Taiwanese Band Mayday Pressed To Back Unification With China

  • last year
Members of Taiwanese rock band Mayday were pressed to make pro-China comments ahead of Taiwan's elections, according to a Reuters report. After the band refused, Chinese authorities launched an investigation into them for illegal lip-syncing while on tour.
00:00 Taiwan's presidential candidates are speaking out against attempts by China to pressure
00:05 a Taiwanese rock band.
00:07 May Day refused requests from Chinese media to voice support for Beijing's claims on Taiwan.
00:14 That's according to a Reuters report.
00:16 In response, Chinese officials later threatened to fine the band for lip-syncing during a
00:21 tour of China.
00:23 Taiwan's presidential candidates say it's evidence of Beijing's attempts to influence
00:27 voters ahead of Taiwan's elections.
