• last year


00:00 (Music)
00:18 I'm just a kid who's four. Each day I grow some more. I like exploring, I'm...
00:23 How are you?
00:25 There's so many things to do. Each day is something new. I'll share them with you. I'm...
00:30 Caillou!
00:32 My world is turning, changing each day. With mommy and daddy I'm finding my way.
00:40 Growing up is so much fun. Each day I learn a ton. Come, let me show you. I'm...
00:46 Caillou! Caillou! I'm...
00:49 Caillou! Caillou!
00:53 That's me!
00:55 (Music)
01:00 Splish splash! Splish splash!
01:04 What are you doing, Caillou?
01:07 I'm practicing my swimming for when I sleep over tonight at grandma and grandpa's beach house.
01:13 Grandma! Grandpa! (Giggles)
01:18 That's right, Rosie. I'm going by myself.
01:22 Huh?
01:23 Don't worry, Rosie. We'll see Caillou when we drive up tomorrow.
01:27 Okay.
01:29 Splish splash! Splish splash!
01:32 (Giggles) Splishy splash!
01:35 (Meows)
01:36 You should practice your swimming too, Gilbert. Splish splash!
01:42 (Meows)
01:44 (Music)
01:47 (Giggles) Kitties don't like the water.
01:50 Kitty! (Giggles)
01:54 Your swimming looks great, Caillou. Yours too, Rosie. But that's enough for now.
02:00 Ah, it's dinner time.
02:04 Yay! Spaghetti! My favorite!
02:07 (Meows)
02:09 Oh, sorry, Gilbert. Spaghetti's not for you.
02:13 (Meows)
02:14 Swimming is going to be so much fun. I'll get to go in the ocean with grandma and grandpa.
02:20 Mm-hmm. Did someone say our names?
02:24 And did someone say swimming?
02:27 Splish splash! Splish splash!
02:32 Hello, everyone. Sorry for interrupting your dinner.
02:36 Oh, no worries at all. It's fine.
02:39 Are you excited for our trip today, Caillou?
02:41 Uh-huh.
02:42 I know I am.
02:43 When you're finished eating, we'll be off to the beach house.
02:47 And when we get there, I'm going to do a big cannonball into the ocean.
02:52 Just like this.
02:54 Splash!
02:56 That's a huge cannonball, Caillou.
02:59 (Giggling)
03:01 (Music)
03:05 (Giggling)
03:07 Come on, grandma and grandpa. Let's get to the beach house.
03:11 B... B... B...
03:15 Huh? B?
03:17 Uh, I don't see any B's around, Rosie.
03:21 No. B... cha! Beach!
03:25 Oh! That's right, Rosie. I'm going to a beach and a beach house.
03:32 Bye-bye!
03:35 (Giggling)
03:38 Gilbert, you're not coming today.
03:41 (Meowing)
03:44 Don't worry. I'll tell you all about it.
03:51 Hey, this isn't where my booster seat goes.
03:55 It's okay, Caillou. Teddy is still in the middle.
03:59 It's... different.
04:02 Look, grandma and grandpa may do things a bit differently.
04:06 Try to go with the flow.
04:08 Go with the flow? What does that mean?
04:11 It's like when you're swimming. You let the water move with you.
04:16 You're just... going with it.
04:19 Got it, daddy. Go with the flow.
04:22 (Music)
04:31 Have a good time, Caillou.
04:33 Bye-bye!
04:35 When you come tomorrow, we can all swim in the ocean together.
04:40 Oh! I forgot to say goodbye to Gilbert. Bye, Gilbert.
04:47 (Meowing)
04:51 Wait, grandma. We have to do a safety seatbelt check.
04:56 We always do it in mommy and daddy's car.
04:59 Good idea, Caillou. Let's do that. You start.
05:03 (Music)
05:06 Check!
05:08 Check!
05:10 And check!
05:12 Don't forget Teddy.
05:15 Check! Teddy's all ready.
05:19 Great! And away we go.
05:22 Bye!
05:24 (Laughing)
05:26 (Music)
05:33 (Singing)
05:52 What's wrong, Caillou?
05:54 We don't sing that song in the car when mommy and daddy drive me and Rosie.
05:59 Oh? What song do you sing?
06:02 Daddy has a driving in the car song.
06:05 That sounds fun. How does it go?
06:08 Um... I think... it goes like...
06:13 ♪ Na-na-na, on the road you do something ♪
06:18 ♪ And then you're on your way ♪
06:22 Huh? I forget the rest.
06:25 Don't worry, Caillou. Maybe we can do something else.
06:29 Like what?
06:31 How about... I spy?
06:34 Oh, I love that game.
06:36 Okay, I'll go first.
06:39 I spy with my little eye...
06:43 something with a red nose.
06:47 Hmm...
06:50 (Laughing) Teddy!
06:52 You got it. Your turn.
06:55 Hmm...
06:58 I spy with my little eye...
07:03 (Music)
07:09 We're here.
07:11 Wow! We made it!
07:14 The ocean! It's so big!
07:18 It sure is.
07:23 Woo-hoo! Let's go swimming!
07:26 Caillou, wait.
07:29 We need to go inside. It's getting too late to go swimming.
07:33 There'll be plenty of time for swimming tomorrow.
07:36 Tomorrow?
07:38 Yep, bright and early.
07:40 First, come see the beach house and where we'll be spending the night.
07:45 Okay.
07:51 Whoa! Hold on there!
07:53 Please stamp your feet before you go inside.
07:56 Stamp my feet?
07:59 Oh, yes. There could be sand on your shoes.
08:02 And we don't want you tracking it all inside.
08:04 This place is a rental.
08:06 It's not ours, so we have to take extra good care of it.
08:10 I never stamp my feet before I go inside my house.
08:14 Things are a bit different here, Caillou.
08:16 In fact, I think stamping feet before going inside is fun.
08:21 Here, watch me.
08:23 Stamp, stamp, stampity stamp. Stamp, stamp, stampity stamp.
08:28 Your turn.
08:31 Stamp, stamp, stampity stamp. Stamp, stamp, stampity stamp.
08:36 Your turn, Caillou.
08:39 Stampity stamp. Is that enough?
08:43 Maybe a bit more.
08:45 Stampity stamp. Stampity stamp.
08:49 That's the spirit.
08:52 Stampity stamp. Stampity stamp.
08:57 I think that's enough.
08:59 We can't have you stamping a great big hole in the porch.
09:02 Now let's get inside.
09:09 Well, what do you think of our beach house, Caillou?
09:14 Wow, it's so nice.
09:17 Look at all the seashells and fishies everywhere.
09:21 When will everyone else be here?
09:23 I want to show them around.
09:25 They'll be here tomorrow, remember?
09:27 For now, it's just you and us for the night.
09:30 Oh, right.
09:34 I'll be here without them.
09:38 All night.
09:41 You know, Caillou...
09:44 We were going to save this, but Grandpa and I have a surprise for you.
09:49 A surprise? What is it? Where is it?
09:53 Did you hide it for me to find?
09:56 We didn't hide your surprise, Caillou.
09:59 But are you sure you're ready for it?
10:01 Definitely ready.
10:04 Here's a special gift for you.
10:07 A diving mask with a snorkel.
10:10 Wow! Thank you!
10:14 Oh, um, how do you use it?
10:18 The mask is used to see underwater,
10:20 and the snorkel lets you breathe right under the surface.
10:25 I can see and breathe underwater? Like a fish?
10:31 Yep, just like a fish.
10:33 And who knows what great things are down there in the ocean for you to see.
10:37 Let's go see them now!
10:39 Not today, Caillou, remember?
10:42 Because it's almost night time?
10:45 That's right. For now, why don't you help us unload the cooler?
10:51 Oh, okay.
10:54 We brought lots of delicious food for everyone.
10:58 Huh? Oh, that's nice, Grandma.
11:02 I wish I could go swimming right now instead of waiting till morning.
11:08 I recognize that look.
11:11 It reminds me of you during that diving trip with the Divemaster.
11:15 Oh, really?
11:17 Divemaster? What's a Divemaster?
11:21 Well, a Divemaster is...
11:24 Actually, Caillou, since you want to go swimming in the ocean so badly,
11:29 why don't I tell you a diving story?
11:32 You mean like swimming underwater?
11:35 That's exactly right.
11:37 Oh, yes, please, yes, please! Tell me, tell me, tell me!
11:41 Oh, my. You better tell Caillou your diving story quick.
11:47 Not too long ago, your grandma and I were on a diving trip.
11:52 And just like you, we couldn't wait to get into the ocean to do some swimming.
11:57 And then, guess what happened?
11:59 We met up with our new diving instructor.
12:02 And like I said, they called him the Divemaster.
12:07 Whoa!
12:08 He was a real expert, and he taught us all kinds of things about diving.
12:14 You know, come to think of it, Caillou, you look a little like the Divemaster.
12:20 Really?
12:24 We were waiting patiently in the boat, but we had no idea where the Divemaster was.
12:31 Where's that Divemaster fellow? He told us to be here bright and early.
12:36 I can't wait to see what fish are down there.
12:39 Oh, he's probably on his way. I've heard he's the very best there is.
12:44 Well, I hope he shows up soon.
12:47 Hello there!
12:52 Isn't he something?
12:56 Glo, it is so nice to meet you.
13:00 Whoa! Easy there, friend. Nice to meet you both.
13:04 Hope you're ready to do some diving and ocean swimming.
13:07 You betcha. Now let's get to it.
13:10 Not just yet. We need to make sure we're absolutely ready before we get into the water.
13:17 Why's that?
13:18 Because today I'm going to take you on a special underwater adventure!
13:27 We love adventures!
13:30 Me too. But first, we need to prepare for safety.
13:36 How long is that going to take? You know how some people are bird watchers, but I'm a fish watcher.
13:47 Keep going with your story, Grandpa. What happened next?
13:55 It sounds like you might be a bit tired, Caillou.
14:02 I am a little sleepy.
14:05 Well, let's get you ready for bed.
14:08 Okay. But tomorrow... tomorrow we go to the ocean, and I'm going to swim with my new mask, right?
14:19 Deal!
14:20 First, you need to brush your teeth, Caillou.
14:22 Okay, Grandma.
14:32 Oh no! I can't find my toothbrush.
14:37 Let's give your Mommy and Daddy a call. Maybe it's hidden in one of those pockets.
14:49 Oh, it's Grandma and Grandpa.
14:52 Hi, Daddy. Hi, Mommy.
14:54 Hi, Caillou.
14:55 Did you call to say goodnight?
14:57 Well, yes. And I can't find my toothbrush.
15:03 Oh dear. I'm sorry, Caillou.
15:06 Let me check over here.
15:09 Oh, maybe in here.
15:13 Oh, it's right here. I'll bring it when we come tomorrow.
15:17 How am I going to brush my teeth tonight?
15:20 Maybe Grandma and Grandpa have one you can use.
15:24 A different toothbrush?
15:26 Give it a try. It's a great way to go with the flow.
15:31 I have a brand new toothbrush for you, Caillou.
15:35 Thank you. Have a good night, Caillou. Bye.
15:38 Night, Caillou.
15:40 Good night.
15:44 That looks like a grown-up toothbrush. And it's blue. Mine is red.
15:50 This one will work just as well. Maybe you should try it.
15:55 Maybe.
15:57 It's okay, Caillou. It's good to try different things.
16:02 Different things? You mean like go with the flow?
16:07 That's right.
16:09 Wait, Grandma. I can't brush my teeth yet.
16:12 Why not?
16:14 I don't have my PJs on. I always put my PJs on before I brush my teeth.
16:19 That's how I do it at home.
16:21 I'm on it.
16:25 Got 'em. Here you go, Caillou.
16:28 Thanks, Grandpa. I'll be right back.
16:38 I can't believe I forgot to pack Caillou's toothbrush.
16:42 I'm sure it'll be okay.
16:44 Me help!
16:46 I don't think that'll fit in there, Bug. Is there anything else you want to bring?
16:51 Yes!
16:57 Are your teeth all nice and clean now, Caillou?
17:06 Yep. And the new toothbrush was nice and soft.
17:10 But where am I going to sleep?
17:14 Well, we've set up the couch for you to sleep on.
17:18 Teddy looks very comfortable on it.
17:21 Try it out. But no jumping. Remember, it's a rental.
17:26 I've never slept on a couch bed before. It feels... weird. Not like my bed at home.
17:38 Oh, what's wrong, Caillou?
17:41 I know I said I wanted to go with the flow, but there's been so much different stuff today. It's a lot.
17:51 I wish Mommy and Daddy were here. I miss them. And Rosie. And Gilbert. And my bed. And my toys.
18:08 If you were back at your own house, Caillou, what would you be doing right now before bed?
18:14 It would be time for a bedtime story.
18:17 How about I tell you more about our diving adventure with the Divemaster?
18:22 Okay, Grandpa. Tell me more.
18:25 You got it. Before we hit the water, the Divemaster wanted to look over our equipment.
18:34 We had to make sure it was all ready for our big adventure.
18:40 Are these flippers brand new? How about these masks?
18:44 They're not brand new. We just take very good care of them.
18:47 But we're glad you're looking at them with your expert eye.
18:52 Oh, the ocean's calling out to me. And so are all the fish below. Is our equipment all set now?
19:00 We're almost ready.
19:02 Almost?
19:04 Wait a minute. Where are your locator beacons?
19:08 What? We've never used locator beacons before. Can't we dive without them?
19:15 No, we can't. A locator beacon helps us find each other underwater. It shows where you are at all times.
19:25 You two should wear these. They're ready to go.
19:29 Good idea, Divemaster. You're really on the ball.
19:33 Whatever gets us diving sooner, I guess. Thanks for the beacon. Now it's diving time.
19:40 We can go. In a bit.
19:44 We could be in the water by now.
19:48 Now we're going to learn some hand signals.
19:51 Hand signals? We already have some that we use together when we're underwater.
19:56 That's great. But there's a common set of hand signals that all divers should know.
20:02 So all three of us can talk to each other. Not just the two of you.
20:07 This signal means to stop or stay put.
20:12 This means we're going down into the water.
20:16 This means to follow.
20:18 And this waving of the hand means that something is wrong. Got it?
20:23 Got it. I'm feeling safer already. With you around.
20:28 What do you think, dear?
20:30 Sure, sure. But I still like my own hand signals. Can we go in the water now?
20:36 All right. I think we can go.
20:46 The Divemaster was the best instructor we'd ever had.
20:50 He showed us how to float upside down in the water.
20:54 And even how to do flips in the open ocean.
21:02 [Divemaster and the Divemaster's boat]
21:05 [laughing]
21:23 This is so much fun!
21:25 Oh!
21:26 Thank you very much!
21:29 [The Divemaster and the Divemaster's Story]
21:32 [laughing]
21:34 Hearing this story, I bet you can't wait till tomorrow. Right, Caillou?
21:39 Caillou?
21:45 Oh, too bad. I was really getting into my story.
21:52 Me too. By the way, was I really that stubborn?
21:58 [laughing]
22:00 [yawn]
22:13 Too early.
22:18 I know, but we want to get to the beach house in good time today. You can sleep on the way there, okay?
22:23 Okay.
22:25 So, how's it going back here?
22:32 Just need to put in one... more... thing.
22:39 Are you sure it'll close? Maybe if you move the suitcase over there.
22:43 Don't worry. I have a system.
22:47 Well, other than Rosie packing every toy, activity, and book she owns, everything's going to plan.
22:54 We'll be off in no time.
22:56 There! Told you I have a system.
22:58 Consider me impressed.
23:01 Ready to go, Rosie?
23:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah!
23:09 Then away we go.
23:12 Seatbelt check.
23:15 Check.
23:17 Check.
23:19 Check.
23:21 Next stop, the beach house.
23:24 Wait!
23:26 What's up, Rosie?
23:27 Dolly!
23:29 Did you pack Rosie's doll?
23:31 I thought you did.
23:32 I didn't.
23:33 Neither did I.
23:35 Dolly, dolly!
23:37 Okay, Rosie, we'll find your dolly.
23:39 I'll go check inside.
23:44 So, are you excited for the beach house, Rosie?
23:47 Yeah, beach!
23:49 We're going to have lots of fun with Caillou and Grandma and Grandpa and all your toys.
23:56 [GIGGLES]
23:58 Dun-da-da-da-da-da! Here you go, Rosie.
24:02 Dolly!
24:08 All right, now for real this time.
24:11 Next stop, the beach house.
24:14 Yay!
24:16 [YAWNS]
24:26 It's morning!
24:31 And that means it's time to swim in the ocean, Teddy.
24:35 [GIGGLES]
24:37 Oh, good morning, Caillou.
24:40 Morning. Did you sleep well?
24:42 I did. The couch bed was actually super comfy.
24:47 So, can we go swim in the ocean now?
24:50 I'm ready. I've got my mask and I'm going to do ten cannonballs today.
24:56 Let's have a good breakfast first, Caillou.
24:59 [SNIFFS]
25:01 It does smell good.
25:04 Maybe I'm a little bit hungry.
25:06 What's for breakfast?
25:08 Mushroom omelettes. I made them myself.
25:12 Omelette? With mushrooms?
25:17 At my house, we usually have pancakes or cereal.
25:21 Oh, those are delicious breakfast foods. But this is also very good.
25:27 Really?
25:29 Oh, yes. There's nothing better than a mushroom omelette with a nice glass of orange juice.
25:34 Especially if you've never tried one before.
25:38 Go ahead. Dig in.
25:45 Well, what do you think, Caillou?
25:51 Hmm.
25:53 It's yummy.
25:58 Wonderful. Now here's some OJ for you, too.
26:03 [GULPS]
26:05 Ugh. There's tiny floaty bits in my orange juice.
26:10 Ah, it's called pulp, Caillou. Just little pieces of orange. Try it.
26:16 I don't think I want to.
26:19 Trust us. You might like it.
26:22 [GROANS]
26:24 Okay.
26:32 It's not bad. Just different.
26:37 The tiny floaty bits feel funny in my mouth.
26:41 [GIGGLES]
26:43 This isn't how I have breakfast with Mommy, Daddy, and Rosie.
26:51 But it's okay. I'm going with the flow.
26:56 Good job, Caillou.
26:59 [CHUCKLES] Way to go with the flow.
27:03 And when I'm done with all my yummy breakfast, can we please go out to the ocean and go snorkeling?
27:11 We sure can.
27:13 Absolutely.
27:15 I'll be right back.
27:25 Rosie, Daddy's going to get your ball, but we're really running late.
27:29 So are you sure there isn't anything else you need?
27:32 Nuh-uh.
27:34 Okay. Good.
27:36 All right.
27:38 Hmm.
27:41 Need any help?
27:43 No, no. I got this.
27:45 [GRUNTS]
27:53 Just one more second.
27:57 [GRUNTS]
27:59 Yes!
28:05 All right. One last time.
28:13 Next stop, the beach house.
28:16 Wait!
28:20 What is it, Rosie?
28:22 My body!
28:24 [SIGHS]
28:26 Remember, honey, go with the flow.
28:29 [SIGHS] You're right.
28:32 All right. Come on, Rosie.
28:37 Wow! I've never been on a boat like this before.
28:45 It's going to be a lot of fun.
28:48 But we should be careful, too.
28:50 Yes. And the best way to be careful is to always stay seated.
28:55 Grandma, Grandpa, how come these boat seats don't have seat belts?
29:02 There aren't any on a boat, Caillou.
29:04 Then how can we do a seat belt check?
29:07 Don't worry about seat belts. We have life jackets to keep us safe.
29:11 Hmm.
29:13 [GASPS] Can we do a life jacket check instead?
29:17 Good idea, Caillou. Everyone check to see if your life jacket is buckled up.
29:22 Check.
29:24 Check.
29:26 And check.
29:28 Can we go out on the ocean now?
29:30 I know you're very excited, but Grandma is still getting the boat ready.
29:35 Oh. Is there a lot to do?
29:39 Don't worry. It won't be too long now.
29:42 How about I tell you more about our adventure with the Divemaster while we wait?
29:47 Now, where was I?
29:49 You and Grandma were doing flips underwater with the Divemaster.
29:54 Oh, right. We hadn't had so much fun in years.
29:59 And then we went even deeper...
30:03 ...and saw something incredible.
30:11 An old shipwreck of a wooden sailboat.
30:14 It looked like it had been down there for a very long time.
30:18 We all wanted to go take a closer look.
30:21 Of course, we couldn't talk to each other underwater,
30:24 but good thing the Divemaster taught us his hand signals.
30:28 The Divemaster was making the "follow me" hand gesture,
30:33 but Grandma wasn't paying close attention earlier,
30:36 so she didn't know what that hand signal meant.
30:39 And now she was all turned around.
30:42 Grandma was very confused. She had no idea what...
30:48 Oh, now you stop right there.
30:51 You are not telling the story right.
30:54 Let me take over.
30:56 You finish getting the boat ready.
30:58 Oh, don't forget to pull in the bumpers and untie us.
31:02 Aye, aye, Captain.
31:05 Well, why didn't you just go up and get out of the water, Grandma?
31:10 Well, that's what I should have done, Caillou, but I was stubborn.
31:15 I wanted to find Grandpa and the Divemaster on my own.
31:19 So you were lost?
31:21 I knew exactly where I was.
31:24 In fact, it was the Divemaster and Grandpa who were lost, not me.
31:34 [bubbling]
31:37 The problem was, I had no idea how to get in touch with Grandpa and the Divemaster.
31:49 Oh, no!
31:52 What happened to you next, Grandma? Did you get out of trouble?
31:56 Well, I...
31:57 Boat's ready.
31:59 Oh, to be continued.
32:01 Hey, Caillou, would you like to help me out over here?
32:04 Aye, aye, Captain.
32:06 [chuckles] See this?
32:09 It's a button.
32:11 That's right. The button for the horn.
32:14 Want to try it out?
32:15 Yes. Mommy and Daddy never let me honk the horn in the car.
32:21 Ready?
32:22 Ready, Grandpa.
32:23 Go!
32:24 [horn blows]
32:27 [laughs]
32:29 It's really loud.
32:31 It sure is. Now have a seat and let's get motoring.
32:35 [engine starts]
32:37 [horn blows]
32:42 [sighs]
32:49 Now, Rosie, are you sure there isn't anything else you need?
32:55 Nope.
32:56 Away we go.
32:59 Oh, okay. Say it with me.
33:03 Next stop, the Barbie house.
33:07 Yay! Whee!
33:12 [laughs]
33:20 This is so cool!
33:24 I know. Super duper cool.
33:27 Super duper extra cool.
33:30 [laughs]
33:33 And here we are. Drop the anchor.
33:41 On it.
33:43 Anchor dropped.
33:47 Time to swim?
33:51 You bet.
33:52 Yes! I'm going to get my mask.
33:55 Woo-hoo! Yeah!
33:57 Let us show you how to get into the water properly.
34:00 We can do that later, Grandpa. I want to do it my way.
34:04 Wait, Caillou. You need to hold on to your--
34:06 Cannonball!
34:08 [splash]
34:10 Mask.
34:12 Did you see my splash?
34:16 Huh?
34:17 [gasps]
34:18 My mask! It's gone!
34:21 Oh, deep breaths, Caillou.
34:25 And come over here, kiddo.
34:28 My brand new mask is gone.
34:32 I shouldn't have jumped in the ocean.
34:36 Now I'll never get to see underwater.
34:41 [sighs]
34:43 I'm sorry, Caillou. I know it's not a nice feeling.
34:48 I waited so long to swim in the ocean and see underwater.
34:54 And now this happened.
34:57 Oh, I understand. I felt the same way on my diving adventure.
35:03 What did you do, Grandma?
35:06 Well, no matter where I swam,
35:09 I just couldn't find the Divemaster and Grandpa anywhere.
35:15 [music]
35:18 Then my new locator beacon started flashing.
35:38 I wasn't used to having one, but I was glad I had it when I needed it.
35:44 Grandpa and the Divemaster could find me, and they did.
35:49 We both swam over to the Divemaster. He had a surprise for us.
36:01 It was worth the wait to get swimming in the ocean,
36:05 because these were the most colorful and wonderful fish either of us had ever seen.
36:12 And the fish wanted to play with us, too.
36:18 The fish even did little tricks for us.
36:21 Wow! The fish sound amazing!
36:25 It's a good thing the Divemaster gave you that locator beacon, Grandma.
36:30 That's right. And I should have paid more attention to him, too.
36:34 Things differently worked out in the end.
36:37 It's the same for me. You and Grandpa do things differently here than Mommy and Daddy,
36:42 but you can do things a different way, and it's still good.
36:46 And that means when you're in a new situation, sometimes you just have to...
36:52 Go with the flow!
36:55 My mask! It's back!
36:59 The water wasn't deep at all. It was no problem to get your mask, Caillou.
37:04 Thanks so much, Grandpa!
37:07 So, Caillou, would you like to go snorkeling now?
37:11 Yes, yes, yes!
37:14 Actually...
37:16 Yes, Caillou?
37:17 Can you show me how to get into the water, just so that I don't lose my mask again?
37:23 Oh, absolutely! But first, let's learn how to use it properly, okay?
37:28 Got it!
37:30 How does that feel, Caillou? Is it comfortable for you?
37:35 It's good, Grandpa.
37:37 Now I'll show you how to breathe through the snorkel.
37:40 Take some big, deep breaths. Like this.
37:44 I sound funny in here!
37:57 [snoring]
38:00 Nice and easy. Just like we showed you.
38:09 I did it!
38:13 You did! Are you ready to snorkel, Caillou?
38:17 Yes!
38:18 Just keep breathing, Caillou.
38:21 You're doing great!
38:24 [snorkeling music]
38:27 I did it, Grandma and Grandpa! I breathed underwater!
38:41 The boy's a natural!
38:43 And guess what? I also saw some rocks and my hands!
38:47 And even a really big fish!
38:50 A really big fish? Oh, that's fantastic, Caillou!
38:54 We're very proud of you.
38:57 [snorkeling music]
39:00 ♪ Standing on the shore, staring at the sea ♪
39:10 ♪ Filled with wonders waiting underneath ♪
39:14 ♪ It can't feel safer to stick with what you know ♪
39:18 ♪ People and places you've seen before, but ♪
39:22 ♪ There's so much you can see and do if you swim out with the tide ♪
39:29 ♪ There's an ocean of adventure waiting ♪
39:34 ♪ So dive right in and see what you can find ♪
39:38 ♪ Go with the flow, right on that wave ♪
39:42 ♪ Try something different, you can't always stay the same ♪
39:46 ♪ That's how we grow, by learning something new ♪
39:50 ♪ So go with the flow and find the world that's waiting for you ♪
39:56 [snorkeling music]
39:59 ♪ Out beyond the shore, it's hard to believe ♪
40:07 ♪ How many different fish there are in the sea ♪
40:11 ♪ And every day brings something new to explore ♪
40:15 ♪ A chance to learn and to grow a little more ♪
40:19 ♪ There's so much we can see and do if we swim out with the tide ♪
40:27 ♪ There's an ocean of adventure waiting ♪
40:31 ♪ So let's dive right in and see what we can find ♪
40:36 ♪ Go with the flow, right on that wave ♪
40:40 ♪ Try something different, you can't always stay the same ♪
40:44 ♪ That's how we grow, by learning something new ♪
40:48 ♪ So go with the flow and find the world that's waiting out there in the blue ♪
40:56 Swimming in the ocean was the best time ever!
41:09 I can't believe I saw underwater! It's so cool down there!
41:14 Thanks so much for today, Grandma and Grandpa.
41:17 You're welcome, Caillou.
41:19 It was a lot of fun.
41:21 [car horn honks]
41:23 [car door opens]
41:25 [car door closes]
41:26 [gasps]
41:28 Mommy, Daddy, Rosie! You're all here!
41:31 We sure are. Did you have a good time with Grandma and Grandpa?
41:35 I'm so sorry I forgot to pack your toothbrush.
41:38 I didn't have a good time, Mommy.
41:41 I had a great time!
41:44 And it's okay. Grandma gave me a new grown-up toothbrush.
41:48 It's blue.
41:50 We also went snorkeling today, and I honked the boat horn,
41:54 and I learned about the Divemaster, too.
41:56 I also had a mushroom omelet with orange juice,
41:59 with tiny, floaty bits of orange in it.
42:02 It's called pulp, and it's really good.
42:05 [laughing]
42:07 Wow, Caillou! You really sound like you had a wonderful sleepover.
42:11 And I did what you said, Mommy!
42:13 I learned how to go with the flow!
42:16 That's wonderful, Caillou! I'm so proud of you.
42:20 [laughing]
42:24 Flow, flow!
42:26 That's right, Rosie.
42:28 Just because things are different doesn't mean they're not fun.
42:31 The Beach House is super fun!
42:34 Yay!
42:36 So, Rosie, what do you want to play with first?
42:40 Your doll? Beach ball?
42:42 Ooh, the dump truck?
42:45 Grandpa! Grandpa!
42:48 Do you want any of your toys, Rosie?
42:50 Nope.
42:52 Oh. Okay.
42:55 Uh-huh.
42:56 Hello, Rosie. You're all just in time for lunch.
43:00 Swimming all morning builds up a mighty appetite.
43:03 Let's head inside.
43:05 Wait!
43:06 What is it, Caillou?
43:08 We can't go inside yet.
43:10 We have to stamp our feet to get all the sand off.
43:13 This is a rental.
43:15 [laughing]
43:18 Stampety stamp! Stampety stamp!
43:25 Stamp! Stamp! Stampety stamp!
43:28 Stamp! Stamp! Stampety stamp!
43:31 Check it out, Rosie.
43:33 We get to sleep on the couch.
43:35 [meowing]
43:37 [grunting]
43:39 [grunting]
43:41 [thud]
43:43 [sighs]
43:44 Yep.
43:45 I need a new system.
43:47 [whistling]
43:49 [chuckles]
43:51 [upbeat music playing]
43:53 ♪ ♪
44:00 ♪ ♪
44:05 ♪ ♪
44:12 ♪ ♪
44:15 [whistling]
44:18 [music playing]
44:20 (electronic music)