AfDB Country Manager Discusses Government Cooperation and Private Sector Development in Rwanda

  • last year

#IGIHE #Rwanda


00:03 African Development Bank on the continent,
00:20 it's a multilateral development bank,
00:24 the first on the continent, that was founded in 1963
00:30 and became effective one year later.
00:34 The composition of the bank is made of 54 African countries.
00:44 You can say all African countries are
00:46 part of African Development Bank,
00:49 plus what we call non-regional countries.
00:52 You have 28 non-regional countries,
00:56 the Western countries, Canada, America, Japan,
01:01 and some Asian countries, like Japan and Korea, for instance.
01:06 And we are really being set as a mandate of the agenda
01:12 2063 by the EU, is really to support the social development
01:20 transformation of the continent.
01:25 For that mandate, we have several instruments.
01:32 The biggest instruments are financial, obviously,
01:34 because we are an NDB.
01:37 And we have key three windows, funding windows.
01:42 Having said that, we have many, many trust funds,
01:46 that means countries give us funding
01:51 to use on their behalf in specific sectors,
01:54 for specific countries, or specific targets.
01:59 So we have many of these ones.
02:00 I can think of the Canadian trust fund, Korean trust fund,
02:05 Japanese trust fund.
02:06 So basically, this is the bank.
02:09 So this is where we are.
02:10 We are a AAA bank.
02:13 That means any $1 that we have as a capital,
02:17 we can raise four times that amount.
02:20 And we provide funding at very concessional terms
02:25 for countries like Rwanda or elsewhere.
02:27 So this is African Development Bank.
02:29 The bank has been operating in Rwanda since 1974.
02:34 And since then, we have provided $2.9 billion
02:40 worth investment in this country, in many sectors.
02:45 As we speak, we have a portfolio of 26 projects
02:52 worth $1.5 billion.
02:56 And these projects are mainly in infrastructure.
03:00 When I say infrastructure, it is water and sanitation,
03:05 it's transport, and it's energy.
03:08 And this accounts for 87% of our entire portfolio.
03:13 So the 26 projects, 87% are in infrastructures.
03:19 Now the remaining projects are in skills development,
03:24 human capital in general, and interventions
03:27 to support private sectors to strive
03:30 and to be able to contribute to the transformation
03:34 of socioeconomic transformation in Rwanda.
03:37 I'm sure that you know the Kivu Belt.
03:40 With the road from the north to the east is the bank.
03:43 I'm sure that you know Carnegie Mellon Africa, the university.
03:48 It's African Development Bank.
03:50 The Institute of Architecture, I think
03:53 it has a new name, technology.
03:55 It's African Development Bank.
03:57 The impacts are massive.
03:59 In some areas, in many areas in Rwanda,
04:01 we're providing the three at the same time.
04:04 So imagine the impact for education, access to schools,
04:10 access to hospitals, the trade in those areas,
04:16 and then also facilitating the business.
04:19 Because when you have electricity,
04:22 you can go for agro-processing.
04:24 You can have businesses that use electricity,
04:26 and many businesses need electricity.
04:29 So really, our impact have been massive.
04:33 We are a trusted partner.
04:35 We are the second donor right after the World Bank.
04:40 And in infrastructure, we are really
04:43 the partner of the government.
04:45 Only in water this year, 2023, we'll have--
04:50 we'll invest 350 million in water.
04:56 100 million will go for what we call policy-based operations
05:01 that will help the reform of the water sector
05:05 that the government is looking for.
05:08 And the remaining 250 million USD
05:11 will go for investment projects for access
05:14 to water in the southern part of the country.
05:20 And we don't also only provide infrastructure,
05:24 because those infrastructure come also
05:26 with some social economic investment.
05:31 We invest in schools along those roads,
05:34 or along the transmission lines that you're providing.
05:37 We provide market storage, milk collection centers.
05:43 But these are not standalone projects.
05:46 There are additionality to our investment project,
05:50 so that the development impact is broader than having a road,
05:54 having energy, or having only water.
05:57 So our investments are enablers for bigger
06:02 social economic transformation in the areas
06:04 that are there happening.
06:06 Private sector, we have been timid so far.
06:10 But we are coming high on it.
06:13 There are three key investments in private sector
06:17 that are ongoing.
06:19 The Kigali bulk water is that you know here.
06:23 Water infrastructure where we provided financing
06:27 to Metito, a private sector international that
06:31 is specialized in water.
06:33 We provide them with 20 million USD
06:36 to be able to invest in the Kigali bulk water.
06:39 There is a project on the Kivu, on Lake Kivu,
06:43 for extraction of methane.
06:45 It's also us.
06:47 And then now we are coming for a new project in transport
06:52 that will be a blend, public investment to get
06:57 the infrastructure done.
06:58 Once this is done next year, we'll
07:00 come with private sector investment
07:03 because the government has requested the bank to support
07:08 on electric buses.
07:10 So this is something that we are very, very excited to do
07:13 because this is a new avenue for development in Rwanda.
07:19 So we are happy to be part of it.
07:22 And lastly, we are also as part of the Bugesera airports,
07:28 we're going to provide support to the government
07:31 to set up a center of excellence for aviation.
07:35 This is a project of around 25 million dollars
07:40 to set up an academy where all the skills that
07:46 are needed in aviation value chains,
07:48 from pilot to the ground, people that
07:54 work in the airports, et cetera, will be trained.
07:58 So this is really something also that is very exciting
08:01 that we are looking.
08:02 So it's a lot.
08:03 We're doing really a lot.
08:04 Only this year, we are providing 523 million in investment
08:11 from different funding windows that I mentioned to you earlier.
08:16 So yes, a lot is going on.
08:20 (upbeat music)
