Office Beauty Redefined | A Trendy Shadow Exclusive professional makeup tutorial | IGIHE

  • last year
"Today, IGIHE visits Trendy Shadow's Kenneth for an exclusive look at his career, workflow, beauty secrets and tips! Follow his story and more only on IGIHE's YouTube Channel!

Camera Operator: Mucyo Serge
Editor: Mucyo Serge
Interviewer: Muhoza Magnifique


#IGIHE #Rwanda
00:00 I don't know, I should maybe do makeup on my face more often.
00:14 Hello everyone, my name is Kenneth from Trendy Shadow and today I was so privileged and humbled
00:38 to be visited by EJ Hey and today I'm so humbled to have Magnifique with me here and we're
00:46 going to be having a very simple classy look that you can take for dinner, you can have
00:52 a go for a wedding, office look, something so casual and simple.
00:58 Thank you so much, enjoy.
00:59 So we're going to have to put some little bit of the lip primer.
01:07 Is this like a must step?
01:10 Yes it's a must step because you're going to be busy all over the face so by the time
01:14 you come back to the lip you need them to be moisturized and soft.
01:16 You don't want them to be ashy.
01:17 Exactly, perfect.
01:18 Okay so I'm going to start.
01:19 You are the camera.
01:20 Okay cool.
01:21 So how did you get into makeup?
01:22 So that's a tricky question.
01:25 Yeah.
01:26 Because I got into makeup when I just finished school so it was something more like looking
01:47 for a job, applying here and there and then things are probably not working out.
01:54 Then after some time my little brother called me and was like you know what I think let's
02:02 start doing makeup and I'm like what do you mean?
02:05 Then it was something really random because I was with him and in that time it was like
02:10 a space of a month where I was not in Kampala and he came up with this idea and personally
02:16 I thought it was an insane idea you know but surprisingly it is something that we took
02:25 up and out of nowhere it became something real big.
02:30 It is something that I never, never even ever dreamt of.
02:36 Look at me now.
02:37 Look at you now.
02:39 So how did you then decide that yeah I'm doing this for real and yeah this is my space, this
02:46 is the industry I'm going to focus in regardless that you had studied something else quite
02:52 different in university.
02:55 Yes I actually studied something totally different.
02:58 Tourism and ending up doing makeup are two different worlds you know.
03:03 Two totally different worlds.
03:05 So before you know when you're from university, a fresh graduate you know you're so desperate
03:13 so you're looking for a job and most jobs that are available at the time you're either
03:18 a waiter at a restaurant or probably an office messenger you know so I did quite a number
03:28 of those as well.
03:29 I was a waiter in my vacation I worked at my auntie's hotel in Uganda, Western Uganda.
03:37 Then when I came to Kigali I was also a waiter, I was once a waiter.
03:43 So after some time when I started practicing the skill it got better and better and meeting
03:50 different people, meeting people that are trying to inspire you and I remember very
03:55 well one of my first biggest clients was Vanessa, Miss Vanessa Owase.
04:04 She has really pretty eyes.
04:06 Very, very, very pretty eyes.
04:08 Vanessa and her sister Liz.
04:09 And how did you from that point of you meeting Vanessa and her sister and actually them being
04:16 your clients like your first ever big gig you can imagine, how did you turn this career
04:21 into or that point into the trendy chateau that we know today?
04:27 Okay so it's actually different aspirations because you know when social media is big
04:36 and social media is big in Rwanda you know.
04:39 Do you think so?
04:40 I think so.
04:41 I think social media speaks volumes compared to probably meeting people face to face.
04:51 Someone can be huge on social media compared to when you meet them in person, you understand?
04:56 So for me meeting Vanessa at the time she was just coming from Miss Rwanda you know
05:03 so she was big, she was very famous, still is, has a very huge following, people respect
05:10 her so she posted me one time and guess what?
05:17 My Instagram went viral.
05:19 It went viral, there was very many followers, there was very many comments.
05:24 How many followers if you don't mind me asking?
05:27 At the time?
05:28 Then oh my god I think I had like 400 or 500 but when I woke up there were already like
05:35 in thousands and I was like oh my goodness.
05:39 So that was a huge blessing from Vanessa.
05:41 I actually still tell her even today you know.
05:45 And now I just want to talk something about the makeup, this eyebrow particularly.
05:53 Eyebrows and makeup, this is like the hugest deal.
05:58 Once you get the eyebrows right everything else just falls in place.
06:02 But how do you get that perfect eyebrow?
06:04 Or like you have your own signature, I think you should have your own signature eyebrow
06:08 that works for you.
06:10 Well now I'm torn between two.
06:12 I have a particular signature eyebrow that I really love, most especially because of
06:18 the current trends that are going on.
06:22 I love to do the bushy eyebrow.
06:24 I love the bushy eyebrow, see that's why I was growing my eyebrows.
06:28 Oh really?
06:29 That's the look I was going for.
06:31 It's amazing because it's natural and at the same time it gives you like a very artistic
06:36 look.
06:37 You've not tried too hard to draw it.
06:41 And again it depends on someone's face as well.
06:43 There are people who look good with the bushy eyebrows, then there are people who totally
06:47 look good with the well-aligned eyebrow.
06:53 So it's a fuse between the two.
06:56 So have you ever worn eyelashes before?
06:58 Yes, I actually love them, I just don't know how to put them on my eyes.
07:04 So I'm going to put some eyelashes today but they're going to be very simple.
07:10 So we keep the look a little bit subtle.
07:13 So what is this you're applying?
07:17 So I'm applying eyeshadow primer and this primer helps the eyeshadow to pop, to last
07:25 longer and to also blend in very well.
07:28 It helps with the blending.
07:34 So this is like my best part.
07:37 You love, is there where you also got the name Trendy Shadow?
07:41 Trendy Shadow.
07:42 Was it the shadow for the shadow or the shadow for the shadow?
07:45 No, it was actually shadow for the shadow.
07:48 Shadow for the shadow because I love so much playing with colours.
07:52 So if it comes to colours, I feel very comfortable.
07:56 Because for me, practically makeup is the eyes.
08:00 Once I get the eyes right, blending the skin is probably like a walk in the park.
08:04 It's not something so hard.
08:06 So you just close your eyes first.
08:12 So we were talking about how you came from 400 followers to thousands and you're kind
08:20 of walking me through to how you've managed to make a whole entire career and a name for
08:29 yourself.
08:30 So after that day, I pretty much sat down and thought to myself, I think makeup is going
08:40 to be a thing for me as long as I sit, practice more, improve the skill, you know.
08:50 And good enough was really so good at interaction with people because of what I studied, tourism.
08:58 Because obviously there is hospitality in that.
09:01 So there you are thinking to yourself, this has to be for me.
09:06 I must perfect it in this industry.
09:10 And again, it also comes with a lot of patience, you know, because now this is me trying to
09:15 do makeup for people.
09:17 But personally, I wasn't patient enough because I'll give an example.
09:21 Even if I go to a saloon and someone is working on my hair, well, I wouldn't want to spend
09:26 an hour, you know, because I would feel I get bored very easily.
09:29 I'm pretty impatient.
09:30 Exactly.
09:31 So you're impatient as well.
09:32 I'm so impatient.
09:33 Okay, so that makes the two of us.
09:34 I hope you're not getting tired of this session though.
09:38 So yeah, in the process, I feel like one of the things that I really have to improve on
09:47 is probably the time that I take when I'm doing makeup.
09:52 And besides that, since the results always come out looking amazing, it's actually worth
09:56 it.
09:57 You mind to open your eyes for a bit?
10:05 Okay, perfect.
10:09 So I'm going to do the eyeliner now.
10:14 Just close your eyes.
10:15 See, I don't even know what to do with myself.
10:20 So ever since you started working in London, of course, we've seen the people you've worked
10:26 with.
10:27 I think I've known the name before I even meet the person.
10:31 So this is the first time you're actually meeting me?
10:34 Yeah.
10:35 Seriously?
10:36 I've been waiting for years.
10:37 Oh my goodness.
10:41 Because usually, I'm mostly a background person.
10:45 I'm the type of person who loves to pretty much have my work speaking most for me than
10:51 my face or myself.
10:54 So most of the time, I think I've appeared on my personal page like once or twice.
11:00 I'm telling you, I had never even seen your face, you know?
11:04 I know you from the work, not even as...
11:08 It was literally my first time to see your face.
11:10 And you can't imagine how many posts I see of trying to shadow.
11:13 Oh my God.
11:15 I'm so honored to meet you in person.
11:18 But again, I think for me, the curiosity works for me.
11:22 When you keep people guessing, who is this?
11:25 I feel like it really works for me.
11:28 So when do you ever wear makeup?
11:32 Which particular times do you wear makeup?
11:34 Honestly, it has to be a big occasion.
11:40 I feel like I wear makeup, I think on weddings.
11:49 By the way, since we're in this period, just so you know, I sanitized my hands way before
11:54 I started doing the makeup.
11:56 We're taking safety precautions.
11:59 Moment of truth.
12:03 Where is it?
12:08 No.
12:09 Lucas, can you see this?
12:14 Wow.
12:15 Okay, so I can even go home from here.
12:19 Like seriously.
12:20 I think makeup is done.
12:21 Seriously.
12:22 This is it.
12:23 Because before I told you the eyes, I like the biggest.
12:27 My eyes are really small.
12:28 Love this.
12:29 So you put some eyeshadow on.
12:38 And like some at the, how do you call this thing?
12:41 Tear something?
12:42 It's like an eyedrop, the gold.
12:46 Since everything else is like subtle.
12:48 So the eye only has to pop when we put the gold.
12:50 I really feel free.
12:51 Like my eyes are huge.
12:52 I have really small eyes.
12:56 Because of the liner and the type of lashes that I've applied.
12:59 For real.
13:00 This is cute.
13:01 Thank you so much.
13:02 Okay, so I've really convinced myself over the years, like I'm not a heavy makeup type
13:10 of person.
13:11 Like I would rather settle for less dramatic things.
13:14 Yeah.
13:15 But you're convincing me otherwise.
13:17 So this is dramatic.
13:18 I think drama is me.
13:19 And I'm drama.
13:21 Okay, so this is the part.
13:32 We're going for the foundation.
13:33 Yeah.
13:34 So what do you think about people who say that you have to start with foundation first
13:40 and do your eyes?
13:42 I think some people do the eyes after everything.
13:45 Yeah, me I believe it's pretty much the way you approach something.
13:50 As long as the result is the same, it doesn't really matter.
13:52 So it doesn't matter.
13:53 There's no formula to this.
13:54 There's no formula to this.
13:55 As long as the end results are amazing.
13:57 But personally, I prefer to start with the eyes because it's easier to clean up the skin
14:02 when the eyes are done.
14:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:04 Sure, like the residues that just fall off.
14:05 Exactly.
14:06 Okay.
14:07 It's very easy for me.
14:08 So now we're going in with the foundation.
14:09 So let's say when you're working with somebody, let's say from Randa, do you ask them what
14:27 they're going for or do you just go with their features, like their face features?
14:34 I totally ask.
14:36 And the structures.
14:37 Yes, I ask before.
14:38 But even asking is not enough.
14:41 You're asking probably someone will tell you what they want.
14:43 But after telling you what they want, can their facial features achieve that?
14:48 Do you sometimes find yourself being more of an advisor than?
14:53 Exactly.
14:54 I actually advise most of my clients sometimes if I think something is not going to look
14:57 good on them.
14:58 Yeah.
14:59 I advise them otherwise.
15:00 And they really end up liking the idea.
15:02 The results.
15:03 Yes.
15:04 So you're not going to apply probably photoshoot makeup to someone who's a bride.
15:10 You know, you're supposed to know how a bride looks like.
15:14 And also on top of that, you're supposed to know what comes out, what is going to be the
15:17 end result.
15:18 Right?
15:19 Yeah.
15:20 That's very true.
15:21 Yeah.
15:22 So when you go to other countries, I feel like the competition is pretty huge.
15:27 Yes.
15:28 Like for example, Kampala, you really can find a makeup artist like right at your doorstep.
15:33 Exactly.
15:34 And I feel like Nigeria is the same.
15:37 Very true.
15:38 But then for Rwanda, I still think we're very few makeup artists that are probably known,
15:46 I guess, or even you're kind of like guaranteed good results.
15:51 Yeah.
15:52 How do you find yourself coming from big competitions in Kampala and coming here wearing the maket
15:59 is kind of like not that loud?
16:02 Not that loud.
16:03 Okay.
16:04 So when it comes to competition, personally, I practically have no problem as long as it's
16:09 healthy.
16:10 Yeah.
16:11 You know, cause what do you mean by healthy?
16:12 Healthy competition is where there is no bad blood in all of this.
16:18 You know, I can probably be your competitor, but wish you good.
16:22 But on the other hand, I can be a competitor and I pretty much hate you and hate what you
16:27 do.
16:28 Now that is unhealthy competition.
16:30 But if the competition is quite healthy, I mean, I can call you and be like, Hey, how
16:35 are you?
16:36 I think I'm overbooked.
16:37 Can we probably, can I probably recommend a client to you?
16:40 Does it work like that?
16:41 Yes.
16:42 To me, it actually works like this.
16:43 And most of the people that I've really worked with here are very nice people.
16:48 Very humble people.
16:49 However, there's also some bad experiences, you know, right?
16:53 Do you have to say names?
16:57 No, no, I can't say names.
16:58 But it's quite sad that some people can actually take competition for hatred, you know?
17:07 So I believe it's something like everyone has a dream and if it's a dream, it's big
17:13 enough for everyone to fit.
17:15 That's why there's very many musicians, very versatile musicians and everyone is fitting
17:20 in the market.
17:21 The market is big.
17:22 It depends on what type of product that you're offering, you know?
17:25 So offer a good product, people will come to you, you know?
17:30 So as long as the competition is quite healthy, I do not mind it at all.
17:35 I don't mind the competition.
17:37 However, competition makes you up your game.
17:40 That's very true because there's no way you can become better in what you do if you don't
17:45 see somebody out doing you or like doing this a different way.
17:50 Yes.
17:51 There should be someone to shake you here and there to take you out of your comfort
17:53 zone, right?
17:54 Yeah.
17:55 Do you know who I've been obsessed with?
17:57 No.
17:58 I've been obsessed with Ivan.
18:01 He's been in this game, I guess, for a minute, for a long time.
18:06 And I don't know, like I think he's bringing a different vibe.
18:11 Exactly.
18:12 He's actually bringing, can I say, like an urban twist to things?
18:18 Yeah.
18:19 Yeah.
18:20 There's something light.
18:21 Very true.
18:22 He's amazing.
18:23 I actually love his craft.
18:24 I love his skill and his spirit as well.
18:27 He's a go-getter.
18:28 So I am actually very inspired.
18:32 He is one of the people that I followed before.
18:36 So I really loved his work.
18:37 Even way before you worked in Belgium and was here back in Poland.
18:43 So he's one of the people that actually inspired me as well.
18:46 Really?
18:47 Yes.
18:48 I love to see that.
18:49 Totally.
18:50 Are you guys in touch?
18:51 Yes, we're in touch.
18:52 I tell him very many times that he's one of the people that really inspired me.
18:57 I really love that.
18:58 Yeah.
18:59 He's amazing.
19:00 And also there's a couple of artists here in Kigali that do amazing work that I work
19:05 with and it's quite humbling.
19:08 Creative industry.
19:09 You guys work because you've met people.
19:13 You work because people came to you.
19:15 How are you guys surviving and how are you dealing with this whole inter-thing?
19:20 Personally, I'm going to speak for myself.
19:26 I find this time, time to probably reflect on yourself, reflect on your craft.
19:34 You either go hard on perfecting it.
19:38 This is a time where we're not supposed to meet people, you're supposed to be home in
19:41 lockdown.
19:42 So I believe personally it was time for me to reflect, do more research, do more practice,
19:50 know which types of products that are going to be amazing on the market.
19:54 And as soon as everything goes back to normal, I can be able to avail that.
19:58 Do you think things are ever going to go back to normal though?
20:03 I feel like two years is long.
20:04 Yeah, I also feel like two years is too long.
20:08 With the hope of the vaccine coming out, I believe, I believe, let's hope so.
20:13 Well, we can only pray now, right?
20:15 Yeah, that's true.
20:16 I think hope is what's keeping most of us alive.
20:19 That's true.
20:20 Yeah.
20:21 Yeah.
20:22 So I pray hard that one day things go back to normal so life can go back and people can
20:26 expose their different, different talents out there.
20:30 Can you say that the last two years have been entirely bad though?
20:34 Like with the pandemic?
20:37 Entirely bad.
20:38 However, not everything can be that bad, you know, because there's always a good and bad
20:42 to some of these things.
20:43 Very true.
20:44 Yeah.
20:45 So the good side to some of these things, you know, most people have been too busy out
20:50 there probably working and striving and probably forget to focus on most of the things that
20:57 really matter in life.
20:58 Yeah.
20:59 And that's the part where I talk about family.
21:01 You know, this has been a time where people have actually gotten closer with their families,
21:06 you know.
21:07 People have gotten to know that, you know, I live in a, in an area like we know I need
21:13 to know my neighbors, I need to help, you know, there's always been help coming out
21:17 in and there.
21:18 Yeah.
21:19 So I also still believe it has been a very, very good time for people to bond.
21:23 You know, most people are like literally, literally been.
21:26 I remember like the first, first lockdown we ever had in 2020, like the beginning of
21:31 it, everybody was more like, yeah, now I can talk to my family, my extended family, everybody.
21:37 My friends have been spoken to for years.
21:40 Yeah.
21:41 There was that reconnection thing happening.
21:43 Yes.
21:44 So I think it has been a time for people to bond, you know, some people have just been
21:49 like high, high type of people, but now they sit down cause you're confined in the same
21:54 place together for days, months, you know, so it's been time for people to bond and it's
22:00 not been bad all through.
22:02 Well business wise it's been bad, you know.
22:05 Yeah.
22:06 But when you look at the brighter side, it's not been, it's been a good thing for people
22:13 to connect somehow, you know.
22:16 I was going to say.
22:21 I was there.
22:24 I was there.
22:27 I don't know, like I should maybe do makeup on my face more often.
22:42 That's right.
22:44 Okay.
22:46 So now after the concealer, applying the concealer, you just come in with a little bit with the
22:53 setting powder and this is meant to make the concealer set into the skin for a fine look
23:02 so the concealer doesn't crease.
23:06 So what should we expect from Trendy in a few years to come?
23:13 So in a few years to come, I'm usually the type of person who...
23:18 Leaves people curious?
23:20 Yes, I do.
23:21 I do leave people curious.
23:22 I want to be curious.
23:23 I do leave people curious but I would really love to bring very many different people on
23:29 board.
23:30 Yeah, most especially since this is an artistic field, I would really love to bring very many
23:40 girls on board so they can know how to do most of this because 100% of the time they're
23:46 the ones who need the makeup.
23:48 It's very rare for men because men just need the makeup when they're probably going to
23:52 shoot videos for musicians, going on TV, interviews.
23:56 But do you think men should also wear makeup?
23:59 Well it depends.
24:00 It depends on the occasion.
24:02 I think men should wear makeup probably when it's necessary, most especially going on TV.
24:10 Not only TV, camera.
24:12 Probably people have an interview, maybe there's something to talk about, something to address
24:17 because usually the lights are too strong and the stronger the lights, it just picks
24:22 out the different imperfections in the skin.
24:26 So a clean version of themselves would actually improve on their self-esteem, you know?
24:31 So now the lip.
24:34 One of my favorite things to do.
24:37 We're doing a nude lip, huh?
24:43 Maybe just face this side a little bit.
24:48 Yes, not so much.
24:49 Again.
24:50 So how do you keep up with your so many lives?
24:51 There is Kenneth, there is Yumi, there is Trendy Shadow, there is some other things I'm
24:52 not going to say.
24:53 How do you keep up with all those personalities of yours?
24:54 Okay.
24:55 So I think I'm going to start with the makeup.
24:56 I'm going to start with the makeup.
24:57 I'm going to start with the makeup.
24:58 I'm going to start with the makeup.
24:59 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:00 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:01 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:02 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:03 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:04 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:05 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:06 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:24 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:25 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:26 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:27 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:28 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:29 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:30 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:31 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:32 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:33 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:34 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:35 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:36 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:37 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:38 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:39 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:40 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:41 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:42 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:43 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:44 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:45 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:46 I'm going to start with the makeup.
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25:48 I'm going to start with the makeup.
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25:54 I'm going to start with the makeup.
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25:58 I'm going to start with the makeup.
25:59 I'm going to start with the makeup.
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26:01 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:02 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:03 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:04 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:05 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:06 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:07 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:08 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:09 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:10 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:11 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:12 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:13 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:14 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:15 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:16 I'm going to start with the makeup.
26:18 I'm a calm, laid-back, caring type of person when everything is all done.
26:24 I'm in my zone.
26:26 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:32 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:33 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:34 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:35 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:36 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:37 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:38 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:39 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:40 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:41 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:42 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:49 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:50 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:51 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:52 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:53 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:54 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:55 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:56 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:57 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:58 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
26:59 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
27:00 I believe it depends on the different types of people that I'm with.
27:27 at the Shelly and Nina concert yes. Have you ever done makeup for them too? They are like one of my
27:36 hugest clients. Yes. So much and I'm actually a very huge fan of random music. I can literally sing an entire song without knowing the meaning but I'll still go on and on and on. That's me with Uganda songs. Seriously? I could sing on and on in a minute. Just words.
27:57 I love random music. I find it very fresh, very passionate. I feel like the musicians deliver. They deliver a message. Have you picked up any random words? Yes. Don't say Vitepli.
28:22 No, no, no, no, no, no. There's a particular word that I usually get from I would say weddings. Yes. And these are these are moms, usually mothers to the brides. Yes. So they usually come into the room. Usually I asked for my space with the bride. So I don't have very many people in the room to ask me different things. Tell me to reduce. So every time most moms
28:51 walk into the room, they're like, Oh my goodness. That word. That word.
28:59 Yeah. Yeah. And then what do you do in that situation? Do you actually take the whole entire thing out or the bride is? So usually, well, I act like I'm trying to govern. Yeah. Then because I try to convince them, I first convince the bride that guess what? Since the makeup is still fresh, it's going to shout. Yeah, it's going to be all out.
29:28 But as time goes on, give it some time. It's going to settle and it's going to be totally fine. So I try to tell the bride and the bride ends up informing the mom or the aunties, depending on the people that are there. Yeah. Yeah. Then the other ones actually to calm down the situation.
29:45 I now know that I have to buy concealer. That's for sure. Yeah. So besides concealer, what are the five essential items you think should be in a makeup bag? At least for the basics. For the basics. Okay. Number one, foundation. Obviously, skin shade. Obviously, skin tone.
30:05 You know, someone should have a concealer. Someone should have a powder. You should have a brow pencil. Yeah. Well, lately, I, since most people are not so good with colors, I'd recommend a lip gloss. I love lip gloss. I think lip gloss is so timeless. Yes, timeless.
30:27 It also helps in the whole moisturizing of the lip and keeping them fresh, you know. So I'd also recommend a gloss and makeup brushes. At least three or four. At least have a makeup brush going on to help with the amazing application of the foundation and powder.
30:48 Because most people actually still up to today still use their hands to do the application and it won't give you like a flawless look. Yes. Yes, we're actually almost getting done.
31:14 Is it a different person? Yeah, definitely. I think I'm just really pretty. Very pretty. And I'm not even overdoing it. I'm like, yeah, makeup can really do things. I think you're actually a makeup lover. I love makeup. Because your reaction has been quite different.
31:32 I just don't know how to do it. If I knew how to apply makeup on myself, I would be like this every day. Maybe not every day, but most of the time. Yeah. Because usually if you are the type of person that doesn't usually wear makeup or not so much, doesn't have too much knowledge about makeup, you'd pretty much be like shocked, surprised, overwhelmed with the entire look.
32:01 Yeah. And probably I'd be one of the victims of the Gavanya ward right now. So just close your eyes.
32:10 So this is to set everything together. Yes. To blend it all out. So you can use a pen.
32:21 All right. So thank you, everybody, to follow us through all the steps. Yes. I hope they were easy and you can do this at home. Or if not, you can simply follow Trendy Chateau on all the Instagram pages, Twitter. Do you have a Twitter? No, Instagram, Snapchat, Snapchat, and Facebook.
32:43 And Facebook. And there is a YouTube channel coming. And to look like this or even better or even lesser, you can just go over there and make your bookings. They can make bookings over there. Yeah, that's true. And you know, have your face look as pretty as me or more or even prettier.
33:02 So see you next time doing something else, maybe in the future with Trendy. Very true. Yeah. So yeah. More content like this to come. And we'll make sure you guys know when he opens, finally, his YouTube channel. Yes. Thank you so much. Bye. Bye.
33:19 Bye.
33:20 (upbeat music)
33:22 (upbeat music)
