Digby Bell
"The Tough Boy On The Right Field Fence"
Edison Amberol 156
If you like "Casey At The Bat," this might appeal to you.
Digby Bell performed in comic operas and vaudeville.
“The Tough Boy on the Polo Fence" has baseball parlance and popular slang.
This is baseball talk spoken a youngster from a "deserved" seat on the right field fence. He tells the home team how to play the game and also says what he thinks of them when their playing isn't up to his standard.
It was recited in different ways by different speakers.
Dere was twenty t’ousand folks inside,
De crowd was just immense,
Bill Mooney, Shorty Burns an’ me
Were outside of de fence.
Shorty he clim up on a tree,
Jest over where I kneeled
A-peekin’ t’rough the fence wid Bill,
A-takin’ in de field.
De game was even — two and two,
New York was at de plate —
T’ree men on bases, two men out,
T’ree balls, two strikes — dat’s straight.
De Cincinnaty pitcher took
De ball; I held my breat’,
He spat twice on his han’s and twirled,
De crowd sat still as deat’.
De batter banged, de ball flew up
Ex if fired from a gun;
De crowd riz up an’ give a yell —
It looked like a home run.
Up in de sky to center field
De ball sailed — Hully, Gee!
I dasen’t wink. I glued my eye
Clos to de fence to see.
An’ Shorty stood up on er branch
An’ let go both his han’s;
Branch broke, or somethin’, Shorty drapped
An’ top o’ me he lan’s.
Dat’s all I know — de next I knowed
I’m lying here in bed —
Say, tell me, doc, is my back broke?
An’, say, is Shorty dead?
I ain’t afeered to know de wust —
Will I always be lame?
But — break it to me gently, doc,
Ef New York lost dat game.
"The Tough Boy On The Right Field Fence"
Edison Amberol 156
If you like "Casey At The Bat," this might appeal to you.
Digby Bell performed in comic operas and vaudeville.
“The Tough Boy on the Polo Fence" has baseball parlance and popular slang.
This is baseball talk spoken a youngster from a "deserved" seat on the right field fence. He tells the home team how to play the game and also says what he thinks of them when their playing isn't up to his standard.
It was recited in different ways by different speakers.
Dere was twenty t’ousand folks inside,
De crowd was just immense,
Bill Mooney, Shorty Burns an’ me
Were outside of de fence.
Shorty he clim up on a tree,
Jest over where I kneeled
A-peekin’ t’rough the fence wid Bill,
A-takin’ in de field.
De game was even — two and two,
New York was at de plate —
T’ree men on bases, two men out,
T’ree balls, two strikes — dat’s straight.
De Cincinnaty pitcher took
De ball; I held my breat’,
He spat twice on his han’s and twirled,
De crowd sat still as deat’.
De batter banged, de ball flew up
Ex if fired from a gun;
De crowd riz up an’ give a yell —
It looked like a home run.
Up in de sky to center field
De ball sailed — Hully, Gee!
I dasen’t wink. I glued my eye
Clos to de fence to see.
An’ Shorty stood up on er branch
An’ let go both his han’s;
Branch broke, or somethin’, Shorty drapped
An’ top o’ me he lan’s.
Dat’s all I know — de next I knowed
I’m lying here in bed —
Say, tell me, doc, is my back broke?
An’, say, is Shorty dead?
I ain’t afeered to know de wust —
Will I always be lame?
But — break it to me gently, doc,
Ef New York lost dat game.