Charles Fox Parham: Christian Identity in Early Pentecostalism

  • last year
One of the earliest examples of Christian Identity in the Pentecostal Movement is through its founder, Charles Fox Parham. Parham came in contact with the British Israel Doctrine, which was taught in Frank Sandford’s cult school in Maine, and Sandford favored C. A. L. Totten’s version of the British Israel Doctrine, which included the foundation for what would later become Christian Identity.

Parham favored the Pre-Adamite Race theory and believed that God had created two races of people. One had “everlasting human life,” while the other did not. Parham believed that the “sons of God” and “daughters of men” from Genesis 6:2 represented both races - the very foundation for Christian Identity.

According to Michael Barkun, Parham’s version of the British Israel doctrine was, in fact, the white supremacist version. In his book Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, Barkun wrote, “Charles Parham regarded Cain’s marriage to a woman from the land of Nod as the first step in “the woeful intermarriage of races for which cause the flood was sent in punishment.”

Barkun’s findings are further solidified by Parham’s own words in his autobiography concerning the Azusa Street Revival. When Charles Fox Parham arrived in Los Angeles in October of 1906 after having been ex-communicated from Zion City, he was shocked to find the interracial unity of the revival. He described the meetings, claiming the people were “all crowded together around the altar, and lay- ing across one another like hogs, blacks and whites mingling; this should be enough to bring a blush of shame to devils, let alone angels, and yet all this was charged to the Holy Spirit."

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