• el año pasado
Lohengrin's Narrative sung in English

Morgan Kingston, tenor


Columbia A5604

From Richard Wagner's great opera Lohengrin

OPENING WORDS: "On distant shore to mortal feet forbidden stands a castle. Monsalvat's her name. Her gleaming..."

Alfred Webster Kingston was born on March 16, 1875, in Staffordshire.

He was the third son of a miner named John Kingston and his wife Jane.

Before he was six, the family had moved to Hucknall.

As a boy Alfred sang in the St John’s Parish Church Choir at Hucknall.

At the age of 20 he was married to Henrietta May Dignum.


In a far land to which your steps attain not,

A castle lies which Monsalvat is named;

A shining Temple standeth in its circuit,

So costly built that earth naught like it knows:

Therein’s a Cup, of wonder-doing virtue,

All guarded as ’twere Holiness itself—

Its care and service mortals’ highest duty—

Thither to us by host angelic brought;

Each several year a dove from Heaven descendeth,

Once more new strength imparting to its charm.

The Grail ’tis called; and Faith most pure, most blessed,

Its presence on our Fellowship bestows.

Whoever to its service shall be summoned,

With superhuman power is armed straightway.

On him falls useless every spell of Evil,

Before him flees the dark of Death itself.

He whom this Grail shall send to lands full distant,

For Right’s defense a warrior to strive,

Not even from him its power divine is wanting

If all unknown he as its champion bides;

So high and holy is its latent blessing

That it unveiled must shun the eye profane.

But of its Knight beware a doubt to cherish;—

Once known to you, he straightway must depart.

Hark ye then, how your question I shall answer:

I by the Holy Grail to you was summoned;

My father, Parsifal, his crown is wearing,—

His knight am I, and Lohengrin my name.


