Good Week/Bad Week: The best and worst of 2023

  • last year
00:03 Hello, welcome to Good Week, Bad Week with Nancy and Marina
00:18 at
00:19 And because it's the most happiest
00:22 festive time of the year, we thought
00:24 we would have a look back at the whole year
00:27 and who's had a good year and a bad year.
00:30 There's quite a lot of contenders for this, Marina.
00:33 Where do you think we should start?
00:35 I think we have to start with Taylor Swift.
00:38 I know we've spoken about her a lot,
00:40 but 2023 has to be her year.
00:44 And we have to talk about her, Nancy.
00:47 Fair enough.
00:47 I'm assuming you're saying she's had a great year.
00:49 She's had a phenomenal year.
00:51 Phenomenal year.
00:53 I mean, being crowned Time Person of the Year,
00:58 things just seem to be getting better and better for her.
01:00 I know she had a split with her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn,
01:03 but now she's got a new boyfriend.
01:05 She seems to be very happy in her personal life
01:08 and her professional life.
01:10 And I think she's been officially
01:11 named a billionaire now.
01:13 So what more could you want?
01:16 And I think she's still very, very young.
01:20 She feels untouchable now.
01:22 It feels like there's no scandal or negativity around her.
01:26 And she's never really put her foot wrong, has she?
01:29 She has had various attempts to take her down.
01:31 And I know she's had a couple of clashes
01:33 with Kanye along the way.
01:35 But I feel you can't help but like her now.
01:38 And everybody knows who she is.
01:40 She is not just a pop star who parents aren't aware of.
01:44 Even grandparents know her name.
01:47 She's kind of taken it to a whole new level.
01:49 There's nobody anywhere near her at the minute, is there?
01:52 No, there's nowhere.
01:53 As you said, nowhere near her.
01:54 And everybody likes her.
01:56 And even Piers Morgan seems to be a fan.
02:01 So if Piers Morgan is a fan, then oh my goodness.
02:04 Then it seems that--
02:07 yeah, as I said, you don't have to be a Swifty.
02:09 But you have to admire what she's achieved.
02:11 And I think she's probably set for even bigger and better
02:14 things in 2024.
02:16 So we shall wait and see, I think.
02:20 Maybe Taylor for president.
02:22 I think that's about the one thing she hasn't conquered,
02:24 less Syrian politics.
02:25 People would probably vote no matter what her policies were.
02:30 OK, so at the other extreme, I'm going
02:33 to throw in a controversial one here.
02:36 So we talk a lot about the royal family.
02:38 And that's why I'm not sure what their role is,
02:40 if it's not for us to talk about them.
02:43 But I think the queen, Queen Camilla,
02:47 has had an incredible year.
02:50 Now, I can't say I'm a great fan of the royals.
02:53 I'm definitely not a great fan of Camilla.
02:54 But let's look at this.
02:56 So here is a woman who was absolutely
02:59 hated and vilified.
03:01 And people were never going to let her be on the throne.
03:05 We don't want her anywhere near Charles,
03:07 even though perhaps they should have married back in the day
03:10 way before Diana ever came along, et cetera, et cetera.
03:13 She was hated.
03:15 Then she's turned herself into this very sort
03:17 of dull, boring character.
03:20 I mean, sort of like when my kids first saw the queen,
03:24 you know, and they get interested.
03:25 And they're like, well, I thought
03:26 the queen was going to be a beautiful Disney queen.
03:28 And she wasn't.
03:28 She was quite old.
03:29 I mean, Camilla has gone straight into that.
03:32 There's no looking back and look how elegant
03:34 she was as queen in her 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, et cetera.
03:37 So I think for her now to be queen of England
03:42 is incredible.
03:43 What a year for her.
03:44 How has she done it?
03:46 The public's gone along with this.
03:48 Nobody's had a better year than Camilla, I would argue.
03:52 When you first mentioned Camilla, I thought, oh, no.
03:55 I didn't want to mention Camilla.
03:57 As you know, I was and still am a huge fan
04:00 of the late Princess Diana.
04:02 So for me, it is still difficult to think about Camilla
04:07 as queen.
04:08 But I do agree with you.
04:10 She has had a phenomenal year.
04:12 The fact that she is now Queen Camilla,
04:15 everybody has accepted it.
04:16 Maybe there are a few people who behind closed doors
04:19 still find it difficult. But she is Queen Camilla.
04:23 And she has come back, as you said,
04:26 from being the most vilified woman,
04:29 from people saying she would never be queen.
04:32 And look at her now.
04:32 She's done exactly what people thought would never happen.
04:38 It's mad.
04:38 It is mad.
04:39 And you might not agree with it.
04:41 You might not like it.
04:42 You can't argue that she's had a good or bad year.
04:45 Now, somebody who should have maybe just shut up and kept out
04:48 of the spotlight, Boris Johnson.
04:51 He never goes away, does he?
04:53 Has it been a good year or a bad year for both of you?
04:57 I think most people would say it's been a bad year.
05:00 But as you said, Boris never goes away
05:04 and has the enormous sort of knack of managing
05:08 to turn things around for him.
05:09 I don't think he's done it quite yet at the end of 2023.
05:13 I'd still say it's been a challenging year for him.
05:18 But I think it will be interesting to see what
05:21 happens for him in 2024.
05:23 So I wouldn't say he's had an appalling year.
05:26 You can never say that's the end of Boris Johnson.
05:30 He never goes away.
05:31 That's the thing, isn't it?
05:32 And I feel like for anybody else,
05:34 it has been an appalling year.
05:36 I mean, the Partygate--
05:38 it wasn't really documentary, but the Partygate program
05:42 was absolutely hilarious because it
05:44 was all sort of direct quotes.
05:45 It was all things that had actually happened.
05:48 And yet people died.
05:51 And here he is.
05:52 He got quite angry when he was questioned at the COVID
05:55 inquiry, how dare people sort of suggest
05:57 he'd done things wrong.
05:58 So he's been absolutely atrocious.
06:00 You would have thought he'd had an atrocious year.
06:03 But actually, I think you're right.
06:04 He's had a fairly strong year for somebody
06:07 whose lack of leadership brought the country to its knees.
06:11 Incredible how these-- they've personally had good years.
06:15 It's just the impact on the country.
06:17 Exactly.
06:18 Exactly.
06:19 The impact that he's had and at the COVID inquiry, as I said,
06:22 the only flicker of emotion was when
06:25 he was talking about his own experience of being in ICU.
06:29 But that was, as I said, talking about his own personal
06:33 experience, how it affected him rather than
06:35 how it affected the nation.
06:38 But yeah, as we come to the end of 2023,
06:41 you would think it'd been the most appalling year.
06:43 But I don't think it has been for him.
06:45 Yeah, no, it's mad.
06:46 I think another one who is interesting--
06:49 and it's only been the end of the year--
06:51 Faraj, Nigel Faraj, has he had a good year or a bad year?
06:55 I think he maybe thought he would come out
06:57 of Am Celebrity in a little bit stronger position
06:59 because he just came out as a boring old man in his pants
07:01 is sort of the overall impression.
07:03 So I'm not sure if it has been a good year for him.
07:06 But again, he loves being in the spotlight.
07:08 He loves the public eye.
07:09 So maybe it has been a good year.
07:11 Yeah, I agree with you in the respect
07:12 that he was slightly dull in I Am a Celebrity.
07:14 I think the ITV bosses were expecting bigger and better
07:18 things for him.
07:20 But--
07:20 For one and a half million.
07:22 Exactly.
07:23 Allegedly, reportedly.
07:25 But I still think that he--
07:27 I would say that it has been a good year for Nigel Faraj
07:30 because he might have been slightly dull,
07:32 but he still sort of came--
07:34 he was in the final three.
07:36 And he still sort of came out triumphantly.
07:40 And I saw him return to the GMB studios.
07:42 And obviously, it is in the GMB studios.
07:44 There would be rapturous applause.
07:46 But I think he's sort of come out of 2023 in a good way
07:52 and sort of positioning himself for what
07:55 might happen in 2024 for him.
07:58 Obviously, I don't know how the rumors,
08:00 whether they'll come true about him
08:03 rejoining the Conservative Party.
08:05 But I think he's in quite a good position
08:07 at the end of the year.
08:09 Yeah, I think you are.
08:10 I think you're right, sadly.
08:12 OK, so another one who's a little bit different.
08:15 I thought we should have a look at Blue.
08:19 Blue, who is Beyonce and Jay-Z's daughter.
08:23 And I think she has had the most incredible year.
08:27 And mom's spoken about this.
08:29 So she went on stage with Beyonce's big tours.
08:33 And at first, she looked a little bit nervous
08:37 and obviously a lot younger.
08:39 But she didn't quite fit in.
08:40 By the end of that tour, she just
08:43 looked like all the other professional dancers.
08:45 And Beyonce said-- she said she saw the criticism
08:47 on social media.
08:48 And she just worked really, really, really hard.
08:50 And I feel like there is a real sort of genuine relationship.
08:54 There were so many clips of that Beyonce's face and Jay-Z's face
08:57 when they saw their little girl on stage.
08:59 And she's what, just at the age where you sort of move
09:01 from primary to secondary for normal people.
09:05 But I just think it's not--
09:06 it can't be easy.
09:07 I'm not often sympathetic for celebrities.
09:11 But there's been so much nastiness
09:13 around the way she looks.
09:14 Since she was a baby, people bullying a baby.
09:17 And I just think she's had a great year.
09:19 And I'm really pleased about this.
09:20 This is the one that I might be most optimistic and pleased
09:22 about.
09:23 What are your thoughts on Blue?
09:24 No, I think you're right.
09:26 I think she has had a great year.
09:27 I mean, you could class her as a nepo baby.
09:30 But I think she's obviously got talent.
09:35 And just because she is the daughter, Beyonce and Jay-Z,
09:38 doesn't mean she doesn't have talent.
09:40 So yeah, I think it's been a good year for her.
09:42 And 2024, probably she's going to do even more exciting
09:48 things.
09:49 I do have my own reservations about, not necessarily
09:54 nepo babies, just about her age and just
09:57 about protecting younger people.
10:01 So I do have my reservations about that.
10:04 But I do agree with you.
10:05 It has been a good year for her.
10:08 OK.
10:08 Well, I think you're right.
10:10 But I guess Beyonce started fairly young.
10:12 I've no idea whether Jay-Z started fairly young.
10:15 Taylor Swift started fairly young, very young.
10:17 And it's done all right for her.
10:19 Yeah.
10:20 No, it's done all right for her.
10:21 But then you look at Britney, who also started young.
10:23 And it hasn't necessarily worked out for her.
10:26 So I think there are--
10:29 No, I agree.
10:31 I think it's individuals, isn't it?
10:32 I kind of feel like Blue's got a better protection
10:36 network around her than a lot of them
10:38 because of the power of both parents.
10:40 But you mentioned Britney, then.
10:42 Good year or bad year for Britney?
10:45 I think it's probably been a bad year for Britney.
10:47 I think, unfortunately, things--
10:52 I don't know.
10:53 I mean, she's obviously the book.
10:54 So some would disagree with me and say
10:57 she's turned it around at the end of the year.
10:59 I'm hoping because I do--
11:01 I'm not saying I'm a big Britney fan.
11:03 But I have a slight soft spot for her.
11:05 I do think she's got talent.
11:06 So I'm hoping that 2024 is better for her.
11:10 Yeah, I would like to see a resurgence and new music
11:14 and a tour and all that kind of stuff on her own terms.
11:18 And also, I have to mention one other star who did have
11:23 a big health setback in 2023.
11:26 And I did have big concerns over her as Madonna.
11:30 So I'm hoping-- obviously, she's been--
11:34 she managed to get her tour back on track.
11:37 So I think she managed to pull it back.
11:39 Obviously, she was in ICU.
11:41 And she's managed to do her tour.
11:43 So I didn't think I was such a Madonna fan
11:45 until I vigorously defended her at people's criticism
11:49 of what she's done to her face.
11:51 Because as I said, I think she's achieved an enormous amount.
11:55 And I'm hoping that 2024 is an even better year for her.
11:59 At the end of the day, it's her face.
12:00 She should be allowed to do what she wants.
12:02 So maybe it's a Taylor-Britney-Madonna resurgence.
12:06 And what we need is some sort of incredible single
12:09 from the three of them that comes out.
12:11 I wouldn't put it past any of those three incredible women.
12:14 Let's just make sure Camilla's not involved.
12:16 That will spoil the whole thing.
12:18 It's been a mixed bag.
12:19 But it's been a good year.
12:20 Thank you for sticking with
12:23 And we will be back in the first week of the new year
12:25 with "Good Week, Bad Week."
12:27 Bye.
12:34 (upbeat music)
