NGCP, ginisa sa pagdinig sa Senado

  • 7 months ago
NGCP, ginisa sa pagdinig sa Senado
00:00 Senators are worried that there could be another widespread brownout when the heat arrives.
00:06 They are asking the government to recognize the power outage in Panay Island.
00:12 This is Daniel Manalastos' story.
00:14 It's normal and stable. I don't know if your thinking is still stable.
00:21 No, it's true. I'm serious.
00:26 You should be worried. You saw earlier, the Mayor of Iloilo was very angry.
00:31 Mayor Trenas, the governors. It's easy for you to speak up because you are not affected.
00:38 You are not in Iloilo. It's easy for you to speak up there.
00:43 Senators are worried about the investigation of the power outage in Panay Island and some parts of Western Visayas.
00:51 The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines is the only one.
00:56 Some senators are saying that the problem is just repeating itself.
00:59 And that the same thing is happening to the residents of Panay Island.
01:02 Let's not teach. Based on what I heard and read in the news,
01:10 we should just teach what we are doing.
01:13 This kind of talk will not help.
01:17 Some senators are worried about the upcoming heat wave.
01:21 What should we do?
01:22 We have El Nino in our midst.
01:25 And if we don't find a solution and we don't hold the actors to account,
01:33 this might become a real and dangerous problem when the summer comes in.
01:40 Should they be warned? Should they be told when the electricity will be restored?
01:47 Perhaps, Mr. Chairman, there is a violation if we look at the immediate actuations given by the NGCP.
01:57 NGCP's failure to immediately acknowledge the shortcomings.
02:01 Some local officials who are affected by the power outage also visited.
02:05 And Mayor Jerry Trenas insisted that there might be a solution to this.
02:12 We can pay for those who slept in the plazas, who slept in the barangay gyms.
02:18 Do you want that to happen also to you?
02:21 We do not deserve this. No one deserves this.
02:25 And I ask anyone who is present here, are you willing to have a third day blackout run out?
02:34 Because I will give you a medal.
02:36 NGCP explained that if there is an unplanned outage like what happened,
02:41 they will not be able to earn money earlier.
02:44 But some senators believe that NGCP did not take any action.
02:49 Number one, on the plant, the maintenance, it's their responsibility to maintain their units,
02:56 not the NGCP, not the system operations.
03:00 And then number two, your question, do we have some kind of ability to predict?
03:07 We cannot predict what kind of plant will trip, but we can prepare.
03:11 We have a contingency analysis.
03:13 So we know that if this trips, this will be the effect.
03:16 We will prepare.
03:17 In this case, after tripping by PDC, the system remains stable and normal.
03:23 So we did the normal dispatch process.
03:26 We maintained the range, the required range prescribed by our Philippine grid code.
03:32 So this proves that the system is normal between 12-06 to 14-19.
03:38 NGCP argued that the period of that time is normal.
03:42 But some senators were not convinced with this.
03:46 You mentioned normal condition.
03:48 The condition of having a tripping is not normal.
03:52 You should see that there is a tripping. There must be a problem.
03:55 And then find out what is the problem so that you can give a solution to the problem before it gets worse.
03:59 You should take action until there is a domino effect.
04:03 The first unit of PDC was created and then it was passed to PCPC.
04:09 It got worse because you did nothing. You just did nothing.
04:13 With all due respect, we did something.
04:16 What did you do?
04:17 Like I said, after the trip by PDC, we assessed the system. It's normal.
04:22 We conducted contingency analysis in preparation for the next contingencies.
04:26 NGCP argued that they followed the proper process and they tried to address the situation.
04:34 Daniel Manalastas for the "Bayan" (Citizen)
