Maidstone residents concerned over potholes as numbers reach five year high

  • 9 months ago
The roads minister was in Aylesford today to announce this scheme, which he says would bring £100 million into national roads in the next decade.


00:00 A familiar sight for all of us. The dreaded drive over a street filled with potholes.
00:07 For residents in Maidstone, the Department for Transport's proposals to tackle disruption
00:11 from roadworks hasn't filled them with much hope.
00:14 Some residents have expressed a concern in particular with Salisbury Road. They say as
00:19 soon as the potholes along this road are fixed, three weeks later they end up opening up once
00:23 again and they're saying the solution here just isn't long term.
00:27 Salisbury Road, that's one of the worst. When they fill the holes in, they don't fill them
00:31 in properly. They just do a bulge job, a patch job.
00:36 If there's no maintenance, you get potholes. And if the tonnage on the road increases and
00:42 you've got potholes, then it's going to get worse. And it's also as well the road markings.
00:47 If the road markings were made more clear or maintained, then older people could see
00:53 where they were going or whatever, so there could be problems there.
00:56 It seems roads around here, they're closing them just willy-nilly. You go along, there's
01:01 a road closed, well you drive past, no one's working on it and you think, why have they
01:05 closed it off?
01:06 The other day there was stop and go lights and it took me, a five minute journey, took
01:10 me 40 minutes. So maybe a little bit more infrastructure on the roundabouts where they're
01:17 going to put lights.
01:18 A consultation has been launched today, hoping to find utility companies not meeting roadwork
01:23 deadlines, £10,000 for every day over the agreed deadline.
01:28 Originally, this was a requirement on weekdays. It now hopes to be extended to weekends and
01:34 bank holidays as well.
01:36 Roads Minister Guy Opperman hopes today's changes will cut traffic caused by streetworks
01:41 if they go ahead.
01:42 It's due to generate £100 million in the next 10 years.
01:47 Kent are at the forefront of most of what this is going on because they've been doing
01:49 lane rental for a long time and they do it better than anyone else. But the £100 million
01:53 is on top of the £8.3 billion, which is the HS2 pothole and road resurfacing funding.
02:00 So it is, sure, I accept entirely the £100 million is relatively small, but the £8.3
02:05 billion over 11 years is transformational.
02:08 Road closures are a particular concern in Kent, where 12,000 happened last year. This
02:14 has tripled since 2019.
02:17 We need to focus on getting the job done correctly the first time. Now we have an 11 year amount
02:22 of funding agreed from the government, we can plan over a longer term, invest in technology
02:26 where appropriate so that we can absolutely focus on that, rather than returning time
02:30 and again to the same problem area.
02:32 The consultation opens today and finishes on the 11th of March.
02:37 Sophia Akin for KMTV.
