Raby Arms assistant manager Ben Davis talks about what the award means to the venue
00:00 With Ben Davies, the assistant manager of the Ruby Arms, I understand that you've just won a prestigious award?
00:07 Yeah, yeah we have. I'm very happy with the award we've received. It's very good for our restaurant. Really good, really happy.
00:15 So how were you considered for the award? Was it something that was just given annually? Did people have to come and have a meal?
00:20 So we got 12 gentlemen who came in unannounced a few weeks ago. They had a meal and they were really happy with the meal and service and quality of food.
00:31 Lucky last week they came in and rewarded us with a trophy. So very happy.
00:36 So when they were in did you not have a clue what they were?
00:38 No, no. They didn't tell us what they were doing or anything. They just thought it was a large table booking. Yeah, very lucky to have the award.
00:48 How prestigious is it?
00:50 Yeah, it's very prestigious. Very good, very good.
00:53 (laughs)