Murder in the Vineyard (2020)

  • last year
A woman tries to protect her teenage daughter when she becomes the target of anonymous bullies.
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00:08:00 Oh, there she is.
00:08:02 Well, it was good to see you.
00:08:07 You too.
00:08:09 Uh, this might be a little too soon, but I was hoping to take you out for dinner this week.
00:08:17 Sorry, I think I need to take my own advice in that. Too strong?
00:08:23 No, no, no, no. I would love to.
00:08:26 Tomorrow night?
00:08:28 Tomorrow night's great.
00:08:30 Good. I'll see you around seven.
00:08:32 Okay.
00:08:34 Bye.
00:08:35 Oh, there you are.
00:08:39 Yep, ten minutes.
00:08:41 Plus I was bored.
00:08:44 Who's that?
00:08:49 That's Luke.
00:08:51 He's cute.
00:08:52 He's taking me to dinner tomorrow.
00:08:55 Mom!
00:08:57 Look at you. You're so excited.
00:09:03 I don't know. I, well, we'll see.
00:09:06 [music]
00:09:11 [phone ringing]
00:09:12 Are you sure it's not my mom?
00:09:20 Are you sure you don't want some breakfast?
00:09:22 I'm good.
00:09:24 Pizza toast? Something.
00:09:26 No thanks. Chloe and Reese want to stop for bagels.
00:09:29 [phone ringing]
00:09:30 Bye, Mom.
00:09:33 I love you. Have a great day. Call me if you need anything.
00:09:36 I will.
00:09:37 [music]
00:09:42 [sigh]
00:09:43 Thank you guys so much for picking me up.
00:09:52 Of course.
00:09:53 Oh, this is my favorite song. Turn it up.
00:09:55 Me too.
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00:10:01 [knocking]
00:10:09 [music]
00:10:14 Hello?
00:10:18 [music]
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00:10:56 Someone's in here.
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00:11:20 I said I'm in here.
00:11:23 Go away.
00:11:24 [music]
00:11:29 [scream]
00:11:33 I had no idea you were here.
00:11:36 Oh, no.
00:11:37 Yeah, I was just doing some repairs on this old generator here.
00:11:42 [music]
00:11:45 I'm sorry.
00:11:46 Whoa.
00:11:48 [laugh]
00:11:49 [bell ringing]
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00:12:14 Hey, Diana.
00:12:18 Hey.
00:12:19 Good morning, seniors.
00:12:24 I am Miss Brody, for those of you who don't already know me.
00:12:28 I don't believe I know you.
00:12:31 Yeah, um, I'm new this year.
00:12:33 Beatrice Kirk.
00:12:36 You can call me B. Everybody does.
00:12:38 Um, I'm actually a junior.
00:12:40 I took chemistry last year.
00:12:42 Well, it is good to have you here, B.
00:12:44 Okay.
00:12:46 So.
00:12:48 Take a good look at the person sitting next to you.
00:12:51 Because the two of you will be spending a lot of time together.
00:12:54 Meet your lab partner for the new semester.
00:12:58 Looks like you're stuck with me now, new girl.
00:13:01 [music]
00:13:05 So, you're dissecting animals with Brian Hayes?
00:13:09 I can see it now.
00:13:10 You leaning over, asking Brian for a scalpel.
00:13:12 Your hands touch, he hands it to you.
00:13:15 He's gazing into your eyes.
00:13:16 Oh my gosh, very funny.
00:13:18 We're just lab partners, okay?
00:13:20 This isn't great anatomy.
00:13:21 Isn't it?
00:13:22 Hey, new girl.
00:13:24 Hey.
00:13:26 Can I talk to you for a sec?
00:13:27 Yeah.
00:13:28 [music]
00:13:30 Hey, so, um.
00:13:31 Honestly, I have no idea how I ended up in this class.
00:13:34 You know, I'm gonna need a lot of help.
00:13:35 Especially during the season.
00:13:36 Yeah, okay.
00:13:37 I was thinking maybe we could meet up and study one day after practice?
00:13:41 Yeah.
00:13:43 I just have to check with my mom, but I'm sure we'll be fine.
00:13:46 What if I come by Wednesday around five?
00:13:48 Yeah, um.
00:13:49 My number is 555-824-5244.
00:13:54 Great.
00:13:56 I'll text you.
00:13:59 [whistle]
00:14:00 [music]
00:14:07 This isn't good.
00:14:08 What?
00:14:09 You see that girl over there?
00:14:10 She's like totally giving you the death stare.
00:14:11 Don't look, okay?
00:14:12 You don't want to make eye contact with her.
00:14:13 Who is she?
00:14:15 April Ferguson, captain of the cheerleading squad,
00:14:18 soon to be homecoming queen, and Brian's girlfriend.
00:14:21 Look, I'm just saying be careful.
00:14:23 She's vicious.
00:14:27 That's totally ridiculous.
00:14:29 She's my lab partner.
00:14:30 I don't care.
00:14:31 You're not going to be alone with her.
00:14:33 I can't do this.
00:14:34 Well, neither can I.
00:14:35 No, I can't do this.
00:14:36 Us, April.
00:14:37 What?
00:14:38 Are you breaking up?
00:14:39 I'm just tired of you telling me who I can and can't hang out with anymore.
00:14:43 I'm done.
00:14:44 Are you seriously breaking up with me?
00:14:48 Yes.
00:14:49 And I should have done it sooner, but...
00:14:51 I'm sorry.
00:14:53 ♪ If you say I'm okay ♪
00:14:56 ♪ Why don't I feel I'm okay? ♪
00:14:59 I am sorry.
00:15:00 I hate you.
00:15:03 ♪ Rubbles wash away ♪
00:15:05 ♪ Bridges burn ♪
00:15:09 Be cool if I go after your sloppy seconds?
00:15:15 Dude, I'm kidding.
00:15:17 Come on, can't you take a joke?
00:15:20 ♪ I can't get you out of my head ♪
00:15:23 You took a company public,
00:15:26 and now you're just determined to reinvent the wine industry?
00:15:29 You haven't changed at all.
00:15:30 Well, maybe I've mellowed out.
00:15:33 Hmm.
00:15:34 Well, how about you?
00:15:37 We talk about ambitions and competitive.
00:15:40 You know, most things in my life actually came together really early on.
00:15:45 Maybe a little too early.
00:15:48 You know.
00:15:50 I mean, one bad slide tackle and it was all over.
00:15:52 That's so tough.
00:15:55 Hey, you know, life throws you curveballs.
00:15:57 It's what you do with them that matters.
00:15:59 Look, I still have ambition.
00:16:03 It's just...
00:16:04 It's not just for me anymore, you know?
00:16:06 That's how I feel.
00:16:08 About this winery and about Bea.
00:16:11 I just want her legacy to be something she can be proud of.
00:16:15 Yeah.
00:16:17 [phone ringing]
00:16:22 Sorry.
00:16:23 Oh, it's her. I have to take it.
00:16:27 Yeah.
00:16:28 Hey.
00:16:30 Hey, can I go to the diner with Reese and Chloe?
00:16:31 Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:16:33 Just be home before nine, okay?
00:16:35 Of course. Hey, how's it going with Lube?
00:16:37 Yeah, it's going really well.
00:16:38 Okay, have fun. I love you.
00:16:40 I love you too. Bye.
00:16:42 Sorry.
00:16:44 No, it's okay.
00:16:46 It's going really well, so...
00:16:48 I can't believe he was just standing there flirting with her in your face.
00:16:58 On the beat.
00:16:59 Yeah, it was just so stupid.
00:17:00 I was like, no, you're not supposed to go on a date with Chloe.
00:17:03 She's here.
00:17:04 Bea, didn't you hear?
00:17:07 No, what?
00:17:08 Brian broke up with April.
00:17:09 Wait, are you serious?
00:17:10 Yes.
00:17:11 Why?
00:17:12 [music]
00:17:14 [phone ringing]
00:17:22 Hey, you.
00:17:24 Hey.
00:17:25 How was the diner?
00:17:26 Fun.
00:17:27 How was the date?
00:17:29 Pretty great.
00:17:31 I like seeing you as happy.
00:17:33 I do too.
00:17:39 So, would you mind if someone came over this week to study?
00:17:43 This someone being...
00:17:46 Brian.
00:17:47 He's on the soccer team.
00:17:49 And he asked you to study with him?
00:17:52 Mom, please. It's not like that.
00:17:55 We're lab partners, okay?
00:17:57 And he just didn't want to get behind.
00:17:59 Oh, I'm sure that's all it is.
00:18:01 Is he cute?
00:18:03 Mom.
00:18:08 Okay.
00:18:09 When is he coming over?
00:18:11 Thank you.
00:18:13 [phone ringing]
00:18:37 [phone ringing]
00:18:39 [phone ringing]
00:18:48 [laughing]
00:18:56 [phone ringing]
00:19:00 [music]
00:19:02 [phone ringing]
00:19:04 [phone ringing]
00:19:31 [music]
00:19:33 Hey!
00:19:35 What was that?
00:19:39 Let's go back in.
00:19:47 I understand.
00:19:55 Thanks, bye.
00:19:56 Chef just cancelled.
00:20:00 Doesn't want to make the trek out here.
00:20:02 I checked out those security tapes.
00:20:04 There's nothing on them.
00:20:06 Of course not.
00:20:08 I know it sounds crazy, but...
00:20:12 It's like someone does not want us here.
00:20:15 No, I think it was probably just some kid.
00:20:17 It's a prank.
00:20:18 I don't know.
00:20:19 I just have this feeling like...
00:20:22 He was there to watch.
00:20:24 He was there to watch her.
00:20:27 [music]
00:20:29 Where are you going?
00:20:46 Wherever you're going.
00:20:47 So we're still on for tonight, right?
00:20:50 Yeah, five o'clock.
00:20:51 I'll text you the address.
00:20:52 No need.
00:20:53 Everybody knows your vineyard.
00:20:56 Um, weird question.
00:20:58 Do any of your friends happen to own a camera?
00:21:01 Yeah, their cell phone.
00:21:03 Why?
00:21:04 I was wondering if maybe there was like a...
00:21:07 Oh, sorry.
00:21:09 I mean, we have a film club.
00:21:10 Okay, well, this is me.
00:21:14 Right, um...
00:21:17 So I'll see you tonight.
00:21:18 Yeah.
00:21:19 It's a date.
00:21:21 [music]
00:21:25 [phone ringing]
00:21:27 Oh, I love that.
00:21:34 Yes.
00:21:36 Oh my God.
00:21:42 You did not just post that.
00:21:44 Why not?
00:21:45 Oh, Brian, talk about sloppy seconds.
00:21:48 Do you think we could get her phone number?
00:21:51 We could write it on a bathroom wall and post a pic of it.
00:21:54 Now that would be fun.
00:21:56 [laughing]
00:21:57 Girls, what are you doing in here?
00:22:00 Sorry, Miss Ross said we could be in here for study hall.
00:22:05 Well, there's only seven minutes left on this block,
00:22:10 so wrap it up, okay?
00:22:12 Thanks.
00:22:13 That was close.
00:22:18 Whatever, she's clueless.
00:22:20 Guys, are you sure about this?
00:22:23 I mean, remember what happened last time?
00:22:26 This is different.
00:22:27 She deserves it.
00:22:29 So he called this a date?
00:22:36 Wow.
00:22:37 And how long has he been broken up from this girl?
00:22:40 Since Monday.
00:22:41 Hmm.
00:22:43 Can you please just be happy for me, Mom?
00:22:45 I am, but it's just...
00:22:48 After what happened last night...
00:22:50 Just say it.
00:22:51 Oh, we moved back here so I could spend more time with you.
00:22:54 And...
00:22:55 What's so funny?
00:23:17 Nothing.
00:23:18 Uh, so, you going to the game Friday night?
00:23:23 Yeah.
00:23:24 Chloe and Reese actually invited me to sit in the pep squad section.
00:23:27 Nice, nice.
00:23:28 Yeah.
00:23:29 How's it going?
00:23:37 Good.
00:23:39 Hey, Coach.
00:23:40 Hey.
00:23:41 Great work out there today.
00:23:42 You've been working on your speed this summer, and it shows.
00:23:44 Yeah, thanks.
00:23:45 Well, don't mind us.
00:23:47 We're just going to go for a walk.
00:23:49 Sure.
00:23:50 We'll be here, studying away.
00:23:53 Good.
00:23:54 You make sure to keep him on track.
00:23:55 He's a smart kid, but he gets a little distracted,
00:23:57 especially by cute girls.
00:23:59 Coach!
00:24:00 I'm watching you.
00:24:02 Did you ever miss the city?
00:24:09 Being ahead of a big firm?
00:24:14 Yeah, I do sometimes.
00:24:16 But honestly, by the time we went public,
00:24:19 I was so ready to be out of there.
00:24:21 I was exhausted.
00:24:23 I had already lost my marriage.
00:24:25 I felt like I was losing my daughter.
00:24:28 You know, after the accident, I didn't know who I was anymore.
00:24:32 But I started coaching, and slowly life got better.
00:24:38 I think you're an even better coach.
00:24:42 Than you were a player.
00:24:43 I hear you.
00:24:45 I love playing, but coaching, I've never felt so completely in my element.
00:24:51 Except when, uh...
00:24:53 Except when what?
00:24:56 You know.
00:25:00 I've had my share.
00:25:07 Ups and downs.
00:25:12 Running in circles.
00:25:16 Is it weird?
00:25:19 Seeing your mom with a new boyfriend?
00:25:21 Hm.
00:25:23 I don't know.
00:25:24 He looks... different.
00:25:26 Yeah, he is.
00:25:28 You know, he's kind of been like a father figure for me.
00:25:32 What is it?
00:25:39 What is it?
00:25:41 My dad's in prison.
00:25:42 He and my mom are getting a divorce.
00:25:46 Oh, God, Brian, I'm so sorry.
00:25:48 No, no, it's, um...
00:25:50 It's not like he did anything violent or anything, you know?
00:25:53 He just... he made some mistakes.
00:25:55 White collar stuff.
00:25:57 You know, I just thought you should hear it from me.
00:26:03 My dad has a new wife.
00:26:09 New kids. Younger than me.
00:26:11 I'm like the ugly stepsister.
00:26:15 The way she looks at me.
00:26:18 You know, sometimes my mom looks at me.
00:26:21 I feel like all she sees is my dad.
00:26:24 Would you like to go out with me?
00:26:33 Friday, after the game?
00:26:37 Are you sure? I mean, with April and everything...
00:26:40 It was over between us a long time ago.
00:26:43 Really.
00:26:45 Trust me.
00:26:46 Yeah.
00:26:48 As long as it's cool with my mom.
00:26:51 Absolutely, yes. Of course.
00:26:53 Oh, um...
00:26:59 I totally forgot. I do have to swing by this party.
00:27:02 The team celebrates after every opening game.
00:27:04 But we do not have to stay long.
00:27:06 Okay.
00:27:07 Yeah. You can go.
00:27:10 I'd really just rather be with you.
00:27:13 Morning.
00:27:35 You okay?
00:27:36 Ed Peterson wrote an op-ed slamming biodynamic wines.
00:27:40 I don't know if anyone's gonna come to the opening after this.
00:27:43 Mom, you can't let some nasty article on some boonie paper stop you.
00:27:47 Hey, this is your boonie paper now, too.
00:27:49 Yeah, I know.
00:27:50 Hey, speaking of boonie town stuff...
00:27:53 Brian asked me out after the game on Friday.
00:27:57 Like a real date this time?
00:27:59 Yeah.
00:28:00 But he has to show up at a party first.
00:28:02 Just make an appearance.
00:28:04 Will there be alcohol?
00:28:05 I don't know, Mom, but you know I don't drink.
00:28:07 I still have to ask.
00:28:09 So, can I go?
00:28:10 Please.
00:28:13 Alright. You can go.
00:28:15 Thank you.
00:28:16 But I want you back by midnight at the absolute latest.
00:28:19 Yes, yes. Anything you want.
00:28:21 Thank you so much.
00:28:22 Oh, and B, I'm really happy for you.
00:28:25 Emma, it's Principal Brown.
00:28:32 There's something we need to discuss.
00:28:34 Can you please come see me?
00:28:35 Is there a special place in hell for cheerleaders?
00:28:40 You don't mean that.
00:28:42 I don't not mean it.
00:28:43 I just don't.
00:28:44 It's about time the soccer stars start dating a girl from the public school.
00:28:48 Bye, girl.
00:28:49 Bye.
00:28:50 Emma, I want you to know that we take cyberbullying very seriously here at this school.
00:29:00 They put our address on the site.
00:29:02 Any psychopath could find her.
00:29:05 This has to get shut down.
00:29:06 Hey, girl.
00:29:07 Hey.
00:29:08 So, you guys are baking for the team Friday, right?
00:29:11 Yeah. We already picked out names and everything. It's all set.
00:29:13 Great. We'll do the next one.
00:29:15 Cool.
00:29:16 Oh, by the way, I think you might want this.
00:29:19 Thanks.
00:29:21 Emma, you know me. You trust me.
00:29:23 You were once a student here yourself.
00:29:25 Now, I promise you, we won't let anything happen to Beatrice.
00:29:29 We will take care of her here.
00:29:31 Tracy's already aware of the situation.
00:29:34 Emma!
00:29:53 Hey.
00:29:54 Oh, hey.
00:29:55 Hey.
00:29:56 How are you holding up?
00:29:57 Yeah, it was hard.
00:29:58 B?
00:29:59 What are you doing here?
00:30:01 Look, I have to tell you something and it's kind of an emergency.
00:30:03 And I don't really know how to say it, so...
00:30:06 You know everyone's been acting kind of weird today?
00:30:08 Yeah?
00:30:09 There's a slam site.
00:30:11 A what?
00:30:12 A slam site.
00:30:13 This woman online and they made a site and it's all about you and it's bad, B.
00:30:17 It's really, really bad.
00:30:19 Principal Brown said she'll try to...
00:30:21 She's doing everything she can.
00:30:24 It's not that simple.
00:30:25 What do you mean? What does it say?
00:30:27 Just don't read it, okay?
00:30:29 The same thing happened here a few years ago and, um...
00:30:32 It ended really bad.
00:30:33 Bad? Like how?
00:30:35 Two years ago, we had a similar incident with another girl.
00:30:38 Just don't take it personally.
00:30:40 And be careful, okay?
00:30:42 Why didn't you...
00:30:43 Because the girl ended up committing suicide.
00:30:46 [♪♪♪]
00:30:54 [♪♪♪]
00:31:03 Hey.
00:31:05 That site doesn't mean anything, okay?
00:31:07 Everyone knows it was the cheerleaders and they're all going to rotten hell eventually, so...
00:31:11 But it said I had venereal disease.
00:31:13 Well, you don't.
00:31:15 Do you?
00:31:16 God, no. I barely had a boyfriend.
00:31:18 How could you ask me that?
00:31:19 I'm sorry.
00:31:20 I don't know. That was the wrong thing to say.
00:31:22 I'm a terrible friend.
00:31:23 No, you're a great friend.
00:31:24 Thank you for standing by me.
00:31:27 Speaking of...
00:31:29 Hey, um...
00:31:31 Want to take a walk?
00:31:33 Yeah.
00:31:34 [♪♪♪]
00:31:38 What's up?
00:31:39 Nothing. We're good.
00:31:40 I just wanted to check in on you.
00:31:42 Yeah, the guy showed me that stupid slide site.
00:31:45 Thanks, Brian.
00:31:47 For what?
00:31:49 For not being a total jerk.
00:31:51 I thought you might want to dump me after.
00:31:54 Hey, I don't care what that site says about me.
00:31:56 Really?
00:31:57 No.
00:31:58 And I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again.
00:32:01 I don't want to embarrass you.
00:32:03 You could never embarrass me.
00:32:06 [♪♪♪]
00:32:12 [♪♪♪]
00:32:18 [♪♪♪]
00:32:26 [♪♪♪]
00:32:35 Hey.
00:32:38 Hi.
00:32:41 Are you okay?
00:32:42 Yeah.
00:32:43 I'm really sorry about all of this, Ms. Kirk.
00:32:46 It's not your fault.
00:32:48 So you still think you'll come to the game tomorrow?
00:32:50 We can hide out for a while if you want.
00:32:54 No. No, we're going.
00:32:56 I have nothing to hide.
00:32:58 They're the ones who should be ashamed of themselves.
00:33:01 That's my girl.
00:33:03 [♪♪♪]
00:33:07 [crowd cheering]
00:33:10 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:12 Great game, guys.
00:33:14 Oh, great job, Coach.
00:33:17 Thank you.
00:33:18 I thought I'd just give Mac the pass the darn ball.
00:33:20 Guy thinks he's the next Rinaldo or something.
00:33:22 Thank you so much again, Ms. Kirk.
00:33:24 Oh, call me Emma.
00:33:26 Right, Emma.
00:33:27 So I'll have her home no later than midnight.
00:33:29 Guy's got a whole plan.
00:33:30 He's going to show up, do his captain of the team thing,
00:33:32 and then get on to their date as fast as humanly possible.
00:33:35 Perfect.
00:33:37 Can we have a sec?
00:33:39 Sure.
00:33:41 Thanks.
00:33:44 Call me if you need me.
00:33:46 No questions, no judgment, just if it gets a little, you know--
00:33:50 Mom, look at him.
00:33:54 He's a perfect gentleman.
00:33:56 I'm in good hands, I promise.
00:33:59 I know, I know, it's just--
00:34:02 I love you.
00:34:04 Have fun.
00:34:05 I love you too.
00:34:08 You ready?
00:34:10 Yeah, absolutely.
00:34:12 All right, good night.
00:34:13 Bye, Mom.
00:34:14 Bye, Coach.
00:34:15 Bye.
00:34:18 [sighs]
00:34:21 [♪♪♪]
00:34:26 You really don't have to stay long.
00:34:28 I need to get out of here.
00:34:29 Give me the signal and we'll leave.
00:34:33 Let's do this.
00:34:37 [♪♪♪]
00:34:42 [♪♪♪]
00:34:49 Hey!
00:34:51 How's it going?
00:34:52 Good to see you, man.
00:34:54 Max!
00:34:56 What's up, D?
00:34:57 All right, you ready?
00:34:58 Where are you going?
00:34:59 Oh, we got a little secret ritual, players only,
00:35:02 but I promise you'll be back in five minutes.
00:35:05 Okay.
00:35:07 [♪♪♪]
00:35:14 Oh, my God, you are so pretty.
00:35:18 No, like, so pretty.
00:35:21 Thanks, I think.
00:35:22 We thought you'd be a geek with glasses or something.
00:35:25 Glad we're wrong.
00:35:26 I'm Beth.
00:35:27 And this is Jenny.
00:35:28 I'm B.
00:35:30 Oh, that's so cute.
00:35:32 Like, buzz, buzz.
00:35:34 [♪♪♪]
00:35:40 So he left you all alone?
00:35:42 Yeah.
00:35:43 He does that with all of his girls.
00:35:46 They always get off coffee and go tea and you're a big, big man.
00:35:49 That's why.
00:35:50 That's why.
00:35:51 We, your girls, have house kids together.
00:35:54 [♪♪♪]
00:36:04 [♪♪♪]
00:36:14 [laughing]
00:36:18 [♪♪♪]
00:36:26 [moaning]
00:36:28 [♪♪♪]
00:36:36 Good, you're finally up.
00:36:40 You okay?
00:36:42 What happened?
00:36:47 Brian dropped you off.
00:36:49 He and Luke had to help me get you up the stairs.
00:36:51 You were so gone.
00:36:53 Mom, I'm so sorry.
00:36:55 I have no idea--
00:36:58 Don't, making excuses.
00:36:59 Mom, really, I don't remember--
00:37:03 Brian tried to blame it on April.
00:37:05 Apparently, she and her friends are notorious for hazing the younger girls.
00:37:09 Yeah.
00:37:12 The last thing I remember is April--
00:37:14 You know what, Beatrice, I don't even want to hear it.
00:37:17 I trusted you to do the right thing, especially with this slam page.
00:37:22 You've got to be more careful.
00:37:24 Sorry.
00:37:26 We'll talk more about this later.
00:37:32 [♪♪♪]
00:37:42 [♪♪♪]
00:37:52 [♪♪♪]
00:38:02 [♪♪♪]
00:38:12 [♪♪♪]
00:38:22 [♪♪♪]
00:38:26 So, how is she?
00:38:28 Extremely hungover.
00:38:30 Yeah.
00:38:32 Well, I wouldn't be too hard on her.
00:38:34 I mean, something tells me she's already paid for that one.
00:38:38 Yeah, I guess, but she's still grounded.
00:38:41 And it feels terrible, you know, like it's all his fault.
00:38:45 I just can't believe he left her.
00:38:47 In his defense, it sounds like the guy's kind of dragged him away.
00:38:50 But he's a teenager.
00:38:53 You know, sometimes they make stupid decisions.
00:38:58 Oh, he can't be here right now.
00:39:00 Yeah, yeah, I got that.
00:39:02 You stay here, okay?
00:39:10 Hey, Coach.
00:39:12 Look, I don't think this is a good time,
00:39:14 so why don't you head home and I'll stop by a little later?
00:39:17 Can I at least apologize to Emma, even?
00:39:20 I don't think that's a good idea, buddy.
00:39:22 It's okay, Luke.
00:39:23 Emma, I am so sorry.
00:39:25 This was all my fault.
00:39:26 I forgive you, Brian.
00:39:28 But Beatriz is still grounded.
00:39:31 She made a choice, she drank too much,
00:39:33 and she has to face the consequences.
00:39:35 Mom, are you serious?
00:39:37 You can't blame him for what happened.
00:39:39 I don't blame either of you.
00:39:40 I blame myself, really.
00:39:42 I never should have let you go.
00:39:43 Oh, my God.
00:39:45 Brian, you can see Beatriz on Monday.
00:39:48 Mom!
00:39:49 No.
00:39:50 Bea, your mom's right.
00:39:52 I shouldn't have come.
00:39:55 Just...
00:39:58 see you Monday.
00:40:01 Okay, come on.
00:40:05 He was the one good thing in my life right now, Mom.
00:40:10 [door closes]
00:40:12 ♪ ♪
00:40:19 [dramatic music]
00:40:22 ♪ ♪
00:40:29 ♪ ♪
00:40:36 ♪ ♪
00:40:43 ♪ ♪
00:40:50 ♪ ♪
00:40:57 ♪ ♪
00:41:04 ♪ ♪
00:41:11 ♪ ♪
00:41:18 ♪ ♪
00:41:25 ♪ ♪
00:41:32 ♪ ♪
00:41:39 [indistinct chatter]
00:41:42 ♪ ♪
00:41:49 ♪ ♪
00:41:56 Someone was a busy little bee last Friday, weren't you?
00:41:59 [laughs]
00:42:00 ♪ ♪
00:42:07 ♪ ♪
00:42:08 Hey, guys, wait up.
00:42:10 Oh, hey.
00:42:11 So where have you guys been?
00:42:13 You know, just, like, around.
00:42:17 So how are you even holding up?
00:42:20 I, like, couldn't imagine.
00:42:23 Yeah, like, how many drinks did you have on Friday?
00:42:25 I didn't, I think I had, like, three, so I was like,
00:42:27 How many were dancing around in your undies?
00:42:29 What? No, the last thing I remember, I saw April, and then--
00:42:32 And then some guy caught you on camera
00:42:34 with, like, the entire soccer team?
00:42:36 ♪ ♪
00:42:39 What? Is this on the--
00:42:41 These are going viral.
00:42:43 The whole school has seen this.
00:42:45 Yeah, Bea, listen, I think it's probably just best
00:42:48 that we don't hang out until this place is over.
00:42:51 Okay.
00:42:53 I don't understand.
00:42:55 It's not you, Bea, I'm sorry.
00:42:58 ♪ ♪
00:43:00 [school bell rings]
00:43:02 It's obviously...
00:43:04 ♪ ♪
00:43:23 [door creaks]
00:43:25 Bea, I am so sorry, okay?
00:43:28 I had no idea that you would do that.
00:43:30 Mr. Hayes, is there something you'd like to share with us?
00:43:33 No, um--
00:43:39 Well, then I suggest that you keep your hands to yourself.
00:43:42 Tell that to Beatrice.
00:43:45 [laughter]
00:43:47 ♪ ♪
00:43:49 ♪ Let's go now ♪
00:43:52 [school bell rings]
00:43:54 ♪ All the things we need ♪
00:43:56 Bea, Bea, wait.
00:43:58 You're late for practice, Brian.
00:44:00 I could care less about practice. Please just talk to me.
00:44:02 You left me.
00:44:04 I know, okay? I feel horrible.
00:44:06 I had two, maybe three sips of that drink, Brian.
00:44:09 What happened?
00:44:11 I don't know, but I'm sure that April put the guys up to it.
00:44:14 I can't believe you're okay with this.
00:44:16 Okay with this? Are you kidding me?
00:44:18 It took everything in me not to beat those guys to a pulp.
00:44:20 You promised me.
00:44:22 You said you wouldn't let anyone hurt me again.
00:44:24 Believe me, if I could go back...
00:44:29 ♪ I would stay ♪
00:44:31 I just should've known better.
00:44:33 ♪ I would stay ♪
00:44:35 ♪ I would stay ♪
00:44:37 ♪ I would stay ♪
00:44:48 What's going on?
00:44:50 What's going on is my life is a mess.
00:44:52 I need you to sit and listen.
00:44:54 What is it?
00:44:57 Mom, I swear,
00:45:00 I barely touched my drink on Friday.
00:45:03 As far as I know, I drank a disgusting cup of cranberry juice
00:45:06 and ended up with this.
00:45:08 What is that? How did you--
00:45:12 I woke up with them on Saturday morning.
00:45:14 I know I should've told you.
00:45:16 I was already in so much trouble.
00:45:18 And then today, no one will talk to me,
00:45:20 and I discover this.
00:45:22 What is this?
00:45:27 Even Chloe and Reese won't talk to me.
00:45:29 Honey, this is...
00:45:31 Oh, my God. What are you doing?
00:45:36 I'm calling the police. No. Mom.
00:45:38 Fine, then I'm calling-- I'm calling Luke.
00:45:42 He needs to know about this, and so does the school.
00:45:44 God, Mom, please don't make this any worse.
00:45:46 I don't get it, Mom.
00:45:48 B, I-- How could I have done all that?
00:45:50 Oh, my God.
00:45:53 You had to have been drugged.
00:45:56 Oh, my God, B.
00:45:59 Sweetie, come here.
00:46:01 I'm so sorry. I-- I should've trusted you.
00:46:04 I love you so much.
00:46:06 I will do everything I can to protect you.
00:46:11 I'm so sorry this happened.
00:46:13 I--
00:46:15 [school bell rings]
00:46:17 [school bell rings]
00:46:19 [indistinct chatter]
00:46:21 It happened?
00:46:35 [laughs]
00:46:40 [sirens wailing]
00:46:42 [laughs]
00:47:06 Come here! Stop! Stop!
00:47:08 He owns the bed!
00:47:12 Get off!
00:47:20 You stupid--
00:47:22 [whistle blows]
00:47:29 Let's go. Get around, guys.
00:47:35 Now, I need you to listen.
00:47:37 It's been brought to my attention that there was an incident Friday night.
00:47:42 An incident involving you boys taking pictures with a girl.
00:47:48 -Come on, Coach, really? -Shut it! Give me 30.
00:47:50 -Coach, she was passed out. We didn't even-- -Now!
00:47:52 If I hear another word out of anyone--
00:47:54 and I mean anyone--
00:47:56 you're benched for the next game. I don't care if Stanford's coming to scout.
00:48:00 I can't call you men today
00:48:03 because real men-- real men--
00:48:06 would have helped a girl in need.
00:48:08 Now, I don't care that she was drunk.
00:48:10 What I care about is that you boys--
00:48:13 you took advantage of her.
00:48:16 You get one chance in life, all right?
00:48:18 One chance to show what you're really made of.
00:48:20 To choose integrity.
00:48:23 To be real men.
00:48:26 And Friday night...
00:48:30 (wind howling)
00:48:32 Friday night, you blew it.
00:48:35 Now, get out of here. Get cleaned up.
00:48:40 I had to fight him off me.
00:48:48 -He was-- -Who, Beatrice?
00:48:52 That's just it. I don't know.
00:48:57 It's gonna be okay, I promise.
00:48:59 We're gonna get to the bottom of this, you hear me?
00:49:01 I want you to stay strong.
00:49:03 -Don't let them get to you. -Okay.
00:49:05 Thanks, man.
00:49:15 Hey, Coach, can you talk a second?
00:49:17 Yeah. Sure, what's up?
00:49:19 I just want to apologize about what happened on Friday.
00:49:22 It's all right, Mack. I know you weren't a part of it, so...
00:49:24 Yeah, but I'm the one that pulled Brian from Beatrice.
00:49:27 April put me up to it.
00:49:29 I had a feeling.
00:49:30 I mean, first that slam site going up right after the breakup,
00:49:32 -and now this? -Yeah, I know.
00:49:35 Look, she said it would be a joke, but it just went too far.
00:49:38 Look, I get it.
00:49:42 I've been in your shoes,
00:49:44 but I do expect more from you, Mack.
00:49:47 I mean, you and Brian are team captains.
00:49:49 Those kids, they-- they look up to you.
00:49:51 Yeah, I know.
00:49:53 I promise it won't happen again.
00:49:55 Look, I feel awful.
00:49:57 And Brian, he won't even speak to me.
00:49:59 I'm sure he'll come around. Just give him some time to cool off.
00:50:01 All right.
00:50:03 If there's anything you can do or say to get those pictures taken down...
00:50:06 Yeah, sure. I'll do what I can.
00:50:09 Thanks, Mack. Appreciate it, man.
00:50:11 -Thanks, Coach. -Yeah.
00:50:13 Pictures are inconclusive.
00:50:22 And your daughter can't identify who was in the room with her.
00:50:25 She knows he was wearing a hoodie, just like the guy watching from the window.
00:50:28 We both saw him.
00:50:30 That's not hard evidence.
00:50:32 And I bet every single guy on that team owns a hoodie.
00:50:35 Plus, from the sound of things, it was attempted assault.
00:50:37 She ran out before anything really happened.
00:50:39 You have pictures of my daughter
00:50:41 passed out with five different soccer players.
00:50:44 You could start there.
00:50:46 You gotta be real careful about these kind of accusations, Emma.
00:50:50 The whole town loves those players.
00:50:52 They're good boys.
00:50:54 I mean, sure, it was stupid, but it's not what you think.
00:50:56 It was still wrong.
00:50:58 You really want to ruin these boys' lives over a misunderstanding?
00:51:04 This isn't a misunderstanding. This is my daughter.
00:51:07 You know Brian's dad is serving time?
00:51:09 He's a good kid.
00:51:12 He doesn't need this right now.
00:51:14 It doesn't matter, Cowboy.
00:51:15 Let's just go, Mom.
00:51:17 Please?
00:51:20 This is ridiculous.
00:51:22 Have a good day, ladies.
00:51:24 Come on, sweetie.
00:51:29 We need a sugar splurge.
00:51:31 I remember when peanut butter fudge used to make everything better.
00:51:33 Yeah, well, I'm not five years old anymore, Mom.
00:51:36 I'm so sorry you had to go through all this.
00:51:39 Why is this happening to me?
00:51:41 Look, until we get to the bottom of this,
00:51:46 I don't think you should talk to any other players.
00:51:49 It's just not safe.
00:51:51 Okay.
00:51:54 Hi, um, Miss Kirkby.
00:52:08 Look, I just wanted to apologize to you both, um,
00:52:13 on behalf of the team.
00:52:16 I think we're gonna need some time.
00:52:18 Yeah, I get that.
00:52:20 Hey, listen, if there's anything I can do, Beatrice,
00:52:23 to make life easier for you at school, just let me--
00:52:25 I think you've done enough already.
00:52:27 And then he has the nerve to say,
00:52:41 "Oh, these things happen when girls drink."
00:52:44 Can you believe that?
00:52:46 And all that was in front of Beatrice?
00:52:48 Yes.
00:52:49 Unbelievable. I mean, how's she taking it?
00:52:52 Well, I thought going to the police would make her feel better.
00:52:55 We thought they would at least try to help.
00:52:58 Ugh.
00:53:00 Listen, if it's any comfort to you at all,
00:53:02 I'm trying to get that site taken down.
00:53:04 And Max said he's gonna try and help me.
00:53:06 Oh, thank you.
00:53:08 I feel awful. I mean, those are my guys.
00:53:13 Oh, you know what they say.
00:53:15 Boys will be boys.
00:53:17 Not mine. I do not tolerate that kind of behavior.
00:53:20 I think Beatrice just wants to forget about the whole thing.
00:53:23 It's like every time she speaks up, it gets worse.
00:53:26 Yeah.
00:53:28 Look, I know it's hard to watch someone you love in so much pain,
00:53:31 but I just have to believe this is only gonna make her stronger.
00:53:35 Hmm.
00:53:37 [crickets chirping]
00:53:39 [phone ringing]
00:53:46 [phone ringing]
00:53:48 [gunshots]
00:54:11 [tires screeching]
00:54:13 I want a long table so everyone feels part of it.
00:54:27 Okay. Yeah, we're gonna use the, uh, sawhorses
00:54:30 and the leftover cedar from the new tasting room.
00:54:32 Ugh, great.
00:54:34 So it looks like it will be about 20 if we're lucky.
00:54:37 All right.
00:54:40 [sighs]
00:54:42 Hey, what's wrong?
00:54:44 Maybe we should just cancel.
00:54:46 No, no, no, no, no, no. It's gonna be beautiful.
00:54:49 Even if it is just you, me, Luke, and Beatrice.
00:54:52 Beautiful.
00:54:55 [phone ringing]
00:54:57 It's the school.
00:55:01 Hello?
00:55:03 What do you mean, Poison?
00:55:05 I'm on my way.
00:55:08 [door opens]
00:55:10 Death threats? Poison?
00:55:13 It was not poison, Emma.
00:55:15 It was a scare tactic.
00:55:17 It was just baby powder.
00:55:19 I want that graffiti taken off now.
00:55:21 Of course.
00:55:23 I understand. We'll take it down when the police are through.
00:55:25 Were there any witnesses?
00:55:27 Janitor arrived at 6 a.m.
00:55:29 Saw nothing out of the ordinary.
00:55:31 This--this has to stop.
00:55:33 Emma, I understand your concern,
00:55:35 but you have to trust us. We're doing everything we can.
00:55:37 And we're taking this very, very seriously, Emma.
00:55:40 Of course you are, now that your jobs are on the line.
00:55:42 Now, that's unfair.
00:55:44 Two women report incidents of bullying and assault.
00:55:48 And you tell me these things just happen.
00:55:50 That's not the way it is, Emma, and you know it.
00:55:52 You have to calm down.
00:55:54 Emma, please, let us handle it.
00:55:56 That's what I've been doing.
00:55:58 And it's only gone from bad to worse.
00:56:01 Emma.
00:56:03 Emma!
00:56:05 Wait a minute.
00:56:09 Hey, man.
00:56:11 Hey.
00:56:15 When are you gonna talk to me?
00:56:17 Come on, dude. I said I was sorry.
00:56:19 Brian, dude, that's messed up.
00:56:28 Hey, hey.
00:56:30 Don't worry about it.
00:56:32 Secret's safe with me, okay?
00:56:34 I see it a lot.
00:56:42 Bullying is incredibly easy online.
00:56:44 The anonymity of it.
00:56:46 Too easy, if you ask me.
00:56:48 I still don't think we should have done this.
00:56:50 Come on.
00:56:52 It's not working.
00:56:59 Is Cap Locks on?
00:57:00 I'll try again.
00:57:02 With Rachel, she kept it in.
00:57:04 The only reason we know about the bullying was her drink.
00:57:07 It's not working.
00:57:09 What?
00:57:10 Here, let me try.
00:57:12 Good luck.
00:57:14 And you know what's so heartbreaking?
00:57:17 What?
00:57:19 I think the kids knew.
00:57:21 Word spreads like wildfire around that truth.
00:57:24 Yeah, it does.
00:57:26 Wait, someone must have changed it.
00:57:27 That's impossible.
00:57:29 Look, I'm at the site.
00:57:30 Nothing.
00:57:32 Oh, my God.
00:57:34 We've been hacked?
00:57:36 April had to have known something.
00:57:44 She was Rachel's best friend.
00:57:46 And Brian's.
00:57:47 Dang.
00:57:49 And Brian was dating April.
00:57:57 No.
00:57:59 Back then, he was with Rachel.
00:58:01 May I come in?
00:58:19 Sure.
00:58:22 ♪ All the things we knew ♪
00:58:26 How's it going?
00:58:28 Just taking it one day at a time.
00:58:32 You're wise beyond your years.
00:58:35 It's Tracy's advice.
00:58:37 Thank God for Tracy.
00:58:39 Brian said something.
00:58:45 It was weird.
00:58:48 Weird how?
00:58:50 He said that he knew better.
00:58:53 What does that even mean?
00:58:55 Mom?
00:59:00 There was a similar incident here two years ago.
00:59:04 Another girl blacked out at a party.
00:59:08 A guy started stalking her
00:59:10 and threatened to kill her if she said anything.
00:59:13 So it's not just me?
00:59:17 No, sweetie.
00:59:19 And it's serious.
00:59:21 The girl.
00:59:23 What?
00:59:28 Mom, I need to know.
00:59:31 She's gone, sweetie.
00:59:33 Like...
00:59:36 Moved? Gone? Or...
00:59:38 Gone.
00:59:41 Gone.
00:59:43 Come on in.
01:00:10 Hey.
01:00:12 You okay?
01:00:17 Yeah.
01:00:19 I mean, no one will talk to me, and my life sucks,
01:00:22 but other than that, quick question for you.
01:00:25 What's that?
01:00:27 I know why Brian feels guilty.
01:00:29 Tracy told my mom.
01:00:31 What do you know about his old girlfriend?
01:00:34 The one who...
01:00:36 Well...
01:00:39 I know he loved her,
01:00:41 and he didn't see it coming.
01:00:43 None of us did. It was devastating.
01:00:46 I just keep feeling like...
01:00:48 Like what?
01:00:50 Like everyone knows something that I don't.
01:00:52 Like they're all keeping some big secret from me.
01:00:55 We all felt responsible.
01:00:57 Maybe that's why we didn't want to tell you.
01:00:59 To keep you safe and to protect you.
01:01:02 But he didn't.
01:01:05 And now...
01:01:07 Everything's...
01:01:09 Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Look at me.
01:01:11 You are so strong.
01:01:13 You're gonna get through this.
01:01:15 Okay?
01:01:17 Trust me.
01:01:19 Yeah.
01:01:21 ♪♪
01:01:31 ♪♪
01:01:38 [Gasps]
01:01:40 ♪♪
01:01:49 That settles it. I'm holding you out of school,
01:01:51 and we're canceling the reopen.
01:01:53 No, Mom, please don't.
01:01:55 You know that's not gonna make them stop.
01:01:57 Sweetie, this kid is at your school.
01:01:59 He's made it clear he wants to hurt you.
01:02:01 I just can't believe he came at you like that
01:02:03 right in the middle of a school day.
01:02:05 It's not the first time I've seen him there.
01:02:07 What?
01:02:09 Why didn't you say anything?
01:02:11 Well, because at first I didn't realize.
01:02:13 I thought it was just in my head.
01:02:15 The police need to hear about this.
01:02:17 I got three statements from the entire staff,
01:02:19 and when I was leaving, they were questioning kids,
01:02:21 starting with the team.
01:02:23 And the cheerleaders? I'm sure.
01:02:25 [Sighs] I'll go myself tomorrow.
01:02:27 It's all gonna be okay.
01:02:29 [Sighs]
01:02:31 [Thunder crashes]
01:02:33 Jenny said she was wasted when they found her.
01:02:35 Which is why I need to know who gave her that drink.
01:02:37 It's important.
01:02:39 I'm sorry. I don't know.
01:02:41 Look, April,
01:02:43 I have gone through this in my head
01:02:45 so many times now,
01:02:47 and every time it leads me back to you.
01:02:49 You were the last person she saw that night.
01:02:53 I wish I could go back to that night and...
01:02:56 I did make that slam site.
01:03:00 I was so angry.
01:03:02 She took Brian away from me.
01:03:04 April, that did not give you the right to --
01:03:06 I know. I took it too far.
01:03:08 Way too far. It was cruel.
01:03:10 And when I heard about what happened,
01:03:12 I tried to take it down, but...
01:03:14 [Footsteps approach]
01:03:16 Look, I can talk to you about this later.
01:03:18 Just not here.
01:03:20 [Sighs]
01:03:22 [Sighs]
01:03:24 Brian.
01:03:28 Come on, man. Talk to me.
01:03:30 Dude, what's your deal?
01:03:32 I said I wouldn't say anything.
01:03:34 Shut up, okay?! Just shut up!
01:03:36 What the heck, man?
01:03:38 Why are you acting like such an ass?
01:03:40 Dude, what's going on with you?
01:03:42 I'm not your ass, man. I'm your bag.
01:03:44 So can you please just stop pretending like you're doing me a favor
01:03:47 and get off my back? Okay, I get it.
01:03:49 No, you really don't get it.
01:03:51 Are you serious?
01:03:53 Dude, I was there for you during Rachel and then your dad,
01:03:55 and now you're gonna let this girl get in the way of our friendship?
01:03:58 Don't do that, man. She's crazy.
01:04:00 Screw you.
01:04:02 [Footsteps approach]
01:04:04 [Footsteps approach]
01:04:06 [Footsteps approach]
01:04:08 [Breathing heavily]
01:04:11 [Rustling]
01:04:13 Oh, my God. Rachel.
01:04:28 [Rustling]
01:04:30 ♪ Swimming through the sadness ♪
01:04:52 ♪ Hidden secrets now revealed ♪
01:04:57 ♪ Now there's nothing to take back ♪
01:05:03 ♪ This train is heading off the track ♪
01:05:08 ♪ All my colors turn to black ♪
01:05:18 ♪ All my colors turn to black ♪
01:05:23 [Keyboard clacking]
01:05:33 [Thunder rumbles]
01:05:35 [♪♪♪]
01:05:37 [♪♪♪]
01:05:39 Hey, did you see my phone?
01:06:03 No. No, no, I haven't seen it anywhere.
01:06:06 All right, I'll see you tomorrow.
01:06:08 [Bell dings]
01:06:10 Huh.
01:06:14 [♪♪♪]
01:06:16 [♪♪♪]
01:06:23 [♪♪♪]
01:06:25 [♪♪♪]
01:06:51 [♪♪♪]
01:06:53 [Gasps]
01:06:57 [♪♪♪]
01:06:59 Beatrice?
01:07:05 [♪♪♪]
01:07:07 B?
01:07:13 Are you up here?
01:07:19 B?
01:07:21 [♪♪♪]
01:07:47 I'm telling you, my daughter is not suicidal.
01:07:50 But we can't rule it out.
01:07:52 We had a similar case just a couple years back.
01:07:54 You saw what happened at school.
01:07:56 Someone is stalking her.
01:07:58 This doesn't even sound like me.
01:08:00 But it does sound like someone has been bullied,
01:08:03 who's felt isolated.
01:08:05 Sometimes the parents are the last ones to know.
01:08:07 But she did know.
01:08:09 She's been telling you over and over again.
01:08:10 Would you let me do my job?
01:08:12 If you were doing your job,
01:08:13 there wouldn't be a missing girl right now.
01:08:16 This isn't getting us anywhere.
01:08:18 If you think of anything else, call me.
01:08:21 Unbelievable.
01:08:23 [Gasps]
01:08:30 [♪♪♪]
01:08:33 [♪♪♪]
01:08:35 [Screams]
01:08:47 It's April. Leave a message.
01:08:54 April, it's me again.
01:08:56 Call me back. I'm starting to get worried.
01:08:59 [Sighs]
01:09:01 [Gasps]
01:09:05 Hey, hey, hey. It's me. It's me.
01:09:07 Oh, my God. You scared me.
01:09:09 Tracy just called.
01:09:10 April was attacked in the parking lot.
01:09:12 Oh, my God. Is she okay?
01:09:13 No, Emma, she's not.
01:09:15 What do you mean?
01:09:17 Her brain hemorrhaged.
01:09:18 She never even made it to the hospital.
01:09:20 Coach, Coach, Emma,
01:09:21 there's something I gotta tell you guys.
01:09:23 It's about Bea.
01:09:24 What?
01:09:25 She texted me before she went missing.
01:09:28 Hello? What's with the radio silence?
01:09:30 I couldn't find my phone.
01:09:31 You can ask any of the guys.
01:09:32 It was right after practice.
01:09:34 I think someone took my phone
01:09:35 and pretended to be me to get to her.
01:09:37 Which means someone's trying to set you up.
01:09:39 [♪♪♪]
01:09:55 Hello?
01:09:57 Anyone there?
01:10:01 [♪♪♪]
01:10:04 [♪♪♪]
01:10:06 [♪♪♪]
01:10:33 [♪♪♪]
01:10:36 [♪♪♪]
01:10:38 Hey.
01:11:05 How many days?
01:11:07 Emma, you're exhausted.
01:11:09 Please, let's just go inside.
01:11:10 How many days was Rachel missing before they found her?
01:11:13 Three, I think.
01:11:16 So I have one more day.
01:11:18 Maybe two.
01:11:19 Emma, we don't even know if this is the same thing.
01:11:21 I do.
01:11:23 But April's dead.
01:11:25 I don't even know who else to talk to.
01:11:27 Well, looks like the police are talking to Brian as we speak.
01:11:32 I should get over there.
01:11:34 Yeah, of course, go.
01:11:36 You gonna be all right?
01:11:38 Hey, I was thinking we should do this together,
01:11:44 but why don't you check in with Mac?
01:11:46 He lives three houses down by the old Smith barn.
01:11:49 He's Brian's best friend,
01:11:50 and he knows what happened with Rachel.
01:11:52 Okay. And you were saying
01:11:53 he's been trying to get that site shut down?
01:11:55 Yeah, he was.
01:11:56 I don't know what happened, but...
01:11:59 Are you sure you're all right going alone?
01:12:01 I can come right back after I work things out with Brian.
01:12:03 I'm sure.
01:12:04 I can't sit around here and do nothing.
01:12:06 All right.
01:12:08 You just be gentle on yourself today, okay?
01:12:10 I already told you, I don't even know what that stuff is.
01:12:26 Ketamine is a serious drug, son.
01:12:28 You can really put someone out with it.
01:12:31 So you're the one that found Beatrice that night?
01:12:33 Yes. She was walking around the party half out of her mind,
01:12:35 so I took her home.
01:12:37 As I recall, you were involved with that other girl, too.
01:12:39 Rachel. Her name was Rachel.
01:12:42 And you found her half out of her mind, too, didn't you?
01:12:45 Yeah. No one believed her, either.
01:12:50 And now she's dead.
01:12:53 Hi.
01:12:58 Oh, hey. I'm so sorry about what happened.
01:13:01 Thanks. I know you and Brian are good friends.
01:13:04 Would you mind answering a few questions about him
01:13:08 or the night of the party?
01:13:10 Yeah. Yeah, sure, if it'll help.
01:13:13 Come on in.
01:13:15 Thanks.
01:13:17 Look, it all just happened so fast.
01:13:23 I was looking for Bea, but Jenny told me she got angry and left.
01:13:26 And who's Jenny?
01:13:28 One of the cheerleaders. She was my ex-girlfriend's pet.
01:13:31 Do you think she could have been the one that drugged Beatrice?
01:13:34 Jenny? No way.
01:13:37 How does someone even get ketamine?
01:13:39 Pretty easily, actually.
01:13:41 It's a club drug. Doctors prescribe it for depression.
01:13:44 Any veterinarian would have it.
01:13:46 Oh, my God.
01:13:48 Max Dad. Max Dad's a vet.
01:13:51 May I get you anything? Some water?
01:13:54 Sure, thanks. Yeah.
01:13:56 Is your mom home?
01:13:58 My stepmom? No, she's not here right now.
01:14:01 Here's your water.
01:14:23 Oh, my God.
01:14:25 Scared me.
01:14:27 Thanks.
01:14:29 Please, have a seat.
01:14:31 So, how can I help?
01:14:34 Well, I was curious about Brian's dad.
01:14:38 How did that impact him?
01:14:40 Yeah, well, you know, his dad got sentenced to prison.
01:14:44 And then his girlfriend committed suicide.
01:14:47 Brian's never been the same.
01:14:50 Sure.
01:14:53 Did he find her, or was it her parents?
01:14:58 No, the police did.
01:15:00 On the side of the road.
01:15:02 Oh, my gosh. I'm...
01:15:09 It's fine.
01:15:11 Let me get something to help clean it up.
01:15:14 Oh.
01:15:16 May I use your bathroom?
01:15:18 Yeah, it's down the hall, first door on the right.
01:15:21 Thanks.
01:15:23 You're right. It is mine.
01:15:36 Did you know they were missing? No.
01:15:38 I don't know how he would have gotten them. He's never here.
01:15:41 Have you noticed any changes to your son's behavior recently?
01:15:45 Ever since his mom left, it's been hard.
01:15:48 When was that? Almost five years now.
01:15:51 Has he been, um, argumentative or violent?
01:15:54 He and my new wife, Martha, don't get along.
01:15:58 We've been trying to work through it in therapy, but...
01:16:01 Dr. Wilson, please.
01:16:05 If there's anything you can say that would help us.
01:16:08 His therapist was concerned that Mac might have violent tendencies.
01:16:12 He's a hard-line psychotic. And did you inform the school of this?
01:16:15 No.
01:16:17 That would have ended his chances of playing in college.
01:16:20 We were hoping things would get better once Martha moved out.
01:16:23 And when was that? Right before school started.
01:16:26 She didn't feel safe anymore.
01:16:28 Sir, a girl was murdered last night,
01:16:31 and another is missing.
01:16:34 Do you have any idea where your son is?
01:16:37 [♪♪♪]
01:16:41 [♪♪♪]
01:16:44 [PANTING]
01:17:09 Oh, my God.
01:17:12 [♪♪♪]
01:17:37 You know what?
01:17:39 With all this, I think I should probably come back another time.
01:17:42 Are you sure?
01:17:44 Yeah, yeah. But thank you so much for being so helpful.
01:17:48 [PHONE RINGING]
01:18:05 Robert's here.
01:18:07 Hi, it's Emma. I just left Mac's house.
01:18:10 Emma, you should not be there.
01:18:12 Hold on a sec. I'm sending you something.
01:18:14 Sending what?
01:18:16 [BEEP]
01:18:18 Where did you find-- They were in a notebook in his room.
01:18:25 Emma, look, I'm on my way there right now,
01:18:28 but in the meantime, you need to stay as far away from Mac as possible.
01:18:31 Do you understand? Yeah.
01:18:33 Good. Go home, and I'll meet you there later.
01:18:35 Please! Anyone!
01:18:37 Is anyone out there?
01:18:39 Emma? Emma!
01:18:41 B? Mom?
01:18:51 B, are you in there? Mom!
01:18:53 Mom, I'm in here!
01:18:55 [PANTING]
01:18:57 Don't worry, sweetie. I'm gonna get you out, okay?
01:18:59 Hurry, please!
01:19:02 [GRUNTS]
01:19:04 Hide up! I can't get loose!
01:19:16 [GRUNTS]
01:19:18 Untie me! Please, hurry!
01:19:30 I found something. I got it.
01:19:33 Don't worry.
01:19:35 Did B hurt you? No, I'm okay.
01:19:37 Just tie it up. All right, let me get you out.
01:19:40 [SCREAMS]
01:19:42 No!
01:19:46 I gotta hand it to you, Emma.
01:20:02 You and Beatrice do not go down easily.
01:20:06 You know...
01:20:13 You're lucky she's such a fighter.
01:20:15 Because you do not know the things I would have done to her.
01:20:19 Where is she? Oh, she's safe.
01:20:23 For now.
01:20:25 Why? Why her?
01:20:31 I knew the moment I laid my eyes on her.
01:20:34 She's got that, uh...
01:20:36 You know, "I'm too good for the world" kind of thing about her.
01:20:41 [GRUNTS]
01:20:43 [PANTING]
01:20:46 [SIGHS]
01:21:12 She never did anything to you. Exactly.
01:21:15 She never even looked at me.
01:21:18 She never even acknowledged me.
01:21:20 I just wanted to take her down a notch.
01:21:23 You should be ashamed of yourself.
01:21:26 You're nothing but a sick twat.
01:21:28 [GRUNTS]
01:21:30 [PANTING]
01:21:32 [PANTING]
01:21:34 [GRUNTS]
01:21:49 You know, this is my favorite part.
01:21:52 [GRUNTS]
01:21:54 That moment. Right when the light fades from your eyes.
01:22:00 Are you okay? Are you okay?
01:22:02 Yes. There's a knife in my back pocket.
01:22:04 Okay.
01:22:06 B.
01:22:11 [GRUNTS]
01:22:13 Oh, my God. Let's go.
01:22:15 [GROANS]
01:22:21 My ankles.
01:22:23 We gotta keep moving.
01:22:25 Hang on to me. Okay. Let's go.
01:22:28 Come on. Let's go.
01:22:30 Get back here.
01:22:32 Come on.
01:22:36 [GRUNTS]
01:22:38 [GROANS]
01:22:46 Emma?
01:22:51 Emma!
01:22:55 Mack Wilson, you have the right to remain silent.
01:22:58 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
01:23:02 You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you
01:23:07 while you are being questioned.
01:23:09 If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer...
01:23:11 Who knew he'd bring you back here?
01:23:13 Well, if he wanted to make it look like a suicide,
01:23:18 it's the most believable place.
01:23:20 We're looking into the pictures,
01:23:22 to see if there's any missing girls who are a match.
01:23:25 [SIGHS] What's gonna happen to him?
01:23:28 We'll do a full investigation.
01:23:31 And he's 18, so he'll be tried as an adult.
01:23:33 And we need you two to testify.
01:23:35 For sure.
01:23:39 Okay. We'll contact you if we need anything else.
01:23:42 Uh...
01:23:44 And I was wrong, Beatrice.
01:23:47 I should have believed you from the very beginning.
01:23:51 And Emma, she's alive because of you.
01:23:54 Emma!
01:24:02 Thank God you're okay.
01:24:07 You are so, so brave.
01:24:12 I'll leave you two love birds.
01:24:16 Hey!
01:24:21 I'm so sorry.
01:24:23 For everything.
01:24:25 It's okay.
01:24:27 This is the first vintage of our heritage collection.
01:24:47 It's a Pinot Noir.
01:24:50 And what I love about Pinot is that--
01:24:53 Mom, please don't do the sideways speech again.
01:24:56 [ALL LAUGHING]
01:24:58 I'm not doing a sideways speech.
01:25:00 But thank you.
01:25:02 And may this be one of many celebrations here with you.
01:25:08 Because this winery and this family are here to stay.
01:25:13 That's right.
01:25:15 Cheers.
01:25:17 You look really pretty.
01:25:22 Will you marry me?
01:25:28 Are you serious?
01:25:30 Me.
01:25:42 When I saw you for the first time again, after all those years,
01:25:46 I told myself to slow down, take my time.
01:25:50 But I can't.
01:25:53 Will you marry me?
01:25:58 Yes.
01:26:03 [ALL CHEERING]
01:26:09 [ALL CLAPPING]
01:26:11 Cheers, guys.
01:26:17 Come on, quick.
01:26:19 Cheers.
01:26:21 Cheers.
01:26:23 [♪♪♪]
01:26:30 [♪♪♪]
01:26:32 [GUNSHOT]
01:26:43 [♪♪♪]
01:26:45 [♪♪♪]
01:26:47 [GUNSHOTS]
01:27:07 [♪♪♪]
01:27:12 [WHOOSH]
01:27:14 [RATTLING]
01:27:18 [♪♪♪]
01:27:20 [♪♪♪]
01:27:22 [♪♪♪]
01:27:24 you
01:27:26 [BLANK_AUDIO]
