Magicians Take Over at Barstool YAK Headquarters

  • 7 months ago
Big Cat | Viva TV
00:00 (sigh)
00:02 Alright, hold on.
00:04 Hold on.
00:06 Hold on.
00:08 Hold on.
00:10 One, two, three.
00:12 Hold on.
00:14 Something's wrong.
00:16 I think I broke my collarbone.
00:18 No, no, no. Time out.
00:20 (music)
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00:26 (music)
00:28 So, Jik January
00:30 spawned from
00:32 Big Cat deciding, instead of doing
00:34 a traditional holiday party, we would
00:36 do free lunch at all of January.
00:38 There was some pushback against that, so Big Cat
00:40 said, "Okay, I'll also add magicians
00:42 for all of January, of course."
00:44 And we thought, what better test subject to figure
00:46 out if the magicians were good or not
00:48 than to put them in front of Ben Mintz,
00:50 a man who has seemingly never
00:52 seen a magician before in his life, because
00:54 he was
00:56 flabbergasted every time by the
00:58 simplest card trick. Stephen Shea
01:00 reached out to me over the holidays
01:02 and said, "You need to make sure
01:04 you're here for the act January 2nd
01:06 through 5th." I said, "I'll be in the office."
01:08 I had no idea what that meant, and then Big Cat
01:10 sent me a text at 1130.
01:12 "Remember, a magician starts today for the rest of the
01:14 week, needs you to attend the magic show every
01:16 day." And I replied, "I have no idea
01:18 what that means, but I'll be there."
01:20 I feel like maybe if I can get him to, like, be
01:22 my dealer at the World Series Main Event, I
01:24 could actually, like, win. Maybe I could, like,
01:26 pull some magic tricks.
01:28 Queen of
01:30 Space.
01:32 [laughter]
01:34 Oh, shit!
01:36 He ran away.
01:38 [unintelligible]
01:40 Oh!
01:42 Oh my God!
01:44 Is it like a voice thing?
01:46 [laughter]
01:48 I don't know what's going on. That was awesome!
01:50 It was so awesome. Red Jack or Black Jack?
01:52 Uh, Red Jack. Red Jack. Racist.
01:54 [laughter]
01:56 Mincy.
01:58 Mincy's the...
02:00 I'm joking.
02:02 I mean, come on.
02:04 You just take the card out of the phone.
02:06 Wait, the picture went away. It actually disappears
02:08 from the post. You can verify that it's still dated April 3rd.
02:10 And this card, believe it or not,
02:12 is the Red Jack of Hearts. What?!
02:14 The fuck?!
02:16 Mm-hmm.
02:18 You can see it still says...
02:20 Can you send me a DM from Sydney Sweeney now?
02:22 Do me a favor. Say "stop" whenever you want.
02:24 [typing]
02:26 [click]
02:28 [laughter]
02:30 Oh, yeah, do it!
02:32 Turn around, Mincy. Turn around and show the camera.
02:34 No, actually
02:36 show the camera.
02:38 Hold it for a second.
02:40 Hold it for a second.
02:42 Okay, got it. He's the worst
02:44 magician's assistant you've ever seen.
02:46 All right, well, you code in a purple right side.
02:48 I am wearing a purple right side.
02:50 What?!
02:52 You code in a yellow left side. I am wearing
02:54 a yellow left side.
02:56 That's the yellow right side.
02:58 It's yellow. You'll see it underneath my shirt.
03:00 I am wearing a green t-shirt.
03:02 And I am wearing underneath my pants
03:04 red shorts.
03:06 What the fuck?!
03:08 [laughter]
03:10 It makes it an exact match
03:12 to the photo.
03:14 How ganked would it be if we score a shot right now?
03:16 Oh, God. First try.
03:18 Pretty gangster, yeah? We gotta try it, right?
03:20 Beyond gangster. I would have freaked out.
03:22 It's about it.
03:24 [laughter]
03:26 What the fuck?!
03:28 I'm done. Mic drop. I'm done.
03:30 That was cool as fuck.
03:32 Moro, you're the man. Thank you.
03:34 What the fuck?!
03:36 My mind is nuked. I feel like already
03:38 I was a little confused
03:40 coming in and now I'm just
03:42 floored. That was nuts, man.
03:44 I'm gonna take some of this mind reading text and use it at the poker table.
03:46 Make myself some money.
03:48 Because, Mincy, you dealt down cards randomly.
03:50 You stopped whenever you wanted. You didn't even use the whole deck, right?
03:52 Correct. 16 cards left.
03:54 16 cards left. I'm not a mathematician. I'm a magician.
03:56 So good job. And of all the piles in this
03:58 you've managed to find...
04:00 Oh! Mincy!
04:02 Mincy! What?!
04:04 Stick out your hand, though, Mincy, for me, please.
04:06 Being a magician, though, in our world
04:08 the ace of spades means change.
04:10 So if I just snap between your hands like this
04:12 it activates the change of that ace of spades
04:14 where I have now
04:16 luck
04:18 and death. And you should have...
04:20 Go ahead, take a look in your hand, Mincy.
04:22 Whoa! Hey, now!
04:24 I'm gonna put this
04:26 fishhook in my mouth.
04:28 Go to four of you all.
04:30 Present the strings.
04:32 You will pick one at random and pull the string
04:34 as hard as you can.
04:36 Oh! How often do you do this trick?
04:38 Here we go.
04:40 Okay.
04:42 Oh my God. Okay, so he's put it in.
04:44 One, two, three.
04:46 Pull!
04:48 Oh!
04:50 One, two, three. Pull!
04:52 Oh!
04:54 One, two, three.
04:56 Oh!
04:58 Yeah. No. Yeah.
05:00 Yeah.
05:02 Yeah.
05:04 One, two, three.
05:06 Oh!
05:08 Oh! Oh!
05:10 I feel like I can throw up.
05:12 Oh!
05:14 Just tell me whenever you want me to stop, right?
05:16 Stop. Right there. Okay, can you go ahead
05:18 take that card, look at it, memorize it, show everyone?
05:20 Let's see if Mincy can do this.
05:22 Yeah! Almost. I'm getting better.
05:24 I'm feeling a little sharper as we get in the wheel.
05:26 And there's no drawings or signatures or anything on the front?
05:28 No, I just see two diamonds, man.
05:30 I see two diamonds, man. Should you have said that?
05:32 Okay. Well, that's fine.
05:34 That's fine. So two of diamonds.
05:36 That's the name of the card. It's okay.
05:38 It's okay. We'll take that two of diamonds.
05:40 We'll have fun with the two of diamonds. That's alright.
05:42 He claimed he was feeling sharp and then he just
05:44 gave away... It's okay. And then it took him ten seconds.
05:46 We can improv. Very on brand.
05:48 So I have the seven of clubs, right?
05:50 Seven of clubs, two of diamonds. Got it.
05:52 Can you put your hand on top of the seven?
05:54 Make sure I cannot get to it at all, right?
05:56 And I have the two, right? Right.
05:58 If I shake, I can actually steal that seven. Wait, what?
06:00 Go lift your hand up.
06:02 No way.
06:04 Flip it over. I don't want to touch it.
06:06 No way.
06:08 Oh!
06:10 What is happening?
06:12 Let's go, Jake. Go ahead and pick another one.
06:14 Any card you want. It's this guy right here.
06:16 Don't show it to you. Yeah, don't tell
06:18 everyone it's the two of hearts.
06:20 Oh! Alright.
06:22 That's crazy. Yes!
06:24 [Laughter]
06:26 I like the more I think I know
06:28 the less I know. I'm just getting my mind
06:30 nuked every day.
06:32 I've been doing it all for weeks.
06:34 That was fucking awesome. That's crazy.
06:36 That was incredible.
06:38 That was fucking crazy.
06:40 Good job, dude. Amazing.
06:42 In the playoffs.
06:44 Or not eliminated from the playoffs.
06:46 Still technically in the hunt. Yeah, still playing games.
06:48 Yeah. Randy's in his pants.
06:50 Oh no. Oh no.
06:52 Oh no. He ran out of...
06:54 [Laughter]
06:56 Alright.
06:58 [Music]
07:00 [Music]
07:02 [Music]
07:04 [Music]
07:06 [Music]
07:08 [Music]
07:10 [Music]
07:12 [Music]
07:14 I got rough.
07:16 What happened?
07:18 We're really
07:20 recording people when they come out of the bathroom now?
07:22 What happened? I went and took a shit.
07:24 That's what happened. You took a shit?
07:26 Where? In the fucking bathroom.
07:28 Did you just ask me where I took a shit?
07:30 Someone said you shit your pants.
07:32 I didn't shit my pants. I was about to.
07:34 I was about to.
07:36 [Laughter]
07:38 [Glass breaking]
07:40 What's going on with your boy? Alcoholic.
07:42 Drunk.
07:44 Fucking drunk loser.
07:46 [Music]
07:48 [Music]
07:50 No. No.
07:52 [Mumbling]
07:54 You need one? Are you shaking a little?
07:56 I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.
07:58 Three days in a row. I mean, it's a
08:00 celebration dinner.
08:02 What was the next day?
08:04 Yeah, well that's the national championship. I was just having a drink
08:06 with the boys, you know? I had a couple people message
08:08 me. Like, "Hey Jerry,
08:10 why are the Jerry After Dark
08:12 thumbnails so good, and then
08:14 the Steelers podcast one is so bad?
08:16 Doesn't Lucas do both of them?" So he's short
08:18 changing us on the Steelers podcast
08:20 because it doesn't get as many views. Instead of
08:22 putting 100% into both,
08:24 he's taking off on one.
08:26 Why must I have people
08:28 message me saying, "Hey
08:30 Jerry, the thumbnails for Jerry
08:32 After Dark are so good,
08:34 and the Steelers podcast one are so
08:36 bad. Doesn't Lucas do both of them?" Who's saying
08:38 that? Fans.
08:40 No they're not. Friends of the program.
08:42 No they're not. No they're not? I don't think
08:44 they're saying that. They're saying that. I don't think they're
08:46 saying that. Why are you going half-ass on
08:48 the thumbnails? I don't go half-ass on the thumbnails.
08:50 Oh really? Look at this. That's nice,
08:52 right? Let's go to the Steelers podcast.
08:54 Look at the quality of this.
08:56 Look at that. There's nothing wrong
08:58 with this. That's what we've used all season.
09:00 I can't just switch it up now. It'd be
09:02 confusing. No, it's not going to be confusing. Thumbnails
09:04 attracts the viewers. Yeah, but
09:06 that's what we've been using all season. It doesn't matter.
09:08 Why go 100% on one thing,
09:10 and go 20% on the other? I'm not. I'm keeping it
09:12 the same throughout the whole... I don't care. I want
09:14 100% every day. That's like me going on
09:16 Mostly Sports and giving them 20% of
09:18 JJ. Steelers podcast thumbnails
09:20 are horrible. It's like, look at them.
09:22 They're not... they're all the same.
09:24 It doesn't matter. Even people who've listened to the
09:26 podcast for 10 weeks straight
09:28 are going to be like, "Oh, fuck!
09:30 This new thumbnail. I ain't watching this shit."
09:32 No, but that's the brand of it.
09:34 It's different than... The brand is bad thumbnails.
09:36 That's the brand. It's not bad thumbnails.
09:38 That's a horrible thumbnail, Lucas.
09:40 If the viewers lose Sunday,
09:42 it's on you. Do you have anything to say about
09:44 him drinking and all that? It's a bad look.
09:46 That's for sure. I mean, it's a bad look.
09:48 You do that on your own time.
09:50 It was, you know, three days back to back to back.
09:52 You know how long it took me to pick up a crack cocaine habit?
09:54 Two days.
09:56 I can't say anything to that.
09:58 He's the lowest of the low. Ever.
10:00 In any type of situation in life,
10:02 he's just bottom of the barrel type of guy.
10:04 I say this humbly. I'm a star.
10:06 Lucas
10:08 has zero star
10:10 in him. We're doing a hockey
10:12 skills challenge on rollerblades, which he
10:14 apparently can't rollerblade.
10:16 He's going to go through some cones
10:18 like an agility test, chug a
10:20 glass of milk, body check
10:22 a dummy, and then score
10:24 a goal on Ryan wearing junior
10:26 goalie pads. We can't follow up
10:28 hole in one. It's just impossible to
10:30 beat that stream, so this could go
10:32 very poorly.
10:34 [laughter]
10:36 Oh, fuck!
10:38 How is this possible?
10:40 Come on!
10:42 This is so bad!
10:44 [laughter]
10:46 I don't know if this is possible.
10:48 [laughter]
10:50 I need to get up.
10:52 [laughter]
10:54 [laughter]
10:56 [laughter]
10:58 [laughter]
11:00 [laughter]
11:02 This is impossible.
11:04 You're going to be here longer than the hole in one.
11:06 No.
11:08 [laughter]
11:10 Now we go.
11:12 What is this?
11:14 [laughter]
11:16 One, two, three.
11:18 Hold on.
11:20 [laughter]
11:22 Oh, no.
11:24 We need to buy a helmet.
11:26 There you go.
11:28 [laughter]
11:30 Oh, no.
11:32 [laughter]
11:34 [laughter]
11:36 [laughter]
11:38 [laughter]
11:40 [laughter]
11:42 [laughter]
11:44 [laughter]
11:46 You're cooking.
11:48 I'm cooking.
11:50 [laughter]
11:52 Something's wrong.
11:54 I think I broke my collarbone.
11:56 No, no, no. Time out.
11:58 How much pain is that?
12:00 Yeah.
12:02 Fuck!
12:04 [sigh]
12:06 [sigh]
12:08 Fuck. Fuck!
12:10 Shit. Fuck.
12:12 Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
12:14 Fuck. Shit. Bro.
12:16 Fuck. Fuck.
12:18 Yeah. I broke this one
12:20 like three times, too.
12:22 I feel like it's out.
12:24 It's popped out?
12:26 Do you think it's dislocated or broken?
12:28 I don't know. Probably dislocated or something.
12:30 There's an urgent care right up the street. You want to go up there?
12:32 Great job, Lucas.
12:34 [laughter]
12:36 Oh, he's, he's, he's, he's.
12:38 I wasn't sure if this was part of the show.
12:40 I'm not even kidding. I asked Lucas.
12:42 This is...
12:44 We gotta put it, wrap him in bubble wrap.
12:46 This is our most prized fucking client.
12:48 Fucking dummy. Like, why would I ever
12:50 be able to rollerblade?
12:52 I've never done it in my life.
12:54 It's out. It's 100% out.
12:56 [music]
12:58 [music]
13:00 [music]
13:02 [music]
13:04 [music]
13:06 Yeah.
13:08 I think I either broke my collarbone or dislocated my shoulder.
13:10 All right, Jerry. What just happened?
13:12 Well, I sent it right up to the ER.
13:14 To the ER?
13:16 I popped it back in there.
13:18 It can't do nothing.
13:20 This is crazy.
13:22 Should we try the other one?
13:24 [music]
13:26 [music]
13:28 [music]
13:30 [music]
13:32 I can't really lift it that much.
13:34 But she said if I do
13:36 exercises and keep it in the sling,
13:38 take it off every, like, couple hours
13:40 and try to move it around,
13:42 within five weeks it'll be back to normal.
13:44 Five weeks? Three to five, yeah.
13:46 I think what we're gonna do is Lucas is gonna do
13:48 the challenge. And I'll do the milk.
13:50 A lot of people were saying that Lucas got
13:52 drunk and shoved you. That's what, I know you're
13:54 locked out of Twitter, but that's the narrative on Twitter right now.
13:56 I got locked out of Twitter? Yeah, I don't know what that's about.
13:58 Hate speech. Your account was
14:00 manually reported
14:02 and actioned and has been
14:04 locked for violating X
14:06 rules specifically for
14:08 violating our rules against
14:10 violent speech.
14:12 [inaudible]
14:14 Not good.
14:16 Man, you fucked up.
14:18 I fucked up?
14:20 How are you putting all the
14:22 blame on me?
14:24 Then I'll have to do
14:26 the milk. I think that's your only choice.
14:28 You need to be a part of it somehow.
14:30 I can't even fucking jerk off. I can't even jerk off
14:32 with my left hand.
14:34 Help me understand.
14:36 It's give and take. That's life.
14:38 Rollercoaster. Jerry was on top of the world just days
14:40 ago. It's like, someone need to
14:42 humble him and bring him back down to earth.
14:44 And literally that's what happened. And it was
14:46 Lucas. Lucas brought him back down to earth really
14:48 hard and ended up spraying his
14:50 AC joint. Lucas, maybe stop
14:52 drinking for like one or two days and maybe
14:54 we can get Jerry back on top.
14:56 [inaudible]
14:58 There you go.
15:00 Fuck.
15:02 [vomiting]
15:04 [thud]
15:06 [vomiting]
15:08 [thud]
15:10 [vomiting]
15:12 [sigh]
15:14 Puke for clicks. Here we go.
15:16 Dude, the challenge
15:18 the challenge was
15:20 Dude, shut it down. Shut the stream down.
15:22 Shut it down. It's over. It's over.
15:24 It's over. It's over. Shut the stream down.
15:26 Shut it the fuck
15:28 down. Shut it down.
15:30 Shut it down. Shut it down.
15:32 Shut the fucking stream down.
15:34 I went to urgent care for fucking
15:36 three and a half hours today
15:38 with a sprayed AC joint
15:40 possible rotator cuff
15:42 injury and I gotta deal with this bullshit
15:44 dude. They just kept on Jerry Smollett.
15:46 Jerry Smollett. Jerry Smollett.
15:48 Jerry Smollett. It's shut.
15:50 Shut it down. Shut it down. It's it.
15:52 It's it man. It's it. Get back out there.
15:54 No. Shut the fucking shit.
15:56 They got too big for their bridges man.
15:58 They got way too big for their bridges
16:00 too quick bro. I'm a nice guy.
16:02 I treat everybody with respect.
16:04 I'm as humble as I can be.
16:06 And I ain't gonna be fucking pushed over
16:08 like this. I'm sorry Dan. I'm sorry.
16:10 Jerry you can't listen to him.
16:12 That's the funny part. No. No.
16:14 No. No. No. No. No. It's not funny.
16:16 It's not funny. It's sad man. It's sad.
16:18 Dude. This is a
16:20 significant injury.
16:22 I mean I didn't break nothing
16:24 but this is significant dude.
16:26 I'm out 3 to 5 weeks.
16:28 The doctor said she wanted me on bed rest
16:30 bro.
16:32 Alright so you're gonna
16:34 see providers tomorrow? Yeah. I'll be in tomorrow.
16:36 Come on.
