Majura Valley farmers say they’re in ‘no-man’s land’ after ACT government promise on lease deals stalls

  • 7 months ago
Farmers in the Majura Valley says ongoing uncertainty is putting their livelihoods under threat and pushing them to breaking point. The ACT government has failed to deliver on a promise to grant Majura Valley landholders new 25-year leases.
00:00 Paul Kier's family has been farming this land in the Majuro Valley for five generations,
00:07 so deciding to sell up wasn't an easy decision.
00:11 The ACT government wouldn't allow me to sell it and move on, even though somebody just
00:15 wanted to come and stand in my position here.
00:17 Paul's land is leased from the ACT government, and them barring the sale means that in the
00:22 eyes of his bank, his property is worthless.
00:26 They started tapping on my shoulder and wanted my money because basically I didn't have any
00:32 land here to back up my loan.
00:34 It's a problem that's also affecting other farmers in the valley, but could be solved
00:38 if the ACT government offered longer term leases.
00:41 The landholders have been operating off one year leases since 2005, and after long negotiations
00:48 thought they'd finally reached a deal for 25 year leases.
00:52 A lot of people have passed away in this valley in that time, on farms that really would have
00:59 loved security I think, and would have taken weight off their mind.
01:05 But they now say the government's failing to deliver on the promise, refusing to provide
01:09 the deal in writing so they can secure their loans.
01:13 Nobody will talk to us, nobody will have us in for a meeting and let us know we're up
01:17 to.
01:18 Across the road, egg farmer Anne McGrath is in the same predicament.
01:21 At one point I was probably working four jobs to keep things going along.
01:27 Farmers in the valley desperately want to invest in their land and make it a haven for
01:31 food security, agritourism and environmental conservation.
01:35 They're interested in agritourism and really building this industry for Canberra, our bush
01:40 capital, but don't have that certainty to put the money behind their farms to make it
01:46 happen.
01:46 The ACT government says the delay is because this land is currently owned by the Commonwealth
01:51 Department of Defence and needs to be transferred to the territory.
01:56 The ACT government forecast that would take around nine months and now it's nearing double
02:01 that.
02:02 In any other business this wouldn't happen.
02:04 You'd have to converse with people and you'd have to engage them and let them know what's
02:08 going on.
02:10 In government they can just wipe you.
02:12 For now Paul must live with the knowledge his bank could foreclose any day.
