Alamin ang ilang trivia kaugnay sa #Traslacion2024

  • 7 months ago
Alamin ang ilang trivia kaugnay sa #Traslacion2024
00:00 Every January, the translation of the image of the Black Nazarene was repeated from the Quirino Grandstand to the Church of the Holy See.
00:09 This is in Spanish, which means "transfer".
00:13 Let's find out more about the translation in the words of Catleya Antonio.
00:19 Before the day of the Black Nazarene Festival, every January 9,
00:26 aside from the novenas, there are many activities and novenas that are done as preparation for the translation.
00:32 One of them is the dressing or changing of the clothes of the priest, which is done 6 times in a year.
00:38 The clothing of the Nazarene is hidden or given to a smaller parish.
00:44 The Black Nazarene Festival has been going on for 417 years.
00:48 From the original translation from Intramuros to the Church of the Holy See,
00:52 the translation from the Quirino Grandstand to the Church of the Holy See is from the modern era.
00:56 In 2012, the longest translation was done after 22 hours after the Quirino Grandstand left.
01:04 In 2020, the fastest translation was done after 16 hours.
01:09 For unclear reasons, there are more male devotees in the Black Nazarene than female.
01:17 In fact, in 1939, the Black Nazarene was a group of men called "Ijos del Nazareno".
01:23 They are the ones who are responsible for the Black Nazarene Festival,
01:27 from the novenas to the preparation of the translation.
01:32 Millions of believers are walking from the Grandstand to the Church.
01:39 Before the translation, the devotees are forced to come closer to the image hoping that it can be held or their belongings can be taken away.
01:47 Because of this, the belief that the poor have a right to give good and protection to the whole.
01:54 There are also beliefs that the businessmen on the streets that are going through the translation are lucky.
02:00 Katlea Antonio for the nation.
