生前深陷吸毒和出轨丑闻 韩国影帝李善均 烧炭自杀身亡

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 48岁韩国影帝李善均证实自杀身亡,震惊韩国演艺圈。李善均早前被爆多次吸毒和外遇,爱家好男人形象一夜之间跌入谷底,事业陷入停摆。虽然李善均3次毒品检测结果都是阴性,但仍被警方穷追不舍不断传召盘问,让粉丝们都大喊韩国警方和舆论是“杀人凶手”。(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00 Today, the entertainment industry has been shocked.
00:03 48-year-old Korean actor Lee San-joon
00:05 confirmed that he committed suicide, shocking the world.
00:08 According to Korean media reports,
00:10 the local police received a report from Lee San-joon's wife this morning.
00:13 She found her husband left home after leaving a will.
00:17 Although his wife called the police at the first time,
00:20 she still couldn't save her husband's life.
00:23 And the Korean police received a report from Lee San-joon
00:26 that Lee San-joon died in a car in Wolong Park, Seoul.
00:32 The police also found coal on the passenger seat,
00:35 so they suspect Lee San-joon was burned to death.
00:38 But the real cause of death needs further investigation.
00:42 If you don't know the name Lee San-joon,
00:45 have you seen the Korean movie "The Sound of Life"
00:47 which won the Oscar for best Korean film?
00:50 Lee San-joon is the supporting role of President Pyo in the movie.
00:53 "The Sound of Life" made Lee San-joon famous internationally.
00:57 During his 22-year career,
00:59 Lee San-joon has starred in many famous works
01:02 and won numerous awards.
01:04 He is a very influential Korean actor.
01:07 The news of Lee San-joon's suicide
01:09 has caused a lot of attention and discussion.
01:11 According to media reports,
01:13 it was probably the scandal of drug and cheating that
01:16 shocked him so much that he chose to end his life in such an extreme way.
01:22 As an idol who is loved and adored,
01:25 Lee San-joon was reported to have been drugged many times
01:28 and was a hotel female waiter.
01:30 His image as a good man
01:32 fell to the bottom overnight,
01:34 and his career was also in a stalemate.
01:36 But Lee San-joon denied drug use at the first time,
01:38 emphasizing that he was innocent.
01:40 He also confessed that he was blackmailed by this hotel female waiter
01:43 for 350 million Korean won.
01:46 During the investigation,
01:47 although Lee San-joon's three drug tests
01:50 and the results of the test were negative,
01:52 the police still pursued Lee San-joon.
01:55 On the 23rd, Lee San-joon was called three times
01:58 and he was examined for 19 hours
02:01 until 4 a.m. the next day.
02:04 Although the urine test results were negative,
02:06 Lee San-joon suddenly admitted to using a straw to suck poison
02:09 before the second investigation.
02:12 But he emphasized that he was seduced by a female waiter.
02:16 He didn't know it was a drug at first
02:18 and thought the powder was a sleeping pill.
02:21 After going through several interrogations,
02:23 Lee San-joon, who was exhausted,
02:25 said through a lawyer yesterday
02:27 that he was very tired of the repeated calls from the police
02:30 and that the evidence of his drug use
02:32 was only the testimony from the female waiter.
02:35 So he asked the police to lie to himself and the female waiter
02:39 to prove his innocence.
02:41 But he didn't expect to spread the bad news of suicide today.
02:45 Lee San-joon was in a drug-addicted situation before his death.
02:47 He was examined for 69 days
02:50 and was tested negative for three times.
02:52 But the police still didn't believe him
02:54 and kept asking for an extension of the investigation.
02:56 During the investigation,
02:58 many people questioned the credibility of the police.
03:03 Although the investigation had not been finalized,
03:05 the Korean people's tolerance for public figures sucking poison was very low.
03:10 The online public opinion also made Lee San-joon suffer.
03:14 Now, Lee San-joon's suicide has made fans heartbroken.
03:19 Some fans think that Lee San-joon can only prove his innocence in an extreme way
03:23 under the circumstances of his hard work.
03:26 They are all saying that the Korean police and public opinion
03:28 are the accomplices of Lee San-joon's death.
03:31 But anyway, if you have a knot that can't be untied,
03:34 please give yourself a chance to live.
03:36 Please contact the Psychological Assistance Association, BeFrienders.
03:39 Because there must be a better way to solve problems in this world than death.
03:43 Thank you for watching.
03:45 (upbeat music)
03:47 (dramatic music)
