriving.
26:19 And I think for I think for
26:21 Tyree what works for him
26:22 specifically is when you move
26:24 him inside and you and I have
26:25 talked about this when you move
26:26 him inside he doesn't
26:27 necessarily have to go get the
26:28 sack.
26:28 He doesn't necessarily have to
26:29 go get the stats.
26:30 All he has to do is just be
26:32 disruptive.
26:33 So now when you've got a six
26:34 foot six guy in the middle of
26:35 your offense completely you know
26:37 wreaking havoc and you still got
26:39 coons and Max chasing you.
26:41 Good luck.
26:42 Good luck.
26:43 You know it changes the game
26:44 defensively and I think moving
26:46 Tyree around has been the
26:48 biggest difference in the last
26:49 two weeks.
26:49 I do that.
26:50 The defense has always been good
26:51 this season.
26:51 They've been good the whole
26:52 season but they've been better
26:53 the last two weeks.
26:54 I think we got to.
26:55 They've taken a step the last
26:56 two weeks and I firmly believe
26:58 it's because they've been
26:59 moving Tyree around and like
27:01 they've mentioned play for
27:02 defensive ends on the defensive
27:04 line you know from here you
27:05 know from time to time.
27:06 So Patrick Graham trying new
27:07 things is working great.
27:08 You know wonders for Tyree
27:10 Wilson in the defense.
27:12 Well I think it's all I think
27:14 it's brilliant of Patrick Graham
27:15 when he's playing for defensive
27:17 ends and obviously past
27:18 situations.
27:18 All right.
27:19 One more thing I want to talk
27:20 about and then we're going to
27:21 get you out of here for the day
27:22 but I think it's something that
27:24 is worthy of discussion.
27:28 I think it's something that's
27:30 that's germane about this
27:32 football team.
27:33 When you look at where the
27:34 Raiders are today and you look
27:36 at how they're they're growing
27:38 how they're coming together how
27:40 they're fighting there's a lot
27:41 of interesting pieces in this
27:44 this Raider team.
27:46 And but the thing that stands
27:48 out to me was Carmen Brasilla
27:51 with the offensive line
27:52 tremendous job.
27:54 I mean AP couldn't stop praising
27:56 him Rob Leonard with the
27:59 defensive line.
28:00 So a lot of fans have said oh
28:04 man we'd we'd we'd we'd draft
28:07 Nesta Dade so Nesta Jade
28:09 Silvera and Byron Young and
28:11 their their flops.
28:12 Hold on.
28:14 Tap the brakes.
28:16 Remember Malcolm Coons.
28:18 Remember other players.
28:19 You've got Adam Butler.
28:21 Jerry Tillery.
28:23 John Jenkins.
28:25 Ball all Nichols who are all
28:27 playing really well.
28:29 Now most people don't think
28:31 about this when you look at a
28:32 stat sheet you're not going to
28:33 see a lot of stats on those
28:34 guys.
28:35 That's not what they do in this
28:38 defense.
28:39 They're supposed to eat.
28:40 They're supposed to take up
28:43 multiple blocks so the
28:44 linebackers can clean up the
28:46 defensive ends can clean up.
28:48 But those four defensive
28:50 tackles are playing at such a
28:52 high level.
28:53 The two rooks can't even get on
28:55 the field and people are all
28:58 their bus.
28:58 No they're not at all.
29:00 These guys are not.
29:01 There is no one in the building
29:04 that thinks those two are bus at
29:06 all.
29:06 They just are super excited.
29:07 The four vets are playing so
29:10 well.
29:10 You've heard us.
29:11 We've talked to AP.
29:12 We've talked to.
29:13 No maybe not AP.
29:15 We talked to Patrick Graham
29:16 about it and those are that's
29:17 what he said.
29:18 I think people tap the brakes a
29:20 little bit.
29:20 You've got a top 10 defense
29:22 playing like a top 10 defense.
29:24 So don't get mad when you got
29:26 rooks.
29:26 Marcus Epps is here today.
29:30 Because on the Philadelphia
29:32 team the other safeties who they
29:35 believed were good couldn't get
29:37 on the field and his contract
29:38 was up so they thought we can
29:39 elevate a young person now
29:40 because we're going to pay him
29:41 less and we need room in the
29:42 salary gap.
29:43 Those four DTs are here at good
29:46 deals for the Raiders playing
29:48 fantastic.
29:49 It's not that the rookies are
29:51 bad.
29:52 It's that the vets are playing
29:54 that well.
29:55 And that's and that's coming
29:57 directly from Rob Leonard.
29:59 So you know we spoke to him.
30:00 I want to say the bye week and
30:02 Rob literally kind of chuckled
30:04 when you know you know Byron's
30:06 name came up because people are
30:07 like all Byron's.
30:07 Rob was like hey the guys in
30:10 front of him were playing great.
30:11 Now the guys in front of him
30:12 were playing bad and the young
30:14 guys still aren't getting on the
30:15 field.
30:15 Then you have a problem right.
30:17 But when you've got the guys
30:18 that are just playing well
30:19 they're doing what they're
30:19 supposed to do.
30:20 Yeah the rookies are going to
30:21 sit.
30:22 That's how it goes on any level
30:25 of football right.
30:26 Like you're not going to break
30:27 up the younger guy that just got
30:28 there and put him in front of
30:29 vets that are playing well.
30:30 That doesn't happen on any level
30:31 of football.
30:31 I don't care where you're
30:32 drafted.
30:32 So you know to your point those
30:34 guys are doing well.
30:35 Right.
30:36 It's not a sign that the
30:37 rookies aren't where they're
30:38 supposed to be or that they
30:38 don't have potential.
30:39 It's actually a sign that you
30:40 brought in some great people in
30:42 front of them to play you know
30:43 the playoffs position.
30:44 So they you know sometimes there
30:46 is a such thing as too much
30:48 talent or our guys are playing
30:50 well and you know the talented
30:51 players behind them just don't
30:52 see the field that happens you
30:53 know.
30:54 And I think that's where they
30:55 are right now.
30:55 But also you've got to keep in
30:57 mind you know and I bring this
30:58 up a lot in my articles but when
31:00 they on cut down day the
31:02 defensive line had they kept
31:03 more defensive linemen than any
31:04 other position group.
31:06 And that's just logistically
31:07 it's not a whole lot of playing
31:09 time left.
31:10 Right.
31:10 So you know you got to take
31:11 everything into account.
31:12 Those guys that are not seeing
31:13 the field is not because they're
31:15 not good.
31:15 A they need more time to
31:17 develop.
31:17 Be the veterans in front of them
31:18 are just playing pretty darn
31:20 good.
31:20 I agree.
31:22 Listen there may be a couple of
31:23 weak links on this staff that AP
31:25 will change in the end if he
31:26 gets the job.
31:27 But this what we've said it all
31:29 along it's not a bad staff at
31:31 all.
31:31 This is a very good staff.
31:32 I mean there may be one or two
31:34 guys that maybe you want to move
31:35 out.
31:36 But this is a great staff.
31:37 Rob Leonard.
31:38 Carmen Brasillo.
31:39 I mean look at what Edgar
31:41 Bennett's doing.
31:42 Justin Simmons there are so many
31:44 really good coaches on this
31:45 staff and they're coaching at a
31:46 very high level right now and I
31:48 think it's great to watch AP
31:51 empowering them to coach.
31:52 Yeah.
31:54 AP and empowering them to coach.
31:56 So AP empowers in general.
31:58 Right.
31:59 And I think that's what the team
32:01 has resonated with the team.
32:03 He's empowering you to say hey
32:04 this is what you make it right.
32:06 You know as much as I am the
32:07 coach if you guys don't go out
32:08 there and perform if you guys
32:09 don't go out there and coach it
32:11 really doesn't matter.
32:12 So that's one thing that he does
32:13 well and I think that's what any
32:14 great leader does.
32:14 Any great leader is going to
32:16 empower those below them to be
32:18 great.
32:18 And that's what AP does.
32:19 Well listen this guy right here
32:22 he's works for me but he's just
32:25 a great young man.
32:27 I call you a kid and you got a
32:28 couple of kids but you know
32:30 you're a kid to me but I just
32:31 generally think the world is
32:33 Zeke and I am so grateful that
32:35 God blessed us.
32:36 We brought him to our staff and
32:38 I tremendous.
32:39 Thank you.
32:41 Well you know I feel that way
32:43 personally you know I feel that
32:44 way.
32:44 I don't just say it on air.
32:46 I tell him that privately we are
32:48 very fortunate to have.
32:49 He's a great journalist does a
32:51 great job the way he fetters
32:53 information.
32:54 He's low and he's great at what
32:56 he does and I'm proud of him.
32:58 And Zeke as we get ready to head
33:00 to the new year one of the
33:01 things that I'm thanking God for
33:03 every day is that you're part of
33:04 our team.
33:04 Can't wait to just watch your
33:06 career continue to grow.
33:07 You've got a bright future and
33:09 I'm glad to cover the Raiders
33:11 with you.
33:11 Make sure you tell Jasmine that
33:13 I and the kids I said Merry
33:14 Christmas but great to have you
33:16 on and I'll make a prediction
33:17 for this Sunday meaning tomorrow
33:20 no loss for the Raiders.
33:21 Next week we'll make our
33:24 predictions for at the Chiefs.
33:25 Yes sir.
33:27 No no wins or losses this Sunday
33:28 we'll wait for Christmas Day.
33:30 All right.
33:31 We'll talk to you.
33:31 Well I'll talk to you way before
33:33 but on the podcast we'll talk to
33:34 you next week.
33:35 He's the one and only the great
33:36 Zeke Trezegh van.
33:37 I'm Hondo Carpenter.
33:39 We are your Raiders beat writers
33:40 for Sports Illustrated fan
33:42 nation Las Vegas Raiders insider
33:43 podcast all part of the fans
33:45 first sports network.
33:46 Now remember.
33:47 Follow us on.
33:48 Follow me on Twitter at Hondo
33:51 Carpenter H.O.N.D.O.
33:52 C.A.R.P.N.T.E.R.
33:53 And on instant Graham.
33:56 By the way I was told that
33:57 there's no S on.
33:58 So I apologize.
33:58 It's instant Graham on instant
34:01 Graham.
34:01 I.G.
34:02 Hondo S.R.
34:03 stands for Hondo senior.
34:04 Now also if you don't want to
34:05 watch me on video I don't blame
34:08 you.
34:08 It's why I shower with the
34:09 lights off.
34:09 But you can catch our audio only
34:11 versions of the podcast when you
34:14 go to Spotify or to Apple.
34:16 And if you go to Spotify and
34:18 Apple we I have a second
34:19 podcast every day it's five or
34:21 10 minutes called riding with
34:22 Hondo.
34:22 Love to see you there.
34:23 Thanks everybody.
34:24 Merry Christmas from Zeke and I
34:25 will talk to you again real soon.
34:27 Bye Zeke.
34:28 Bye bye.
