Is Gypsy Rose Ready For a BABY She Dishes on Motherhood & More! _ E! News

  • 8 months ago
Is Gypsy Rose Ready For a BABY She Dishes on Motherhood & More! _ E! News


00:00 >> The Ryan and I have talked about starting a family and we
00:03 just don't know when you know it will it will happen when it
00:06 when it's meant to.
00:07 >> I want to know what made you realize that your husband Ryan
00:10 was perfect match for you.
00:11 >> I mean you know I've been knowing Ryan for 3 years we've
00:15 been married for a year and a half.
00:17 And he's just so genuine like he's down to earth he's genuine
00:21 the big teddy bear. He's so lovable and he makes me laugh
00:26 that's the one thing that most attracted me to him is the
00:29 fact that he can make me laugh in any situation.
00:31 >> Sounds like.
00:34 >> He's a lot different from other relationships, you might
00:37 have had what made him different than previous ones.
00:39 >> I'm not his willingness to actually like love me for me.
00:43 In previous relationships, I think the exits that have had
00:49 have maybe kind of
00:51 idealized me like the image of me in their head was better
00:55 than
00:56 the me that they got and I'm just a regular person, I'm just
01:00 a human so I'm not perfect. I do make mistakes I have flaws.
01:04 But Ryan loves me in spite of those flaws.
01:07 >> I was you light up talking about him that's very beautiful
01:10 to see you want to.
01:12 >> Yeah, of course Ryan and I have talked about starting a
01:15 family and we just don't know when you know it will it will
01:18 happen when it when it's meant to.
01:20 >> So it sounds like motherhood is something that does appeal
01:23 to you despite what you thought.
01:25 >> Right I have actually a lot of great motherly role models
01:28 like my stepmom Christie. I have lots of friends that I
01:32 could pull you know great great guidance from so they've been
01:37 they've been guiding lights for me.
01:39 >> It is 2024 you have a lot to be thankful for I would imagine
01:44 right at the got 6.
01:46 Yes goals and resolutions gypsy what what is it for you.
01:52 >> Goals and resolutions okay, I think goal is to really really
01:58 like put my feet and to my advocacy work really start a
02:02 foundation for it and and build on that. So you know I think
02:07 I'm a pretty big following right now so I think that's going to
02:09 be good and helping me out in the area of a broadcasting my
02:13 voice out there. Resolutions I think
02:16 just not to get ahead of myself take my time and this newfound
02:22 freedom not to rush into everything because I got out I
02:24 felt like I have to do everything all at once and just
02:27 catch up so it just take my time and enjoy enjoy life.
02:31 >> And that final question for you the biggest misconception
02:34 about you what is that and what you want the world to know
02:37 about gypsy.
02:38 >> I think the biggest misconception people have of me
02:41 is that I'm still that that little little girl that got
02:45 arrested in that frightened scared abused child. And I'm
02:51 not anymore, I'm very different of matured over the last 8 and
02:54 I'm 8 and a half years.
02:56 I'm a fully grown woman now and I'm just ready to start my
03:01 life.
03:02 >> And I'm ready to start my life.
03:06 you
