Landon Barker Does ASMR with a One-String Guitar, Talks "Friends with Your EX" & More

  • 8 months ago
On this episode of Mind Massage, Landon Barker take us on a sound journey using some of his favorite items such as a one-string guitar, his everyday jewelry & more!
00:00 [inhales deeply]
00:03 Hey, I'm Landon Parker,
00:05 and welcome to my mind massage.
00:08 I'm going to take you through a sound journey
00:11 using some of my favorite things.
00:14 [guitar playing]
00:16 [rattling]
00:18 A one-string guitar.
00:26 I don't usually play a one-string guitar.
00:29 But today I'm playing a one-string guitar.
00:33 Oh, they have a variety of styles.
00:37 Flying V.
00:40 The guitar.
00:52 [playing guitar]
00:57 Should I learn a song?
01:00 Okay, okay.
01:04 There's "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
01:10 I'll close my eyes.
01:12 Okay, maybe this.
01:15 [playing guitar]
01:19 [playing guitar]
01:22 I feel like I always knew I wanted to pursue music
01:34 from a young age.
01:36 The people around me, like my family,
01:41 definitely had an influence on me.
01:43 But I feel like I'm happy
01:46 that I was shown music at a young age,
01:49 so I was able to know what I wanted from such a young age,
01:53 'cause it's kind of relieving in a sense.
01:56 Some of my biggest music influences
02:00 are Dominic Fike,
02:03 Tom DeLon,
02:08 Machine Gun Kelly.
02:11 Those are some of my biggest ones.
02:14 Working with Machine Gun Kelly was amazing,
02:18 and it was very impactful for my career
02:21 because it was like kind of my first release--
02:25 it was my first release--
02:27 and my first, like, kind of time putting anything out.
02:33 And having him as someone who is behind the track
02:37 was very helpful and honestly super-duper inspiring.
02:41 And I'm always forever grateful.
02:45 My next item is my phone.
02:52 And I decided to bring my phone
02:55 because I use it on a daily basis,
02:58 and I feel like we all use our phones.
03:01 And my phone's a little bit special
03:03 in a sense that it's really cracked,
03:06 and my phone case is really messed up,
03:08 and, like, all the rubber is gone,
03:11 and it's kind of like my own fidget toy
03:15 because I just sit there and pick at the rubber like that all day,
03:20 so you can see all around.
03:22 Another fun thing I like to do with my phone is this,
03:26 'cause it has the MagSafe thing.
03:29 Anyways, also texting, calling,
03:36 all those things I do on my phone,
03:38 so important item in my life.
03:43 My song "Friends You're X" is my debut single,
03:47 and it was inspired by my life.
03:50 And a lot of the songs that I--
03:53 a lot of the subjects I tend to write about
03:56 are girls, heartbreaks, all that stuff,
03:59 and I never really thought of writing something about me
04:04 that was authentic to my life and my stories,
04:07 and I feel like that was the first time
04:12 I kind of took a shot at it,
04:14 and I really like how it came out.
04:16 And go check it out if you haven't heard it,
04:18 "Friends You're X."
04:20 If I had to bring one album to a desert island,
04:27 I would probably bring either tickets to my downfall
04:33 or "Sunburn" by Dominic Fike,
04:36 because I've probably listened to those albums
04:39 way too many times.
04:40 My next item is my day-to-day jewelry.
04:45 Here is one of the pieces that I wear a lot.
04:51 It's like a chain wallet, but there's no wallet.
04:55 And I really like it.
04:56 I feel like it's like--adds a lot of, like,
05:01 flair to an outfit.
05:03 Like, just even if I'm wearing, like, a pair of Dickies,
05:05 you could throw this on,
05:06 and it makes it look a little bit nicer.
05:08 And I really, really like how this--
05:11 like, the design of it.
05:12 There's, like, little crosses in it,
05:14 and then there's little, like, crosses in here.
05:17 I like all the little details on it.
05:19 And it's honestly just super universal
05:21 and goes with every fit.
05:22 So if you need something to spice up your fits,
05:26 you should get one of these.
05:27 You can get them anywhere.
05:28 Just look up "chain wallet,"
05:30 and you can get one that attaches to your wallet.
05:32 I have one of those, too.
05:34 My next jewelry piece is this bracelet.
05:42 I just wear this bracelet all the time.
05:44 And honestly, all my jewelry that I wear,
05:48 I never take it off.
05:49 So, like, these are my, like, main three
05:53 kind of hand jewelry and wrist jewelry.
05:59 But, yeah.
06:00 So this is just, like, a little pinky ring.
06:02 This is, like, a mouth ring.
06:04 And then I have two necklaces over here, too,
06:09 that I never take off.
06:10 I'm weird about my jewelry, and I'm super, like--
06:13 I don't like to either take it off,
06:15 and I don't like putting new jewelry on.
06:17 So I kind of just stick with the ones I have,
06:20 because I have really bad OCD,
06:21 and I feel like it'll throw my life off
06:24 if I take it off or put something new on.
06:26 So I always wear these ones.
06:29 And then this-- same with this right here.
06:33 I'll wear this one a lot, too.
06:35 But those are my jewelry pieces that I wear a lot.
06:38 One thing about this bracelet
06:42 that I personally don't like,
06:44 but you guys might like it,
06:46 is every single time that I, like, am playing video games,
06:49 it'll, like, hit the desk,
06:52 and I'll wake up like that,
06:53 and it gets really annoying.
06:55 But for the purpose of ASMR,
06:58 maybe you guys might like this.
07:01 These chains don't really make much noise,
07:06 but besides this, really,
07:09 I feel like that's all we're gonna get out of these ones,
07:12 'cause they're kind of dainty.
07:14 Um...
07:19 Yeah, I'd probably want to switch lives with Harry Potter
07:22 and check it out.
07:23 But then again, do I want to switch lives with Harry Potter?
07:26 'Cause I also feel like Harry Potter
07:28 was going through a hell of shit.
07:30 Like, you gotta watch out for, like, Dementors,
07:32 Voldemort, all that shit.
07:34 So I feel like-- I don't know.
07:36 But there is a show that I've been watching
07:40 called "The Last Man on Earth,"
07:42 and I'd like to be the last man on Earth for, like, a few days.
07:46 And then everybody comes back,
07:48 so I could just do everything I've always wanted to do.
07:52 Best self-love advice for myself is, um...
07:56 taking care of yourself in a sense of working out
07:59 and feeling confident.
08:01 I feel like if you work out
08:03 and you start to feel more confident, that's great.
08:06 And same with-- I suffer with, like, acne.
08:09 So same for me.
08:10 It's like, uh, making sure I do, like, my skin care
08:14 and having those skin care days,
08:16 because I feel really down when my skin's broken out
08:19 and all messed up.
08:20 So I feel like for self-love, I kind of like to work out
08:23 and just be on top of my skin care
08:25 so I could feel confident.
08:26 Thank you for coming to my mind massage.
08:28 Make sure to check out my single friend, Xerox.
08:32 (electronic beeping)
