Cam Taylor-Britt on Return to Bengals Practice, Preparing for Chiefs in Week 17

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Cam Taylor-Britt on Return to Bengals Practice, Preparing for Chiefs in Week 17
00:00 If I could have come back last week, I would have tried my best to go ahead and
00:03 get back out there.
00:04 But I feel like everything is perfect timing, man.
00:06 The guys, they handle business well.
00:08 I was going, but now I have the opportunity to just add my juice to what they already
00:12 got going on, not do anything differently, just add on.
00:15 >> How much did you wanna come back to,
00:16 because you're gonna be a part of a push?
00:20 >> Man, I think it's a great opportunity.
00:23 I'm gonna push it just because a lot of people don't get the opportunity to even
00:27 be seen on that stage.
00:28 So why not?
00:30 I feel like if I did get the opportunity to go in there, I'll do great, man.
00:34 Have a great time there.
00:35 It's dream come true, though.
00:36 >> How much do you feel like you were playing their focus on this morning?
00:39 >> Most definitely.
00:39 We gotta see it again Sunday, though.
00:41 >> Camp, how much more do you wanna get back on the field,
00:43 kinda seeing the issues with some explosives that you guys have had,
00:48 specifically in the last game, that you can come in and
00:50 hopefully prevent some of those from happening?
00:53 >> Yeah, we just basically wanna keep the shots off, man.
00:54 You know who we're playing.
00:56 Their offense, the quarterback, one of the best in the league,
00:59 he wants to take shots downfield.
01:01 That's one thing we cannot do, and we gotta just prevent that.
01:03 I plan to come in and just lead.
01:05 Like I said, not do too much, just add my juice, bring the defensive energy,
01:10 let us all come together as one, play our defense.
01:13 >> Did you feel like yourself out there today?
01:15 >> Yeah.
01:16 >> Any rest?
01:17 >> I wasn't at rest until Mike showed me up a little bit running,
01:20 then I had to show him, had to get back to it.
01:23 But most definitely, I felt good, man.
01:25 >> You were surprised Mike was beating you, huh?
01:27 >> Yeah, cuz he's not that fast, so I don't know.
01:29 I had to give him feedback under me.
01:31 >> Were you able to gain anything from being out?
01:34 Do you think that maybe helped you being able to watch some of the things happen
01:38 on the sideline?
01:39 >> Yeah, most definitely.
01:40 I see, like you said, some of the things that we got hit on, easy fixes.
01:44 So most definitely, some of what I kinda did last year,
01:48 don't go out there and do really what they did.
01:51 And just try to mimic the same things.
01:53 Just go out there and execute off of it and make things better.
01:56 Don't try to rerun the same mistakes.
01:59 >> How big of a difference do you make when you're watching the sidelines?
02:04 >> Honestly, just bringing the energy as always, man.
02:06 Just making sure they know that there's somebody there,
02:08 that I'm not gonna be quiet.
02:10 If I see someone out there, there's a tip.
02:13 I'm gonna give it to them, offense and defense.
02:15 See the defense that we're opposing, giving certain calls that were similar.
02:20 I'm telling Coach Taylor, trying to tell the receivers things,
02:23 what they were doing.
02:24 But just trying to get my insight any way possible, just help the team win.
02:28 >> There's been a lot of talk about their receivers and
02:30 kinda what they've looked like this year.
02:31 What do you all see in the receivers?
02:33 >> Honestly, a lot of speed, man.
02:34 But I think we just got the best back end just for that.
02:39 Man, there's a lot of speed on our back end as well.
02:41 A lot of people can play a lot of different positions.
02:43 So most definitely, it's gonna be a task.
02:44 But just like I said, keep the shots off and play football.
02:47 >> How much of how they lived, especially in the NBA,
02:49 in that game last year, maybe sticking y'all's car a little bit as y'all went to
02:53 the offseason, how many games did you see?
02:54 >> We'll see, that's all I'll say, we'll see.
02:57 >> Is that something y'all are thinking about going into this game?
02:59 >> I am, yeah, we'll see.
03:02 Simple as that, yeah, we had a big game, yeah, that's it.
03:07 [LAUGH] I ain't trying to say too much.
03:09 >> What is it about these two teams that always seems like,
03:13 even when somebody's not trying to say something,
03:14 that seems like there's a healthy rivalry and
03:16 there's a good amount of drawing on these in this game, why is that the case?
03:19 >> I honestly think it's just two great football teams, man,
03:21 that's very competitive, man, and they're at the top of the game, most definitely.
03:26 I think both teams are beat up in some ways with injuries, but
03:29 they're still fighting.
03:30 And like you said, these teams have been playing each other for
03:33 the last two years in the AFC Championship, so it's bound to be a good game.
03:37 Who doesn't wanna see the Bengals achieve?
03:38 So that's why we're gonna go give them Sunday a good game.
03:41 >> And you got hurt.
03:42 There was obviously some uncertainty about where you guys would be as a team.
03:45 Now, two weeks ago, if you win these two, and I know you're just focused on this
03:49 week, but if you win these two, you have a really good shot at the playoffs.
03:52 Are you happy you're coming back at the right time to help make this push?
03:56 >> Yeah, most definitely.
03:57 Like you said, this is the biggest one yet, man.
03:59 My mind is most definitely on Kansas City.
04:01 Not thinking ahead because it's all about them first.
04:04 Regardless, I feel like we beat these guys,
04:06 they'll do what we need to do the next game.
04:09 But like you said, focus on Kansas City and beat them.
04:11 >> Were you worried that you wouldn't be back in time to help?
04:15 >> Nah, I had a feeling I'd be back.
04:17 Just kinda how they gave me the rundown of everything and timing.
04:20 So yeah, we played it out perfectly.
04:22 >> Did you look at the calendar and specifically count the weeks and see?
04:26 >> Most definitely I did.
04:27 And me and coach were talking as well, Coach Taylor, and he was just like,
04:30 you'll be back two weeks and things.
04:32 And I was like, so the last two, and we made sure of that, and here we are.
04:36 >> What do you think you can add on Sunday?
04:40 >> [SOUND] Beat that Energizer Bunny, man, to this defense, honestly.
04:46 When things aren't going our way, I wanna make sure that we're still up and
04:50 together.
04:51 Good or bad, most definitely.
04:54 Bring the juice when things are good.
04:56 And just keep the sideline up, because I feel like when we have our energy,
04:59 man, can't nobody kinda mess with us.
05:02 When everything's together, the offense, defense, special teams,
05:04 clicking all as one, yeah, you can't beat us.
05:06 [MUSIC]
