Young people are being urged to consider a career in care - ellie_bolton_-_care_worker (Original)

  • 9 months ago
00:00 So at the minute I'm still at sixth form and I'm doing a BTEC level three national diploma in
00:06 health and social care and an A level in psychology. So I do that mainly and then I do this as a part-time job.
00:12 I did it as a work placement for my course at college and completely fell in love with it and
00:19 now I can't picture me doing anything else. Whereas at the start you know I thought no, never want to
00:25 do that ever but now it's like I never want to do anything different because it's just so nice.
00:30 Obviously there's this stereotype with care that it's just you know helping with the personal care
00:36 side of things and taking people to the toilet and that just I never could picture myself doing that
00:42 but when I first obviously started here I realised it's not about that. That's the secondary part of
00:50 care really. The first part is looking after the person and you know their whole, just their
00:57 whole selves really. So like for example I've done baking with the residents that want to.
01:03 I've learned so much from them doing baking and you know I've learned how they used to do it and
01:10 all things like that. So I think seeing that they are still just as whole of a person even though
01:15 they're in a care home is what drew me to it. It's not about the personal care side of things,
01:21 it's about treating them as if you would any other person. Like there honestly isn't a downside to it.
01:28 If you're having a bad day everyone here cheers you up. You can never be sad here. You know the
01:34 support is amazing, staff and with the residents. They all notice if you're not feeling great,
01:38 they'll sit you down and be like you're all right. So I think that's nice, you feel really supported.
01:44 I think that it's, I just do it, give it a go, at least try. Give yourself a period of time to try.
01:54 If you don't like it you don't have to do it. But it might be something that you never thought
01:57 about before like me, but then you find yeah that's what I want to do as a career.
