Decade-Long Investigation: Unraveling the Hailey Dunn Mystery

  • 9 months ago
Decade-Long Investigation: Unraveling the Hailey Dunn Mystery


00:00 I'm just, I've been staying out of the way of law enforcement all this time.
00:14 I thought I was doing the best thing by not coming down on law enforcement.
00:20 And I've just, it's been too many years of no action.
00:24 Nothing's been done.
00:25 So I'm tired of waiting.
00:29 I had my, the investigator over the case right now out of Scurry County, he told me one time,
00:35 he said he doesn't care if it takes 20 years to do this.
00:39 And I do care if it takes 20 years.
00:42 I don't want the person that hurt my kid that doesn't need to walk the street for 20 years.
00:46 I'm tired of waiting.
01:05 Thirteen year old Haley Dunn came from the small town of Colorado City in Texas.
01:13 With a population of just under 4,000 people, the area Haley was from had a particularly
01:17 tight community.
01:21 Haley was described by her dad Clint as a tomboy that loved glittery and pretty things.
01:26 Her mom, Billie Jean Dunn, said she always remembers her laugh, big smile and how funny
01:31 she was.
01:32 She was a bright and energetic teenager.
01:36 Haley's friends said she loved to joke around and she was never afraid to speak her mind.
01:41 She was a cheerleader, a saxophone player and a competitive and talented athlete, loving
01:47 school, her friends and her teachers.
01:49 By the time she reached the eighth grade, she was playing for the volleyball, basketball
01:54 and softball teams.
02:02 Her parents would separate when she was 10 and Haley and her older brother David went
02:05 to live with their mother and her boyfriend, Sean Adkins, on Chestnut Street in Colorado
02:11 City.
02:18 Haley and her dad Clint were especially close.
02:21 Clint lived just across the road from them and Haley would swing by his house every day.
02:26 Whether it be just popping in to say hi before school or staying over for dinner, she never
02:31 missed an opportunity to spend time with him.
02:38 Christmas Day, 2010, Haley's grandmother Connie said that Haley was in great spirits
02:43 that day.
02:45 She was excited about the gifts she had received that year, especially her new iPod, and spent
02:49 most of Christmas and Boxing Day with her father.
02:53 During the evening on Boxing Day, David, Haley's 16-year-old brother, went to a friend's house
02:58 for a sleepover.
03:00 Haley stayed at home and played video games into the night.
03:04 The following morning, December 27th, Sean left for work at 5.30am.
03:10 Billie Jean also left about an hour later to start a 12-hour shift.
03:15 She said she checked in on Haley who was sound asleep in her bed.
03:18 Everything appeared to be fine.
03:21 Billie said that Haley would be home alone all day as she and Sean would be out at work,
03:26 and she assumed that when Haley got up, she would simply head over to her dad's house
03:30 as she normally would.
03:32 Billie also left her cell phone at home so the children could use it if they needed to.
03:37 Sean arrived at his job in Snyder at around 6am.
03:41 He then said he got into a bad fight with his boss 10 minutes after he arrived and ended
03:45 up quitting on the spot, before heading to his mother's house in Big Spring, and then
03:49 driving back to Colorado City just before 3pm.
03:55 Haley's father Clint was used to seeing his daughter every day, but on December 27th,
04:00 Haley didn't knock his door, and he didn't hear from her all day.
04:04 At around 2 o'clock that afternoon, a text was sent from the cell phone left at the house
04:09 to a friend of Haley's saying, "W-Y-D, what you doing?"
04:14 This friend never replied.
04:17 Later that evening, Sean picked Billie up from work.
04:20 Billie said that when she got home, she realised Haley wasn't in the house.
04:24 She asked Sean if he had seen her.
04:27 He said that Haley had left the house on foot to go to her father's, and then had plans
04:31 to stay the night at her friend Mary Beth's house.
04:34 But Clint confirmed this definitely wasn't the case.
04:37 That was my day, and then I came home around, I guess like 3 o'clock I got there, and Haley
04:48 was there watching TV in the living room, and I went into me and Billie's bedroom,
04:54 and she came in there and told me that she was going to her father's house and that she
04:57 was staying the night with a friend, and then she left.
05:01 And then I was there by myself for maybe an hour at the most, and then David and a friend
05:07 came over, and they went to his room, and they were playing video games and so forth,
05:12 and Billie called me and told me that her relief got there and that she's going to get
05:20 to leave a little early, so I was up there at the hospital in Snyder around 6 o'clock
05:25 to pick her up, and then we came back, and then we went to bed shortly after that.
05:31 And this whole time you were thinking Haley was at a friend's house?
05:34 Yes.
05:35 About what time did she say she was leaving?
05:36 About what time Haley was leaving?
05:37 I guess it was sometime in between 3 and 3.30 when she said she was leaving.
05:45 It was shortly after I got there, I'm not real sure about a time.
05:50 Does she normally call and check in every so often, or is it normal to not hear from
05:54 her for so long?
05:58 It's pretty normal for her just to not call, because she usually does that though, because
06:03 she does stay the night at a friend's house, she'll be back the next morning.
06:09 The next morning came and went, and Haley was still not home.
06:13 Billy decided to phone Marybeth's parents who confirmed they hadn't seen Haley at all,
06:18 and she definitely didn't spend the night with them.
06:23 Nothing was missing from Haley's room, and certain things everyone would have expected
06:27 her to take if she was staying at someone's house were all still there.
06:33 Billy started going door to door, asking everyone if they had seen her daughter, but no one
06:39 had.
06:42 Haley said she was scared that maybe someone had driven past and snatched her while she
06:45 was walking to a store, and she even wondered if maybe Haley had been in a bad mood which
06:50 resulted in her storming out of the house that day.
06:54 A missing persons report was filed on the afternoon of the 28th of December.
06:59 Investigators initially classed Haley's disappearance as a runaway, but a short while later her
07:03 case was reclassified as a missing child case.
07:07 This was a decision that the police would later receive immense backlash for making.
07:12 The community rallied around the family and sprung into action to try and find Haley.
07:17 The media quickly ran with the story too.
07:20 Clint was devastated and distraught at his daughter's disappearance, and he spent every
07:25 waking moment looking for her.
07:28 He rifled through dumpsters, searched the streets and alleyways and anywhere else he
07:32 could think of.
07:34 People reported that this level of concern was not shared by Billy and Sean.
07:40 As the searches expanded into more vast and open areas, reporters recalled that Billy
07:45 didn't want to partake in these searches.
07:48 Billy herself said that while she was happy to hand out flyers and talk to the media,
07:52 she couldn't deal with looking in wooded areas or fields because that made her think
07:56 they were looking for her daughter's body.
08:00 Searching these more rural areas was also something that Clint struggled to do.
08:04 Billy's boyfriend Sean, however, didn't even hand out flyers, let alone participate
08:09 in the searches, and he was very far removed from the investigation.
08:15 Numerous people were questioned, including registered sex offenders in the area, but
08:20 everyone was quickly ruled out.
08:26 Wednesday December 29th, Clint and Billy's homes were searched and a day later, the National
08:31 Center for Missing and Exploited Children got involved in the case.
08:36 Dogs managed to track Haley's scent throughout the neighborhood, which led them to a nearby
08:40 motel.
08:41 But the staff there did not recall seeing Haley and she wasn't seen on any of the surveillance
08:46 footage either.
08:47 A thorough search of all 24 suites in the building failed to produce any evidence that
08:52 Haley had ever been there.
08:56 Billy and Sean threw a New Year's Eve party on the 31st, just four days after Haley was
09:01 reported missing, and many people were confused at the timing of this.
09:07 Billy said she didn't even realize it was New Year's Eve and that the reason that family
09:11 and friends came over was to support her.
09:13 But Clint had a different take.
09:17 He said that he stood on his porch with binoculars looking for his daughter, watching Billy and
09:21 Sean party into the night.
09:24 "I don't see how you can just celebrate the new year when your daughter is missing,"
09:28 he said, "that should be the last thing on your mind."
09:32 As the new year rolled around, the close community entered it with a somber and subdued feeling.
09:38 With still no trace, sighting of or word from Haley Dunn, the lengthy and painstaking searches
09:44 continued.
09:45 "Well, Lane and Victor, we're going into day nine in the search for Haley Dunn and there's
09:50 still no sign of her.
09:52 When I visited with the Dunn family this morning, I saw Texas Rangers scouring through Haley's
09:56 room.
09:57 I'm told that this is the window to her bedroom.
10:00 Now, Texas Rangers, I'm told, have not found anything and no sign of foul play or any sign
10:06 of her packing her bags and running away from home at this time.
10:09 More than a week later and still no sign of Haley, her mother says it's frustrating but
10:13 she remains hopeful.
10:14 "I have to do nothing but hope that she left by herself and that she's going to come back
10:21 to me because if I don't cling on to that hope, I don't have anything."
10:26 Now local authorities tell me they're following several tips at this time.
10:30 Several agencies have stepped in and the reward once again is $25,000 for tips that lead to
10:37 Haley Dunn.
10:41 On January 4th, 2011, Texas Rangers and the FBI came on board to look into Haley's disappearance.
10:49 More than a hundred billboards featuring Haley's picture and information were set up throughout
10:53 Texas and other states.
10:56 Haley's case gained even more attention when Nancy Grace reported on it and interviewed
11:00 Billie Jean Dunn.
11:02 This took the case to a new national level.
11:07 Haley's case was on national television and Nancy Grace seemed to be a little hard on
11:11 you.
11:12 What was that like hearing her question Billie like that?
11:16 I heard about it.
11:17 I wasn't there when Billie was getting interviewed by her.
11:20 I was talking to the Texas Rangers but I heard about it and it's frustrating, you know, what
11:25 she said about me.
11:27 But it really doesn't bother me because my main focus is Haley.
11:31 We just want her to come home safe.
11:33 Does it hurt to think people would point fingers at you, the person who cares about her?
11:39 Yeah, it hurts.
11:40 It does.
11:41 Describe to me the relationship between you and Haley.
11:48 It's a really good relationship and I love her with all my heart and I believe she loves
11:54 me with all her heart and we get along just fine.
11:59 Is there anything else you want people to know about you and your relationship with
12:05 the family at all?
12:07 Because it seems like a lot of people are buzzing on the internet about it.
12:10 Yeah, as far as me, Haley, and Billie and David, we all get along just fine and I would
12:18 never do nothing to that little girl.
12:19 I love her with all my heart and I just wish for her safe return.
12:27 The following day, January 5th, Billie asked Sean to leave the home.
12:31 This was not an uncommon thing as the pair frequently rowed, often making up a few days
12:35 later.
12:36 But as the investigation was now deepening, more about Haley's home life started to come
12:42 out.
12:43 Reporters said that although her home life appeared to be simple and carefree from the
12:47 outside, behind closed doors it was far more complex and difficult for the 13-year-old
12:52 and her brother.
12:54 One reporter said, "We got word about a lot of alcohol, a lot of partying from her
12:58 mother, and so you get the sense that maybe home life was a little harder than what they
13:03 let on."
13:04 Billie Jean Dunne and Sean Adkins had been on the police's radar long before Haley
13:10 disappeared.
13:12 Around ten months before Haley was last seen, calls were made to police regarding a domestic
13:16 disturbance between Billie and Sean.
13:19 The pair both called the police to report each other, and when officers arrived at the
13:23 house, the couple were argumentative and combative.
13:26 I really need to file a report on somebody.
13:30 What exactly happened?
13:31 I broke up with this guy a couple of days ago and he's telling me that he's going
13:37 to kill me and that it's going to be remembered for a long time.
13:40 I got a situation on my hands.
13:41 I have an ex-girlfriend, she's taking a whole bunch of society pills that I'm taking.
13:47 So I guess she got them from me and she said she took a bunch of her pain pills too.
13:52 And she's saying that she wants to die so she can file the report on me for threats
13:58 and stuff like that.
13:59 She was upset about it and she's just not seeing herself right now.
14:04 Threatening to kill her.
14:06 Damn it.
14:07 Billie Dunne.
14:08 Oh God.
14:09 He's been gone all day.
14:11 Alright, I'll go up there.
14:13 Shortly after this, as was very common, Billie and Sean patched things up and Sean moved
14:18 back into the home.
14:19 Billie herself said that Hayley didn't see Sean as a stepdad or father figure and they
14:24 were more friends than anything else.
14:26 But according to others close to Hayley, she did not like Sean at all and felt afraid of
14:31 him.
14:32 Things that Hayley used to tell me about the man.
14:35 What kind of things?
14:38 She didn't like him.
14:40 She didn't trust him.
14:41 She was afraid of him.
14:42 I don't want to be here right now.
14:43 I'm going to be here with you because I don't feel right with my stepdad.
14:51 She told her grandmother Connie that she would often see Sean's shadow in the middle of the
14:55 night outside her bedroom door and she was terrified that he would enter her room as
14:59 she slept.
15:01 Detectives asked Billie and Sean to undertake polygraph tests.
15:05 They both had to retake the tests due to being under the influence of narcotics at the time
15:09 of the first one.
15:10 But Billie said this was simply an anti-anxiety medication that had been prescribed to her
15:14 by her doctor.
15:17 Sean Adkins walked out of the test at least twice and on the third attempt he only completed
15:22 stage one.
15:24 He said he felt it had become a witch hunt and they were trying to force him into admitting
15:27 to something he hadn't done.
15:29 But he did give the detective something.
15:32 When he was asked about where he thought Hayley might be, Sean responded, "In Scurry County."
15:39 When asked who the police should be looking at as suspects, he simply replied, "Both
15:43 of us."
15:45 The tests did show these two answers were truthful, but he refused to explain any further
15:51 before walking out again and not completing stage two.
15:55 The results of Billie's second polygraph test and stage one of Sean's both showed that deception
16:00 was indicated on several questions.
16:03 I want to thank everyone for coming this afternoon and giving me an opportunity to make a statement.
16:12 First I want to speak directly to Hayley in case she's listening.
16:17 Wherever you are Hayley, I'm looking for you.
16:20 Hundreds of people are looking for you.
16:23 We all want you home safe.
16:26 I just want to see and touch your beautiful face.
16:33 I really love you.
16:35 I desperately need your home.
16:39 There's not a minute that goes by I'm not crying for you or wishing you were in my living
16:47 room.
16:48 I can't handle not knowing where you are or if you're safe.
16:52 You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on and I'm very proud that God chose
16:57 me to be your mother.
16:58 Next I want to say if someone out there has Hayley, please let her go.
17:05 Just turn her loose, drop her off at a church, a school, a police station, anywhere that
17:09 she can get to a phone and call police or call her family.
17:14 I've been flat out called a liar by some people.
17:16 Others speculate on my possible involvement in Hayley's disappearance or wonder if I'm
17:21 covering up for somebody.
17:24 Some people accuse me of withholding information and not cooperating with law enforcement.
17:28 These things are not true, but I now feel that I have to defend myself from ridiculous
17:32 accusations, slander or defamation of character.
17:38 Over the coming months, vigils and searches continued throughout Colorado City, but the
17:42 volunteers were often hindered for weeks at a time due to the freezing temperatures.
17:48 Colorado City Police then held a press conference.
17:51 They said they were now investigating the case as if Hayley was under duress or deceased.
17:57 Early into the investigation, cell phone and bank records belonging to both Sean Adkins
18:01 and Billie Jean Dunn were analysed.
18:04 Sean's previous place of work was also looked at.
18:08 It turned out that Sean hadn't been fired from his job after all.
18:11 His boss told investigators that Sean turned up for work at 6am on December 27th and bought
18:17 a drink before handing in his uniform and quitting on the spot, and at 6.10pm he drove
18:22 away.
18:23 Sean later admitted he had lied about being fired to try and avoid an argument with Billie
18:28 Jean.
18:29 Sean told detectives that he went straight from Snyder to his mother's house in Big
18:32 Spring to use her computer to sign on to unemployment benefits.
18:37 But cell phone records showed this was simply not possible.
18:41 Between 6.35 and 6.56am, Sean's phone pinged off of a tower in Colorado City, which was
18:47 almost 50 miles away from Big Spring.
18:51 The data did put him in Big Spring, but not until between the hours of 9.38am and 2.40pm.
18:59 More cell phone tower pings also put Sean in the area of Scurry County that day.
19:04 Sean told police that after visiting his mother's house, he was back in Colorado City by 3pm
19:09 and saw and spoke to Hayley for the last time at 3.15pm, before she left to go to her father's.
19:15 However, more mobile data confirmed that Sean was still in Big Spring at 2.40pm, which would
19:21 have left him with just a 20-minute window to make a 40-mile drive.
19:26 David, Hayley's brother, said when he returned home on December 27th at around 4pm, he found
19:31 the door was locked.
19:34 After knocking for a while to try and get in, he managed to enter the home through a
19:37 window.
19:39 David found Sean standing in the hallway, looking like a deer in headlights.
19:45 In an affidavit, Hayley's uncle recalled a conversation he had had with Sean regarding
19:49 her disappearance.
19:51 Her uncle said he couldn't believe anyone would ever want to hurt a child.
19:55 Sean replied, "It's like killing a deer."
20:00 Bank records showed that after Sean picked up Billy from work at around 6pm, the couple
20:04 stopped at two ATM machines where Billy withdrew a total of $140.
20:10 Billy originally told the police that the money was withdrawn to buy groceries and gas,
20:14 but investigators later realised the pair used the money to buy narcotics.
20:19 Concerned that Sean and Billy were potentially using narcotics inside the family home around
20:23 children, detectives wanted to take a much closer look inside the house.
20:28 Following this, detectives found that Billy and Sean had printed hundreds of articles
20:32 found online, all of which profiled and talked about serial killers, sexual sadism and family
20:39 member murders, but Billy said this was just something they were interested in and that
20:43 plenty of people were into true crime.
20:46 On January 12th 2011, it was revealed that Sean was now officially being considered a
20:50 person of interest in the case.
20:52 He, however, denied any involvement.
20:56 David was then removed from the home by Child Protective Services.
21:00 On February 24th, authorities made a shocking find.
21:04 Over 100,000 images of child pornography on a memory stick were found in Billy's home
21:10 and on a computer in Sean's mother's house.
21:13 A laptop was also seized and held at the station.
21:17 Hayley's father Clint said that Sean's stepfather went to the police station demanding the laptop
21:21 be returned to Sean, which it was.
21:25 Arrests were not made regarding these findings, however, but it was presented to a grand jury.
21:30 Sheriff Toome said of this, "You have more than one person in the home in each case,
21:36 so you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."
21:41 On March 17th 2011, authorities went to Billy and Sean's home to talk to Sean.
21:47 Billy said he wasn't there, but when officers entered the home using a warrant, they found
21:51 he was hiding inside the house.
21:55 Billy was then arrested and charged with lying to the police.
21:59 In June 2011, Billie Jean Dunn was sentenced to a suspended 90-day jail term and a year's
22:05 probation for lying about Sean's whereabouts.
22:08 Billie served her probation over 250 miles away in Travis County, where she had moved
22:13 with Sean.
22:16 The couple did eventually break up in 2012 and went their separate ways.
22:21 Billie Jean said she started to believe he was involved in her daughter's disappearance
22:25 after it was confirmed that as well as local police, the FBI also considered him to be
22:29 a person of interest.
22:31 As time went on, searches for Haley began to dwindle.
22:35 With each vigil that was held, tips and leads would slowly start to trickle in, only for
22:39 the case to go cold again shortly after.
22:43 Another year would pass, with still no movement in Haley's case.
22:50 On March 16th, 2013, a hiker found human remains 20 miles away from Colorado City, near Lake
22:57 J.B.
22:58 Thomas in Scurry County.
23:00 On March 16th, 2013, local authorities were notified of human remains located near Lake
23:06 J.B.
23:07 Thomas in southwest Scurry County.
23:09 The remains were sent to the University of North Texas Center for Human Identification
23:13 for DNA analysis.
23:15 On April 26th, 2013, the Scurry County District Attorney's Office received written confirmation
23:20 that the remains have been positively identified as those of Haley Dunn.
23:29 Authorities did not confirm the cause of death, but Clint said he was told by investigators
23:34 that Haley had most likely died from blunt force trauma.
23:38 A $15,000 reward was offered for any information leading directly to the arrest of the killer
23:44 or killers of Haley Dunn.
23:46 Sadly, the family had to wait a painful four years until they could finally lay Haley to
23:51 rest in January of 2017.
24:00 Texas mother desperate to find her daughter's killer is speaking out.
24:04 It was six years ago when 13-year-old Haley Dunn went missing after leaving her father's
24:09 home in Colorado City, that's west of Abilene.
24:12 Her remains were found three years later, but her killer remains at large.
24:16 Her mother, who is from Austin, says she has hope justice will be served.
24:21 I still want to believe every time they tell me that there's going to be an arrest soon.
24:28 I keep that faith.
24:32 In 2018, Clint Dunn told the media he believed his daughter was attacked, either by Sean
24:37 himself, or by his ex-wife Billie Jean Dunn, while Sean assisted.
24:42 They're both involved, he said.
24:44 That's not even up for discussion anymore.
24:47 Clint was constantly in touch with the police, begging them to make an arrest in his daughter's
24:51 case.
24:52 But the investigating team still needed more.
24:55 I'm just, I've been staying out of the way of law enforcement all this time.
25:03 I thought I was doing the best thing by not coming down on law enforcement.
25:09 And I've just, it's been too many years of no action.
25:13 Nothing's been done.
25:14 So I'm tired of waiting.
25:19 I had my, the investigator over the case right now out of Scurry County, he told me one time,
25:24 he said he doesn't care if it takes 20 years to do this.
25:28 And I do care if it takes 20 years.
25:31 I don't want the person to hurt my kid that doesn't need to walk the street for 20 years.
25:37 You think that person is still out there somewhere?
25:40 Yeah.
25:42 I think he's here in this town.
25:45 Big Spring, Texas.
25:46 You think he's in Big Spring?
25:50 I know he was two months ago.
25:53 You have somebody in mind?
25:55 Sean Atkins.
25:56 You think it's Sean Atkins, the only named suspect?
25:59 Yep.
26:00 And I think that Billie Jean knows something.
26:02 She's said too many lies.
26:04 She's avoided too much.
26:06 And she knows more than what she said.
26:09 Clint Dunne's many appeals on social media caught the attention of an anonymous person
26:14 who reportedly found several items belonging to Haley Dunne during late spring, early summer
26:19 of 2011.
26:21 The person who found the items was in middle school at the time and had no knowledge of
26:25 Haley or her disappearance.
26:27 Because of this, they did not tell the authorities about what they had found.
26:30 In 2019, this person saw one of Clint's social media posts about Haley.
26:35 It was only then they remembered what they had found.
26:39 They reached out to Clint to tell him.
26:42 The items and their location has not been publicly revealed, but Clint said they were
26:47 found in an area that was searched countless times in the initial stages of the investigation.
26:53 Private investigator Erica Morse has been working closely with Clint Dunne since his
26:57 daughter disappeared.
26:59 Erica said she uncovered evidence and spoke to officials but said they had been silent
27:03 since Haley's remains were found.
27:07 She said they wouldn't return her calls or update anyone on whether there was any movement
27:11 in the case.
27:13 In October 2019, Erica said she began receiving messages from women in and around West Texas
27:19 who were being harassed online by a man going by the name of Casey.
27:24 Knowing this was Sean Adkins' middle name, she asked them to send the videos and photos
27:28 to her that he had sent to them.
27:31 Police confirmed that it was him.
27:34 On October 28th 2019, Erica accompanied one of the women that was being harassed by him
27:39 to the police department to make a report, but they were turned away by an officer who
27:45 accused the victim of fabricating the story.
27:50 This pushed Erica to pen an open letter, urging that if Sean wasn't arrested soon, more
27:55 victims would undoubtedly follow.
27:58 But two more years would pass and it wouldn't be until 2021 where the case would take a
28:03 big turn.
28:04 In May 2021, Erica did hear back from the Mitchell County District Attorney and they
28:10 requested a meeting with her and Clint.
28:12 Erica said "During that meeting we were assured that during the month of June, Haley's
28:17 killer would be arrested."
28:19 And with this, more than a decade after Haley Dunne was reported missing and seven years
28:24 after her remains were found, an arrest was finally made.
28:32 Reaction from Colorado City tonight is emotional and also getting straight to the point.
28:39 Sean Adkins is sitting in the Mitchell County Jail tonight charged for the murder of 13
28:43 year old Haley Dunne.
28:45 She first went missing over 10 years ago.
28:49 You know this community, they have spent more than a decade searching.
28:53 Searching for a young girl, searching for answers, searching really for justice.
28:59 We are a step closer to that tonight.
29:01 The arrest of Sean Adkins is what the community of Colorado City has been waiting on for a
29:05 long time.
29:07 District Attorney Ricky Thompson consulted with the Texas Rangers Unsolved Crimes Investigation
29:11 Program regarding the case.
29:14 The Texas Rangers then obtained a search warrant to get a sample of Sean's DNA.
29:19 On June 13th, 2021, a warrant was issued and Sean Casey Adkins was arrested and charged
29:25 with the murder of Haley Dunne.
29:28 Haley Dunne said, "I'm not really shocked at the news that it was Sean.
29:31 Of course you would have hoped it wasn't him because I stayed with him after she left,
29:36 after Haley went missing, but I'm not surprised.
29:39 And I thank God that that person has been apprehended and is going to pay for what he
29:43 did here on Earth."
29:45 Sean Adkins is currently being held on a $2 million bond and as of July 2021, he has
29:51 not yet entered a plea.
29:53 The KCBD Investigates team, the Mitchell County District Attorney's Office has released a
29:58 single page from Sean Adkins' arrest warrant.
30:01 He is the man police hold responsible for killing Haley Dunne in Colorado City.
30:06 Big Spring Police arrested him last month, but we don't know why.
30:10 When KCBD requested the arrest warrant, we were sent to Mitchell County and the DA there
30:14 refused, citing Texas law claiming it blocked us from access to this public record since
30:21 it involves the alleged abuse and death of a child.
30:24 So now while we're waiting on the Attorney General to rule on this decision, in the meantime,
30:29 it has been 10 days since our request for the entire arrest warrant and affidavit.
30:34 We have only this part of the warrant so far, ordering any law enforcement agent to arrest
30:39 Sean Adkins for the charge of murder out of Colorado City, but that does not shed any
30:44 light on what led Mitchell County to that conclusion.
30:48 So our Investigates team will keep pursuing your right to know about what police say led
30:53 to the death of Haley Dunne.
30:55 Following Sean's arrest, Erica Morse referred to Haley's dad Clint as the driving force
30:59 in the case and said that he was a template for every parent who wants to find justice
31:04 for their child.
31:06 Clint said "Right now there are no words to define how I feel.
31:10 We will let the trial speak the truth.
31:13 Thank you to everyone who searched for Haley and to those who fought tirelessly for an
31:17 arrest.
31:18 Hopefully, true justice will come in the courtroom."
31:22 This case is still ongoing, but the family hopes that this will see that justice for
31:27 Haley Dunne is finally served.
31:29 [Music]