18 Énigmes Énergisantes Pour Te Rafraîchir Les Idées

  • 9 months ago
Prêt à faire travailler ton cerveau ? Plonge dans les défis avec ces "18 énigmes énergisantes pour te rafraîchir les idées" ! Ces énigmes déroutantes vont non seulement te divertir, mais aussi stimuler ta créativité et tes compétences en matière de résolution de problèmes. Participe à notre jeu et tu verras si tu peux percer les mystères qui se cachent derrière chaque énigme - c'est un moyen fantastique de rafraîchir ton esprit et de faire travailler tes méninges. Ne sois pas timide - va chercher un ami, fais-en une activité de groupe et profite de la stimulation mentale qu'apportent ces supers énigmes. Prépare-toi à un voyage plein de rebondissements qui te laisseront à la fois satisfait et plein d'énergie !
Animation créée par Sympa.

#Énigmes #RafraîchissementMental #JeuxDeRéflexion #BoostCréatif #DivertissementCérébral #DéfisIntellectuels #ÉnigmesPourRéfléchir #StimulationMentale #PuzzleDuJour #EnigmesLogiques #JeuxD'esprit #RéflexionPositive #MystèresÀRésoudre #DéfiCognitif #InspirationIntellectuelle #ÉnigmesAmusantes #ÉnigmesEnFamille #JeuMental #ÉnigmesQuiFonctionnent #RésolutionDeProblèmes
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici:
00:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:03 (dog barking)
00:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:10 (dog barking)
00:12 (speaking in foreign language)
00:16 (dog barking)
00:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:25 (upbeat music)
00:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32 (clock ticking)
00:55 (upbeat music)
00:58 (bell ringing)
01:02 (speaking in foreign language)
01:06 (upbeat music)
01:08 (upbeat music)
01:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:15 (clock ticking)
01:31 (bell ringing)
01:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:41 (upbeat music)
01:43 (upbeat music)
02:18 (clock ticking)
02:20 (bell ringing)
02:27 (upbeat music)
02:30 (clock ticking)
02:55 (upbeat music)
02:58 (bell ringing)
03:01 (speaking in foreign language)
03:04 - Yes!
03:05 (speaking in foreign language)
03:10 (clock ticking)
03:18 (bell ringing)
03:24 (speaking in foreign language)
03:28 (speaking in foreign language)
03:34 (speaking in foreign language)
03:42 So Steve immediately begins his investigation.
03:44 He finds 3 suspects who were standing near the crime scene.
03:48 But each of them is involved in the theft.
03:51 Jeff says "I've been recently released from prison,
03:55 I'm careful about my reputation in order to avoid any trouble with the justice.
04:00 Peter who claims to be a writer says "I'll never risk my reputation for a stupid status.
04:07 And Frank answers "Sir, I'm a billionaire.
04:11 I have enough money to buy the whole museum.
04:13 Who's lying?
04:15 Frank says he was a billionaire.
04:25 Why would he wear a fake mark?
04:28 Molly's kitten has disappeared.
04:32 She's looking for her pet in the park and finds her 3 strangers.
04:36 One of them stole her kitten. Can you guess who?
04:40 [Clock ticking]
04:47 The first lady holds a bag with a stuffed cat.
04:51 The second woman is pregnant.
04:53 But the third person hides a real kitten under her clothes.
04:57 An incident occurred at Mr. Green's hotel.
05:02 All the fish disappeared from his aquarium.
05:06 As it's late, Mr. Green suspects only 4 employees.
05:09 Bobby, the doorman, says "I spent all day carrying the bags of the clients.
05:14 So I didn't have time to commit a theft."
05:17 Amy, the housekeeper, says "When I arrived at work, the aquarium was already empty."
05:22 The waiter, Harry, answers "I worked all day and I didn't get close to the aquarium."
05:28 And Mary, the manager, says "I don't like fish at all.
05:34 I prefer dogs." After listening to their story, Mr. Green knows for sure who stole the fish.
05:39 And you?
05:41 [Clock ticking]
05:47 [Bell ringing]
05:49 Look at this puddle of water on the ground.
05:52 It looks like Harry was recently splashed.
05:54 Probably because he was trying to catch the fish in the aquarium.
06:01 Lauren goes to Mr. Green's hotel.
06:04 In the hall, she meets 3 doormen who offer her to take care of his bags.
06:08 But only one of them is trustworthy.
06:11 Can you guess who?
06:13 [Clock ticking]
06:18 [Bell ringing]
06:20 The first doorman wears 2 watches.
06:22 One in his left hand and one in his right hand.
06:25 The left one is too big.
06:27 So it's probably stolen.
06:30 The second one has to give his bags to a thief.
06:31 And the third one is a ghost.
06:33 His feet don't touch the ground.
06:35 So Lauren should trust the second one.
06:38 I would just leave this hotel.
06:41 [Music]
06:43 Lauren goes to a nightclub.
06:45 Kyle, Tom and Nick invite her to dance.
06:48 But only one of them is trustworthy.
06:50 Who do you think is?
06:52 [Clock ticking]
06:59 [Bell ringing]
07:00 Tom wears a leather jacket with tight strips.
07:03 He could catch Lauren dancing.
07:05 Look at Kyle's feet.
07:08 It looks like he is about to turn into a werewolf.
07:11 [Music]
07:14 Lauren goes back to the hotel and discovers that someone stole her favorite necklace in her room.
07:19 She runs to the entrance hall where she meets 4 people.
07:22 A manager, a concierge, a client and a doorman.
07:25 She asks, "Who stole my necklace?"
07:28 But they all swear they have nothing to do with the theft.
07:30 Can you help Lauren find the thief?
07:33 [Clock ticking]
07:41 [Bell ringing]
07:43 It's the manager.
07:45 She hid Lauren's necklace in her glass of water.
07:47 What?
07:49 The next morning, Lauren has her breakfast in the garden.
07:52 Suddenly, someone makes a joke with a paint bucket.
07:57 She looks at the hotel's client.
07:58 Can you guess who did that?
08:00 [Clock ticking]
08:07 [Bell ringing]
08:09 It was the first man.
08:11 There are paint stains on his pants.
08:13 And the color matches perfectly with the paint on the bucket.
08:16 [Music]
08:18 In the garden, Lauren finds something very curious.
08:21 It's not alive, but it has 5 fingers.
08:24 What is it?
08:26 [Clock ticking]
08:33 [Bell ringing]
08:35 A glove.
08:37 [Music]
08:39 Mr. Green enters his office and finds a pleasant surprise on his table.
08:43 Someone brought him a big box of chocolate.
08:46 Mr. Green asks his employees.
08:49 But they all swear they have nothing to do with the gift.
08:53 The housekeeper, Glenda, says, "I haven't entered your office yet today.
08:57 I was too busy cleaning the bathroom."
09:00 The hostess, Holly, says, "I entered your office 2 hours ago to bring documents.
09:06 I didn't notice this box."
09:08 And the manager, Kyra, says, "I had no idea you liked chocolate.
09:13 I started my service 30 minutes ago.
09:15 And I didn't leave the entrance hall."
09:17 Who is the secret admirer?
09:20 [Clock ticking]
09:27 Kyra says she didn't enter Mr. Green's office.
09:31 But she dropped one of her hairpins on the floor.
09:35 [Music]
09:37 Mr. Green invites Kyra to lunch at the local buffet.
09:40 They can eat 4 different meals.
09:42 Pizza, pasta, salad and sushi.
09:45 However, some of these meals are not safe.
09:49 Can you find which ones?
09:51 [Clock ticking]
09:58 [Bell ringing]
10:00 There are laces in these pasta.
10:02 So it's not safe to eat them.
10:04 And there is a bee on the sushi.
10:06 This option is not safe either.
10:09 [Music]
10:11 Lauren walks in the forest.
10:13 Suddenly, she sees a strange cave with mysterious lights.
10:18 She enters the cave and finds herself teleported into a parallel universe.
10:22 Can you help her to find the difference between this reality and the normal world?
10:26 [Clock ticking]
10:33 [Bell ringing]
10:35 This woman is wearing shoes on her hands.
10:38 It's weird.
10:40 Lauren meets a magician who promises to send her back home.
10:46 First, she has to solve her riddle.
10:48 "I am in the middle of your face"
10:51 "And upside down, I am the pinnacle of serenity"
10:54 "What am I?"
10:56 [Clock ticking]
11:02 [Bell ringing]
11:04 "In the middle of the face, he has the nose"
11:07 "And when you are very serene, you are zen"
11:10 [Music]
11:12 Harry and Larry are twins.
11:15 They are born in February, but they often celebrate their birthday in March.
11:17 How is this possible?
11:19 [Clock ticking]
11:26 [Bell ringing]
11:28 They are born on February 29, which is only found once every four years.
