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El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:02 All right, future of Utah, we're at Whitman at Damien's.
00:23 I was-- it started in 1998, so a little newer.
00:28 And you can tell by the inside, while still very cool,
00:31 that it's not total--
00:33 like the '50s, '60s, '80s, '90s-year bars.
00:36 You can tell it's bar pie, bar pie vibes, but newer.
00:41 And here's the bag.
00:42 You see this a lot of bar pies, that they put it in the bag.
00:45 One bite, everyone knows the rules.
00:46 See what we got.
00:48 OK, I like the looks here, because this one, not as greasy.
00:53 Doesn't look like you need the napkin as much to press it.
00:56 Maybe not.
00:57 Maybe not.
00:58 See what we got.
00:59 Tiny little slices.
01:00 I love it.
01:01 South Shore, Whitman, this is my thing.
01:04 Damien's.
01:05 It's good.
01:15 I do like--
01:16 I think you know how you can tell whether I'm going to really
01:18 be like, oh my god, my dick's falling off,
01:21 as if this is charred.
01:22 Maybe that--
01:23 Finally.
01:23 [LAUGHS]
01:26 Maybe that's the same thing as my New Haven.
01:28 I like the char, even when there's bar pie, New Haven.
01:31 No matter what it is, give me the char.
01:33 This one's missing.
01:34 It's still great.
01:34 And I do love bar pie.
01:42 It's my second favorite, probably style.
01:44 New Haven one, bar pie two.
01:45 I'm going to go 7-9 on Damien.
01:47 7-9.
01:48 Wow.
01:49 There's no right way to score pizza,
01:54 because if this had the 100-year-old bar vibe,
01:56 I'd probably hit it into the 8-1.
01:58 But since it's a newer place, it doesn't get the atmosphere
02:00 boost, even though it's cool.
02:02 7-9, fair score, Damien's Whitman review.
02:04 I forgot to tell this story.
02:10 Austin didn't have the camera going,
02:11 but we were waiting for our pie in there, and a guy comes up.
02:15 He's like, hey, nice to meet you.
02:16 Let me-- my pocket's full of shit.
02:20 Hands me-- I don't know how I forgot
02:22 to tell this story in there.
02:24 He goes, this is the most important thing, Dave.
02:26 Hands me a personal Bible, a pocket Bible.
02:30 Hands it to me.
02:30 I go, what if I'm Jewish?
02:34 Senator McConnell, when he just froze, he just sat there.
02:37 That's what this guy did.
02:52 He looked at me for 10 minutes.
02:55 Neither of us saying a word.
02:57 I wish we had it on camera.
02:58 I'm still holding the pocket Bible.
03:00 He's just looking at me and finally is like, you Jewish?
03:03 And I'm like, yup.
03:06 Just keep it anyways.
03:07 But it was-- I mean, it was Senator McConnell.
03:09 When I-- he was stumped.
03:12 He didn't know what to do.
03:13 I wish we had it on camera.
03:14 Hand it.
03:15 You should read this.
03:15 Here you go.
03:16 What if I'm Jewish?
03:19 Like that.
03:20 McConnell, 10 minutes.
03:22 Is that his name, McGonigal?
03:24 No, that's Ryan McGonigal.
03:25 Yeah.
03:25 McGonigal.
03:26 Mitch McConnell.
03:27 Mitch McConnell.
03:29 (whooshing)
03:32 (whooshing)
