Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, impor non migas Desember 2023, senilai USD15,74 miliar atau mencatatkan penurunan 2,2%. Jika dilihat dari data tersebut, negara pemasok barang impor non migas terbesar adalah, China mencapai USD62,18 miliar.
00:00 Meanwhile, the Central Statistics Agency recorded non-migrant imports in December 2023
00:05 at US$15.74 billion, or a 2.2% decline.
00:12 And if we look at the data, the largest non-migrant import country is China,
00:18 which reached US$62.18 billion.
00:27 The Indonesian import value in December 2023 reached US$19.11 billion,
00:32 a 2.45% decline compared to November 2023,
00:36 and a 3.81% decline compared to December 2022.
00:40 The Central Statistic Agency recorded the Indonesian migas import value in December 2023
00:44 at US$3.37 billion,
00:47 a 3.33% decline compared to November 2023,
00:51 or a 5.35% increase compared to December 2022.
00:55 Meanwhile, non-migrant imports in December 2023 at US$15.74 billion
01:03 fell 2.26% compared to November 2023,
01:06 and a 5.57% decline compared to December 2022.
01:10 The largest non-migrant import group in December 2023 compared to November 2023
01:17 is the electric engine or equipment, and the part is US$252.1 million, or 11.42%.
01:26 Meanwhile, the largest increase is the US$248.3 million, or 89.8% of the coal mineral.
01:34 The three largest non-migrant import countries for January to December 2023
01:42 are China, US$62.18 billion, or 33.42%.
01:48 Japan, US$16.44 billion, or 8.84%,
01:53 and Thailand, US$10.14 billion, or 5.45%.
01:58 Non-migrant imports from ASEAN, US$31.05 billion, or 16.69%,
02:04 and EU, US$14.02 billion, or 7.53%.
02:11 According to the goods users, the value of imports from January to December 2023
02:16 compared to the same period the previous year,
02:18 there was an increase in the capital goods group of 7.78% and consumer goods of 8.64%.
02:25 Meanwhile, the import of steel or sub-subsidies fell by 11.09%.
02:31 [Coverage by IDX Channel]
02:35 [The Digital Economy]
02:38 [The Digital Economy]