7 Summits Africa Team Climb Mount Kalisimbi

  • last year
7 Summits Africa Team Climb Mount Kalisimbi
00:00 [Music]
00:25 This is for bird watching. We love birds and I know and have heard that there are many beautiful birds in the forest as we start walking up to Karasimbi.
00:35 Karasimbi is a 4,500 meter peak with snow potentially at the top.
00:41 So I think I am very excited to hopefully be in snow at the top.
00:47 I wasn't expecting that and I think that I am also very excited to be walking through the rainforest in the hopes of maybe seeing the wild gorillas also.
00:58 We are bringing awareness that there are mountains, that they are backed by amazing safari and wildlife products.
01:07 But there is so much more that everybody is getting to know in every single country that is available.
01:15 And I think more people must come and visit Africa and I think that is part of our mission.
01:20 Because we can conserve and protect what we have in East Africa through tourism numbers.
01:26 More people will bring revenue, that revenue will help to support the parks and the habitats.
01:32 So I think that is our message, conservation through tourism.
01:35 Mount Karasimbi is a special mountain for us, Rwanda's highest peak.
01:40 And we try to select the highest mountain in each of the five countries that this expedition is going through.
01:48 Rwanda is a very special place for us from a conservation point of view, as obviously a biodiversity that we need to look after.
01:56 So Volcanoes National Park in particular is not just about gorillas, but it is also about mountains and many other species.
02:04 So the main aim of Seven Summons Africa is conservation through tourism.
02:09 I think the whole team is really excited about climbing the mountain.
02:12 I am looking forward to trekking in Rwanda, which I haven't done before.
02:15 It is really exciting because it is a lot of hard work to get to the top.
02:19 So when you do summit, everyone, it is exciting and it is very exciting to have your team all summit together.
02:27 Because it is a lot of teamwork that is involved with getting to the top.
02:30 We are very, very excited and happy to host this Seven Summons initiative.
02:38 Which is composed of people who come, you know, excited to climb.
02:42 Today they are climbing Karisimbi, which is the highest mountain of Rwanda.
02:48 And of course they will come back to see gorillas on Saturday as well.
02:53 But specifically on this activity, it is really one of those activities that we are excited to have more people interested in hiking.
03:04 We have interacted with the members of the group.
03:08 They are looking forward to kind of work with the RRDB to advise on aspects of marketing these activities.
03:17 Advising on how we manage these activities, safety aspects, you know, first aid, camping management.
03:29 So we are looking forward to when they come back, we would like to hear more what they tell us about our activities.
03:37 And you know, looking forward to continued partnership with the members of the group and the initiative itself.
03:46 [Music]
