Hi guys, In this Video, I will show you "How to Turn Off Always Show Siri Captions on iPhone 14 Pro Max." Please Like and Subscribe to my channel.
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00:00 Hi guys, in this video I will show you, how to turn off 'Always Show Siri Captions on
00:06 iPhone 14 Pro Max'.
00:08 So this is my iPhone 14 Pro Max device.
00:11 So let's start.
00:12 So first of all you have to open your settings app.
00:16 So here is my settings app.
00:17 Let me tap on it to open it.
00:20 You can see it's opened and after that you have to scroll down to Siri and search and
00:27 then tap on it and then come to 'Ask Siri' this section and in this section you can see
00:34 here we have this 'Siri Responses'.
00:36 So just tap on it and I have this 'Siri Responses', this screen opened and on the screen you can
00:44 see here we have this 'Always Show Siri Captions' this option.
00:48 I show what Siri says on screen.
00:51 So currently I have this turned on.
00:53 You can see this toggle button is turned on next to it.
00:57 So let me bring up my Siri and ask a question.
01:00 Hey Siri, what is 1 minus 1?
01:07 One minus one is zero.
01:08 You can see guys the caption is showing.
01:11 So let me close my Siri.
01:13 So to turn off 'Always Show Siri Captions' you have to turn off this toggle button next
01:19 to it.
01:20 To turn off this toggle button just tap on it so that this slider moves to the left.
01:26 So let me show you.
01:27 Let me tap on it.
01:29 You can see it's now turned off.
01:31 So let me bring up my Siri again and ask a question.
01:34 Hey Siri, what is 1 plus 1?
01:41 One plus one is two.
01:43 You can see guys the caption is not showing.
01:45 So it's now done.
01:46 Let me close my Siri.
01:49 After that you can go back.
01:51 Go back again and close your Settings app.
01:57 So that's it.
01:58 Thanks for watching.
01:59 In this way you can easily turn off 'Always Show Siri Captions' on iPhone 14 Pro Max.
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02:09 Thanks.
02:10 Bye Bye.