President Kagame received Nigerian delegation

  • last year


00:32 What brought the Nigerian delegation to Rwanda,
00:37 and that delegation consists of both the government
00:40 officials and the private sector,
00:43 is the appreciation of the fact that Rwanda has succeeded
00:50 largely in developing the ICT sector for the benefit
00:55 of its citizens to improve upon governance,
00:59 to improve upon businesses, and to bring greater revenue
01:04 to government coffers.
01:06 I was curious to know how a country as small as Rwanda
01:11 could have surpassed Nigeria in terms of ICT development.
01:16 I decided that I will come with the Nigerian delegation
01:21 to come and learn from Rwanda.
01:24 There's no doubt that Nigerian population is very huge.
01:28 The Nigerian nation is very large.
01:30 But we must be humble enough to admit that wisdom is not
01:36 the exclusive preserve of any nation.
01:40 And wisdom and knowledge is not determined by size,
01:43 but by capacity.
01:45 So because of that, we took the decision to come here.
01:48 And within the last two days that we have been here,
01:51 we have not regretted it.
01:53 We have gained immensely from developments here.
01:56 And we have actually also taken notes
01:59 and are taking a lot of documents back to Nigeria
02:03 to go and study for possible application in our country.
02:07 We have also consequently been able to establish
02:12 a foundation which will be a Nigeria Rwanda Foundation
02:16 for the purpose of not just being co-African countries,
02:20 but working for the entire development
02:24 of the entire African country.
02:25 So having gone through all this learning process and learning
02:30 interactions, we feel it appropriate to come and pay
02:36 a costly call on President Kagame, who in any case
02:40 had distinguished himself as one African country who
02:43 took Rwanda, a war-devastated country, from almost 0.0
02:49 to 0.150% if there is.
02:54 So we believe he has the potentials.
02:56 We believe his antecedents speak volumes.
02:59 And we believe he has capacity to do that.
03:02 We think that with his relationship
03:05 with our president, President Mohamed Bouhari,
03:09 they will together be able to work in tandem with the spirit
03:13 or in the spirit of African brotherhood
03:15 to ensure that development goes across all of Africa.
03:34 (music)
03:36 (swoosh)
