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Prêt à mettre vos compétences de détective à l'épreuve ? Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage palpitant dans le monde des énigmes avec "17 Énigmes Difficiles pour Plaire à Votre Détective Intérieur". Que vous soyez un enquêteur aguerri ou que vous fassiez juste vos premiers pas dans l'univers de la résolution de mystères, il y a quelque chose ici pour tout le monde. Mettez-vous au défi, aiguisez votre esprit, et démêlez les mystères cachés au sein de ces puzzles intrigants. Alors, prenez une tasse de café, installez-vous confortablement dans votre coin préféré, et embarquons ensemble dans cette aventure ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Hello to you, dear detectives.
00:02It's time you put your skills to the test to solve our most difficult puzzles.
00:07Look at these hands, they all seem to belong to wealthy people.
00:11But it's just an illusion.
00:13Your first mission is to determine which person here is really rich.
00:17Did you notice that the name of the brands on the accessories of the left and right hands were misspelled?
00:32These luxury items must be counterfeits.
00:36As for the middle hand, it is adorned with a real gold bracelet.
00:40It probably belongs to a very rich person.
00:44Now, observe these travelers and their luggage with the utmost attention.
00:48Can you spot a smuggler among them?
00:59Why would a blind person need a flashlight in his luggage?
01:03Is he a suspect?
01:04He must be the criminal we are looking for.
01:08Which of these people is without money?
01:13Look at this man with his iPhone.
01:16The apple on his back is whole, which means that the phone is fake.
01:22And among these people, who is the richest?
01:33The man on the left looks like a rich businessman.
01:36But it could be that he is not.
01:39The man on the left looks like a rich businessman.
01:42But it could be that he is pretending.
01:44At the same time, this guy with green hair looks very relaxed.
01:48However, he has a brand new laptop and expensive headphones.
01:53He is probably the richest.
01:57Can you determine which of these athletes is fake?
02:09It must be the blond man who wears a fake Adidas t-shirt.
02:13Or should we say, Abibas?
02:16You wake up in a room with three doors.
02:19Suddenly, someone starts knocking on each of them.
02:22You approach each door in turn and take a look through the window.
02:27Behind each door is a policeman.
02:29Do you know which door he would prefer to open?
02:39You can open the third door without any problem.
02:42The first man does not show his badge and has a knife hidden in his belt.
02:46The second man has strange stars on his uniform.
02:49As for the third policeman, he is the only one to have identical stars on his hat and his badge.
02:55And not to hide weapons.
02:57This is your safest option.
03:00These people look homeless.
03:02But one of them pretends to be poor.
03:04Who is it?
03:06Look at the man with a cart. He has car keys.
03:10Now, here is a more difficult task.
03:13Which of these women does not have a lot of money?
03:15Think carefully before answering.
03:17Doris is on vacation at the beach with her friend Therese.
03:20One morning, young women appear to her by the sea.
03:23They seemingly have a lot of money, but they do not know.
03:26Support and help is not enough.
03:28Theyself areначала ask the question,
03:30What will you do if you find that you are in need?
03:32What will you do if you find that you are in need?
03:34What will you do if you find that you are in need?
03:36What will you do if you find that you are in need?
03:42Meanwhile, Therese looks at herself.
03:44This is the woman's face.
03:46the young women take a sunbath near the water.
03:49Therese goes to a cafe to have a lemonade,
03:52while Doris goes swimming.
03:54On her way back, she notices that the smartphone
03:57she had left on her beach towel has disappeared.
04:00She asks a man who bronzes nearby if he has seen the device.
04:04He replies that he was sleeping during all this time.
04:07At this moment, Therese comes back with her lemonade.
04:10She looks around her and immediately understands
04:13where Doris' phone is.
04:15Who took it?
04:25It's the neighbor.
04:26Before the incident, the shovel was planted on his left.
04:29Now, it is on his right.
04:31There is also a suspicious pile of sand near his shovel.
04:35The man had to hide the phone in the sand,
04:37hoping to find it later.
04:40Look carefully at these men.
04:42One of them does not live alone.
04:44Who is it?
04:53It's the man on the right.
04:55He has two toothbrushes.
04:58Thierry invited his friend Alice,
05:00who studies for the police competition, to a party.
05:04It is organized by his friend Simon.
05:06Thierry fears that there may be a thief at this party.
05:09Throughout the evening,
05:11Alice carefully observes the guests.
05:13At the end of the party,
05:15she reveals to Thierry who was the thief.
05:17Did you guess who it was?
05:27It's the other in person, Simon.
05:30At the beginning of the evening,
05:32one of the guests had a watch on his wrist
05:34and this woman was wearing a beautiful necklace.
05:37But at the end of the evening,
05:39the watch was already on Simon's wrist
05:41and the necklace was in the flower pot.
05:45The police were informed that one of the most actively wanted criminals,
05:48a certain Karl Walker,
05:50was going to arrive in the country.
05:53According to this information,
05:54the man had to arrive by plane.
05:58the police knew very little about him.
06:01He was short,
06:03wore glasses
06:04and traveled under a false name.
06:06Detective Adams therefore went to the airport
06:09and arrested four people corresponding to the description.
06:13They were Mr. Lewis,
06:14Mr. Elkow,
06:16Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wilson.
06:18Can you guess who the criminal is?
06:29It's Mr. Elkow.
06:31His family name is actually that of the criminal, Walker.
06:35But after mixing the letters,
06:38Augustin, a rich businessman,
06:40had brought very important documents to his office.
06:43But he had a meeting
06:45and had to be absent for several hours.
06:47He therefore asked his secretary to be very attentive
06:50because his competitors could try to enter his office
06:53to spy on the documents.
06:55Upon his return,
06:56his secretary told him that she had not noticed anything.
06:59But looking around him,
07:01he realized that someone had entered his office.
07:05The secretary finally confessed to having fallen asleep during his absence.
07:09How did the businessman understand
07:11that someone had entered his office?
07:13The globe on his desk is now turned in the opposite direction.
07:18You are trapped in a room without a door or a window.
07:22Suddenly, the room begins to fill with water.
07:26You look everywhere but find no way to escape.
07:30You are trapped in a room with no door or window.
07:33Suddenly, the room begins to fill with water.
07:36You look everywhere but find no way to escape.
07:40You look everywhere but find no way to escape.
07:44You know that the emergency services are on their way,
07:46but there are at least 5 minutes left before they arrive.
07:49And you only have 2 minutes,
07:51after which the whole room will be flooded.
07:53Of course,
07:54you cannot hold your breath for 3 minutes.
07:57You have 3 objects,
07:58but only one of them can save your life.
08:01What should you choose?
08:03A straw, a rope or an empty bucket?
08:09What should you choose?
08:14You should choose the bucket.
08:16Put it on your head.
08:18It will create a pocket of air
08:20and you will be able to breathe for a few more minutes
08:22until the emergency services arrive.
08:24Carter was running a very successful business
08:27and was growing,
08:29until his main investor went bankrupt.
08:33Carter decided to visit his best friend Justine,
08:36who owned a café.
08:38Justine told him that a rich businessman
08:41visited his café almost every day.
08:43He was also there that day.
08:46This man was very discreet
08:48and had no account on social networks.
08:52Justine therefore advised Carter to introduce himself
08:54and told him the back room.
08:57When he arrived,
08:58he saw 3 men.
09:00But he had not asked his friend,
09:02who was the lucky entrepreneur.
09:04He therefore observed them carefully.
09:07Can you guess who is our man?
09:18This is not the middle man.
09:20He has a bag of discount shops.
09:22The one on the right could be rich,
09:24but he is recording a story for Instagram.
09:27And our businessman is not active on any social network.
09:31This means that the man Carter needs is on the left.
09:36Three friends had agreed to meet
09:38to spend the evening together on a Friday night.
09:41One of them, Brian,
09:42was on a mission to bring pizzas.
09:45But the latter was extremely late
09:47and his friends were very hungry.
09:49Strangely, Brian did not answer their calls.
09:52However, about an hour later,
09:55he sent them a selfie.
09:58In the photo, he was next to his car.
10:01In his message,
10:02he wrote that he was running out of gas
10:04and that he had gone to a gas station to fill it up.
10:07But his friends did not believe Brian's excuses.
10:19In the photo,
10:20we clearly see that Brian has an electric car.
10:23She does not need gas.
