Airtel Rwanda Launches Game-Changing Ubuntu Which enables free calls across all networks

  • last year

#IGIHE #Rwanda
00:00 Back here, I'm honoured to introduce our guest of honour here, who is probably a first-time
00:10 visitor here, Mr. Olusegun Ogusanya, who is the Africa Group CEO, who has spent the last
00:22 48 hours with us here, trying to understand the trade, seeing areas of improvement, and
00:28 just to give us more guidance on what needs to be done. We also have Mr. Emmanuel Hamez,
00:35 who is our CEO of Airtel Rwanda. And I believe from here, I'll just hand back to you, Emmanuel,
00:45 to make any opening remarks.
00:46 So, good afternoon. I'm very happy and honoured to welcome our CEO of Africa Group in Rwanda.
00:58 Since his nomination, and maybe due to COVID, Rwanda is part of the first batch of the country
01:08 he has visited. And I think this is evident that among all the other OPCOs, we have 14
01:16 OPCOs in Africa, Rwanda is a priority for Airtel. I think the CEO is coming at the right
01:27 time to make an announcement on the first offer we have done. We have put in the market
01:37 last Friday, and this offer is the first step of the will from Airtel to really catch back
01:48 in the market. Airtel is in Rwanda for quite a long time now, we are part of the telecom
01:57 and ICT sector, but we believe that we need to make more effort to really develop the
02:06 company and to be a real alternative to the other operators. And with the marketing, we
02:14 have worked very actively here in the market to create a new offer, which I'm very proud
02:21 to announce today, which is called Ubunu. So, I'm not a heavy Rwanda speaker yet, but
02:30 Ubunu means gift, generosity, and it's a good name to mention this offer, which really will
02:37 refresh the market. It's something which has never been done in Rwanda, and it's really
02:44 the first time that an operator will put some unlimited offer on the market. As a matter
02:54 of fact, Ubunu will offer unlimited packs for a cost-effective amount, and on top of
03:02 that, we'll add some gigabytes. This offer is very simple, it is based on 12 packs only,
03:12 12 offers, and this replaces all the old offers we had, Terastory, the Onnet. So, if we have
03:20 the particularity first to be unlimited, so all the packs, or most of the packs, can offer
03:27 unlimited calls and unlimited SMS to all networks. So, it means that the offers we had in the
03:35 past, which were only locked on RTL networks, would disappear. We don't have this option
03:40 anymore. Now, all our offers are Onnet, and I appreciate you relaying this message, it's
03:46 very important, because we are the first to do that. The second point, I insist, it is
03:52 unlimited. We put a fair usage policy to 100 minutes per day, but for example, for 200
03:59 francs, you can have 100 minutes per day, and 100 SMS for 24 hours. For 300 francs,
04:08 you will have the same for two days. For 500 francs, you will have the same for one week.
04:15 I don't know if you take the measure of this announcement, I'm not going to ask you to
04:21 make wow here, but I think when you will think about what I said after this press conference,
04:31 you will take the measure of the revolution it is in the market. Because these three minutes
04:36 are not on RTL networks, it's for all networks. Now, what we did for the 3G users, we have
04:44 combined the Internet offer with this Ubuntu offer, and for example, for 1,500 francs,
04:55 for one month, you will have unlimited calls, unlimited SMS, and 5 GB. For 5,000 francs,
05:06 you will have unlimited calls, unlimited SMS, and 15 GB. 4.5 GB, sorry. And for 15,000,
05:15 you will have unlimited calls, unlimited SMS, and 30 GB. This is an extremely strong offer.
05:23 And before I let the floor, of course, to the CEO of RTL Africa, I really take the advantage
05:30 to ask you to advert on it, heavily in the newspaper. RTL has to be part of the media
05:38 landscape environment, and I think John and Grace, who are here, the marketing director,
05:47 I think we have to introduce her. Grace works a lot on this offer, and John, who is in charge
05:53 of the communication, will give you a summary of what is this offer about. And again, I
06:00 insist that you make a lot of noise about it. You will hear from us, and we are ready
06:06 to push on it. 2. This is only the first step of many new
06:11 announcements that will come. This announcement will be in relation with RTL Money, and it
06:18 will be in relation with the Internet. We have worked a lot with the support of the
06:25 community to make this new announcement, but I will not disclose this announcement right
06:29 away, and I will give you a new rendezvous, a new appointment, somewhere end of May or
06:35 in June to make a new revolutionary announcement. Before I give you the floor, I take advantage
06:45 of this floor to thank sincerely all our subscribers. We have more than 4 million subscribers all
06:55 over the country. I really thank them for their loyalty, and this loyalty will be rewarded
07:02 by all these new offers and many others to come. But again, thank you for them. I remind
07:09 them, you know Jean-Claude Gagarin here is RTL Money CEO, that we have very good offer
07:18 on RTL Money. We are doing a lot of effort to give the float available everywhere. I
07:25 remind we have a network of almost 200 agencies all over the country, and 1,700 kiosks which
07:36 are articulated around this agency. And now you will find many merchant codes, you know
07:42 that it's part of the DNA of Rwandan to pay with mobile money. So now we have spread almost
07:52 10,000 codes in 10,000 merchants, and you can now use it in Sawa, in Simba, in the parking
08:00 of the airport, you can use your RTL Money, and we are going to catch back on that.
08:06 Last but not least, I would like to thank the authority who have supported us to do
08:14 this offer and to support RTL to develop and to be part of the ICT ecosystem for the best
08:25 of Rwanda. Thank you very much for your attention, and now I'm going to give the floor to the
08:30 CEO of Africa, and thank you again, Segun, for your coming.
08:36 Thank you. It's always a pleasure when I visit a country like Rwanda. I came in about two
08:45 days ago on Wednesday evening. It's been a delight being with the beautiful people of
08:50 Rwanda, so I say a big thank you to you for the very warm welcome that I've received.
08:57 And I also want to thank all members of the RTL community of Rwanda. I'm so excited as
09:05 to what you've done and to what we're going to do together. The last couple of days have
09:10 made me interested in the officials of the government.
09:12 On our path, we're here to stay. We want to be a very valued member of the community,
09:19 and all I can say is to just make a commitment that from HQ perspective, we're committed
09:28 to this country, we're committed to our business, and we just want to give the good people of
09:34 this country a very valuable option to what is available on the ground. We provide mobile
09:41 money services. Gaga just introduced himself again. He's the managing director of mobile
09:46 money business. We repair the business. We want mobile money to be the preferred currency
09:54 of everyone in this country. We want the currency to be acceptable in every merchant. We want
10:01 everybody in this country to be able to walk into any shop to exchange money for float
10:07 and to exchange float for money. So we open so many outlets, kiosks, and mobile money
10:13 branches. At the same time, we've also improved our network to deliver excellent services
10:19 to our 4 million customers, and I add my own appreciation to those customers. Big thank
10:24 you to you. You make us look good. And the product that was launched a couple of days
10:30 ago, Ubuntu, is a recognition of our faith in the business and of our belief that consumers
10:39 deserve a very affordable option. You shouldn't break the ban to make telephone calls, which
10:46 is why we made this easy to call any network in this country at a very, very affordable
10:53 rate. We've also added SMS. And for those who use data, there's another option that
10:58 you can have bundles. So you really don't have any reason for having another SIM card
11:03 except the Airtel SIM card. We make it easier for you to call any operator. And when you
11:11 also look at the quality of the network, I'm not very familiar with the other networks
11:17 in this country, but I know that we offer the best services. So gentlemen of the press,
11:23 talk about what you've done, and I must also thank you for all the support you've given
11:26 to us. We've been in this country for a very long time, and there's no way any company
11:30 can survive without the support of the media. So I thank you, gentlemen. And I don't see
11:36 any lady? Excellent. I like the gender balance. So thank you so much for the support you've
11:41 given to us. And all I can say is you're going to see a lot more good things coming out of
11:48 Rwanda out of Airtel. Thank you.
11:55 The primary purpose of this pack is to make it easy for numerous consumers to make phone
12:00 calls to any customer, anyone, at very pocket-friendly price. You don't have to break your wallet
12:05 to make phone calls. That's what we promise in Rwanda.
12:07 Do you want to briefly go through the packs offers that are available?
12:12 There are about 12 versions of the offer. There's one for 100 franc, 200 franc, 500
12:17 franc. It depends on what you want to do. If you're a daily user, we have something
12:20 for you on a daily basis. If you're a person who wants something for two days, we have
12:24 something for you for five days, for seven days. So the various options are available
12:28 for various pocket sizes.
12:30 You mentioned something about it being unlimited. What did you mean by that?
12:33 It means that, of course, there is always an FUP, but meaning on a day if you subscribe
12:38 to the 200 and the 100 franc, you can as well make as many phone calls as you want to.
12:43 And how is it important for the customers?
12:46 Sorry?
12:47 How is it important for the customers? The advantage of this pack to the customers?
12:51 It's because you don't have to worry about how much you are burning because you know
12:55 you have unlimited minutes. You can just talk to your loved ones, talk to your friends,
13:00 your family, for as long as you want if you have an AirTel SIM card. That's the beauty
13:03 of this for the customers.
13:04 And how do you see Rwanda? You have travelled to different parts of the world after arriving
13:09 here.
13:10 This is a lovely country, I must confess. I've heard so many stories about this country.
13:16 My first time of coming inside the country, I'm so delighted by what I've seen in the
13:19 last couple of days. And I give kudos to everyone for making this country an icon in Africa.
13:24 Well done to all of you.
13:25 Does this pack remove others?
13:29 Does it?
13:30 Does it cancel others?
13:31 What we want to do is to make it easier for customers to choose what they want. So we're
13:35 removing all the numerous packs we have and giving like 12 different options. So I think
13:40 across the 12 options, there's enough for everybody.
13:42 So it's going to be the new way to function?
13:45 The new one. Just keep your ears tuned. Many new things are going to come from this company.
13:52 Thank you.
13:53 Thank you.
13:54 (upbeat music)
