Good Week Bad Week | The Royals in hospital, Brooklyn's pop-up restaurant and The Kardashians

  • 9 months ago
00:03 Hi, everybody.
00:16 Welcome to Good Week, Bad Week at
00:18 with Nancy and Marina.
00:21 It's a bit of a frosty one this morning, Marina.
00:23 It was minus 6 in Sheffield, first thing.
00:25 What's it like where you are in London?
00:27 It's very, very cold, but there's bright blue sky.
00:31 So when there's sun in the sky, I feel better.
00:36 I don't mind freezing cold and blue sky.
00:39 Good week for you, then, even if it's freezing cold.
00:43 So it's an interesting one, our first.
00:46 It's not one person, perhaps, but a wider family.
00:49 Obviously, yesterday, we had the news
00:51 that the Princess of Wales, Kate or Catherine,
00:54 as I think they tried to rename her,
00:57 has had surgery, abdominal surgery.
01:01 Now, they say it's planned.
01:02 However, she's going to be in hospital for 10 to 14 days.
01:06 It was a successful operation, but she's not
01:08 going back to public duty or any public appearances
01:12 until probably around Easter, which
01:14 sounds like a really serious long-term healing process
01:20 to me, really.
01:21 Now, I think also there was news about the King's Health
01:24 and the operation for him.
01:27 It's hard to know if this is a good week or a bad week,
01:30 because bad health is obviously bad.
01:32 But they've got great surgeons and great teams
01:36 working on them.
01:36 And Kate's already had successful surgery.
01:39 So what are your thoughts on it?
01:40 Now, I was thinking we have to talk about them,
01:43 because they are everywhere on the news.
01:46 But as you said, whether they fit into good week or bad week
01:50 is a more difficult subject where to place them.
01:54 Obviously, I'd probably say it's a bad week,
01:58 because nobody wants to be in hospital for surgery.
02:03 And obviously, King Charles is going in next week.
02:08 So he isn't in yet.
02:09 But obviously, it's a difficult week for them both.
02:12 And as you said, the Princess of Wales has had abdominal surgery
02:17 and is expected to stay in hospital for 10 to 14 days
02:22 and won't be back to royal duties until after Easter.
02:25 So it is a difficult time for them.
02:28 And obviously, on the same day, it
02:29 was announced that King Charles would
02:31 be going into hospital for a prostate procedure next week.
02:35 So yeah, I wasn't expecting either of those announcements
02:40 yesterday.
02:40 I don't think anybody was.
02:42 No, I think this is a really interesting debate,
02:46 because there's been so much speculation.
02:48 What on earth would keep a fit, healthy woman
02:51 in her early 40s, mom of three, in hospital for 14 days?
02:55 I mean, look, if she was an average woman dealing
02:57 with the health service, she'd probably
02:59 be in and out even after a cesarean or massive operation.
03:02 She gets sent home within a few hours these days, don't you?
03:05 But actually, for the King to have
03:08 been quite open about it being an enlarged prostate,
03:12 now, I don't think--
03:13 I think there's a fine line between invasion of privacy.
03:16 I think there's a fine line between what
03:18 a publicly funded family like that
03:20 and what they represent is--
03:22 deserve in terms of privacy anyway.
03:25 But actually, if this makes one person, one man,
03:29 check their prostates properly, then what a win.
03:33 And I think it's really good that the King has
03:37 been honest about this.
03:38 And I suspect there are doctors who
03:41 deal with people, men dying of prostate cancer
03:43 every day of the week who are thinking,
03:45 wow, for the person in such a position
03:49 to be so honest about it is a really good week for health
03:54 officials, I suspect.
03:55 What do you think?
03:57 I would 100% agree with you, Nancy.
03:59 And it's interesting you said that,
04:00 because I was listening to something on the radio
04:02 this morning about that very subject.
04:05 A doctor came on and said that she thinks, obviously,
04:10 her thoughts are with both Catherine Princess
04:12 Wells and King Charles.
04:13 But going back to King Charles in respect to prostate cancer,
04:17 she also said that if it increases people's awareness
04:22 of their prostate, thinking, hmm, potentially,
04:25 I have got symptoms.
04:27 I need to check them out.
04:28 It's a hugely positive step.
04:30 And yes, I think it's not only that, but it's interesting.
04:38 Obviously, we are in 2024.
04:41 And when I was listening to the radio, I couldn't agree more.
04:44 Years ago, we often heard about the late Queen Elizabeth
04:48 II.
04:49 Only we heard about the news of her, for example,
04:52 having a hospital visit after she had been in the hospital.
04:55 So the queen is now recovering after having a knee operation.
04:59 We never heard of her while she was in the hospital.
05:02 That's only been in sort of relatively recent years.
05:05 So I think it is a huge step forward for the royal family
05:09 and a huge step forward in helping raise
05:12 awareness for everybody else.
05:14 And we have seen cases of people who are nowhere
05:17 near as famous or influential.
05:19 And like when Jade Goody died and she had cervical cancer.
05:23 And actually, there was a huge rise
05:25 in the number of women going for smears because it scares you.
05:29 You think, oh, if somebody rich and famous,
05:32 then maybe it could get me.
05:33 So actually, yeah, hopefully a difficult week for them
05:36 in health terms, although I'm sure they
05:38 get an incredible care.
05:40 But actually, hopefully a good week
05:41 in spreading the message that nobody is invincible
05:43 and everybody needs to do the checks.
05:45 Yeah, definitely agree with you.
05:47 Now then, are we moving on to one of the younger members,
05:51 the younger generation of the Beckham family?
05:54 I hate to shout the word nepo before we've even
05:56 said the story, Marina, but I'm a little bit wary of this one.
05:59 Tell us.
05:59 Tell us who we're talking about.
06:02 We're talking about none other than the oldest
06:05 son of Victoria and David Beckham, Brooklyn Beckham,
06:09 who is reportedly opening a pop-up sort of cafe
06:15 restaurant in East London.
06:17 And I'm sure there are going to be a lot of moans and groans.
06:21 And I think you are right to sort of bring up
06:24 the subject of nepo babies.
06:27 Because I don't know if you've ever seen or witnessed
06:30 any of Brooklyn Beckham's cooking attempts,
06:34 but I think chef and Brooklyn Beckham should not
06:37 be used in the same sentence.
06:40 And I think that's putting it mildly.
06:43 And I mean, again, well, it comes down
06:46 to privacy and celebrity.
06:48 And nobody would even know there could
06:50 be the best chef in the entire world who was starting to pop up.
06:53 Nobody would talk about him.
06:54 They're talking about this because his dad's
06:56 good at football, his mom is a fashion designer who
07:00 used to be in a pop band, and they are worth billions.
07:02 And the brand, those two have worked at the brand,
07:04 and it is paying off for their kids as well as themselves,
07:07 isn't it?
07:08 So I'm a little bit like, I don't
07:09 expect to be excited by his food.
07:12 I feel he's getting the attention
07:14 for all the wrong reasons.
07:15 But maybe it's good that these millionaire kids actually
07:20 are working for a living.
07:21 Are they really working for a living?
07:23 Where's the money for the pop up?
07:24 I can't imagine he's earned it for himself to start off.
07:26 Where's it come from, the money?
07:28 I think you're right.
07:30 I think the money's come from either David and Victoria
07:33 or potentially a yes.
07:35 So I don't necessarily-- it's come from him.
07:38 I can't stress enough that I will not
07:42 be rushing there anytime soon for that pop up.
07:47 Whether we can admire him for that, I'm not so sure.
07:50 He has tried various attempts at careers.
07:52 So perhaps we could say he's trying.
07:56 He's tried as a photographer, now he's trying as a chef.
07:59 But I can't say that I'm that impressed by him.
08:03 The country's quite short of doctors, nurses, teachers,
08:07 staff in care homes.
08:08 There's all sorts of jobs he could go and do
08:10 if he just wants to have a career.
08:13 But I feel like these are all very attention grabbing ones,
08:16 aren't they?
08:16 Because clearly he hasn't got the singing,
08:19 although debatable whether his mother ever did,
08:21 God bless her, or the football skills.
08:23 So yeah, I would say invest your money
08:26 in the many independent coffee shops and pop ups
08:28 with the people who struggle to even keep open.
08:32 So many of them just come and go, don't they?
08:34 And that's their mortgages and their families
08:36 who are struggling to eat.
08:37 So yeah, don't go to celebrity restaurants.
08:40 You don't really need to, do you?
08:41 There's all sorts of other options.
08:43 Who else should we look at then?
08:45 Good week or bad week for somebody else?
08:46 It was a good week for, I suppose,
08:49 good week for Brooklyn--
08:50 is it a good week for the Beckhams?
08:52 I suppose so.
08:52 But bad week, because we're saying don't go,
08:54 and everybody listens to us, Marina.
08:55 Who else should we take on?
08:56 I'd say it's a bad week for Brooklyn Beckham.
08:59 Potentially he thinks it's a good week,
09:00 but now we've said it's a bad week, Nancy.
09:02 So they do listen to us.
09:05 So I think we should move on from one huge family,
09:09 from the Beckhams to the Kardashians.
09:13 And I think--
09:14 Are they as big as the Royals?
09:15 Bigger these days?
09:16 Are they as big as the Royals?
09:18 Bigger these days?
09:19 Oh yeah, 100%, yes.
09:22 Whether you love them or loathe them,
09:25 you can't stop talking about the Kardashians,
09:27 and they won't want you to either.
09:29 And we'd know what operation they'd had in every detail.
09:32 In fact, we'd probably be able to watch it live.
09:35 Yeah, but it seems that you can mock them all you want.
09:38 But as we've discussed, Nancy, you
09:40 can't mock them for being good businesswomen.
09:43 And it seems that Kim is going back--
09:48 so she's been concentrating on her skincare range, which
09:52 launched in 2022.
09:54 And now it looks like there's going
09:55 to be more cosmetics and fragrance.
09:59 And at the same time, Kylie, her younger sister, Kylie Jenner,
10:03 who's been hugely successful with her cosmetics,
10:07 has got a new foundation line.
10:08 And it's sending people into a flurry of excitement.
10:13 Lifestyle reporter on National World, Natalie Dixon,
10:16 we were messaging each other this morning,
10:19 and I knew Natalie would say immediately,
10:21 I've got to try it out.
10:23 Yeah.
10:24 Well, Natalie loves everything to do with the Kardashians,
10:27 but they are very--
10:28 they're addictive.
10:29 They are geniuses at what they do.
10:32 They can still pull you in.
10:34 And I think when SKIMS first launched,
10:37 and even when Kylie Cosmetics first launched,
10:39 they were American, and they didn't
10:44 have the same impact here.
10:46 But now every shop you go into, you
10:48 see Kylie's face and her lipsticks right there.
10:51 Loads of the department stores-- well,
10:53 if we've got loads of department stores left,
10:55 they all stock SKIMS.
10:56 And actually, I hate to say it.
10:58 I would be the last person to promote Kardashians,
11:00 but they know exactly what they're doing.
11:03 They're not particularly overpriced.
11:05 You might think that because what they wear themselves
11:07 often comes with a ridiculous price tag.
11:09 The same is not true of what they're selling.
11:11 They know their markets, and they are the best
11:14 adverts for their own products.
11:16 So whatever they do will work.
11:19 But it's all thanks to momager, isn't it?
11:21 It's all thanks to Kris back in the day.
11:24 And I know they love to have squabbles about it.
11:26 But what she did for her girls, I mean,
11:31 nobody could have predicted quite the success.
11:33 She's created billionaires of two other kids,
11:36 and not from nothing, but not from much.
11:39 It's incredible, really.
11:41 No, I was about to just talk about momager, Kris Jenner.
11:44 No, she's done a phenomenal, phenomenal--
11:48 as you said, it's not from nothing,
11:50 but what they created out of the serious.
11:54 As I said, you can load them, but you can't really
11:59 knock them, I don't think.
12:02 No, the one thing you can say is they're selling makeup
12:07 and how to look good when that's not how they look good.
12:10 Let's be honest.
12:11 They've had so many cosmetic surgeries.
12:14 But then again, imagine how insecure
12:17 you're going to feel if you are constantly--
12:19 every little thing you do is being
12:21 talked about by enormous numbers of people and photographs.
12:25 So yeah, I don't think they're always 100% truthful when
12:28 they're promoting their own looks.
12:31 But yeah, hats off to them, really.
12:33 Can't say anything else, can you?
12:35 They're not slowing down.
12:36 They just keep going and going.
12:39 No, I think, yes.
12:40 As I said, you thought 2023 was a big year for them.
12:43 I think 2024 is shaping up to be an even bigger and better year
12:46 for them.
12:48 If it wasn't so cold, I suggest we all rushed out and bought
12:51 some new Kardashian foundation.
12:53 But I think I'll stay in and stay warm, Marina.
12:55 So good for the Kardashians.
12:57 Watch this space.
12:58 Interesting families.
12:59 Yes, and watch this space for a review of the foundation soon.
13:03 So we shall see.
13:07 Good stuff.
13:08 Have a nice week.
13:09 Keep warm.
13:09 We will see you next week.
13:11 See you later.
13:19 (upbeat music)
