• last year
八点最热报 | 诈骗集团透过线上投资骗局,单单在去年就骗走了大马人将近5亿令吉的血汗钱,与前年2022年相比,2023年落入诈骗集团的金额已经翻倍暴增,增加了117%。警方提醒民众,必须对“短期内致富”的高回酬投资计划,有所警惕。(主播: 梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:03 The fraud group used online investment to deceive the Chinese.
00:08 Danzan cheated the Chinese last year and stole nearly 500 million yuan.
00:13 Compared with the previous year, 2022,
00:15 the amount of fraud groups in 2023 has increased threefold,
00:21 increasing by 117%.
00:24 Nan Li, Director of the Wujiamen Commercial and Natural Survey Bureau,
00:26 told the English News.
00:28 Although the police are actively fighting fraud,
00:30 the people can't just rely on the police.
00:33 They must also be vigilant about the high-return investment plans
00:36 that will be paid in a short time.
00:39 Let's watch a group of domestic fast news.
00:40 Nan Li, Director of the Wujiamen Commercial and Natural Survey Bureau,
00:45 said that the police arrested 3,500 suspects last year
00:47 who involved in online fraud.
00:49 But he revealed that the fraud group used the front door to collect money,
00:53 which made it difficult for the police to track down the mastermind.
00:56 Nan Li reminded investors not to invest in investment plans
00:58 that have not been approved by the National Bank of China.
01:00 The water supply in the whole of Binzhou has been 100% restored.
01:05 All 950,000 users' water supply has returned to normal.
01:08 The Ministry of Water, Infrastructure and Transport of Binzhou reported in the Mianzi Book today
01:11 that the fourth stage of the water supply restoration plan
01:14 is located in the south of Bindao,
01:15 which is at the end of the water pipe and in the high-land community.
01:17 The remaining 0.5% of water-related water users
01:20 have been restored at 6 a.m. today.
01:24 Lu Zhaofu, Minister of Transport, announced
01:26 that the interchange railway of the Machin-Del Canal will be opened next week.
01:30 Lu Zhaofu said in a post in the Mianzi Book that
01:32 after the interchange railway is opened,
01:34 there will be 36 counters in 48 immigration offices
01:37 to handle the traffic of the Rouxin interchange railway at the peak.
01:42 He hopes that this policy can alleviate the traffic congestion problem at the peak.
01:46 The Interchange Railway of the Machin-Del Canal
01:48 The Interchange Railway of the Machin-Del Canal
01:52 The Interchange Railway of the Machin-Del Canal
