马六甲男子坠网络投资骗局 损失逾10万令吉

  • yesterday
新闻报报看 | 马六甲一名73岁的退休男子,被根本不存在的股票投资项目所骗,损失了10万8千令吉。(主播:梁宝仪、洪欣仪)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04Yes, the headline just now says that social media investment ads are untrustworthy.
00:10That's right, it's the investment ads that the public put on the internet because of misleading,
00:15which fell into the scam and caused heavy losses.
00:19First of all, a 73-year-old retired man was cheated by an investment stock project that did not exist at all,
00:26and lost $108,000.
00:29The director of Yexin District issued a statement saying that the victim was taken to a WhatsApp application
00:35after clicking on the ad link on the facebook page.
00:37Through online chat, he got in touch with the scammers.
00:40The scammers then explained the so-called investment setup to the victim.
00:46First, the victim needs to download an investment application
00:50and buy a stock with $6,000.
00:54After the first round of investment, the victim successfully received a return of $3,000.
01:00After having a fill-in, the victim wants to increase the investment amount to get a greater profit.
01:06Therefore, since August this year, the fund has been divided into four different bank accounts,
01:11with a total of $108,000.
01:14In two months, the victim saw that he had received a profit of $370,000 through the relevant application.
01:21However, this money can only be seen and not touched.
01:24The victim was told by the scammers that he needed to pay an additional $60,000
01:30as a remittance to get the money.
01:33This kind of operation is like a blow to the head.
01:36The victim was alarmed to say that he had been cheated,
01:39so he reported to the police immediately.
01:41The police have now opened an investigation into this case.
01:44There are more than one investment scam.
01:48A 57-year-old local man also fell into a frozen machine investment scam,
01:54causing him to lose $224,000 in blood and sweat.
01:58When the victim reported to the police, he said
02:01he saw an investment frozen machine ad on WhatsApp two years ago.
02:07At first, the victim was taxed by the scammers to invest in three frozen machines,
02:11which cost him $33,000.
02:14The scammer promised that he would get a high remittance within 24 months.
02:19After the victim successfully earned a remittance of up to $85,000,
02:25he gradually increased the amount of investment.
02:28In the end, he invested a total of $224,000.
02:32Later, because the victim did not receive the money,
02:34he was promised that he would have a remittance of $22,000 every month.
02:38Only then did he realize that his public fund and savings had been cheated.
02:43The police reminded the public to beware of illegal or unregistered investment plans.
02:48Do not be deceived by such fake investment plans that can get a high remittance in a short period of time.
