《经典》迎双冠军 吴汶聪与曾国辉大热摘冠

  • last year
八点最热报 | 今年的《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛》终极一战,昨天正式落幕。本届比赛除了史无前例迎来前辈组和后辈组双冠军,2名冠军人马吴汶聪和曾国辉,还非常巧合的都曾经是,往年Astro新秀大赛的参赛选手。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 This year's Astro Classic Song and Dance Competition's final battle officially ended yesterday.
00:10 In addition to the unprecedented win of this year's competition, the previous group and the second group won the championship.
00:16 The two champion horses, Wu Wencong and Zeng Guohui, were both once contestants in the previous year's Astro Star Competition.
00:24 Now they are holding the championship throne of the Astro Classic Song and Dance Competition.
00:28 With their strength, they have changed from a new show to a classic singer.
00:33 Let's follow the camera to feel the wonderful scene last night.
00:37 A super star with a strong explosive power opened the curtain for the final of the Astro Classic Song and Dance Competition.
00:56 The eight-time champion of the last year's competition showed his singing skills in front of five judges in the three-round final battle to fight for the two-time champion throne.
01:05 Some sang high notes.
01:06 Some sang deep.
01:15 Some sang and danced.
01:25 Some sang and danced.
01:27 But the one who successfully raised the atmosphere to the highest point was this one.
01:35 Yes, the one who sang a high note and understood it was the famous singer Xin Xiaoqi in the judges' room that night.
01:54 But as a strong singer, Xin Xiaoqi made it difficult for her to comment on the performance of the contestants.
02:21 After two rounds of high-level performances, the four-time champion finally came out.
02:25 In the last round, the four-time champion directly won the throne.
02:32 After the revival of the popular singer from the reunion, the winner of the final ticket, Wu Wencong, and the new show champion, Zeng Guohui,
02:49 took the throne.
02:51 With "If Love and Mud" as the title,
02:57 they won the championship.
02:59 Every contestant knows that I am the most unrivaled contestant.
03:17 I just want to show my work, every work I prepared.
03:22 I am in this mood to participate in this competition.
03:24 When I sang the last song, I finally sang all the songs I wanted to sing.
03:30 I just want to say that I came to participate in this competition with the goal of being the champion.
03:35 But it's not my only and biggest wish.
03:38 I hope to find my passion for singing on stage again.
03:43 This time, the competition is open to the public, so I want to challenge myself again to see if I can get this glory.
03:50 The two champions have not only participated in the Astro New Show Competition,
03:54 but also sang and danced in the second round of the competition.
03:57 In addition to the amazing coincidence, it also perfectly fits the concept of inheritance in this competition.
04:03 The two champions have not only participated in the Astro New Show Competition,
04:05 but also sang and danced in the second round of the competition.
04:07 In addition to the amazing coincidence, it also perfectly fits the concept of inheritance in this competition.
04:09 The two champions have not only participated in the Astro New Show Competition,
04:11 but also sang and danced in the second round of the competition.
