Sydney harbour gearing up for annual firework show

  • last year
Authorities are expecting an especially busy new years eve on Sydney Harbour this year with tens of thousands on the foreshore, and more than 1500 boats in the water vying for the best vantage point.


00:00 Final preparations are underway here on Sydney Harbour ahead of the New Year's Eve fireworks.
00:07 Now that means the fireworks themselves being prepared and getting strung out on barges
00:11 behind me, but also the many, many boats that are expected to be out here vying for the
00:17 best vantage point.
00:19 Now that means there are a lot of safety concerns as we know every year.
00:23 We're expecting more than 1,500 boats, some from near and far, but out with me on the
00:28 harbour doing last minute safety checks is Nick Dinnam from New South Wales Maritime.
00:32 Now Nick, what are the main things that people need to know when they're in boats out on
00:36 the harbour on New Year's?
00:37 Thanks Sean.
00:38 It is the busiest day of the year.
00:39 There is a lot of congestion, a lot of boats, both well experienced boaters and not so experienced.
00:44 So we really want to ask our boaters, think about it, it's a long day, take it easy on
00:49 the drink, make sure you've got your safety equipment.
00:51 If you're staying out overnight, make sure you've got your lights and they're working.
00:56 You know, they're bright, you can see them or other boats can see them.
00:59 And just how busy are we expecting this year's fireworks to be?
01:02 I think busier than ever.
01:04 The years have been ramping up again since we had our little hiatus.
01:09 So we're looking at thousands of boats.
01:12 It's never really an exact science where they go, but pick the area that you want to go
01:16 in for the size of boats you've got.
01:18 Farm Cove, limited to 15 metres, great spots for the smaller boats, particularly the families
01:23 with the kids, they're going to be right underneath the fireworks and it's going to be great.
01:26 And in terms of managing, getting back to where you need to go after it's all done,
01:30 how does that best get managed safely?
01:32 So take your time.
01:35 When the exclusion zones are finished, when the fireworks finish, there's no need to rush
01:39 off.
01:40 Wait an extra 10 minutes, take your time, let some other boats go first.
01:44 Maritime's going to manage how the transiting vessels come under the bridge, but it will
01:49 be bumpy.
01:50 There will be wash, even when people are going slow.
01:52 So have your boats ready when you're ready to leave, just like you did when you first
01:56 came out in the water.
01:57 Great.
01:58 Thanks so much, Nick.
01:59 So as you heard, there's a lot being done out here on the harbour to make sure the New
02:02 Year's Eve fireworks happens as safely as possible.
02:05 As for the weather, there's expecting maybe some possible showers into the evening, but
02:10 hopefully clearing to that midnight display.
