• il y a 2 ans


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - I've been teaching on prayer and I would bet
00:36 you would go to Colossians with me, chapter one.
00:40 And for a few minutes today, I would like to talk
00:45 a little bit about the power of prayer.
00:48 If you notice that Paul makes it very clear
00:58 in three churches that he wrote to in the church at Ephesus,
01:03 the church at Colossae or the Colossian church.
01:09 And in Romans, you will find that he takes time out
01:15 to find positive reasons to pray.
01:26 If you notice again, as he did in Ephesians,
01:31 in Colossians, he does something again that's very special.
01:35 He said in verse seven of chapter one, he says,
01:40 "As he also learned of Epaphras, our dear fellow servant,
01:44 "who is for you a faithful minister of Christ,
01:47 "who also declared unto us your love in the spirit."
01:55 Not only did he declare their love in the spirit,
01:58 but if you notice further or a little bit closer
02:03 in verse three, he said, "We give thanks to God
02:07 "and to the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ,
02:09 "praying always for you."
02:12 Now, he's praying always for this particular church,
02:17 the church in Colossae, the Colossian church,
02:22 because he heard of your faith in Christ Jesus
02:27 and of the love which he have to all the saints.
02:34 If you remember very carefully,
02:36 I challenged any and every one of us
02:40 to the issue of loving all the saints.
02:47 Can you say unequivocally, without hesitation,
02:52 that you love all the saints?
03:01 [audience members cheering]
03:05 Now, if there's any consciousness of what we're doing
03:17 one's walk with God, and I believe that each one of us
03:21 ought to have a consciousness of our walk with God.
03:25 Let me go another way,
03:28 because we're going to reach it down here
03:30 when we see something that says spiritual understanding.
03:34 To have any relationship, and I'm finding that
03:40 after being 27 years, or so, 22, 27, something like that,
03:45 27, of being by myself, or having control of my space,
03:50 there's a difference, because you can be single
04:01 and still not be by yourself.
04:03 But every single person with any kind of,
04:10 might I say, financial independence,
04:15 can control their space.
04:18 Now, it's very significant that I say financial independence,
04:23 but I don't hope today I'll save it for next week.
04:27 But if you have any kind of financial independence,
04:35 psychological independence, intellectual independence,
04:43 you can control your space.
04:45 Which means, then, if there's going to be an addition
04:51 or somebody's going to enter your space,
04:54 you have to be conscious of the individual
05:00 who has now entered into your space.
05:03 You just can't turn the heat to where you want it.
05:09 [audience laughing]
05:12 Without giving some consideration to the fact
05:17 that somebody else is in your space.
05:22 Amen.
05:27 You just can't cook whatever you choose,
05:32 or whatever your taste buds call for,
05:39 as you seek to satisfy your gastronomical drive.
05:44 You have to consider, well, what would you like to eat?
05:52 Because somebody else now is in your space.
05:57 So there's a consciousness, then,
06:00 of what it takes to have reciprocity, compatibility,
06:07 and peace, and harmony in that space.
06:12 So all of a sudden, the individual who is 27 years,
06:17 or 20 years, or five years, or two years,
06:21 or three years with control within the parameters
06:24 of their space now have to have a consciousness
06:26 of the fact that somebody else is here.
06:35 So I want to play music from dead folk,
06:39 and listen to some sad lyrics.
06:42 [audience laughing]
06:45 'Cause all of my favorite songwriters
06:50 and musicians are dead.
06:53 My favorite, I have not yet gotten into the rhythms
06:58 of the young people.
07:03 But if you have somebody younger in your space,
07:07 now come here, you all got to talk to me.
07:09 You got to give some consciousness to what it is
07:14 that they might want to hear when you've got a system
07:17 throughout the whole house where once it comes on,
07:21 everybody's got to hear it.
07:22 And you got to give some consideration
07:26 because somebody else is in your space.
07:28 Now you have a new consciousness.
07:31 [audience laughing]
07:33 I say all that to make it very clear
07:36 that if you have a relationship with God,
07:40 then you have to have a renewed consciousness.
07:44 [audience laughing]
07:47 Let me just, let me skip down real quick.
07:53 I'm gonna skip down to verse nine.
07:56 And he says, "For this cause we also,
08:00 "since the day we heard it,"
08:02 and that is that they have love for all the saints
08:05 and they have faith in the Lord.
08:07 He says, "For this cause we also,
08:10 "since the day we heard it,
08:12 "do not cease to pray for you and to desire
08:16 "that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will
08:21 "in all wisdom and spiritual understanding."
08:25 And here's the point, "That you may walk worthy of the Lord
08:30 "unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work
08:36 "and increasing in the knowledge of God."
08:38 He has to pray now
08:40 that we move into a consciousness of God.
08:51 And when you consider that consciousness,
08:56 then it modifies the way we behave.
09:04 You gotta understand that this church business
09:10 is not simply about what God does for us.
09:19 See, folk in the business of church,
09:22 you know, where it's a money thing, it's an exchange,
09:26 I pay my tithe so you oughta do this.
09:29 Well, if that's why you pay your tithe,
09:37 then if you pay your tithe so you can get a Christmas gift,
09:44 then you oughta just go buy the gift.
09:48 [audience laughing]
09:51 You pay tithe with spiritual understanding
09:55 because it speaks of a trust in God.
10:01 You see my point?
10:03 And the consciousness then is
10:07 that if I have a God consciousness
10:09 and I have spiritual understanding,
10:11 then there's certain things I won't say.
10:17 There's certain attitudes I won't have.
10:20 There's certain things I won't indulge in
10:26 because I have a consciousness that I'm not here by myself,
10:32 but there's a God who is with me that I have to please.
10:38 [audience applauding]
10:41 Nobody can be a child of God
10:47 and their life doesn't change.
10:49 And isn't this the problem we're having
10:54 with church folk today?
10:58 And I don't talk about church folk 'cause I'm one of 'em.
11:01 But the problem we have as we move through this world
11:07 is that people who declare they have a relationship
11:11 with God live no different
11:16 [audience applauding]
11:18 than the people who don't claim it.
11:20 [audience applauding]
11:25 If I am conscious that he is with me every day,
11:34 let me go another way here, let me go another way.
11:43 If Jesus were to come to your house incarnate,
11:47 what would you have to move out of your house?
11:54 [audience laughing]
11:57 If he were watching movies with you,
12:05 what movies would you be watching?
12:12 [audience laughing]
12:15 The man is frank, the man is frank, the man is frank.
12:26 If he were with you and you were going out for the evening,
12:31 where would you take him?
12:38 [audience laughing]
12:41 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean.
12:49 I was watching movies one night with my mother
12:56 and it got a little steam.
13:01 [audience laughing]
13:05 It was an X, but it was a third degree R.
13:09 [audience laughing]
13:12 And because of the consciousness that I had,
13:18 because my mama was there,
13:20 I said, "Mother, now one of us has to leave the room."
13:24 [audience laughing]
13:27 Now I may watch this with my sister,
13:34 I may watch this with my wife,
13:36 but mom, we can't watch this together.
13:43 This is too much monster ball up in here, we can't watch.
13:48 [audience laughing]
13:51 But I watch it with Jesus.
14:00 [audience laughing]
14:04 Do I have more respect for my mother
14:08 than I have for my God, or maybe I'm not conscious.
14:14 Would I talk to you the way I talk to you
14:21 if he was with me?
14:25 Would I move into that poetic cursive,
14:32 that linguistic,
14:34 rhythmic,
14:38 cussing you out?
14:42 Talk to me now.
14:45 If I were conscious of his presence,
14:52 I'm talking spiritual understanding,
14:55 praying that I have the knowledge of him to all pleasing.
15:01 [audience laughing]
15:03 How many times have you reacted so negatively
15:07 to the person in the store?
15:11 Or your attitude towards people
15:14 while you're driving the car?
15:16 The road ranger.
15:21 Your proclivity and tendency to be defensive
15:27 to the point where you're even so obnoxious.
15:31 And your attitude is so heavily guarded
15:36 with a disposition that nobody can penetrate.
15:43 When you get mad, you're so mad, it's like you're blacked out.
15:49 And then when you come to yourself,
15:54 you want to know what it is you do.
15:56 [audience laughing]
15:59 You can't say you know God and have no consciousness
16:06 of his presence.
16:11 The prayer then, it's a prayer
16:13 that elevates people of God to another level.
16:17 Because if I looked at the word prosokamai
16:21 for prayer in the text,
16:24 it is not dealing with him doing something for us.
16:29 Because in prayer, you often pray for him,
16:33 God, to do something.
16:35 I need you to do something for me.
16:39 This is not a prayer that's asking him to do something.
16:42 This prayer is asking him to give something.
16:51 I will tell you this,
16:54 that one of the difficult things about walking with God
16:57 is succumbing to being changed.
17:05 Because we don't change easy.
17:13 I want to talk to some real people.
17:16 I talk to too many fake folk,
17:18 I don't even know how to talk now.
17:20 [audience laughing]
17:23 We don't change quickly.
17:27 Particularly when you have enjoyed your space.
17:36 Do you know we have enjoyed living wrong?
17:43 [audience laughing]
17:46 See now, some of you are going to act like
17:48 you ain't never done nothing.
17:50 When I partied, I partied hard.
17:59 And I come out of a family where folk party
18:06 three and four days.
18:08 And when you get ready to leave,
18:12 they say, "You just got here."
18:13 We've been here three days.
18:15 [audience laughing]
18:18 But then you come to God.
18:24 And one thing I've learned about addictions is
18:30 if you have a particular addiction,
18:32 you got to put something else in its place.
18:34 Because none of us live with a vacuum.
18:38 So the people who go hard for God
18:43 were people who used to go hard for the devil.
18:46 And the people who are doing all the judging
18:51 are people who never went hard for anything.
18:53 Can I talk to you here?
18:58 You see, you don't know where some folk are coming from.
19:01 And you don't know what some folk are addicted to
19:04 and what some folk had to do
19:06 to make them feel good about themselves
19:08 until they met Jesus.
19:11 So some people are still in the process of making the change
19:15 and that's why he's got to pray.
19:18 I got to pray because I see some good in you.
19:22 And I want that good to come up to another level
19:25 so that you can walk with God to all pleasing.
19:29 God ain't just looking for us to be part-time saints.
19:35 He wants us to be saints in all situations,
19:38 wherever the call is for us to show that we know him.
19:43 He wants us to stand up in that situation.
19:46 If it even means looking like a...
19:48 Amen.
19:52 If it means backing off
19:54 and looking like a chump.
20:05 You're a human being, you got to pray for me.
20:08 Pray for us.
20:09 I got to pray for you, will you pray for me?
20:12 Because we have a tendency to pride.
20:16 You talking to me?
20:23 Do you know who you talking to?
20:30 (congregation cheering)
20:34 Amen.
20:39 And many times we get in situations where
20:43 it's just an example to show that you have grown.
20:49 And the last thing we want to do is be in a situation
20:57 where we're defaced.
20:59 (congregation laughing)
21:01 Where you hurt my feelings and got over.
21:04 One of the reasons why we divorce and we have bad marriages
21:11 and all kinds of bad relationships
21:13 is because we can't let things go.
21:16 (congregation applauding)
21:20 Can't let it go.
21:21 I got to get you back.
21:27 And when you have spiritual understanding
21:30 and you move into all pleasing,
21:33 you hear what God says and you listen to him carefully.
21:37 And when you listen to him carefully
21:39 because there's somebody else in the room.
21:42 I need to talk to you here.
21:44 When you get in your car, there's somebody else in the car.
21:48 When you walk into the church,
21:50 there's somebody else in the church.
21:51 When you get into that parking lot,
21:53 there's somebody else in that parking lot.
21:55 When you go out to the restaurant,
21:58 there's somebody else sitting at the table with you
22:01 when you start dealing with the waitress.
22:03 In your marriage, there's somebody else there
22:11 when you get ready to talk that talk
22:14 and get ready to go crazy.
22:16 And remember what he said
22:18 because he told you how to let some things go.
22:22 He says, "Revengeance is mine."
22:25 [audience applauding]
22:27 Don't step into my place.
22:30 Oh God, when you know you got somebody with you
22:34 and you know somebody's operating for your benefit,
22:37 you don't try to do what they told you they will do.
22:41 Can I talk to you?
22:43 I've been sick for the whole week.
22:46 Whole week since I got off the plane from Miami,
22:48 I've been sick every minute of the day,
22:51 ain't left the room,
22:53 but I never had to go to get something to eat.
22:56 I never had to go to get something to drink.
22:58 I never had to go to get some medicine.
23:00 I never had to go to do anything.
23:02 What I had to do was get out of myself
23:06 and let somebody else tell me what I need to have.
23:11 Uh-huh, without debate,
23:13 you're gonna take this, take that, take this.
23:16 I said, "Listen, I'm sick of taking all this stuff."
23:19 My side of the room is like the CVS pharmacy
23:23 and your side of the room
23:25 is like Neiman Marcus cosmetic department.
23:29 [audience applauding]
23:30 Smell good over there, smell sick.
23:33 [audience applauding]
23:36 Somebody else is in the room.
23:44 [audience applauding]
23:49 He said, "Don't take my place.
23:52 "I don't need you planning and conspiring to hurt anybody
23:58 "because when I come into your presence,
24:03 "I don't need negative evil thoughts running through your mind.
24:09 "I dwell in you.
24:11 "I live in you.
24:14 "You're making it uncomfortable for me
24:16 "when you start thinking to hurt somebody who hurts you,
24:21 "when I already told you, turn the other cheek.
24:24 "When you turn the other cheek,
24:26 "that don't make a punk out of you.
24:28 "That releases me to handle your business.
24:31 [audience applauding]
24:34 "If you can fight your battle, why you calling on me?
24:43 "If you can handle your business, leave me alone.
24:47 "If you gonna do your thing,
24:48 "don't call me to have to fix what you messed up.
24:52 "If you just stand still."
24:54 [audience applauding]
24:57 Give somebody a high five.
25:02 Say, "Stand still and see the salvation."
25:06 [audience applauding]
25:13 There's somebody else in the room.
25:16 [audience applauding]
25:19 Give somebody a high five.
25:31 Say, "This is an anger management class."
25:34 [audience applauding]
25:38 [horn honking]
25:41 Somebody else.
25:45 That's why I'm praying that you have spiritual understanding
25:52 because that's another dimension of thinking.
25:56 And you have to exercise.
26:00 We have to exercise in that dimension.
26:06 I'm just sick.
26:07 I'm sick of the way religion and church has gone
26:10 because when people talk about other dimension,
26:15 living in another dimension, it's all about money.
26:18 He doesn't pray anywhere in here for money.
26:27 When he talks to the Corinthians
26:31 about what's happening in Jerusalem,
26:34 he simply tells them to get some money and let's help
26:39 because the Corinthians were way richer
26:42 than the Jewish people.
26:43 The Greeks, they were world rulers at one time.
26:50 That never happened to Israel.
26:56 Israel was always bouncing around the Jews.
27:03 Around the Amalekites, Perizzites, Gergeshites, Hittites,
27:08 Moabites, Philistines.
27:13 And the problem that they had was
27:17 they would take on other gods.
27:20 [audience murmuring]
27:24 They lacked spiritual understanding.
27:26 I gotta, excuse me, I gotta work with my nose a minute here.
27:31 [audience laughing]
27:33 Thank you.
27:34 I could have stayed another week.
27:38 [audience laughing]
27:41 And get all that good care.
27:43 All of that, what do you need, baby?
27:48 [audience laughing]
27:49 I need everything.
27:51 [audience laughing]
27:54 Oh, it almost got to abuse, I'm telling you.
27:58 [audience laughing]
28:01 I didn't feel good about being sick, but I enjoyed being sick.
28:12 [audience laughing]
28:15 What am I saying?
28:25 Sometimes we enjoy what we go through
28:28 because we get a greater presence of God.
28:32 We feel Him better.
28:34 Sometimes when we're doing fine,
28:36 we don't have that intimacy that we have with God
28:39 unless something is going wrong.
28:42 And then we stop to consider how powerful He is.
28:45 We stop to consider how much we need Him.
28:48 We stop to give credence to what He tells us to do.
28:52 We stop to listen to what He said
28:54 because had we listened to what He said,
28:57 we would not have been in that situation.
28:59 But sometimes the devil has you where God wants you to be.
29:04 Right in this situation,
29:08 I'm gonna show you some stuff about myself
29:12 that you never would know unless you go through here.
29:16 And the word there is knowledge,
29:18 and it's gnostical knowledge.
29:20 It's experienced knowledge.
29:22 You gotta experience God.
29:25 You don't talk about Him.
29:27 You gotta experience.
29:29 [audience laughing]
29:32 You gotta experience His power,
29:34 experience His love,
29:36 experience His deliverance,
29:38 experience His willingness to work on your behalf.
29:42 And when you experience it,
29:44 you will holler, "Can't nobody."
29:47 [audience cheering]
29:49 Do you like Him?
29:51 [audience cheering]
29:53 Ain't nobody.
29:54 Do you like the Lord?
29:57 'Cause when I was down,
30:00 He picked me up.
30:02 When I opened my mouth,
30:04 He said, "Shut up.
30:06 "This ain't you.
30:08 "This battle is mine.
30:10 "The battle is the Lord's."
30:12 [audience cheering]
30:15 [bells ringing]
30:18 Who brought you out?
30:24 Who woke you up?
30:26 Who made your day?
30:28 Who chased your enemies away?
30:30 Who watched you when you weren't watching yourself?
30:33 Who protected you in the night?
30:35 Who kept you in the daylight?
30:37 Who kept the thief out of your house?
30:40 Who kept the man from running over you?
30:42 Who kept the bullet out of your chest?
30:45 Who cut the knife out of your belly?
30:47 It was God!
30:48 [audience cheering]
30:51 You didn't do this by yourself.
30:55 [bells ringing]
30:57 Everybody stand up.
31:12 [bells ringing]
31:15 [upbeat music]
31:18 [upbeat music]
31:20 [upbeat music]
31:23 (upbeat music)
