New mum bursts into tears when pregnant sister surprises her at hospital birth



This is the joyous moment a woman was brought to tears as her sister, who was due 10 days apart from her, surprised her at the birth of her daughter.

Sisters Natalie Guss, 31, and Caroline Fiedler, 34, found out within one week of each other that they were both pregnant.

The initial joy soon turned to nerves as they realised that they were due within 10 days of one another.

This meant that their hopes of being present at the births of both of their daughters were looking unlikely.

Caroline said: "When we found out we were pregnant there was that realisation of how were we going to share the birth moment that we both dreamed of when we're due so close?

"When Natalie went in 10 days early, I really battled with the thought of 'should I go to see her and is it safe for me to travel'?

"My husband was actually the one who made the decision to go and my mother also said that I would never forgive myself if I didn't go.

"Me and Natalie have always had such a tight relationship so I felt I needed to be there physically for her."

As soon as Natalie's baby, Sadie, was born, Caroline and her husband made the two hour drive from New York City to Philadelphia so see her, much to Natalie's surprise and delight.

Natalie said: "When I was in the hospital I was upset that Caroline couldn't be there, so when she walked through the door- there were lots of tears.

"The best way that I can describe it is that I was overwhelmed with love and I just felt so lucky that she was able to come and meet my daughter.

"The whole experience was just really special."

Caroline has since given birth to a baby girl Chloe and the plan is for their daughters to meet very soon.

Natalie added: "We plan is to travel to New York in a weeks time so we can take Sadie to meet her new cousin Chloe.

"They will be super close just like we are."