Gypsy Rose's Most SHOCKING Secrets Revealed_ Full Interview! (Exclusive) _ E! Ne

  • 8 months ago
Gypsy Rose's Most SHOCKING Secrets Revealed_ Full Interview! (Exclusive) _ E! Ne


00:00 I played a part in asking him to commit the murder.
00:04 That is why I'm in prison.
00:06 I've had six years to feel those emotions.
00:10 And there's things that I've kept so private.
00:15 - Gypsy Rose Blanchard, thank you for taking time
00:18 out of your very busy day and press schedule
00:22 to meet with E! Online.
00:24 It's very good to be with you,
00:26 especially with the circumstances.
00:27 I wanna ask you, I know that you are just days off
00:30 of this word freedom.
00:33 What was the very first thing that you did
00:35 when you did leave prison, Gypsy?
00:37 - The very first thing I did was catch up
00:40 on a good night's sleep, because I was actually released
00:42 at like 3.30 in the morning.
00:44 So I got a good night's sleep, and after that,
00:48 I just had a little get together with me and my family.
00:52 And we just had a nice little gathering,
00:54 and it was good to see everyone.
00:56 - When you think of purchases,
00:58 what was one of the first purchases that you made?
01:00 - Actually, I bought a pair of shoes,
01:02 because the shoes that I had had sent to me
01:05 in like this little box so I could leave the prison in,
01:09 the boots that my stepmom did not fit.
01:12 And so those are the only shoes I had,
01:13 so we had to go shoe shopping for a second.
01:16 - I wanna know, and many others, your bucket list.
01:20 You were in prison for quite some time,
01:23 since you were 23 years old, and you're now 32 years old.
01:26 What is on your bucket list to do now
01:29 that you do have your freedom?
01:30 - Well, I do have a pretty extensive bucket list,
01:34 everything ranging from the simple stuff,
01:37 to shopping at the mall, to traveling.
01:40 I really wanna see the world,
01:44 and I know that it's gonna take some time,
01:45 but all of that stuff is definitely on my bucket list.
01:48 Just living life and enjoying what the world has to offer.
01:53 - And so much has changed since you went to prison.
01:55 - Yeah.
01:56 - How do you feel about this digital world?
01:58 I mean, is it overwhelming for you?
02:00 - It is, I got to try an Oculus for the first time,
02:02 and I'm like, "Wow, I'm in Ready Player One right now."
02:05 (laughs)
02:06 It was amazing, it's cool.
02:09 - What is your reaction to how viral your story has gone?
02:13 It's very interesting for me as a journalist
02:15 to speak with you, who's so bubbly and energetic,
02:19 but of course we know your story.
02:21 What is your reaction to how viral the story has gone?
02:25 - I just hope that with all this attention,
02:28 that it's worth something.
02:30 I put out a message, and I hope that people
02:33 don't lose sight of that message,
02:35 and the thick of it all.
02:38 It's wonderful that I'm free,
02:39 but now that I am free,
02:41 that I'm kind of moving out of the hype
02:44 of the freedom of it all,
02:46 and I'm starting to really, really try
02:49 and move into advocacy work.
02:51 So I'm like, "Okay guys, I'm happy
02:52 "that you're happy that I'm out,
02:53 "but now let's talk about things that I wanna talk about
02:56 "in my advocacy work."
02:57 - Hmm, because I'm sure you've seen the TikToks.
03:00 What's your reaction to all of those?
03:01 I mean, everyone's talking about you.
03:03 - Yeah, yeah, I've watched some of them.
03:06 My schedule has been pretty busy,
03:08 so I haven't had a chance to check all of my DMs or anything,
03:12 but I actually did check one of my DMs,
03:14 and Elizabeth Smart had reached out to me.
03:17 - Wow.
03:18 - And I sent her a DM back,
03:20 and I just said, I told her how much
03:21 of an inspiration she is to me.
03:23 So that's been pretty amazing.
03:26 So yeah, I'm just trying to not lose sight
03:28 of the bigger picture of what I want to put out there.
03:33 And that's just to be a voice for the voiceless,
03:37 for people that have gone through abuse,
03:39 abusive situations like I was in,
03:42 and give them a little bit of a guiding light.
03:45 And just express that the things that I did,
03:49 the steps that I took to get out of my situation
03:51 was the wrong example.
03:53 But I can't go back, I can't change it,
03:55 so that all that I can do now
03:57 is pick the pieces of my life back together
04:00 and make myself a better person
04:02 than I was when I went to prison,
04:04 and just try to do some good in the world.
04:07 - What did Elizabeth say to you?
04:08 - She told me that she had been wanting
04:11 to reach out for a long time,
04:13 and she feels like my story can help a lot of people.
04:16 If I ever need to talk to her,
04:18 she would be more than happy to chat with me,
04:20 which is very, very sweet.
04:22 - We've interviewed her several times for E! Online,
04:24 and she, of course, does so much advocacy work
04:26 and production work as well,
04:28 so I'm sure you two will be working together very soon.
04:31 How do you block out so much negativity?
04:32 Does it bother you?
04:33 - I have to remain grounded,
04:37 and knowing that I know who I am as a person,
04:40 so the people that don't know me,
04:42 I actually just kind of remember they don't know me.
04:44 They know what they've seen in tabloids and online,
04:48 and a lot of tabloids could get a lot mixed,
04:52 like wrong and so incorrect information,
04:55 so I think that if people had the correct information,
04:59 perhaps they wouldn't hate me so much.
05:00 You know, they wouldn't hate on me so much,
05:02 but I can't change the haters, and I'm okay with it.
05:05 I'm me, and I love me.
05:07 - I want you to go back to the struggle
05:11 that you had with your role.
05:12 You've talked about this struggle
05:14 that you did have with your role
05:15 playing in your mother's death.
05:17 What do you wish you could change, if anything, Gypsy?
05:20 - I would go back and change things if I could.
05:24 I would definitely do things differently.
05:29 I wish that I could.
05:30 I unfortunately can't.
05:32 It's real life, so you don't have a time machine,
05:35 so all I can do now is just do things
05:40 that in my life are positive.
05:42 Take a bad situation, turn it into a positive
05:44 the best way I can.
05:46 - What's the lowest moment that you've experienced
05:48 with your mom that left you feeling the most desperate?
05:51 - Definitely when I tried to run away for the first time,
05:57 and I talk about this in my docuseries.
06:00 That was a really, really hard time for me
06:02 because I'm sure that scene was in the act
06:04 and in other documentaries also
06:07 that she chained me to the bed,
06:09 and I was chained for two weeks.
06:12 So, you know, that was one of the moments in my life
06:15 that I'm kind of like, I can't keep living this way.
06:18 - This may be an odd question,
06:21 but is there anything that you do now to honor her memory?
06:24 - Actually, you know, it's funny that you say that
06:27 because she was cremated,
06:30 and her ashes are with her side of the family,
06:33 and I always knew, like, she always said
06:36 that she wanted to be buried with her mother,
06:39 and so I've reached out to family and asked them,
06:41 you know, please make sure you honor her wishes
06:44 in being buried with her mother.
06:46 - I wanna know what made you realize
06:47 that your husband, Ryan, was the perfect match for you.
06:50 - You know, I've been knowing Ryan for three years.
06:54 We've been married for a year and a half,
06:56 and he's just so genuine.
06:58 Like, he's down to earth, he's genuine.
07:00 He's a big teddy bear.
07:02 He's so lovable, and he makes me laugh.
07:05 That's like the one thing that most attracted me to him
07:08 is the fact that he can make me laugh in any situation.
07:11 - It sounds like he's a lot different
07:14 from other relationships you might've had.
07:16 What made him different than previous ones?
07:19 - His willingness to actually, like, love me for me.
07:22 In previous relationships, I think the exes that I've had
07:28 have maybe kind of idealized me.
07:32 Like, the image of me in their head
07:33 was better than the me that they got,
07:37 and I'm just a regular person.
07:39 I'm just a human, so I'm not perfect.
07:41 I do make mistakes, I have flaws,
07:44 but Ryan loves me in spite of those flaws, so.
07:46 - You light up talking about him.
07:48 That's very beautiful to see.
07:50 I wanna know, have you watched "The Act"?
07:51 I wanna know your thoughts on Joey King's portrayal of you.
07:54 - She's got paraplegia, epilepsy, heart murmur,
07:57 and she's allergic to sugar.
07:59 Everything I do, I do for her.
08:02 - My mom is my husband.
08:04 All she wants to do is keep me safe.
08:06 - Actually, I haven't watched "The Act" in prison.
08:09 I didn't have access to Hulu
08:11 or any of the streaming channels like that.
08:13 And even with my first week of freedom,
08:15 I haven't had a desire to look at it.
08:18 I've lived it.
08:19 I think that was for everyone else,
08:24 and not for the person that actually lived it,
08:27 so I won't be watching it.
08:29 - So with that being said, I was going to ask,
08:31 what did Hulu get wrong about your story,
08:33 but you wouldn't even be able to answer that one.
08:36 - Correct, correct.
08:37 All I can go off of is,
08:39 now I know the content that I put out,
08:41 I know the documentaries and the interviews that I've done,
08:43 and that's why this one is so important,
08:45 because this one really dives deep
08:49 into things that I haven't talked about before.
08:52 - And that's when I hear her calling my name.
08:54 Gypsy, help me.
08:56 - Her daughter, Gypsy Blanchard, and her boyfriend
08:59 are now jailed on first-degree murder.
09:02 - I played a part in asking him to commit the murder.
09:06 That is why I'm in prison.
09:08 I've had six years to feel those emotions,
09:12 and there's things that I've kept so private.
09:17 The reason why I want to talk about it now
09:20 is because I want to be free.
09:23 So, you know, people might think
09:25 that they have seen other documentaries,
09:27 so they know everything, and that's just not the case.
09:29 You know, I'm still a person healing from trauma,
09:33 and in my own time, I divulge more information
09:38 when I'm ready to.
09:39 - You want kids in the-- - Yeah.
09:41 Yeah, of course.
09:41 Ryan and I have talked about starting a family,
09:44 and we just don't know when, you know?
09:46 It'll happen when it's meant to.
09:49 - So it sounds like motherhood is something
09:50 that does appeal to you, despite what you've gone through.
09:53 - Right, I have actually a lot of great motherly role models
09:56 like my stepmom, Christy.
09:59 I have lots of friends that I can pull, you know,
10:02 great, great guidance from,
10:04 so they've been guiding lights for me.
10:07 - Goals and resolutions, Gypsy.
10:09 What is it for you?
10:12 - Goals and resolutions, okay.
10:14 I think goal is to really, really, like,
10:19 put my feet into my advocacy work,
10:22 really start a foundation for it, and build on that.
10:26 So, you know, I think I have a pretty big following
10:28 right now, so I think that's gonna be good
10:30 in helping me out in the area
10:32 of broadcasting my voice out there.
10:35 Resolutions, I think just not to get ahead of myself.
10:39 Take my time in this newfound freedom,
10:42 not to rush into everything, because when I got out,
10:45 I felt like I have to do everything all at once
10:47 just to catch up, so, you know,
10:49 just take my time and enjoy life.
10:52 - And that final question for you,
10:53 the biggest misconception about you, what is that?
10:56 And what do you want the world to know about Gypsy Rose?
10:59 - I think the biggest misconception people have of me
11:01 is that I'm still that little girl that got arrested,
11:06 you know, that frightened, scared, abused child.
11:11 And I'm not anymore, I'm very different.
11:13 I've matured over the last eight and a half years.
11:16 And I'm a fully grown woman now,
11:20 and I'm just ready to start my life.
11:22 - Gypsy, thank you so much for your time.
11:24 Please thank your team for us as well.
11:26 I know you are very busy, the interviews are coming out,
11:28 and we appreciate your transparency at this time.
11:30 - Of course, of course, thank you.
11:31 - It's been wonderful to you, thank you again.
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