指纳吉或月尾获特赦 拉惹柏特拉:“迪拜行动”是烟雾弹

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 流亡英国多年的争议部落客拉惹柏特拉,昨天在自己的YouTube频道上传视频指出,早前流传国盟涉嫌以10亿贿赂国家元首等等的谣言,都是社区通讯局JKOM精心策划的故事,目的是为了转移公众对前首相纳吉寻求特赦的关注。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Is there really someone plotting to overthrow the government?
00:11 Or is it just a cover-up?
00:13 There is still no answer so far.
00:15 The controversial blogger Lara Portla, who has been in exile in the UK for 15 years,
00:18 uploaded a 26-minute video on her YouTube channel yesterday,
00:23 claiming that she knows the reason behind it.
00:27 She said that the so-called Dubai Operation is just a "smoke bomb"
00:32 aimed at transferring public attention to the special request of former Prime Minister Najib.
00:37 She said that when Amr Jassi was sentenced to "release is not equal to innocence",
00:42 it caused a strong rebound in society.
00:44 So this time they have to do this to avoid criticism from the government.
00:49 She has been actively commenting on the political situation in our country.
00:53 Secretary of the Interior, Saifuddin, criticized that Lara Portla has been hiding from the court in foreign countries
00:58 and avoiding the court in Myanmar for these years.
01:00 This shows that she is an untrustworthy person.
01:02 There is no need to comment on such people.
01:06 The Dubai Operation is just a "smoke bomb".
01:09 The controversial blogger Lara Portla, who has been in exile in the UK for many years,
01:13 uploaded a video on her YouTube channel yesterday,
01:16 claiming that the rumor that the United Nations is suspected of bribing the national leaders with $10 billion
01:20 is a story carefully planned by the JCOM, the Community Communications Agency.
01:24 The purpose is to transfer public attention to the special request of former Prime Minister Najib.
01:29 They want the people to focus on the new issue, which is the Dubai Strip,
01:35 the bribery of $1 billion.
01:37 So people are sitting around discussing this issue,
01:41 discussing, arguing.
01:44 So people are not focusing on the issue of Najib being given a pardon.
01:49 Because after the controversial DNAA of Zaid Hamidi,
01:56 the people are now more likely to be controversial.
02:04 Regarding Lara Portla, she recently had a conflict with the police in the Dubai Operation.
02:09 After the Chief of the Interior, Saifuddin,
02:11 was investigating the anti-corruption plan of the JCOM and Annamu,
02:15 he spoke to Lara Portla in a press conference,
02:18 saying that she was in the Damascus trial,
02:20 but chose to avoid the trial in another country.
02:23 This proves that she has lost her integrity and is not qualified to discuss the national situation.
02:27 She chose to stay in another country,
02:30 compared to the law.
02:32 I don't think she has the credibility to be qualified to give a statement in the current situation.
02:39 Let's manage our country well,
02:41 and protect the integrity of the people,
02:43 rather than repeating the same mistake.
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