Hasobanuwe impamvu "Zipline Drones" ari ingenzi mu buvuzi bw'u Rwanda

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:06 >> This is a government project.
00:08 It's an innovation and it's a priority for the government.
00:11 So the government will take care of this project.
00:15 >> What's exciting is that since we have announced this project here in Rwanda,
00:19 we've received interest from every other country in East Africa, as well as the US.
00:25 So the US has been saying, how is Rwanda doing that and
00:28 can we follow in Rwanda's footsteps?
00:30 And so that's really the strength of our relationship with UPS and
00:35 with Gavi is bringing this innovation to a global scale.
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05:27 >> Zip line designs, manufactures, and operates the vehicles.
05:47 The reason that we've put all of that work into the design of the vehicle
05:52 is to ensure that it is just as safe to someone on the ground
05:57 as someone who has any other airplane in the sky.
06:01 We realize that it's great that we can make a delivery that will potentially
06:09 save someone's life, but we can't do that if we're endangering people who
06:13 live on the ground underneath these vehicles.
06:17 And so we've put a huge amount of engineering,
06:20 design work into ensuring that these vehicles are completely safe.
06:23 And to give you a quick feeling, not only is every component of this system
06:28 redundant, which means that anything can fail and
06:31 the plane will still be able to fly itself home.
06:33 But each plane actually has a parachute on board.
06:37 Now, if the plane is really not able to return to home, it can pull that
06:42 parachute and the plane comes to the ground so slowly that you could catch it.
06:57 [MUSIC]
