The Impact of Washington Hiring 49ers' Assistant GM Adam Peters

  • 9 months ago
Analyzing the impact of the Washington Commanders hiring San Francisco 49ers assistant GM Adam Peters.
00:00 Let's talk about Adam Peters. He's a finalist, the Washington commanders vacant
00:05 general manager spot. You live out there. What's the buzz?
00:09 >> Right. Yeah, so it's big. A lot of people are talking about it. It's all over sports radio.
00:16 A lot of the local who's who guys, sports guys around the area, especially dealing with football
00:21 are starting to pick it up. I mean, I've heard people that really don't care about the commanders
00:27 formerly known as the Redskins and they don't call me or talk to me about the Redskins whatsoever.
00:33 They're calling me. They're asking me what I think about it. Everybody wants to know about
00:37 Adams Peters, especially since the commanders acquired Bob Myers. So Bob Myers and Adam
00:43 Peters also have ties going back into their college days at UCLA. But more importantly,
00:47 it's the pedigree that everybody seems to be excited about on this side of the country.
00:52 Where the issue with the commanders is that it seems as though that they always get guys that are
00:59 one offs or pretty much a dollar short in a day late of the blip that they made in the league.
01:08 And then their constellation price to come to the commanders. Adam Peters is pretty much a
01:13 live body as far as the area is concerned. They feel like they're getting the guy
01:18 before his prime. They're getting the guy right when he's ready to do the best things in his
01:22 career. And they're really excited about it. A lot of people have touted Adam Peters because of us,
01:29 because of how we talked about him finding certain players, his ability to draft and develop and to
01:36 bring in certain guys. Also, Adam Peters is a good shot in the arm as far as being a good welcome
01:43 face around the league. People are going to pick up the phone for Adam Peters. He's well liked,
01:47 right? That's something that the commanders need. It's something that they understand that
01:51 they need a facelift based off of their past ownership in the things that have happened with
01:55 them. Notwithstanding Adam Peters is also has a lot of championship pedigree. He began as an NFL
02:03 scout with the New England Patriots. And really his championship pedigree stands from anywhere
02:12 from the 2016 Denver Broncos to 2004 and five New England Patriots to 2000. And with losses,
02:22 it's still being a part of Super Bowl teams with the 2008 New England Patriots to 2014 Denver
02:28 Broncos and with us in 2020 going to the Super Bowl. So one of the biggest things with Adam
02:36 Peters that we've seen previously with other teams that have sought out for him is one,
02:41 we were kind of really hot as far as our team was concerned. So really leaving us,
02:47 you would have to be a really big offer and something that would be really enticing for
02:51 him to leave. So him actually just going to a franchise that's losing, they don't,
02:56 and they necessarily just have the job for him. Probably wasn't anything that probably was
03:02 something that was a little beneath him, but I'm going to tell you now, man, like the fact that
03:07 he's, we're nearing the end of our window. He sees that we're one of the oldest teams in the league.
03:14 Kyle Shanahan just got an extension, which means that the team air goal box stops with him. Okay.
03:20 Yeah. And Lynch just got an extension. Right. And you know, look, man, the commanders are coming in
03:28 with a stout defense. They, they kind of had a little bit of a yard sale, but they got good
03:32 bones there. They got the number two overall pick and they're coming in with familiarity where he's
03:38 going to actually know somebody who knows him in the building on top of the fact that he gets
03:42 control, which is something that you don't get in San Francisco. So, and it's a live, it's a live
03:49 conference. The NFC East is a storied conference. So, Hey man, it would, I don't know what the,
03:56 I don't know what we would have to do to, to keep him. But right now, the way it feels out here,
04:03 the pulse of the city right now, they're basically waiting on the Pope smoke.
04:08 Like they're waiting to just get the, to just get the confirmation that we got them.
04:11 That's how they feel. Well, that's interesting. What I think is really interesting is how
04:17 the Niners don't seem to be making, unless we're wrong, they don't seem to be making a play to
04:22 keep him. And my question is, is it that he doesn't want to come back? It's possible, right?
04:27 Like you said, this is never going to be his show here. If he's waiting on something to be his show,
04:32 Washington's interesting because there are totally new ownership group. And they're like a clean,
04:37 it seems like there are people are really interested in Washington
04:39 in ways that they've never been interested in Washington. So maybe it's because of the
04:44 infrastructure, no doubt because Dan Snyder's gone. So maybe this is Adam Peter saying, you
04:48 know what I've done it. I've waited long enough. I'm never going to run this place. I want to leave.
04:52 Or maybe it's the Niners being like, you know what? We can replace you. Sorry, Adam. Like
04:59 you think it's that simple? I have no, I wonder, I don't assume either way. It could be a lot of
05:06 things, but they lost Martin Mayhew. They lost Rand Carthon. They've lost some personnel guys.
05:10 Maybe they feel, you know what? John Lynch is the superstar here. Kyle's a superstar here. John,
05:17 I mean, maybe they figured they got it. Like was it Adam Peters who discovered Brock Purdy or was
05:22 it Brian Greasy? I don't know how much stock they put into Adam Peters, but it does seem like he's
05:30 going to be gone soon. - I'll say this. I will say this.
05:35 There is something to be said that we're potentially losing Adam Peters, right? And
05:46 the Niners could feel that way. And if I'm on there, if I'm doing it your way, right? And I'm
05:52 on their side of the coin, I'm looking at it like, well, look who you're going to go replace. You're
05:57 going to go replace Martin Mayhew, another guy we lost that was supposed to be a superstar.
06:00 - Right. Isn't that kind of interesting that Washington is replacing a guy that
06:05 they got from the Niners with a guy they got from the Niners potentially?
06:07 - I just picked that up. Yeah. - How much different is Adam Peters
06:12 going to be than Martin Mayhew? Mayhew already tried to build the Niners.
06:15 - Yeah. Martin Mayhew was like Adam Peters' little homie though. That was kind of like his
06:22 subordinate on the low and he got picked up. So I don't know, man. We all know that Adam Peters is
06:31 an important part to building our team, let alone anybody else's. So losing him will be a blow. I
06:36 don't care what the Niners say. His name and his input is all over tons of guys that have helped
06:44 us since he's been here. His background is class personified from where he's been. And on top of
06:53 it, he's still young. This isn't even like, he's got tons of tread left. So, hey man, game on,
07:00 man. We got to hold on to him because losing him will be a blow. But at the same time though,
07:05 what do you think about this? Didn't John get elevated to a more suit job, like president?
07:14 So is the GM job open for you here as well? - That's what I'm saying. The Niners could
07:22 easily give him that. Here's a raise. Here's the general manager spot. We technically don't have
07:27 a general manager right now. Stay, we need you. So have they not done that? Or does he say,
07:33 I don't want your ceremonial general manager spot. This is still Kyle and John's show. It's never
07:39 going to be my show. I'm going to Washington. That seems like a really cool blank slate
07:43 opportunity for me and Jim Carbaugh or whoever. - Right. - Maybe that's what it is.
07:50 Ricky Williams has a question for us. He says, who would you rather have, John or Adam,
07:53 if you had to pick one? - Now, Adam. - I'll go John. He's running the show. He's doing a good
08:04 job. I don't really know what Adam does. Gammon Brown says, at coach, you've completed your first
08:08 season covering the Niners and are no longer a rookie. How fast did it go? Message to your
08:12 supporters, coach 'em up. - Definitely it went in the blink of an eye. It still feels like I'm
08:19 still asking how do I set up StreamYard? But yeah, what has kept me going is the supporters.
08:28 I didn't feel this. And I feel like you could have said this to me before I started the channel,
08:34 and I still wouldn't have understood it until I went through it. But you feel the expectation
08:39 of being able to continuously show up. You know what I'm saying? Because if you don't show up,
08:47 people are not obligated to watch you. They will just catch you. - You're out of the game. Kenny
08:53 Kenny757 says, if not Robbie Gold, who's a kicker we could call? Seabass. - Sebastian
09:01 Jankowski. - Morten Anderson. Gary Anderson. - Lou Groza. Let's dig him up. - Mike Vanderjagt.
09:11 - I was gonna say Vanderjagt, but Peyton Bader may have something to say about that.
09:16 (upbeat music)
