Luhut: Pajak Hiburan 40% Harus Ditunda

  • 9 months ago
Pemerintah menunda kenaikan pajak hiburan atau Pajak Barang dan Jasa Tertentu (PBJT) sebesar 40-75 persen. Hal ini dikatakan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Maritim dan Investasi (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

Luhut menyebut penundaan kenaikan pajak hiburan sebesar 40-75 persen sudah diputuskan pemerintah, setelah pihaknya bertemu dengan instansi terkait, termasuk Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Bali, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya dan pihak lainnya.


00:00 The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Bin Sar Panjaitan,
00:04 asked for a 40-75% increase in the entertainment tax.
00:09 Luhut Bin Sar said the government had already decided to increase the entertainment tax.
00:14 The fact that the entertainment tax is 40-75% is very heavy for the entertainment business.
00:21 For that, the party supports the judicial review of the Law No. 1 of 2022
00:29 proposed by the Indonesian Spa Therapist Association or ASTI to the Constitutional Court.
00:34 In addition, the amendment also considers many workers whose source of income depends on the provision of entertainment services,
00:42 both small and medium-sized.
00:44 I was very upset when I heard that, I immediately gathered the institutions related to the issue,
00:53 including the Minister of the Interior of Bali and others.
00:56 So we want to postpone the implementation of the law no. 1, because it is from the 11th Commission,
01:01 not from the government to keep doing that.
01:05 Yesterday we decided to postpone it, we evaluated it, and then the judicial review of the Ministry of the Interior,
01:11 I think we have to do it, we are on our side to the small and very high tribe,
01:16 because it involves a lot of small businesses too.
01:19 So entertainment is not just seen as a discotheque, no, this is many times more impactful to others.
01:24 People who prepare food, etc.
01:27 I think I'm very pro with that, and I don't think it's time for us to postpone it.
01:32 (Music)
