Musa tv n.3 del 17 gennaio 2024

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In esposizione a Villa Necchi Campiglio a Milano il Centrotavola di Gió Ponti

Presentato dal FAI e la Fondazione Museo Archivio Richard Ginori della Manifattura Doccia

‘Kosmos. Il veliero della conoscenza’, è la nuova mostra alle Scuderie del Castello di Miramare

La mostra è aperta al pubblico fino al prossimo 16 giugno


00:00 [Music]
00:28 The FAI, the Italian Environment Fund, and the Richard G. Nori Archival Museum Foundation of the Docha Manufactory
00:35 present the extraordinary exhibition of the centerpiece for the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
00:40 made by Joe Ponti, exceptionally set up in Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan.
00:46 The centerpiece, designed by Joe Ponti with the collaboration of Tommaso Buzzi
00:51 and modeled by Italo Griselli for Richard G. Nori,
00:55 the historic Docha Manufactory between 1927 and 1929,
01:00 is a real sculptural creation centered on the allegorical figure of Italy,
01:06 based on a shell and surrounded by heraldic animals and other small porcelain elements,
01:13 in a composition of 41 original elements.
01:18 The object reinterprets a neoclassical object, the sumptuous centerpiece that imitated the spine of a Roman circus,
01:25 and is in Art Deco style.
01:27 The great triumphal table commissioned by the Tuscan company by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
01:33 and designed to decorate the tables of diplomatic offices on occasions of great representation,
01:38 is exhibited for the first time in a museum house,
01:41 in a space that recalls its original function of table set design,
01:47 in the lunchroom of Villa Necchi Campiglio.
01:51 The table set design by Joe Ponti at Villa Necchi Campiglio.
01:56 FAI presents this extraordinary piece to the public.
01:59 It is a centerpiece designed by Joe Ponti and Tommaso Buzzi for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1926
02:06 and made by Italo Griselli for the Docha Manufactory,
02:09 the G. Nori Museum, which is closed to the public today,
02:12 but this time FAI wants to promote and tell as an extraordinary Italian heritage museum.
02:17 A Christmas event, this centerpiece fills the lunchroom of Villa Necchi Campiglio with color and brilliance,
02:24 which is in turn a masterpiece designed by Piero Portalupi,
02:27 from the ceiling to the walls to the consoles by Tommaso Buzzi.
02:30 A Christmas event that I hope will be part of many,
02:33 also in the centenary of Joe Ponti, who since 1923 has been artistic director of the Docha Manufactory.
02:40 The opportunity to see Villa Necchi Campiglio decorated for Christmas as a real home,
02:45 because it is the first time that a museum piece takes place in a real home,
02:49 with all the Christmas atmosphere that we wanted to return to the public.
02:53 Cosmos, the veil of knowledge, is the new great exhibition set up at the sculptures of the Miramare Castle,
03:07 open to the public until June 16.
03:10 The exhibition space at the sculptures of the castle was reopened for the occasion after a long post-pandemic break,
03:18 with a spectacular and innovative set-up, which also includes highly technological tools
03:24 to tell the public of today the way in which scientific knowledge was born
03:29 and how it continues to be a benchmark and a target for many scholars.
03:35 We are in Trieste, in the sculptures of the Miramare Castle,
03:39 where an exhibition called Cosmos, the veil of knowledge, is set up.
03:45 The exhibition is born from the research we are carrying out on the activities of Ferdinando Massimiliano d'Osburgo
03:56 and among his most important initiatives was to sponsor the circumnavigation of the world aboard the frigate Novara.
04:06 From there, the entire scientific horizon of the 1800s, the era of measurements,
04:13 of science according to the criteria that we know today, of data collection,
04:19 and all this fascinating history of scientific expeditions that are organised in this century.
04:27 At the entrance of the exhibition we find his world map,
04:30 because on that world map are marked the rare items of scientific expeditions carried out until that time.
04:37 Scenography is important because it helps us to reconstruct places and to evoke them.
04:43 We did not want to do, and we could not do, any historical reconstruction,
04:47 so the scenography, which is really very beautiful,
04:51 helps us to evoke and also to immerse ourselves in these worlds that we do not know.
04:58 In this exhibition artificial intelligence participates,
05:02 because thanks to artificial intelligence a video has been created that tells the story of science.
05:09 At this point in our history, human creativity seems even bigger and more interesting
05:15 than that of artificial intelligence, but it had to appear in this journey of science,
05:22 in this journey to the future, because it is part of our present.
05:27 (Music)
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