• last year
This upper-body lift workout led by Denise and Katie Austin has dumbbell moves like curls and presses and strength training exercises for toned arms.


00:00 - Hi, Women's Health.
00:01 I'm Katie Austin.
00:02 - And I'm her mom, Denise Austin.
00:04 - And welcome to the Strength Transformation Challenge.
00:08 - That's right.
00:09 We're gonna start with a quick warm-up,
00:11 but have your weights handy because you will need it.
00:14 - Today, we are working our upper body
00:16 for a great 30-minute workout.
00:18 All you need is leg weights, so let's get to it.
00:21 - Whoo! Let's take a nice deep breath.
00:23 Inhale, bring in that oxygen.
00:25 Oxygen equals energy.
00:28 One more deep breath.
00:29 Inhale through your nose.
00:30 Inhale and exhale out.
00:33 Wonderful.
00:34 And now let's stretch.
00:35 Open up the chest.
00:37 You're really warming up the whole body from head to toe.
00:41 - Also getting your lower half involved as well.
00:44 A light bend just to get your lower half into it
00:48 and nice and fired up.
00:49 - Whoo!
00:50 Two more stretches.
00:52 Open up through the chest.
00:53 Wonderful. Last one.
00:55 Okay.
00:56 Now forward and back.
00:58 This is warming up your back, your upper back,
01:01 your shoulders, your chest muscles.
01:04 That's right.
01:05 Your entire upper body.
01:07 Open up. Inhale and exhale.
01:09 Beautiful.
01:11 Smile.
01:12 You're gonna feel good.
01:13 I promise.
01:14 Inhale, exhale.
01:17 Last one. Great.
01:18 Now lift up and over.
01:20 Stretch the sides of the waistline.
01:22 So important to hit all angles.
01:24 That's it.
01:25 Reach up and over.
01:27 Dynamic warm-up.
01:29 - Getting our energy levels up.
01:31 Focusing a lot on form and posture in this as well.
01:35 We will also show you some great modifications.
01:38 - Two more.
01:39 Last one.
01:40 Now crisscross.
01:41 Warming up your upper back.
01:43 Oh, does that feel good?
01:44 Stretch through your upper back,
01:47 your upper shoulders.
01:48 You can do it.
01:50 This workout is for you.
01:52 Doesn't matter how old you are,
01:54 what level of fitness you are,
01:56 you can do this.
01:57 I promise.
01:58 We've got two more.
01:59 Last one.
02:01 Great. Inhale.
02:02 Bring your arms and legs all the way up.
02:04 Stretch up, up, up, up.
02:05 And exhale out.
02:07 Okay, time to grab your weights and let's get strong.
02:10 - All right, I'm ready.
02:12 - Okay, we're gonna first start with a deadlift
02:15 and a double arm row.
02:17 That's it. Take all the way up.
02:19 Now, as you do this,
02:20 squeeze your shoulder blades together.
02:22 This will help improve your posture.
02:25 Beautiful back.
02:27 Great.
02:28 - And also focusing on pushing through your heels
02:31 as you come up from that deadlift
02:32 to really make sure you're getting your hamstrings as well.
02:35 - This is a great way to really improve that posture.
02:39 Strong backs. That's it.
02:41 - Engage your core, too.
02:44 - Last one and we stay down there.
02:45 Good. Pull it up all the way.
02:47 Beautiful. Now single arm rows.
02:49 Pull.
02:50 Now really engage your abs.
02:53 Engage your core.
02:54 This is also really targeting the upper back
02:59 as well as your core.
03:00 Pull. Feel strong.
03:02 Pull back. That's it.
03:05 We got two more. You can do it.
03:08 Last one.
03:09 Okay, come all the way up.
03:11 And now we have overhead presses.
03:13 Bend your knees slightly to protect your spine.
03:16 Slowly bring your arms here and press up and down
03:20 and up and down.
03:22 That's it. Really feel strong.
03:24 Feel the power.
03:26 You've got this.
03:27 - Don't forget to breathe and engage that core,
03:30 keeping your shoulders down away from your neck as well,
03:34 making sure your hips are tucked under,
03:35 your knees are slightly bent to protect that low back.
03:39 Nice work, you guys.
03:40 We're gonna hit every major muscle group of our upper back
03:43 as well of our upper body, our back, our chest,
03:46 our triceps.
03:48 - Two more. Last one.
03:51 Now we stay all the way up.
03:52 And now lat pulldowns. That's it.
03:55 This is giving you beautiful strength in your upper back,
03:59 giving you that wonderful V look in the back.
04:02 You're strong. You're lean.
04:04 You can do this.
04:05 Pull down. Focus on the muscles.
04:09 Pull the scapular down and back.
04:12 That's it. Pull down.
04:13 We got two more of these.
04:15 That's it. Beautiful.
04:17 Last set. Great.
04:20 Okay. Keep those arms up, up, up, up, up.
04:23 Turn to the side and tricep extension.
04:26 Lift and lower and lift and lower.
04:30 That's it.
04:31 Notice the good form.
04:33 Her back is nice and strong and straight.
04:36 Her arms stay in a nice, beautiful angle.
04:39 Try to get those elbows touching up towards that beautiful sky
04:43 and really feeling it all through the back of your arms.
04:47 The focus are the triceps, small intricate muscles of the body
04:52 that shape and give you beautiful looking arms.
04:55 We got one more, Katie.
04:58 Last one. Okay. Relax.
05:00 And let's come forward and let's do some beautiful biceps.
05:05 Strong, lets you tall. Good posture.
05:08 Bend your knees slightly to protect the back.
05:10 And now slowly bicep curls.
05:12 Just take your time.
05:14 Really think about good technique,
05:17 good body alignment is key.
05:19 Keeping everything still, but just use your biceps.
05:23 That's it.
05:24 This next sequence is one of my favorite ways
05:26 to gain strength in your upper body.
05:29 So just follow along, have some fun.
05:32 Hopefully you guys have a smile on your face now.
05:34 We're just five minutes into this workout
05:36 and I am already feeling it.
05:38 It's all good.
05:40 Really strength training is so important to help reshape that body.
05:44 And it gives you energy and you feel so good.
05:47 We've got two more here.
05:48 And now we do singles.
05:50 We're going to bring it up and down.
05:52 Really press it.
05:53 The bicep is working two different ways now.
05:56 That's it. Just with a little change of action,
05:59 it works yet another area of your biceps.
06:03 We're giving it to you at all angles here.
06:05 That's it.
06:07 To get a full upper body workout.
06:10 Good. Really pump it up.
06:11 That's it. Great.
06:14 Two more.
06:16 Last set.
06:18 Wonderful. Now bring it straight out in front.
06:21 We're going to do little baby biceps.
06:22 Little baby.
06:24 Now we're working the lower end of the biceps.
06:26 So perfect and so great for your arms.
06:30 This works the entire shoulder girdle.
06:33 It works entire biceps.
06:35 Elongating.
06:36 Notice Katie's doing a full range of motion.
06:38 It's going out.
06:39 It's extending, which is so important.
06:42 As she lifts and tones and lengthens.
06:46 Beautiful. We got two more.
06:48 Last one and bring it in.
06:51 Now we're going to serve the platter.
06:52 This is working the rotator cuff.
06:54 That's it.
06:55 This is what's going to help your posture.
06:57 Stand up tall. Be confident.
07:00 That's it. We're healthy. We're strong.
07:03 That's great.
07:04 Always think about good technique.
07:06 Is your back strong and straight?
07:08 Beautiful.
07:09 You can even tuck under your hips a little bit
07:12 to really feel the whole core muscles working here.
07:16 And as you go out, you're rotating your shoulder girdle,
07:20 which is so great.
07:21 So you don't get rounded shoulders.
07:23 Good. You're extending yourself.
07:25 Opening up that beautiful chest of yours.
07:28 That's it. Good.
07:30 All the way.
07:32 Thinking of always about tightening up the core muscles.
07:35 Don't arch your low spine on this.
07:37 That's it. Great.
07:40 Last one.
07:42 Great.
07:43 Now we're going to turn to the side and work a back fly.
07:46 This is for your upper back.
07:48 You're going to have a gorgeous upper back.
07:50 Relax your arms right down here,
07:52 and you're just going to fly up and back and back down.
07:55 On this, I want to make sure your back is strong and straight.
07:59 That's it.
08:00 Are your abs zipped up?
08:01 Don't let anything just droop down.
08:03 We want it all control.
08:05 This is focus. This is targeted.
08:07 Upper back.
08:09 Notice, Katie, you're doing this.
08:11 It's really great that she's really squeezing the upper shoulder blades together.
08:16 This is the exercise that will give you that gorgeous back,
08:20 that will make you stronger.
08:22 You'll walk more elegantly.
08:24 This is a great exercise.
08:27 And almost feel like you're hugging a giant beach ball.
08:29 That's it.
08:30 Gorgeous.
08:31 We've got two more of these.
08:32 Upper back.
08:34 Last one. Great.
08:35 And now a dead bug.
08:37 And stay right here, nice and strong,
08:39 and reach the arm behind, and release.
08:42 This is now working those shoulders.
08:45 Gorgeous shoulders.
08:46 That's it.
08:47 Strong and straight.
08:49 Lengthen through the arms.
08:51 Really make it lean and strengthened.
08:54 That's it. The muscle is really strong here.
09:00 Back straight.
09:02 Strong and straight.
09:04 That's it. Really feel it working.
09:06 No momentum. It's all the muscle.
09:10 That's it. We're really using our muscles.
09:13 110% of strength.
09:16 That's the way to do it.
09:18 We've got two more.
09:19 Great. Last one.
09:22 Okay. Take a breather. Shake it out.
09:25 Now we're going to target the shoulders.
09:27 And I want you to bring your legs together.
09:30 Go in a slight mini squat.
09:32 Slowly bring your arms all the way.
09:34 One forward and one side.
09:36 This is working the deltoid muscle.
09:39 That's it.
09:40 The medial and lateral deltoid.
09:43 But make sure your abs are zipped up.
09:46 Thinking about core strength.
09:48 That's great.
09:50 And all these movements, make sure slow and controlled.
09:55 That way the muscle does the work and not momentum.
09:59 That's it. Good. Focus on the muscle.
10:02 That's it. This is giving you some beautiful shape to your muscles.
10:05 And the shoulders helping you stand so upright.
10:09 Feeling good.
10:11 We've got two more of these.
10:13 Take your time.
10:14 Last one.
10:16 A little float 'em up and down.
10:19 Okay. Now place your weights down on the floor in front of you.
10:24 And now walk yourself all the way back to the back of your mat.
10:28 So we are gonna take a step right here at the back of our mat.
10:32 And we're gonna take a deep breath in.
10:34 Three big deep breaths.
10:36 Just making sure we're rolling out our shoulders right here.
10:40 Getting enough oxygen to our body to finish strong on the floor.
10:45 One last big deep breath in and walk your hands out to a high plank.
10:49 Now as you walk your hands down,
10:51 feel free to take a little bit of a stretch sesh right here.
10:54 Peddle out your feet and walk your hands down.
10:58 Now we're just gonna hold this high plank right here.
11:00 Making sure your body is parallel to your mat.
11:05 Your butt is nice and tight.
11:07 Your abs are engaged and your quads are lifted.
11:12 Tighten up your quadriceps.
11:14 Are your shoulders in line with your wrists?
11:18 Very important for good alignment here.
11:21 And now slowly open up to the side and do a side plank.
11:24 Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.
11:26 Beautiful.
11:28 Now for those of you just starting out,
11:30 place your knee here and modify it.
11:32 Make it a little easier for you.
11:34 That's okay. Some days I do it like this.
11:37 Great.
11:38 Some days I do it staggered feet and other days I do it stacked.
11:42 So whatever you feel most comfortable today.
11:45 This is a challenge. Try it.
11:47 Okay. And now slowly into a plank.
11:50 Hold it and let's go to the other side.
11:52 That's it. Beautiful. Lengthen, lengthen, lengthen.
11:55 See how our legs are in nice straight line.
11:58 So important.
12:00 That's a great side plank.
12:02 You're working the sides of the obliques
12:04 and the sides through the arms and the legs.
12:07 This is beautiful strength.
12:09 And come back down.
12:10 Hold it right here. Hold it, hold it.
12:12 Okay. And let's do a set of push-ups.
12:15 Now do a chest push-up,
12:16 which is the elbows go wide and come back up.
12:20 That's it. Good.
12:23 And Katie's doing a little more of a tricep one.
12:25 See how the elbows are going towards the back.
12:28 That's getting more, there's triceps and upper back.
12:32 And if you want to try a couple chest ones,
12:34 the hands go a little wider.
12:37 So you have an alternative,
12:38 whatever you feel is comfortable for you.
12:41 Now, for those of you that feel challenged today,
12:44 you could go ahead and go up on your dippy toes.
12:47 If not, stay on your knees.
12:49 That's it. Great.
12:53 Excellent exercise for the upper body.
12:57 Beautiful. Okay.
12:59 And stretch it out.
13:01 Just elongate the spine.
13:03 That's it. Hold that stretch.
13:06 Hold the back. Great back relaxer.
13:09 Okay. Let's grab your weights.
13:11 You can just grab one if you want.
13:13 Bring your leg in front of you.
13:16 You're going to lean slightly forward
13:18 and you're going to do a tricep kick back all the way back.
13:22 We love strong arms, especially the back of your arms.
13:26 Now make sure when you're doing this,
13:28 you're doing it with control.
13:30 So the muscle gets the strength,
13:33 not momentum or your shoulders.
13:35 Strength training is so important and great for your bones.
13:39 Great for your joints.
13:41 You're strengthening all the muscles surrounding your joints.
13:44 Isn't that great?
13:45 That's it. Good.
13:48 Take your time on this.
13:50 Really hold it up this time.
13:52 Now hold it up.
13:53 Palm towards the ceiling and baby pulses up.
13:56 Here's where you really feel the strength.
13:58 Here's where you feel it all through here.
14:01 She's at the perfect angle to really get this muscle.
14:05 So lean further if you need to really target.
14:08 But notice her arm is nice and elongated.
14:12 It's a pulse. It's a pulse and breathe.
14:15 Good. Two more.
14:17 Last one. Take a breather.
14:18 Good work. Let's go to the other side.
14:21 Wonderful.
14:22 And bring your leg right in front of you.
14:25 Again, hinge from the hips.
14:27 Lift that elbow as high as you can
14:29 and then press and release.
14:32 These are tricep kickbacks.
14:34 They really work the back of those arms,
14:37 the area all of us want to really strengthen.
14:41 That's it. Good.
14:42 Breathe. Inhale.
14:45 Exhale on exertion. That's it.
14:47 Stay strong. You've got this.
14:50 Strong body, strong mind.
14:52 That's it. You are worth it.
14:55 Good. Keep that elbow up.
14:57 Don't swing. This is not what I'm looking for.
14:59 I want a very targeted lift and release.
15:04 Great. We've got two more of these.
15:07 And now we hold it for a pulse.
15:09 Really lift it up.
15:10 Now, pulse, baby pulses.
15:12 Really feel it. Lift, lift, lift.
15:14 Tone, sculpt.
15:15 That's a beautiful one.
15:18 The body's in the perfect position.
15:19 The abs are pulled in.
15:21 The length of her arm, that's great.
15:23 You're getting worked all the way down.
15:26 Isn't that wonderful?
15:27 Very, very interesting and targeted exercise
15:31 that brings results, I promise.
15:34 Last one.
15:35 Okay. Let's grab the other weight
15:38 and meet me down on your back.
15:40 Let's begin with chest flies.
15:42 This is toning the front of your chest,
15:44 our pectorals, to help us feel lifted.
15:47 An important area.
15:49 We are going to work all the front we did
15:51 and now the back and right here in front of the chest.
15:55 That's it. Lie down.
15:57 Now, first of all, just relax your feet down,
16:00 feet flat on the floor.
16:01 You're going to bring the weights up at shoulder level.
16:05 Bend your elbows slightly.
16:07 Now slowly open them up for a chest fly
16:11 and squeeze to the top.
16:14 You will feel this in your chest muscles,
16:17 the outside and the inside of your chest.
16:20 Pectoral and pectoral major.
16:23 So we're really working the entire chest,
16:26 but almost put your chest up a little up
16:29 when you're doing this
16:30 and drop those shoulder blades.
16:33 Also tighten up the abdominals.
16:35 That's good. Brace your abs here.
16:38 Let the abs do the work too.
16:41 That's it.
16:43 Up and down.
16:44 Inhale and exhale.
16:48 Inhale and exhale.
16:50 You got this.
16:51 Good. We got two more of these.
16:54 Last one.
16:55 Now we stay all the way up.
16:57 All right. Here we go.
16:58 We're going to split it up,
17:00 hold the other arm down,
17:02 and pull it back up.
17:04 Now the other one.
17:05 This is now targeting a little more abs.
17:08 Can you feel the engagement in the core muscles now?
17:12 - Yes. - Good.
17:14 This is working your core.
17:17 That's beautiful.
17:18 Strengthen the powerhouse, your core muscles.
17:22 That's it. Keep it engaged.
17:25 You got it. Good.
17:27 We got two more of these.
17:30 Feel the length of your arms now.
17:32 Last one.
17:33 Now hold it all the way up.
17:35 And now let's begin our tricep extensions.
17:38 Take it down and push back up.
17:41 That's it. Inhale down and exhale.
17:45 Pull it up.
17:46 Make sure your back is strong and straight,
17:48 your abs are tight.
17:50 Push up.
17:51 Beautiful.
17:53 See the elbows are lifted up towards the ceiling,
17:56 towards the sky.
17:57 You got two more. You can do it.
18:00 Try to true.
18:01 You will see results, I promise.
18:04 Last one.
18:06 Great.
18:07 And now bring your hands together.
18:09 We're going to do a lat pullover.
18:11 Pull your arms behind you
18:13 and really pull it down.
18:16 Beautiful.
18:17 Great for the latissimus dorsi.
18:20 And pull, pull. Feel it, feel it.
18:23 Good.
18:25 Two more of these. Take your time.
18:26 Pull.
18:28 That's it.
18:29 One more. You got it.
18:31 Pull hard.
18:32 Good. Okay.
18:34 And now slowly roll up.
18:36 Sit up nice and tall.
18:38 That's it.
18:39 Good.
18:41 We're going to slowly lift your hips up.
18:43 And now we're going to do some tricep dips.
18:46 Taking your time,
18:47 bend at the elbows and reach back up.
18:50 Good. Bend.
18:52 Take your time on this.
18:53 If you're just starting out, sit down for me.
18:56 And you're going to take it back.
18:58 And then you're going to push up.
18:59 Okay?
19:00 Do the best you can.
19:02 This is a great way to get those triceps working.
19:05 Good.
19:06 Down and push away through the heel of your hand.
19:10 You should really feel it through the heel of the hand.
19:12 That's it. Down.
19:14 We got two more of these.
19:16 Do the best you can.
19:17 Last one.
19:19 Good. All the way down and push up.
19:21 Beautiful.
19:22 Okay. Now slowly relax.
19:25 Sitting up nice and tall.
19:26 Inhale.
19:28 And exhale.
19:30 Now it's time to work a little about our abs.
19:32 Okay? They're all part of the upper body.
19:35 The first exercise is just pull it in and out.
19:39 Pull in and out.
19:41 Beautiful.
19:42 Do the best you can.
19:43 If you're just starting out, do one leg at a time.
19:46 That's okay.
19:48 That's great.
19:49 Modify what you can.
19:51 That's it.
19:52 Good.
19:53 And take it out and in.
19:55 Great for the abdominals.
19:57 Keeping your core muscles strong.
20:00 They're part of your back.
20:01 They're part of your upper body.
20:03 Yes, they are.
20:04 We got two more.
20:05 Give it your all.
20:06 Last one.
20:08 Okay. Beautiful.
20:10 Just shake it out.
20:11 Now it's time for our bicycles.
20:13 I love my bicycles.
20:15 These are really effective.
20:17 Lean back so you still get those arms engaged.
20:20 And you're just gonna switch it out.
20:21 Switch it out.
20:23 Now twist a little for the torso.
20:25 Twist if you can.
20:27 Great.
20:28 These are a lot easier on you if you go down to the floor.
20:32 If you want to just go down, go ahead.
20:34 And you could do it like this.
20:36 Whatever's best for you.
20:38 This takes a little more arm strength.
20:41 But it's so good.
20:43 Challenge yourself.
20:45 That's what we're here for.
20:46 Good. Two more.
20:48 Last one.
20:50 Okay. And relax.
20:51 And let's go down to our floor and grab the weights.
20:56 We're gonna do a little bit of a Superman.
20:59 Slowly come all the way down.
21:02 We're gonna lift your arms behind you.
21:05 And lift your toes up. Lift your arms up.
21:07 Now we're working the upper body, the whole upper body.
21:10 Tighten up the tissue, too.
21:12 Good. For the backside.
21:14 And take a breather.
21:16 Good.
21:17 Now I want you to bring the hands out to the side.
21:20 And lift them up, up, up, up.
21:22 And drop them.
21:24 Good.
21:25 One more of those.
21:26 I want to show you why this is so good.
21:28 And lift up.
21:30 This is working all the major muscles of the upper body.
21:34 Everything you've got.
21:35 Squeeze your buttocks, protect your back.
21:37 Pull up and in your abs.
21:38 And now for the flutter.
21:39 The arms come forward.
21:41 Lift up and flutter.
21:43 Excellent.
21:44 Beautiful.
21:45 All for your backside.
21:47 This is now working a different part of your shoulders,
21:49 which is so great.
21:51 And really try your hardest.
21:56 Okay.
