Top 10 Biggest Unsolved TV Mysteries

  • last year
We want answers! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the biggest TV plot holes and unresolved plot lines. Spoiler alert!


00:00 "You are Aegon Targaryen, true heir to the Iron Throne."
00:03 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the biggest TV plot holes
00:08 and unresolved plotlines. "You two wear no jersey." "We did?" "Yeah." This includes questions
00:16 answered in supplementary material, as they were not answered within the show itself.
00:21 This is your spoiler alert. Number 10. Who stole Peggy Carter's file? Agent Carter. "If I may,
00:29 it seems Los Angeles has rather agreed with you, Miss Carter." Excitement was quite high for Agent
00:34 Carter, one of the first shows under the MCU umbrella. Despite that, it lasted just two seasons
00:39 and ended on a tantalizing cliffhanger. Jack Thompson is shot by an unseen assailant, who
00:45 proceeds to steal a redacted file on Carter. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled before
00:50 the storyline could play out, meaning we never learned who shot Jack and stole the file.
00:56 An answer essentially came a few years later, when producer and writer Jose Molina insinuated
01:01 that it was Peggy's presumed dead brother, Michael. While this info is now considered
01:06 canon by many, it wouldn't necessarily be known to casual fans. "Coming." "All right,
01:12 they're throwing me out of here. I gotta go." Number 9. Who was pregnant? Moesha. "Chucky,
01:18 Chucky, look what I found in the trash. A pregnancy test. Man, now what were you doing in
01:23 this trash?" "I was going through it." A huge hit for UPN in the late 90s, Moesha was a sitcom
01:29 following the titular teenager in Los Angeles. However, interest and ratings eventually dropped
01:34 and the network cancelled the program in 2001, following its sixth season. Unfortunately,
01:40 the story ended on a huge mystery that has never been resolved. "That's not what is important.
01:45 What is important is somebody in this room is pregnant." A positive pregnancy test is found
01:50 in Moesha's dorm, but it's unclear if the test belongs to Moesha or someone else. The plan
01:56 ostensibly was to resolve this cliffhanger on the spin-off show, The Parkers. But for whatever
02:01 reason, this never happened. So we'll just have to use our imaginations and fill in the blanks
02:06 ourselves. "Dorian, where's daddy? We have something we need to talk to him about." "Yeah,
02:10 look, something very, very important." Number 8. What happened to Keillor? 24. "My name is Jack
02:16 Bauer. I'm a federal agent. We know who you are. We know what you're trying to do." This
02:21 iconic drama was an unbelievable success that drew huge ratings, resulting in nine seasons and a TV
02:27 movie. Point is, they had plenty of time to resolve the fate of President John Keillor.
02:32 Keillor was a fixture in the third and fourth seasons, but was left in critical condition
02:37 after Air Force One was shot down. "Was Air Force One just hit? Was Air Force One just hit?" And
02:43 that was basically the last we heard of him. While the show went on for many more seasons,
02:48 Keillor's ultimate fate was never addressed. The writers have given conflicting accounts,
02:53 with some saying that he survived alive and others that he died. According to writer-producer
02:58 Howard Gordon, Fox forbade them from killing an American president on screen, forcing them to pen
03:04 a more ambiguous fate. "If I go down, you have to stay the course. Do you understand?" "Mr. President,
03:10 I'm sure it won't come to that." Number seven. Who is Earl Jr.'s father? My name is Earl. "Joy,
03:16 was that the Halloween party where Fat Steve dressed up like the Kool-Aid guy and broke his
03:21 nose trying to run through the wall?" "Yeah." "I wore a skeleton costume to that party." The fourth
03:26 season of this popular NBC sitcom ended with the famous "To Be Continued." But yeah, no. The series
03:34 was unexpectedly cancelled in 2009, supposedly owing to financial conflicts between the network
03:40 and studio. And because of this, Earl wasn't able to finish his list. And we never learn the true
03:46 paternity of Earl Jr. "What does that mean?" "It means I'm not Earl Jr.'s father." Creator Greg
03:51 Garcia conducted a Reddit AMA in 2013 and claimed that the father was going to be someone famous,
03:57 like Dave Chappelle or Lil Jon. The writers were unable to work out the full plotline owing to the
04:04 surprise cancellation. So Dave Chappelle might be Earl Jr.'s father. Take that as you will. "Now,
04:09 everybody just calm down." Number six. What happened to Judy? Family matters. "Let me hold
04:21 him." "No, Aunt Rachel said I could take care of little Richie." "I wanna hold him." "You can hold
04:26 him when you get older." "When I get older, he won't be a baby anymore." Sitcoms have a problem
04:31 with randomly dropping characters and never bringing it up again. The trope even has a name.
04:36 It's called Chuck Cunningham Syndrome, which is named after the Happy Days character who dropped
04:41 off the face of the earth. Another famous example is the sassy Judy Winslow from Family Matters,
04:47 who was unceremoniously written out in the show's fourth season. "All right, right now we're gonna
04:52 have a wedding. But directly after that, we're gonna have a funeral." Not only did she stop
04:57 appearing, but the other characters began acting like she never existed in the first place.
05:02 Various reasons have been given for this, including budget constraints,
05:06 behind-the-scenes drama, and the growing importance of Steve Urkel over the Winslow family. "Right
05:11 now, you have over a hundred crazed teenagers in your backyard ready to boogie." "What?" Number
05:15 five. What was Will going to say to Alicia, the good wife? "Alicia." "Mr. Gardner, he's about
05:24 ready here." "Hold on, your honor. I'll call you back." Some mysteries remain unanswered due to
05:29 surprise cancellations and network interference. Others are left intentionally ambiguous,
05:34 as is the case with Will's call to Alicia in The Good Wife. Will Gardner is shot and killed in the
05:41 appropriately titled episode, "Dramatics, Your Honor," leaving behind a frustrating voicemail
05:46 to Alicia. "I have no idea why he would call." "He called at 11 30. Wasn't he in court?" "He must
05:52 have been on a break." Will is interrupted while on the phone, leaving his motivation for calling
05:57 Alicia unknown. She spends the whole next episode trying to deduce his message, but to no avail.
06:03 Like Alicia, we're forced to fill in the blanks ourselves, as that's exactly what the writers
06:08 intended. "Do you know why?" "No." "He didn't say anything." "No." Number four. What happened to
06:18 Sam? Quantum Leap. "Why did you create Project Quantum Leap, Sam?" "To travel in time." There
06:24 are few endings in TV history as frustrating as Quantum Leap. In the original sci-fi adventure,
06:30 Sam Beckett hops through time to correct past mistakes from history. In the final episode,
06:35 Sam meets a godlike figure who tells him he can return home if he so desires. "You're saying I
06:40 can leap home anytime I want?" "Technically, yes." "What's the catch?" "The catch is that you have
06:48 to accept that you control your own destiny." Instead, he decides to reunite Beth and Al before
06:53 venturing into an unknown future. Viewers are given a bizarre title card vaguely informing them
06:59 that Sam never returned home, and that was that. Creator Donald Bellisario was unsure if the series
07:06 was being renewed, so he penned an ending that could work as both a cliffhanger for a new season
07:11 and an ambiguous series finale. Turns out the show was not renewed, so we got the latter. The show
07:17 was rebooted in 2022, but with different main characters. "Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the
07:23 Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. After years of attempting to bring him home, the project was
07:29 abandoned. Until now." Number 3. Who was the prince that was promised? Game of Thrones. "Stannis
07:37 was not the prince who was promised, but someone has to be." It's no secret that Game of Thrones
07:42 kind of fell apart at the end. As a result, many mysteries were either ignored completely or given
07:48 unsatisfactory conclusions. For example, the famous R+L=J theory, as Jon Snow's lineage,
07:55 didn't really amount to anything. "You're the true king. Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name,
08:01 protector of the realm, all of him." And what about the prince that was promised? The identity
08:07 of the prophesied savior was never revealed, although many assumed that it was Jon. But this
08:12 is far from confirmed. And it could also be Rhaenyra, Stannis, or Daenerys, as prince, in this
08:19 case, is gender neutral. Making the situation trickier is that the prophecy was not fully
08:25 adapted from the novels. So non-book readers were left even more confused. "So the proper
08:30 translation for that prophecy would be the prince or princess who was promised will bring the dawn."
08:36 "Doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it?" "No, but I like it better." Number 2. What was
08:41 with the numbers? Lost. "You use those numbers to play the lottery?" "Uh, yeah." Lost left behind
08:53 a questionable legacy following a disappointing ending that left many threads dangling. One of
08:58 the biggest was the importance of Walt and his mysterious abilities. But there are bigger
09:04 questions. Like, what the heck was with the numbers? "Look, Lenny, I gotta know. What did
09:09 the numbers mean?" We know they correspond to the candidates, but that doesn't really address
09:14 all of their mystery. Why do they pop up everywhere? Why exactly were they broadcasting
09:19 them from the radio tower? Why were they special and powerful? Apparently, they're a part of the
09:24 Valenzetti equation that predicts the end of humanity. But you'd have to play the game,
09:30 The Lost Experience, to know that. It's just a tangle of mythology that has no real satisfactory
09:36 answers. "Tell me why you wrote this. What do these numbers mean, please?" "I don't know."
09:45 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
09:50 our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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09:59 1. Did Tony Die? The Sopranos Made in America is one of the most divisive
10:09 ending episodes in TV history, drawing both acclaim and criticism for its ambiguous ending.
10:14 Some argue that Tony definitely died. Some argue that he didn't. Some argue that it's
10:20 the paranoid tone of the scene that matters rather than its explicit outcome. Regardless,
10:25 the mystery of Tony's fate has drawn a wide array of interpretations and is still hotly debated to
10:30 this day. Creator David Chase has seemingly confirmed in various interviews that Tony dies.
10:40 But then again, he is adamant that those quotes were misinterpreted and taken out of context.
10:46 Ironically, this has only fueled the debate even more,
10:49 with Chase's comments proving just as ambiguous as the ending he produced.
10:53 Do you have the answers? Let us know in the comments below.
11:03 You probably don't even hear it when it happens.
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