• il y a 2 ans


00:00 The end of the year holidays have arrived!
00:02 Family reunions, Easter cakes, and also the joy of offering and receiving gifts.
00:07 But why do we give gifts at Christmas?
00:10 In Antiquity, during Saturnals, holidays taking place around the winter solstice,
00:15 the Romans exchanged figurines in clay or wax.
00:19 On January 1, in honor of the goddess Trina,
00:21 we also offered strings, dates or figs,
00:25 then later, clothes or precious objects.
00:27 This tradition evolved at the end of the 19th century,
00:30 with the birth of large shops,
00:32 which at Christmas, seduce with their showcases full of toys.
00:36 Bingo! Christmas business is born!
00:39 (upbeat music)
