• l’année dernière
☕ If you want to support the channel: https://ko-fi.com/rollthedices
To support the project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jenkins69/relic-arena/description
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/double-edge-games
Wishlist on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2654490/Relic_Arena

Relic Arena will be a free-to-play 8-player auto battler on PC and Mobile, by Dota 2 personalities SUNSfan and Jenkins.

In Relic Arena, you equip heroes with real-life historical relics. Each relic grants a hero a unique ability, with powerful branching upgrades.
00:00 [Footsteps]
00:02 Hmm...
00:05 [Knocking]
00:09 Thank you for answering my ad.
00:16 I must confess, I brought you here under false pretenses.
00:21 You see, I used to be a museum curator.
00:26 And over the years, I've collected many historic relics.
00:31 But recently, I encountered one unlike any I had seen before.
00:37 This has given me the power to build something of great importance.
00:43 Behind these doors lies my greatest creation.
00:47 A game.
00:49 Initially, I was uncertain of what stood before me.
00:55 Gradually, it became clear.
00:58 These leaders had etched indelible marks upon the fabric of history.
01:03 And some part of them lingered on.
01:06 This relic bestows the ability to connect with them.
01:10 It allows us to command them.
01:13 To wield their influence over vast armies.
01:17 With time, you too will master this formidable power.
01:23 So, my young friend, shall we play?
01:28 [Gunfire]
01:34 Hi, I'm Sansfan, professional Dota 2 caster, content creator, esports org owner, tournament organizer, and custom game creator.
01:53 I'm Jenkins, and probably should have gone first because I haven't done that much.
01:57 But we made a popular game together.
01:59 That's right, Jenkins, let's talk about how that went.
02:02 We made an arcade game in Dota 2 called Ability Arena.
02:06 It had almost 500,000 subscribers, and even Lord Gaben himself sent us voice lines.
02:11 But at a point, Valve disabled monetization for custom games.
02:14 Which was a shame because it meant we couldn't pay our developers to upkeep the game anymore.
02:18 But it was a blessing in disguise because we always wanted to make a standalone game at some point.
02:23 So we're happy to announce the Relic Arena Kickstarter, which will be a free-to-play roguelike auto battler on PC and mobile.
02:31 In other auto battlers, you buy units with preset abilities.
02:35 In Relic Arena, you get empty units represented by Jenkins, who's butt naked for some reason.
02:42 You buy relics in the shop.
02:44 This is William Wallace's sword.
02:46 You place them on the empty units.
02:49 And they physically show up on the models themselves.
02:52 So at a glance, you'll know which units are fully stacked.
02:55 Because they look very powerful.
02:57 Just like Jenkins does right now.
02:59 Buying more of the same relic will upgrade them.
03:07 Buy enough upgrades and it turns into a super relic, which gives you three upgrade paths to choose from.
03:13 When you fully max out a relic, it turns into the most powerful upgrade of them all.
03:18 The Juicy Upgrade.
03:21 At the beginning of the game, you pick a leader.
03:23 Not this guy, though.
03:25 Our lawyers tell us it's too controversial.
03:28 Think more Abraham Lincoln.
03:30 And Cleopatra.
03:33 Leaders are passive entities that provide unique buffs to your team.
03:37 Depending on what buff your leader provides, you might end up playing the game entirely differently.
03:41 So pick your leader carefully.
03:43 With that said, let's get a gameplay demonstration.
03:46 In this 1v1 scenario, we have the Sumo Tank versus the Civil War Ranger.
03:51 And the tank is equipped with the Hand of Ramsey's relic.
03:55 You can see that the mummy arm is attached to his shoulder.
03:58 And it has a whip equipped to it.
04:00 And the way that this relic works is every few attacks that you output will deal AOE damage around you with this whip to any units that are there.
04:08 Let's see how this scenario plays out.
04:11 In this scenario, you can obviously see that the Ranger started attacking first.
04:16 Here we should have the whip. Okay, there it is. It goes off.
04:19 But because the tank is a big, fast, slow Sumo, and he's not a damage-dealing character like the Ranger is, the whip only goes off once.
04:29 But don't worry. We're going to fix that.
04:31 We have a combo where the Hand of Ramsey is going to go off like crazy.
04:34 But we've got to show you some other relics first before we get into that.
04:37 The second relic that we're going to show you in isolation for now is the Tommy Gun, which is currently equipped to the tank.
04:44 It's equipped to his belt technically, but he is so large that he's obstructing some of that vision right now.
04:49 But the way that it works is you take out the Tommy Gun when he's ready to cast it.
04:55 And it's a channeling ability where you're spraying bullets left and right in kind of a cone shape.
04:59 So let's see how he uses it in this scenario.
05:02 So the battle starts, and the Sumo begins blasting off the Tommy Gun, which obviously a lot of the bullets missed because it is a very wide arc.
05:12 And the Sumo will begin casting the relic as soon as it is in the cast range.
05:16 That second round of the Tommy Gun actually probably would have killed the Ranger, but the Ranger does so much DPS that he took him down anyway.
05:24 So it would be much more effective if he was up close.
05:26 The relic that will get you up close and personal is the F-1 Rocket Engine, which I'm sure you guys have seen a lot of art for in our Kickstarter.
05:33 It is attached to the back of our Sumo, and essentially what it does, it will catapult you from one side of the arena to another.
05:40 It focuses a backline unit that's in range, and once it comes in contact, it will stun the target and deal damage.
05:47 Let's take a look.
05:48 Sumo goes in, he stuns with the F-1 Rocket Engine, and this makes this battle quite a bit closer than the other ones, just based on that stun and being able to get some more attacks off.
05:58 But still, because the Ranger does about 150% of the DPS of the Sumo, he still ends up winning the battle.
06:04 So we're going to need the full combo here to make sure we take down the Ranger.
06:08 Let's put all three relics now onto the tank and see how effective this combo is.
06:13 Sumo Jetpacks in, he blasts off the Tommy Gun, the Hand of Ramses goes absolutely crazy, and every single Tommy Gun bullet connects.
06:21 And the reason that the Hand of Ramses went off twice in that turn is because the bullets actually count as attacks.
06:28 So that makes this combo extremely effective.
06:32 Alright, and finally, let's talk about a juicy upgrade for the F-1 Rocket Engine.
06:37 This one is kind of crazy, because Jenkins came up with it, of course.
06:41 Here's the thing, the F-1 Rocket Engine, this was on the Apollo mission.
06:45 It took astronauts to the moon, ladies and gentlemen.
06:49 So what it's going to do in our game is it's going to take the moon to us.
06:53 It's going to crash land the fucking moon into the arena.
06:57 So he's going to rocket in in just a moment.
07:00 There's the moon. Oh yeah.
07:03 And after five seconds, explodes for a shit ton of damage.
07:08 Not quite killing them, but luckily our tank still had enough HP to finish the job.
07:12 So that's just one example of what a juicy can become.
07:16 And we're really excited to come out with, to show you guys more relics in the future.
07:20 So that does it for our Kickstarter video. Thank you so much for watching.
07:24 If you guys are interested in the more nitty gritty of the mechanics, if you're a nerd like us,
07:29 then we made a much longer video in the Kickstarter that you can check out, so be sure to do that.
07:34 So kind of the next steps for us are we plan on getting a playable alpha ready to go with lots of relics,
07:41 hopefully leaders in the game as well in the next couple of months,
07:46 because progress has been very fast, faster than expected.
07:50 And we're super excited about that. And we're excited to share that with you guys too,
07:53 because there's actually a reward tier where you can be an alpha tester,
07:57 where you can have a direct impact on how the game is formulated.
08:00 Or if you want to wait a little bit longer and help polish the game, there's a beta testing tier as well as a bunch of skins.
08:06 Oh yeah, lots of hats for sure.
08:09 So yeah, thanks for watching. Again, thanks for supporting us.
08:12 We couldn't do this without your support. This is a literal dream of Jenkins and mine.
08:17 And whether it comes from investors or from you guys in Kickstarter,
08:21 we're super excited to get this product out in your hands as soon as possible,
08:26 as long as we can pay our developers along the way.
08:30 Developing Ability Arena was the best couple of years of my life, for sure.
08:35 It was extremely fulfilling, the beta testing with everybody and laughing at the stupid little jokes we put into the game.
08:43 And I'm really excited to start another journey for another game, which is Relic Arena,
08:50 and hopefully share that with you guys.
08:52 And like he said, we appreciate all the support, even if it's not financial.
08:57 If you share to your friends and just get the word out about the game, we really appreciate that too.
09:02 We just want people to play our game, man. That's all we want.
09:06 We love games from the bottom of our heart, and thank you for your support.
09:11 Thanks, all.
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